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So begrüßt die Welt 2022: Tausende feiern auf Times Square in New York



So begrüßt die Welt 2022
Tausende feiern auf Times Square in New York

Die Welt rutscht ins neue Jahr: Den Auftakt macht wie stets die Südsee. Es folgen Neuseeland, Sydney, China und Moskau. Auch in New York gibt es wieder den berühmten „Ball Drop”. Bei der Party am Times Square ist auch wieder Publikum zugelassen. Doch die Pandemie bleibt das dominierende Thema.

Trotz rekordverdächtigen Corona-Infektionszahlen hat der New Yorker Times Square das Jahr 2022 wieder mit Publikum begrüßt. Um Mitternacht glitt traditionell ein leuchtender Kristallball an einem Fahnenmast herunter und läutete unter dem Jubel Tausender das neue Jahr ein – der sogenannte „Ball Drop”. Das Event auf dem weltberühmten Platz in Manhattan wurde dieses Jahr auf etwa ein Viertel seiner normalen Kapazität begrenzt, nachdem im vergangenen Jahr nur wenige geladene Gäste hatten teilnehmen dürfen. Alle Anwesenden mussten vollständig geimpft sein.

Die New Yorker Silvester-Traditionen fehlten dabei auch dieses Jahr nicht: Es regnete Konfetti, und durch die Straßen schallte das Lied „New York, New York”. Normalerweise kommen jedes Jahr rund eine Million Menschen auf den Times Square, die Party gehört zu den größten Silvesterfeiern der Welt. Millionen Amerikaner schauen die große Show jedes Jahr am Fernseher – dieses Jahr gab es unter anderem einen Auftritt von Sängerin KT Tunstall.

Das Großereignis hat seinen Ursprung in der Eröffnung eines neuen Verlagshauses der „New York Times” im Jahr 1904 – die Zeitung feierte dies damals mit einem Silvester-Feuerwerk. Die Feiern fanden dieses Mal unter dem Eindruck der sich rasch verbreitenden Omikron-Variante des Coronavirus statt. Zuletzt waren die Infektionszahlen in der US-Ostküstenmetropole sprunghaft angestiegen. Auch die Zahl der Krankenhauseinlieferungen ging nach oben.

Moskau feiert bei Minusgraden

Mit Feuerwerk an gleich mehreren Stellen haben Millionen Menschen in Moskau – Europas größter Stadt – bei Minustemperaturen das neue Jahr gefeiert. Tausende fanden sich allein am Roten Platz ein, wo die Uhr am Kreml zwölf Mal schlug, um das Jahr 2022 einzuläuten. Die russische Hauptstadt organisiert traditionell an mehreren Stellen Feuerwerk, das am besten vom Wolkenkratzer-Viertel Moskwa City oder von den Sperlingsbergen aus zu sehen ist.

Größere Einschränkungen wegen der Corona-Pandemie gibt es bei den Feierlichkeiten zum neuen Jahr nicht. Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin erinnerte in seiner Neujahrsansprache an die vielen Corona-Toten und sprach den Menschen Mut zu. Die Corona-Lage hat sich leicht entspannt, bislang wurden auch nur wenige Omikron-Fälle gemeldet.

In Moskau gilt etwa im weltberühmten Bolschoi Theater die 2G-Regel. Dort und in anderen Theatern der Hauptstadt wurde an Silvester das Ballett „Nussknacker” gezeigt. Die Vorstellungen sind oft Monate im Voraus ausverkauft.

China verzichtet auf Feuerwerk

In mehreren Ländern hat das neue Jahr bereits begonnen. Nach den Inselstaaten Samoa und Kiribati begrüßten auch Neuseeland, Australien, Südkorea, Japan, die Philippine, Singapur und zuletzt China das Jahr 2022. In der Volksrepublik anders als im Vorjahr allerdings wieder mit erheblichen Corona-Einschränkungen.

Aufgrund der höchsten Infektionszahlen seit mehr als 21 Monaten sagten mehrere chinesische Großstädte Feuerwerke und größere Festlichkeiten ab, darunter Peking, Nanjing und auch Wuhan, die Stadt, in -19 Ends der den einst d Coronavirus. Die nordwestliche Provinzhauptstadt Xian ist derzeit vollständig abgeriegelt, sämtliche 13 Millionen Bewohner dürfen ihre Häuser praktisch nicht verlassen. Die Infektionszahlen sind zwar mit zuletzt 166 pro Tag im internationalen Vergleich auf sehr niedrigem Niveau, doch die chinesische Regierung verfolgt eine strenge Null-Covid-Politik.

In Hongkong filmen die Menschen das Feuerwerk mit ihren Handys.

(Photo: REUTERS)

Silvester ist für die Chinesen an sich kein besonders wichtiger Feiertag. Nach ihrem traditionellen Mondkalender beginnt das neue Jahr erst im Februar. Erst dann gibt es eine große Reisewelle, in der sich Hunderte Millionen durchs Land bewegen, um ihre Familien zu besuchen.

Austrian lässt es krachen

Deutlich erfreulicher war die Lage in Australian. Mit sechs Tonnen farbenprächtigem Feuerwerk vor der imposanten Kulisse der Harbor Bridge und des Opernhauses ist Sydney ins Jahr 2022 gestartet. Anders als im vergangenen Jahr waren dieses Mal trotz stark steigender Corona-Zahlen in der Region wieder Zehntausende Zuschauer zugelassen, um die Neujahrsfeier live verfolgen zu können. Allerdings mussten sich alle Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer ein Ticket für einen von rund 30 Aussichtspunkten kaufen. Bürger ohne Reservierung oder Impfung wurden gebeten, möglichst nicht ins Stadtzentrum zu kommen.

Vor der Pandemie hatte das weltbekannte Feuerwerk in der australischen Metropole jedes Jahr mehr als eine Million Menschen angelockt. Vergangenes Jahr war das Zentrum der Stadt wegen der Corona-Pandemie jedoch komplett für Zuschauer gesperrt worden. Auch dieses Jahr gab es Zweifel, ob Publikum zugelassen werden sollte: New South Wales, der Bundesstaat, in dem Sydney liegt, ist derzeit stark von der Omikron-Variante befallen. Am Freitag meldeten die Behörden mehr als 21.000 Neuinfektionen binnen eines Tages und damit so viele wie noch nie.

Feuerwerk und Naturgewalten

Auch in einigen anderen Ländern hat das neue Jahr bereits begonnen. Weltweit waren die Bewohner der Südsee-Paradiese Samoa, Tonga und Kiribati die Ersten, die um 11 Uhr MEZ das Jahr 2022 begrüßten. Anders als im vergangenen Jahr, als wegen der Corona-Pandemie öffentliche Feuerwerke abgesagt worden waren, durften etwa auf Samoa wieder Raketen in den Himmel geschossen werden.

Im Archipel Tonga gaben derweil die Naturewalten auch zu Silvester keine Ruhe: Schon seit Weihnachten warnen die Behörden davor, sich dem Vulkan Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai zu nähern. Der Feuerberg, der zuletzt 2014 ausgebrochen war, ist wieder aktiv und speit Asche und Gas in die Luft.

Samoa, Tonga und Kiribati sind wegen ihrer abgelegenen Position bislang sehr glimpflich durch die Corona-Krise gekommen: Insgesamt wurden in den drei Inselstaaten nur ein halbes Dutzend Corona-Infektionen verzeichnet. Die Grenzen der polynesischen Archipele sind schon seit Beginn der Pandemie für Ausländer größtenteils geschlossen.

Neuseeland macht ruhig

Eine Stunde später folgte Neuseeland, wo allerdings wegen der Ausbreitung von Corona die meisten Events und das Feuerwerk vom Sky Tower in Auckland sowie auch alle öffentlichen Veranstaltungen in anderen Städten wie Christchurch und der Hauptstadt Wellington abgesagt Lediglich das dreitägige Musikfestival „Rhythm and Alps” nahe Wanaka auf der Südinsel durfte stattfinden.

26 Stunden dauert es zwischen 11 Uhr MEZ am 31. Dezember und 13 Uhr MEZ am 1. Januar, bis der ganze Globus ins neue Jahr gerutscht ist.

Abgespeckte Feiern rund um den Globus

Auch in anderen Ländern der Welt wurden viele große Partys und Feuerwerke abgesagt, darunter Festivitäten in Paris und London. In der französischen Hauptstadt war etwa verboten, auf dem Prachtboulevard Champs-Élysées mit Sekt anzustoßen. Trotzdem versammelte sich dort eine große Menschenmenge.

In Madrid standen etwa 7000 Menschen dicht gedrängt auf dem Platz Puerta del Sol, um das neue Jahr zu begrüßen. Zu den zwölf Glockenschlägen der Uhr des Madrider Rathausturmes schluckten sie je eine Traube und dachten dabei an Wünsche für das neue Jahr. In Dubai erstrahlte am höchsten Gebäude der Welt, dem 828 Meter hohen Burj Khalifa, wieder ein spektakuläres Feuerwerk.

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Gaza War: Biden describes the request to issue an arrest warrant against Netanyahu as “outrageous”



Gaza War: Biden describes the request to issue an arrest warrant against Netanyahu as “outrageous”

US President Joe Biden He rejected accusations against the Israeli leadership of committing genocide against the Palestinians in its fight against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

“Contrary to the allegations of the International Court of Justice against Israel, this is not genocide,” Biden said on Monday (local time) in the Rose Garden of the White House during a celebration of the achievements of American Jews in the United States. “We reject that. We stand with Israel.” The US government expressed. The request to issue an arrest warrant against the Israeli leadership is “outrageous.”

South Africa has repeatedly called on the International Court of Justice to take action against Israel, accusing it of committing genocide. UN judges took emergency resolutions demanding that Israel do everything in its power to prevent genocide and allow humanitarian aid.

Joe Biden speaks in the Rose Garden of the White House on Jewish American Heritage Month

Source: AFP/Almond Ngan

The ICC prosecutor on Monday also requested an arrest warrant for crimes against humanity against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Galant. Arrest warrants were also issued against the leader of the Islamic Hamas movement in the Gaza Strip, Juhya Al-Sinwar, and other representatives of the Hamas movement.

Biden reiterated that the US government rejects the actions of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. The American President said: There is no equality between Israel and Hamas.

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Biden also indirectly addressed the issue of the detention of an American ammunition shipment due to Israel’s actions in the city of Rafah in the Gaza Strip, saying: „Let me be clear: I will always ensure that Israel has everything it needs to protect itself to defend against it.” Hamas and all other enemies.”

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Biden also stressed that “my commitment to the security of the Jewish people and the security of Israel and its right to exist as an independent Jewish state is unwavering.” The US government continues to call for a two-state solution that is safe and lasting and brings peace.

Netanyahu calls the accusations “ridiculous”

He expressed his opinion in a similar statement US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken Monday. The fact that arrest warrants have been requested for high-ranking Israeli officials alongside arrest warrants for Hamas terrorists is “shameful.” Blinken said: “We reject the public prosecutor’s link between Israel and Hamas.” He added, „Hamas is a brutal terrorist organization that committed the worst massacre against Jews since the Holocaust and is still holding dozens of innocent people hostage, including Americans.”

Blinken also made clear that the US government believes the court, which is not recognized by the United States, has no jurisdiction in the case. The US Secretary of State stressed that although Israel is not a member of the International Criminal Court, it is ready to cooperate with the prosecution. But “troubling procedural issues” called into question the legitimacy and credibility of the investigation. Blinken also stated that the Attorney General’s actions could jeopardize ongoing efforts to reach a ceasefire agreement.

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Arrest warrant against Netanyahu

Karim Khan, Prosecutor of the International Criminal CourtHe had previously requested the issuance of arrest warrants against Netanyahu, Galant, and Hamas leaders Jiya Sinwar, Muhammad Deif, and Ismail Haniyeh. He said on Monday that he believes they are all responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Gaza Strip and Israel in connection with the Gaza war that has been ongoing for more than seven months.

Israel strongly criticized these requests. Head of government Netanyahu He called it ridiculous and accused the prosecution of anti-Semitism. He said: “As the Prime Minister of Israel, I reject with disgust the prosecutor in The Hague’s comparison between democratic Israel and the mass murder committed by Hamas.” “No pressure or decision in any international forum will prevent us from meeting those who want to destroy us.” Netanyahu stressed that Israel will continue the war against Hamas.

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Foreign Minister Israel Katz On Monday, he spoke of the “scandalous decision.” This represents a „direct and unrestrained attack on the victims of October 7 and our 128 hostages in Gaza.” “While Hamas murderers and rapists commit crimes against humanity against our brothers and sisters, the prosecutor mentions our crimes at the same time.” Katz said, according to what was reported from his office: “The minister and the Minister of Defense next to the vile Nazi monsters of Hamas – a historical shame that will remain in the memory forever.”

He ordered the immediate establishment of a follow-up center in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where specialists would fight the decision, whose main goal was to “tie the hands of the State of Israel and deprive it of the right to self-defense.” He wanted to talk to the foreign ministers of the major countries so that they could object to the Attorney General’s decision „and declare that even in the case of arrest warrants, they will not implement them against the leaders of the State of Israel.”

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Israeli President Isaac Herzog rejected the request, calling it “more than just outrageous.” Herzog said that any attempt to compare Hamas terrorists with Israel’s democratically elected government cannot be accepted. Herzog said: “We will not forget who started this war and who raped, slaughtered, burned, mistreated and kidnapped innocent citizens and families,” referring to the Gaza war. He added: „We expect all leaders of the free world to firmly condemn and reject this move.”

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„A crime of historical proportions”

Benny GantzThe former army chief and current member of the war cabinet strongly criticized Khan’s announcement, saying Israel operates with „one of the strictest ethical rules” and has a strong judiciary capable of investigating itself. After the massacre committed by Hamas, Israel is fighting „one of the just wars in modern history.” “The prosecutor’s position in seeking arrest warrants is in itself a crime of historic proportions that will be remembered for generations to come,” Gantz said.

The opposition in Israel also condemned the proposal. Opposition leader Jair Lapid spoke of a „complete moral failure.” “We cannot accept the outrageous comparison between Netanyahu and Sinwar, between the leaders of Israel and the leaders of Hamas,” the former prime minister wrote on the X website.

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Opposition politician Merav Michaeli He described Khan’s decision as „a scandal that the State of Israel cannot and will not accept.” The Israeli leadership „cannot be placed in the same category as a vicious and cruel terrorist organization.” Meanwhile, the leader of the Social Democratic Action Party said that Israel has reached a dangerous and unprecedented level under Netanyahu’s leadership. She added: „It is dangerous for Israeli national security, and for ensuring the existence of the State of Israel.” She demanded: “Netanyahu’s destructive farce must end immediately.”

For its part, Hamas criticized the Public Prosecutor’s request to issue arrest warrants against its leaders. A statement broadcast by the Hamas movement’s Al-Aqsa satellite channel said, „His decision compares the victim to an executioner and encourages the occupation to continue its war of genocide.” The terrorist organization criticized the fact that only two arrest warrants were requested against Israeli politicians.

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International Criminal Court: Biden criticizes the request to issue an arrest warrant against Netanyahu and Gallant



International Criminal Court: Biden criticizes the request to issue an arrest warrant against Netanyahu and Gallant

The president is ours Joe Biden Israel criticized the ICC Prosecutor’s request to issue an arrest warrant for prominent Israeli politicians. Biden said the action was “outrageous.” The US President said: “No matter what this accused proposes, there is no parity – nothing – between Israel and Hamas.” We will always stand with Israel against threats to its security.”

Chief Public Prosecutor International Criminal Court In The Hague, Karim Khan had earlier requested the issuance of an arrest warrant on charges of crimes against humanity against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Joao Galante. Arrest orders were also issued against the leader of the Islamic Hamas movement in the Gaza Strip and his deputy, and against the Hamas Foreign Minister.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken also made similar comments to Biden. Which Arrest orders Blinken said that issuing arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials, along with arrest warrants for Hamas terrorists, is “shameful.” Blinken continued: “We refuse to link the accusation between Israel and Hamas.” He added, „Hamas is a brutal terrorist organization that committed the worst massacre against Jews since the Holocaust and is still holding dozens of innocent people hostage, including Americans.” Blinken also made clear that the US government believes the court has no jurisdiction in this case. The United States, like Israel, is not a member of the court.

Politicians from other countries allied with Israel also expressed their criticism of the actions of the International Criminal Court. Austrian Prime Minister Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) wrote that this is incomprehensible.

The Israeli authorities can investigate themselves

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the parallel action taken by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court against agitation They created a false image against Israel. An Israeli army spokesman said, „The simultaneous application of arrest warrants against Hamas leaders on the one hand and Israeli officials on the other hand gave the false impression of an equation.” However, the court will now have to evaluate completely different facts, which the prosecutor detailed in his application.

German foreign politician from the Free Democratic Party Michael Linke also criticized the simultaneous request for an arrest warrant against politicians from both sides: “The simultaneous arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and several leaders of the Hamas terrorist organization is highly problematic. It 'equates to The terrorists and the democratically elected prime minister are with each other,” Link said.

CDU foreign expert Roderich Kieswetter also clearly criticized the prosecutor’s actions. A member of the Bundestag Foreign Affairs Committee said that the request to issue an arrest warrant for Netanyahu and Gallant is a “violent political scandal.” picture. The Israeli prime minister who enjoys democratic legitimacy is treated “like Putin, the war criminal and aggressor,” even though Israel is only defending itself against “Iran and its agents (representatives).”

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Kieswetter also criticized that the criminal court „confuses cause and effect and loses measure and balance.” “Anyone issuing and supporting this arrest warrant is clearly encouraging a reversal of the perpetrator and victim trend.” Kiesfetter called on the federal government to “protest as a member of the International Criminal Court and invite Netanyahu to political talks in Germany.”

Investigating evidence of war crimes

However, SPD foreign policy spokesman Niels Schmid recommended that the Israeli government begin its own investigations into alleged violations of international law in the war in the Gaza Strip. “The Israeli authorities can now begin their own investigations – because the ICC investigations are secondary to the national investigation,” Schmid said. He trusts the Israeli constitutional state. The Israeli authorities should investigate indications of possible war crimes.

Schmidt called on the federal government to accept the procedures of the International Criminal Court. “German foreign policy is committed to international law and its institutions, and must respect the work of the International Criminal Court on this issue as well,” the SPD politician said. „It is important that the prosecutor does not link Hamas’ crimes to Israeli actions,” Schmid said, because he explicitly recognizes Israel’s right to self-defense, but sees potential violations of the principle of proportionality. „Certainly, the prosecutor could have made requests to issue an arrest warrant in two different statements,” Schmid said. , about the fact that the Attorney General filed arrest requests against the Israeli Prime Minister and the Defense Minister, but also three against Hamas leaders, “but from a legal standpoint, they remain two different processes.”

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The former South African president is not allowed to participate in parliamentary elections



The former South African president is not allowed to participate in parliamentary elections

As of: May 20, 2024 at 4:00 p.m

South Africa’s Constitutional Court has excluded 82-year-old former President Zuma from parliamentary elections scheduled for next week. There are major fears of unrest – and his supporters are threatening violence.

TV channels are broadcasting live, Zuma’s fans are gathering before the Constitutional Court, and the public interest is huge. Little wonder, after all, that the Constitutional Court, South Africa’s highest court, had to decide a highly explosive legal dispute.

A far-reaching decision by the court

The proceedings were not just about the political future of the 82-year-old. Rather, the question is whether the requirements of the state constitution apply equally to all candidates in next week’s parliamentary elections – and therefore the credibility and legitimacy of these elections as a whole.

The judges had to decide whether former president Jacob Zuma could run for a seat in Parliament despite his criminal record.

Supporters of Jacob Zuma demonstrate in front of the Constitutional Court in South Africa.

Zuma has a criminal record

It sounds like a legal quirk, but it’s not. Anyone who has been sentenced to one year or more in prison is not allowed to run for office for five years after the end of their sentence – this is stipulated in the South African Constitution.

According to the country’s electoral commission, this is exactly what applies to Jacob Zuma. In the summer of 2021, he became the first former head of state in South African history to be jailed for 15 months because he refused to testify in court about rampant corruption during his time in office.

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Zuma has State-owned projects exploited

According to an independent investigative report, during Zuma’s rule from 2009 to 2018, Zuma, along with his political and business accomplices, took control of the country and systematically plundered state-owned enterprises such as the electricity company Eskom and the railway company Transnet.

However, Zuma was released after three months behind bars for health reasons. The remainder of the sentence was waived by current President Cyril Ramaphosa. Therefore, Zuma said that the 15-month prison sentence was no longer valid, and that there was nothing standing in the way of his candidacy.

In addition, he was not punished for a crime, but “only” for violating court orders. And: Whether he should be allowed to stand for election should not be decided by the court, but rather later by the newly elected Parliament.

But the South African Supreme Court sees the matter completely differently. A sentence is a sentence, and even the overturning of the sentence cannot change that, the country’s top judges decided in the final court.

Ballots have already been printed

According to legal experts, this measure put constitutional judges in a difficult position shortly before the parliamentary elections. Of course, the legal decision also has serious political consequences.

Without its driving force, Jacob Zuma, as the main candidate, the KP may end up having a harder time stealing votes from the ANC on election day – although Zuma’s name and face will remain on ballot papers in the election. Because they have already been printed and can no longer be exchanged when the election approaches.

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Zuma supporters threaten violence

In a joint appeal, 40 NGOs called on all concerned to respect the decision of the country’s highest court. There is great concern about a repeat of the unrest of 2021. Shortly after the verdict against Jacob Zuma, more than 300 people were killed in riots. Supporters of the former president recently publicly threatened to commit new acts of violence if Zuma was excluded from the parliamentary elections.

Zuma polarizes the country

Zuma has polarized South Africa in a way that no other politician has. This has become even more true since he announced that he will lead the newly founded Knesset Party in the upcoming parliamentary elections. Zuma appeared confident on Saturday during an election campaign and set his goal of obtaining a two-thirds majority.

However, according to current polls, MK is far from that. However, the ANC leader and former state president still has many supporters, especially among the Zulu ethnic group to which he himself belongs, despite all the corruption allegations.

Zuma’s former party opposed it

The ruling African National Congress had tried several times unsuccessfully to prevent its former leader from using legal means. Among other things, the ANC wanted to ban the name of Zuma’s new party. MK means „Umkhonto we Sizwe”, translated: „Spear of the Nation”. This was the name of the armed wing of the ANC during the apartheid regime. This lawsuit was rejected, and the request not to accept the Knesset member in the parliamentary elections was rejected.

More and more allegations emerged

New accusations were made against Zuma’s party weeks ago. Among other things, MK is said to have fraudulently registered as a political party using forged signatures. There is also an issue with founder MK Jabulani Khumalo, who was allegedly expelled from the party at Zuma’s instigation and now claims Zuma’s daughter forged his resignation letter.

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Even after the Constitutional Court decided not to allow Zuma to run in South Africa’s parliamentary elections, the controversial former president and his new party will continue to cause political unrest.

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