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In Iran: Here is a singer learning his death sentence News



In Iran: Here is a singer learning his death sentence News

Because he demonstrated in Iran |

Here, a singer learns of his death sentence

Tehran – He demonstrated against the mullahs’ regime in Iran, which is why the 27-year-old Kurdish singer and rapper Saman Yasin must now die.

These photos show the moment the judge announced the death sentence.

The Kurdish rapper’s alleged 'crime’: 'War on God’

Photo: Twitter

According to reports by human rights organizations, the accusation was literally „war against God” – this is also used in Islamic criminal law to describe protests against the authorities.

The mullahs had arrested Yassin on 2 October during a demonstration against the Islamic regime.

The murder of a 22-year-old Kurdish woman, Gina Masa Amini, in mid-September sparked massive protests across the country against compulsory veiling, Islamic oppression of the population, and for a democratic and free life.

Since the Islamic Revolution (1979), the Kurdish ethnic minority in particular has suffered discrimination and oppression. That is why protests in Kurdish areas in particular are becoming more intense every day.

„As long as a Kurd lives, Kurdistan will remain,” protesters chanted in the streets of Kurdish-majority areas. The main slogan of the feminist movement in Iran also comes from Kurdistan: “Jane, Jian, Azadi,” woman, life, freedom.

Attack on protesters in front of the embassy Even in Berlin, Iranians are not safe

Source: IMAGE


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Latest opinion poll ahead of the 2024 European elections in Germany: Habeck’s Green Party is thriving



Latest opinion poll ahead of the 2024 European elections in Germany: Habeck’s Green Party is thriving
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According to a new poll, the Union can hope to achieve a clear victory in the European elections in Germany. The AfD, the Social Democratic Party, and the Greens are on equal footing.

BERLIN – The Union could be happy: a little while ago European elections 2024 It is clear that the CDU and CSU are on their way to victory in Germany. This shows from a new and final poll shortly before the start of the EU elections in Germany. In the current ZDF-„Additional political barometer” In the European elections scheduled for June 9, the CDU and CSU will together receive 30%. If this result is confirmed, it is clear that the union will be the strongest force. It could even improve its results slightly from the last European elections in 2019 (28.9 percent).

According to the latest poll before the European elections in 2024, things do not look rosy for the Green Party led by Economy Minister Robert Habeck. There is a risk of huge losses compared to the 2019 EU elections. © Boris Rösler/DPA

Judging by the latest poll before the EU elections, one party is likely to be the clear loser after the results of the 2024 European elections in Germany.

Latest poll for the 2024 European elections in Germany: Current poll values ​​from Ipsos paint a similar picture for the EU elections

According to the current Ipsos poll on the 2024 European elections, a similar picture emerges for the EU elections as with the Politbarometer poll results. According to the current poll, the European Union can expect a clear victory in the European elections scheduled for June 7th. 30% of those eligible to vote are likely to vote for the CDU and CSU.

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According to the EU election poll, a close race is emerging in the fight for second place: the Green Party and the Social Democratic Party are tied, with the AfD narrowly following. It is possible that the „Sahra-Wagenknecht” coalition received seven percent of the votes immediately.

Latest poll before the 2024 European elections: CDU/CSU in clear lead – Habeck’s Greens face a bitter blow?

But who will end up behind the Union in the 2024 European elections? This question remains quite open according to the current EU election poll conducted by Politbarometer. What is clear is that there is a close race between them Alternative for Germany partyThe Social Democratic Party and the Greens. According to the information, the percentage of the three parties is 14 percent. For comparison: in the elections five years ago, the Social Democratic Party received 15.8%, while 11% of those eligible to vote voted for the AfD.

According to the Greens, the Greens should oppose this Current poll before the European elections We expect big losses. The result of the 2024 European elections was then 20.5 percent for the party of Robert Habeck and Annalena Baerbock. And according to current polling, they are likely to miss that goal.

Latest poll for the 2024 European elections: Sahra Wagenknecht’s BSW party can hope – FDP defeated

According to the latest poll before the European elections in 2024, this is likely to be a strong result BSW Calculate. Newly formed alliance Sarah Wagenknecht He can hope to obtain seven percent of the votes in the European Union elections. This puts BSW far ahead of FDP, which currently has just four percent (2019: 5.4%). Three percent end up in the survey Leave (2019: 5.5%) and Volt (2019: 0.7%).

However, the Election Research Group stressed that the poll values ​​only reflect the mood of the parties at this time ahead of the EU elections in 2024 – and are not a forecast of the outcome and results of the European elections in Germany. Additionally, 42% of those surveyed were not currently sure who they were or whether they wanted to vote. However, this confirms ZDF– The political barometer towards other opinion research institutes. In any case, all current polls before the European elections in 2024 show similar values.

Current poll ahead of the 2024 European elections: Voter turnout in the EU elections likely to be stable compared to 2019

In the current poll, 61% expressed strong or very strong interest in the 2024 European elections, while 38% expressed less or no interest at all. This suggests that voter turnout in the EU elections will be at the same level as in 2019.

These days the citizens of the 27th District vote European UnionProvides for a new European Parliament. Holland started on 6 June. In most countries, voting takes place on Sunday. In Germany, people are also asked to fill out their ballot paper for the 2024 European elections on June 9th, thus casting their votes in the EU elections. (CS/AFP/AFP)

Note: The Election Research Group surveyed a total of 1,223 randomly selected eligible voters by phone and online on June 5 and 6 for “Politbarometer Extra.” The likely error rate is about two to three percentage points.

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European elections tape: The center-right coalition takes over the presidency PR24



European elections tape: The center-right coalition takes over the presidency  PR24

11.42pm: The opposition Ano party becomes the strongest force in the European elections in the Czech Republic

The populist opposition party Ano has become the strongest force in the European elections in the Czech Republic. The group led by former Prime Minister and billionaire Andrej Babis received 26.1% of the votes, thus winning seven seats. This has been a mandate for more than five years, as evidenced by the results of the primary elections published on Sunday evening. ANO belongs to the liberal EU-level Renew Europe group.

The conservative electoral coalition led by Prime Minister Peter Fiala „Spolo” (Together) came in second place. It won six seats with 22.3 percent of the votes. Two other government parties were successful: STAN (Mayors and Independents) won two seats; The Pirate Party lost two seats, but defended one seat. The coalition parties belong to different factions in the EU Parliament.

11.35pm: The government’s Conservative Party wins the European elections in Croatia

In Croatia, the conservative ruling party HDZ (Croatian Democratic Society) won the European elections. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic’s party won six of the 12 seats to which Croatia is entitled in the European Parliament, the Electoral Commission announced after almost all the votes had been counted.

Members of the European Parliament from the Croatian Democratic Union Party sit in the European People’s Party group. The opposition Social Democratic Party won four seats, and the right-wing populist Homeland Movement party, which governs with the Croatian Democratic Union, and the green left-wing Mosimo (We Can Do It) party each won one seat.

11:26pm: The AfD is now the third most powerful party in Germany in provisional results

According to the provisional results announced by the federal official, the AfD is now the third strongest party in Germany in the European elections with 14.2 percent. After counting 289 regions out of 400, the CDU and CSU together received 32.6 percent of the votes, the Social Democratic Party 14.6 percent, and the Green Party 12.1 percent, the federal official announced on Sunday. The Free Democratic Party received 5.3% of the votes, and the Left received 2.2%.

11:23 pm: Meloni’s party wins the European elections in Italy

In Italy, right-wing Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and her “Brothers of Italy” party won the European elections. According to RAI TV’s initial projections late on Sunday evening, the largest government party received between 26 and 30 percent – an increase of perhaps more than 20 points compared to the 2019 European elections. This puts it ahead of all other political forces from both camps. Left and right. According to the first numbers, a left-wing coalition around the Social Democratic Party led by opposition leader Elie Schlein came in second place with a ratio of 21 to 25 percent.

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11.19pm: Spanish conservatives lead in EU elections – and right-wing populists gain ground

In Spain, the opposition conservative People’s Party became the strongest force in the European elections. After counting 99.65 percent of the votes, the People’s Party reached 34.18 percent (2019: 20.15), the Electoral College announced on Sunday evening. It was followed by the ruling Socialist Workers Party, led by Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, with 30.19 percent (32.86). The right-wing populist Vox party made gains and came in third place with 9.62 percent (6.21). However, compared to last year’s parliamentary elections, Vox lost votes. At that time, the party received 12.38 percent. In addition, the Salaf Party, a small new right-wing party, received 4.58 percent. Somare, the more left-wing coalition partner of the Socialist Workers’ Party, received just 4.65 percent, while the now separate leftist alternative alliance Podemos achieved 3.27 percent. This camp achieved 10.07 percent in 2019.

11.13pm: European elections in the Netherlands: Red and green in the lead, and populist Wilders gains more ground

The Red-Green electoral coalition, consisting of the Social Democrats and the Greens, clearly won the European elections in the Netherlands. PvdA and GroenLinks won eight out of 31 states, less than five years ago, according to preliminary final results published on Sunday evening. In second place is far-right populist Geert Wilders, whose largely eurosceptic Freedom Party won six seats. Five years ago, the Freedom Party had never won a seat and received only one mandate following the post-Brexit redistribution of British mandates.

11.11pm: Right-wing conservative group EKR is ready to hold talks with von der Leyen

After the European elections, the right-wing conservative EKR group in the EU Parliament was essentially prepared to work with Ursula von der Leyen as Commission President. The parliamentary group has also worked with von der Leyen over the past five years, European Council Vice President Asita Kanko said late Sunday evening in Brussels. She sees no reason why she would not be able to do so in the future. However, she stressed that it depends on which platform von der Leyen follows and exactly how the election will turn out. At the time of the statement, some polling stations in the European Union were still open.

The centre-right EPP coalition is likely to hold talks with the Social Democrats, Liberals and Greens in the next few days to agree a loose cooperation that could then secure a majority in parliament for the re-election of Ursula von der Leyen. .

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11.10pm: Socialist Glucksmann criticizes Macron’s dissolution of parliament

The main French Socialists candidate in the European elections, Raphael Glucksmann, criticized President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to dissolve the National Assembly in Paris. “This solution is the last act of an absolutely irresponsible power,” Glucksmann said Sunday evening on BFMTV. “The president is playing with institutions again.”

11.10pm: European elections: The right-wing Freedom Party wins in Austria

The right-wing FPÖ party wins the European elections in Austria. According to preliminary results, the right-wing populists received 25.5% of the votes, putting them ahead of the conservative ÖVP and the social democratic SPÖ.

11.10pm: The Conservatives are likely to win in Spain

According to preliminary results, the conservatives are ahead in Spain: the People’s Party won 22 out of 61 seats in the Strasbourg parliament. The ruling Social Democratic Party holds 20 seats, while the right-wing Vox Party holds 6 seats.

11:09 PM: Preliminary result: The Christian Social Union gets 39.7 percent in the European elections in Bavaria

According to the provisional final results, the CSU clearly emerged as the strongest force in the European elections in Bavaria with 39.7 percent of the votes. Thus, the Christian Socialists were unable to maintain their results of five years ago (40.7 percent), but surpassed the 2023 state election results of 37.0 percent. According to the figures published online by the state election official after counting all electoral districts, the second strongest force in Bavaria was the Alternative for Germany party with 12.6 percent, followed by the Green Party (11.8 percent) and the Social Democratic Party (8.9 percent). And free voters (6.8 percent). ), the Free Democratic Party (3.9), and the Sahara-Wagenknecht Alliance (3.8).

10:52 pm: The Liberals surprisingly win the European elections in Slovakia

In Slovakia, the expected gains of the left-wing populist party led by Prime Minister Robert Fico did not materialize. Surprisingly, the Progressive Liberal Party of Slovakia (PS) became the strongest force on Sunday. Fico’s Smer-SD party conceded defeat on Facebook and congratulated the „election winner Progresivne Slovensko” and its newly elected EU representatives. The vote was affected by an assassination attempt on the Prime Minister, who was seriously injured by gunfire in mid-May.

The Social Liberal Party won the European elections for the second time with 27.8% of the vote and won six seats, as reported by Slovak media before the official results were published. Smer-SD obtained 24.8 percent and thus five seats in the EU Parliament.

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10.46pm: The Social Democrats win again in Sweden in the European elections

In Sweden, the Social Democrats once again established themselves as the clearly stronger force. According to Swedish radio SVT’s initial forecasts, the party received 23.1%. However, the Green Party registered the largest increase of 4.2 percentage points compared to the 2019 EU elections – according to forecasts, they achieved 15.7 percent. This is a notable gain in the home country of climate activist Greta Thunberg, who lost popularity dramatically in 2019.

The moderates came in second, and the right-wing populist Sweden Democrats became the fourth strongest force after the Greens, with 13.9 percent and losing a total of 1.4 percentage points in the last election five years ago. Sweden has 21 seats in the European Parliament.

10.43pm: Against the European trend – In the Nordic countries, the Left and Greens make gains in the European elections

Bucking the trend across the European Union, left-wing and green parties have gained more ground in the Nordic countries, such as Sweden and Finland, and far-right parties have lost support. In Finland, the Socialist Left Alliance received 17.3 percent with 99 percent of the votes counted, an increase of 10.4 percentage points compared to the European elections five years ago.

Commenting on the success of the Left Alliance vote, party leader Lee Anderson said: “I feel like I’m in some kind of shock.” „I couldn’t be happier.”

10:31 PM: Socialists win, liberals lose big in Denmark

In Denmark, according to initial expectations, the liberal Venster party lost a large amount of votes. The strongest party in the 2019 election lost by nearly 9.4 percentage points, according to Danish broadcaster DR’s first projections shortly after the polls closed. It initially fell to 13.9%, and if the figures are confirmed, the party will lose two of its previous four seats in the European Parliament.

The Socialist People’s Party received a lot of votes, 18.4 percent, in the beginning. According to expectations, they were close to the Social Democrats. These results will give you three seats instead of two. The Social Democrats, including Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, initially retained their three seats. According to initial expectations, the Danish right-wing populists achieved 6.5 percent, thus losing about 4.3 percentage points. Denmark has 15 seats in the European Parliament.

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Concern about the „awakened eagle” in Russia is growing



Concern about the „awakened eagle” in Russia is growing
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As the West increases its military support for Ukraine, concerns are growing in Russia. The „red lines” drawn by Putin have become less important.

MOSCOW – It wasn’t even that long ago Vladimir Putin It spoke of “red lines” after the outbreak of the Ukrainian war, threatened the West, and thus managed to undermine support for Ukraine – and with initial success. But those days are over. The West, especially the USA and Germany, are supplying the president’s war-torn country Zelensky Not only relief supplies and ammunition, but also weapons and tanks. The responses that Russia has long feared have so far remained primarily verbal.

Russia is concerned about the West’s aggression: „Do not wake sleeping dogs”

But while experts have not ruled out a tactical nuclear strike, part of the Western world has been speculating for some time that Putin knows neither negotiations nor appeasement, but only the word of the strongest matters to the 71-year-old. The truth is that the collective West has now understood this fact, which we also observe in Russia – with concern.

“While the finally awakened Western “eagles” are spreading their wings and sharpening their claws, our indigenous “hawks” are quickly turning into fearsome canaries. But the songs of peace they sing will no longer interest anyone. The terms for ending the war are determined only by the eagles. “It is not for nothing that they say: “Don’t wake sleeping dogs,” is how a popular Russian military blogger put it cable.

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The fear of the “Awakening Eagle” comes at a time when the United States and its allies are allowing the Ukrainian army to use Western weapons against targets in Russia. At a time when Ukraine is about to receive its first F16 fighter aircraft.

Russian President Vladimir Putin during a ceremony held in the Catherine Hall in the Moscow Kremlin. (Archive photo) © Valery Sharifullin/Imago

Criticism of Russia’s behavior in the war – State television warns of Ukrainian attacks

However, the panic is spreading not only behind closed doors, such as on social media, but even on Russian state television. This is how publicist Olga Skabeeva reacted Russia -1„60 Minutes” responded to the reports by showing a map of the areas Ukraine could now attack with Western weapons. Focus: US ATACMS missiles, which are already causing a headache for Putin in Crimea, as well as US-made HIMARS artillery systems and the “Storm Shadow” and “Scalp” missiles jointly produced by France and Britain. An excerpt of the program is circulating on the X website.

But while Russian propaganda swears that the eventual victor of the war must now “raise the stakes,” Washington has so far only allowed Kiev to use weapons on Russian soil on a limited basis. A US government representative told The Guardian that this only applies to counter-strikes defending the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv German News Agency with. According to information received from Berlin, the use of German weapons is also affected by this regulation.

Because of this development, the Kremlin can no longer rely on the “frightened” Schulz, he wrote aloud. Bavarian Radio (BR) Well-known Kremlin visitor cable. One can even now notice a „touch of panic” in Putin’s government. Meanwhile, Chancellor Olaf Scholz found clear words about rearmament: “Today we see more clearly than ever how important it is to have a European and German defense industry that can continuously produce all important types of weapons and ammunition needed,” the SPD said. Politician at the opening of the International Air Show (ILA) in Berlin. Politicians in Germany „gave the industry too wide a leeway in the past.” But that’s over now: „The Russian attack on Ukraine, which violates international law, has presented Germany with a new reality in the field of security policy.”

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A Russian official comments on bleak expectations regarding Ukraine: The buffer zone plan is a “farce”

the R He also quotes a “Russian commentator” as follows: “Now they are afraid. No one wants to talk to them. It is not even about strategic stability, as Vladimir Putin recently said. This is despite all the nuclear threats, and the sole purpose of these threats is to start a normal dialogue with the West. Putin has illusions that the new West is “aggressive and assertive.”

There were also unusually frank words from officials. The former head of the Russian Space Agency and the current representative of the annexed regions of Ukraine, Dmitry Rogozin, criticized this matter. R About the „large quantities of obsolete weapons” supplied by the Russian defense industry. Now even those who deal with the Kremlin can do so Viktor OrbánThe Prime Minister of Hungary can no longer stop the „train with Brussels train drivers”.

Rogozin also spoke clearly about the aggressive Kharkov offensive launched by the Russians: “It should be noted that our offensive in the Kharkov region has already been stopped and the whole idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a kind of buffer zone is turning into a farce.” With their new rules, the Ukrainians will soon begin creating “such a buffer zone” according to their own standards. (nack)

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