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The former South African president is not allowed to participate in parliamentary elections



The former South African president is not allowed to participate in parliamentary elections

As of: May 20, 2024 at 4:00 p.m

South Africa’s Constitutional Court has excluded 82-year-old former President Zuma from parliamentary elections scheduled for next week. There are major fears of unrest – and his supporters are threatening violence.

TV channels are broadcasting live, Zuma’s fans are gathering before the Constitutional Court, and the public interest is huge. Little wonder, after all, that the Constitutional Court, South Africa’s highest court, had to decide a highly explosive legal dispute.

A far-reaching decision by the court

The proceedings were not just about the political future of the 82-year-old. Rather, the question is whether the requirements of the state constitution apply equally to all candidates in next week’s parliamentary elections – and therefore the credibility and legitimacy of these elections as a whole.

The judges had to decide whether former president Jacob Zuma could run for a seat in Parliament despite his criminal record.

Supporters of Jacob Zuma demonstrate in front of the Constitutional Court in South Africa.

Zuma has a criminal record

It sounds like a legal quirk, but it’s not. Anyone who has been sentenced to one year or more in prison is not allowed to run for office for five years after the end of their sentence – this is stipulated in the South African Constitution.

According to the country’s electoral commission, this is exactly what applies to Jacob Zuma. In the summer of 2021, he became the first former head of state in South African history to be jailed for 15 months because he refused to testify in court about rampant corruption during his time in office.

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Zuma has State-owned projects exploited

According to an independent investigative report, during Zuma’s rule from 2009 to 2018, Zuma, along with his political and business accomplices, took control of the country and systematically plundered state-owned enterprises such as the electricity company Eskom and the railway company Transnet.

However, Zuma was released after three months behind bars for health reasons. The remainder of the sentence was waived by current President Cyril Ramaphosa. Therefore, Zuma said that the 15-month prison sentence was no longer valid, and that there was nothing standing in the way of his candidacy.

In addition, he was not punished for a crime, but “only” for violating court orders. And: Whether he should be allowed to stand for election should not be decided by the court, but rather later by the newly elected Parliament.

But the South African Supreme Court sees the matter completely differently. A sentence is a sentence, and even the overturning of the sentence cannot change that, the country’s top judges decided in the final court.

Ballots have already been printed

According to legal experts, this measure put constitutional judges in a difficult position shortly before the parliamentary elections. Of course, the legal decision also has serious political consequences.

Without its driving force, Jacob Zuma, as the main candidate, the KP may end up having a harder time stealing votes from the ANC on election day – although Zuma’s name and face will remain on ballot papers in the election. Because they have already been printed and can no longer be exchanged when the election approaches.

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Zuma supporters threaten violence

In a joint appeal, 40 NGOs called on all concerned to respect the decision of the country’s highest court. There is great concern about a repeat of the unrest of 2021. Shortly after the verdict against Jacob Zuma, more than 300 people were killed in riots. Supporters of the former president recently publicly threatened to commit new acts of violence if Zuma was excluded from the parliamentary elections.

Zuma polarizes the country

Zuma has polarized South Africa in a way that no other politician has. This has become even more true since he announced that he will lead the newly founded Knesset Party in the upcoming parliamentary elections. Zuma appeared confident on Saturday during an election campaign and set his goal of obtaining a two-thirds majority.

However, according to current polls, MK is far from that. However, the ANC leader and former state president still has many supporters, especially among the Zulu ethnic group to which he himself belongs, despite all the corruption allegations.

Zuma’s former party opposed it

The ruling African National Congress had tried several times unsuccessfully to prevent its former leader from using legal means. Among other things, the ANC wanted to ban the name of Zuma’s new party. MK means „Umkhonto we Sizwe”, translated: „Spear of the Nation”. This was the name of the armed wing of the ANC during the apartheid regime. This lawsuit was rejected, and the request not to accept the Knesset member in the parliamentary elections was rejected.

More and more allegations emerged

New accusations were made against Zuma’s party weeks ago. Among other things, MK is said to have fraudulently registered as a political party using forged signatures. There is also an issue with founder MK Jabulani Khumalo, who was allegedly expelled from the party at Zuma’s instigation and now claims Zuma’s daughter forged his resignation letter.

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Even after the Constitutional Court decided not to allow Zuma to run in South Africa’s parliamentary elections, the controversial former president and his new party will continue to cause political unrest.

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Son Simon criticizes father Reinhold Messner – family feud escalates



Son Simon criticizes father Reinhold Messner – family feud escalates
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In an interview, Reinhold Messner, 79, settled scores with his sons. Now the son of the mountaineering star is coming forward – and revealing new details.

Updated as of July 25, 2024 at 2:45 PM: Reinhold Messner caused a stir in an interview last weekend. The mountaineering legend described, among other things, the early inheritance of his sons as “one of my biggest mistakes”. The 79-year-old revealed that “the question of who got more was the main focus”. But now son Simon responds: “It’s unfortunate and sad.” Bavaria Radio His father’s accusations.

He himself greatly values ​​the inheritance he received from his father: two mountain farms in Vinschgau in South Tyrol, and he always passed this on to his father. „That’s why I fundamentally don’t understand this accusation,” says Simon Messner. He sees no similarity between the inheritance and the break in the family, which happened gradually and had other causes, says Simon Messner. Father Reinhold did not want to comment further on this topic.

Mountaineering legend Reinhold Messner will soon be 80. Now he talks about the biggest mistake of his life. © Gerald Matzka/dpa

After inheritance dispute: Mountaineering legend Reinhold Messner 'on the brink’

First report dated July 21, 2024: Bolzano – Mountaineering legend Reinhold Messner turns 80 in September. But things don’t always go well for Messner, especially in his old age – he recently drew attention to himself with a thoughtful Instagram post in which he wrote: “I’m coming to the end.” Now the 79-year-old is talking about the circumstances in his family. In an interview with Pharmacy Journal Miser gives insight into his relationship with his children, which was strained by his decision to leave the majority of his assets to them in his will before his death.

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Reinhold Messner talks about the biggest mistake of his life – the 79-year-old was 'on the edge of the abyss’

“One of my biggest mistakes was leaving them the majority of my assets in my will before I died,” Meisner says of his children. “They don’t understand that everything was a gift and don’t appreciate my generosity.” This is very disappointing to him, especially compared to his childhood, when there was nothing to bequeath but respect and gratitude.

Meisner explains to Pharmacy Journal “We were a big family, with many brothers and sisters, and we took care of our parents when they were old. For me, it was the opposite. The moment I distributed my material inheritance to my children and my wife, the family collapsed. The question of who got more was at the forefront and I was on the edge of the abyss when I was 75 years old.

Reinhold Messner
September 17, 1944
Brixen (South Tyrol)
Member of the European Parliament (1999-2004)
Climbing Mount Everest Without Oxygen

Asked if he would like to improve the relationship again, Meisner replies, “What parent wouldn’t want to?” He stresses that each person should find their own path rather than following in the footsteps of others: “Everyone should do it. Follow their own path, go their own way.”

’I’m Coming to the End’: Reinhold Messner’s Fans Worried

Recently, Messner caused concern among fans with his Instagram post: “I’ve reached the end, this is reality,” the mountaineering legend used the words to say. Messner’s post caused great concern among some fans.

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“I leave with a clear conscience and the knowledge that I was a good person, did my best, was a loving father, a good friend, and a good brother,” Meisner continued in his post. “Now it’s time to live my last dreams and love the people who mean the most to me, but most importantly, gratitude.”

Many years after his climbing career ended, Messner remains one of the world’s most famous mountaineers. He was the first person ever to climb all eight-thousanders. However, in his native South Tyrol, a different Messner has been in the spotlight in recent months: his younger brother Hubert Messner, 71, a former pediatrician who also took part in numerous expeditions, recently became health minister for the northern Italian region.

Recently, there was also a fuss about the Guinness World Records being stripped of Reinhold Messner’s record. The mountaineer spoke of „conspiracy theories”.

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Setback for Orban: After 'Peace Mission’ – EU moves ministerial meeting from Budapest to Brussels



Setback for Orban: After 'Peace Mission’ – EU moves ministerial meeting from Budapest to Brussels
outside After the „Orban Peace Mission”

’Symbolic’ Consequences – EU Moves Ministerial Meeting From Budapest to Brussels

Hungary, led by Viktor Orban, has held the presidency of the Council of the European Union since July 1.

Hungary, led by Viktor Orban, has held the presidency of the Council of the European Union since July 1.

Source: German Press Agency/Alexander Zemlianichenko

There is still a lot of anger in Brussels about Viktor Orbán’s “peace mission”: EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell wants to ban Budapest from the next meeting of foreign and defence ministers. But the shot could backfire.

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DrThe European Commission is drawing further conclusions from Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s unilateral actions: EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said on Monday that upcoming meetings of foreign and defence ministers will be held in Brussels – not in the Hungarian capital Budapest.

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Borrell said after a ministerial meeting in Brussels that he had taken the decision after a majority of ministers spoke out against Hungary and wanted to impose „symbolic” consequences on the country. According to Borrell, 25 foreign ministers condemned Orban’s behaviour. The Hungarian received support only from Slovakia.

But Borrell has also been heavily criticised for his uncoordinated move to cancel the Budapest meeting. “Spain does not support a boycott in the EU,” Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares said. Luxembourg’s Foreign Minister Xavier Bettel called the idea of ​​a boycott “nonsense”. Bettel said he would rather go to Budapest and express his opinion to the Hungarians. Germany, France and the Netherlands have also voiced opposition to Borrell’s proposal.

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In Brussels, it cannot be ruled out that Borrell’s boycott campaign will ultimately backfire: several ministers are now said to be staying away from the Brussels meeting on 28-30 August in protest.

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Hungary has held the six-month rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union since the beginning of July. Immediately after that visit began, Orbán made a surprise visit to Ukraine, Russia and China on a self-proclaimed “peace mission.” He also met with US presidential candidate Donald Trump. His meetings have drawn criticism from EU member states.

The European Commission had already reached its first conclusions a week ago. A Council spokesman had said that no commissioners would be sent to informal meetings of the Hungarian Council Presidency, but only senior officials. The decision was taken by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. There will also be no customary inaugural visit by the Commission to the new Council Presidency.

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Trump camp launches attack after Biden withdrawal



Trump camp launches attack after Biden withdrawal

As of: July 23, 2024 at 11:29 AM

After Biden’s withdrawal from the US election campaign, Vice President Harris appears to be the new Democratic nominee. The Trump camp and the Republicans have already adjusted their strategy.

While US President Joe Biden is widely respected by Democrats for his decision, the reaction from Republicans seems somewhat different.

The crowd began to boo when Trump’s running mate, J.D. Vance, declared at a rally in Ohio: “Joe Biden is out of the race.” In his hometown of Middletown, the newly elected Vance has now thrown himself into the campaign.

That has changed dramatically for the Republican Party as a result of Biden’s withdrawal. So they are immediately adopting a new strategy and portraying the planned change of candidates as undemocratic.

Republicans make serious claims

Vance, for example, rails against the supposed Democratic elite who, in his view, were pulling the strings in the background: “Now to nominate someone else because George Soros and Barack Obama and a few elite Democrats decided behind closed doors to prioritize the Democrats.” Joe Biden is out “This is a threat to democracy. It’s not the Republican Party that fights for democracy every day.”

House Republican Leader Mike Johnson goes a step further. On CNN, he says that in some states you can’t just change the nominee. 14 million people voted for him in the primary — and Biden’s withdrawal now renders their votes invalid.

In the US states of Wisconsin, Georgia and Nevada, there are already regulations on how to conduct a candidate swap, but since Biden has not yet been formally nominated, it probably won’t help that Republicans go to court much.

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Anti-Harris commercials are already running.

The second strategy directly targets Biden’s likely successor, current Vice President Kamala Harris. Donald Trump, who is running for the White House as a Republican, has already made a pitch at a campaign event in Michigan..

Trump, who mispronounced her name, says he just calls her „Laughing Kamala.” „You can tell a lot from her amazing smile,” the 78-year-old said. „She’s crazy.”

But the attacks are not limited to the personal level: Trump and Republicans are also blaming Harris on the political level — for everything the Biden administration has done.

Just an hour after he announced he would not run for re-election, the first TV ads came out: Harris was accused of covering up Biden’s supposedly poor health.

The short ad reads: “Kamala knew Joe couldn’t do the job, so she did it.” What they achieved was an invasion of the border, soaring inflation, and the death of the American dream.

Attack Surface When It Comes to Immigration

The immigration issue in particular could make Harris vulnerable to Republicans. As vice president, President Biden has tasked her with immigration policy.

“She didn’t do her job,” Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott said on Fox News. “Harris is a failure.” Abbott said Americans should reject her at the ballot box in November.

It remains unclear whether Kamala Harris will actually run as a Democrat. Republicans are certainly preparing for that.

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