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Upfront: Our writers and editors never know which companies may have established affiliate relationships with our business team before making their choices. If readers choose to purchase the products we recommend following our research, analysis, interviews and tests, our work is often (but not always) supported by an affiliate commission from the retailer at the time of purchase. If readers return their purchases because they are dissatisfied or the advice is wrong, we do nothing. There is no incentive for us to choose lower quality products or respond to pressure from producers, quite the opposite. We think it’s a fairly fair system that keeps us committed to serving our readers first. The most important thing for us is the trust we have from readers. If we were to recommend something because we are biased or lazy, readers like you would not support our work. We also invite you to check out our articles, which carefully describe the time, logic and energy spent in research, expert interviews and equipment testing. Often, this takes dozens, sometimes even hundreds, of hours. Each guide clearly lays out all the evidence as to why we made our choices so you can judge for yourself. We review products in various ranges. When you click on one of our recommended products and end up buying one on We get a commission for the same while users don’t charge anything extra.