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How artificial intelligence is being exploited for child pornography



How artificial intelligence is being exploited for child pornography


As of: January 5, 2024 at 6:08 AM

AI is increasingly being misused to create child pornography, e.g Zoom in on the screenResearch has shown. Some images are artificially created, others are based on real images of children or even real child abuse.

Written by Fabian Sigurd Severin, SWR

Thousands of doctored images of children and young people are distributed across the social media platform Instagram under specific hashtags. Many of them were photographed in skimpy lingerie, swimsuits, or in sexual positions. This is what research shows SWR– Investigation format Zoom in on the screen.

Some accounts that share such images are associated with trading, crowdfunding, or community platforms. Images of explicit child sexual abuse created using artificial intelligence (AI) are sometimes distributed. Experts warn that images of abuse generated by artificial intelligence are dangerous: they make investigative work more difficult and could increase the willingness of child molesters to commit real attacks.

Trading images generated by artificial intelligence from Child abuse

Among the associated community platforms Zoom in on the screen– According to research, a Japanese website is sharing explicit AI-generated images of child abuse. It is also known to BKA and, according to user reviews, appears to be used by people with pedophilia disorder to communicate with others.

Many users from there link to a website containing real images of child abuse. This is confirmed by the Internet Watch Foundation, an international child sexual abuse reporting center based in Great Britain.

AI-generated images based on real child abuse are also circulating. This is indicated by user comments within the images generated by artificial intelligence, as well as observations by the Internet Watch Foundation.

Missing Security mechanisms

“People sell access to such images or get paid to produce them,” says Dan Sexton of the British NGO. So far, the organization has found most images of AI-generated child abuse on the dark web. According to Sexton, as the number increases, the risk of more and more of them accessing the open Internet increases. “This is not something that might happen in the future, but it is something that is already happening now.”

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Artificial images of pornography are produced for children and young people Zoom in on the screen-According to research, primarily with a version of the AI ​​software Stable Diffusion. Unlike the two major competing AI programs DALL-E And the middle of the trip, Which is used to create images, Stable Diffusion is open source software and its code is publicly available. The software version does not include any security mechanisms that prevent, for example, the creation of nude images. This is shown through self-experience Zoom in on the screen-Editorial Board.

Possible overload of the authorities

The BKA does not separately record cases of AI-generated pornography, but classifies the overall risk of pornography to children and young people as high. In 2022, the number of cases increased by 7.4 percent for child pornography and by 32.1 percent for youth pornography. In addition, real, everyday images could serve as the basis for AI-generated pornography. According to the BKA, synthetic images are difficult to distinguish from real ones.

“What I find worrying is that the number of materials available will increase, but above all the quality of the content,” says Senior Prosecutor Markus Hartmann. He heads the Cybercrime Center and Contact Point (ZAC) in North Rhine-Westphalia. According to Hartmann, this development may lead investigative authorities to incorrectly evaluate AI-generated images as new actual abuse and thus reach the limits of their resources.

Amnesty InternationalChild pornography It can provoke perpetrators

But artificially displaying child pornography also poses a risk for people with child sexual exploitation disorders, says Professor Klaus-Michael Beier, director of the Institute for Sexual Sciences and Sexual Medicine at the Charite in Berlin. He also runs Don't Be a Perpetrator in Berlin, a support service for pedophiles.

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The problem: As with real child pornography, AI-generated images also distort perception, Pierre says. They trick pedophiles into believing that sexual intercourse between children and adults is possible and that children desire it.

His warning is supported by an international study conducted by the Finnish NGO “Protect Children”. More than 8,000 people consuming child abuse images on the Darknet participated in this campaign. About a third of those surveyed stated that they actually sought to connect with children after seeing the illustrations.

A potential legal loophole in Germany?

In Germany, the distribution, acquisition and possession of pornographic images of children or young people is prohibited according to Article 184b and c of the Criminal Code. But since there is still no case law on the exploitation of children and young people in AI-generated pornography, this creates uncertainty, according to the Minister of Justice of Rhineland-Palatinate, Herbert Merten (FDP): “One problem may be that Simply produce it without distributing it.” „They want to get away with it if they do it with artificial intelligence. If they do it with real children, it's punishable by law.”

The Conference of Justice Ministers therefore asked Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann (FDP) to set up an expert committee to deal with the new developments, says Merten.

Required under EU law Platform provider

This is what the spokeswoman for the Federal Ministry of Justice wrote Zoom in on the screen– Demanding the examination of “criminal law instruments” on an ongoing basis. In addition to real images, “pornographic representations of children and young people regularly generated using artificial intelligence” are also punishable. If illegal content is distributed via online platforms such as Instagram or the Japanese site mentioned above, the Digital Services Law will apply. EU law requires platforms to establish reporting procedures and to take action against improper use of their services.

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Spokespeople from Instagram and the Japanese community platform are putting themselves out there Zoom in on the screen– Clearly investigate child pornography. Instagram takes action not only against sexually explicit content, but also against profiles, pages or comments that share images of children that do not have a clear sexual connotation, if the captions, hashtags or comments contain signs of inappropriate emotion.

Platforms are insufficiently responsive

Zoom in on the screenHowever, research shows that Instagram and the Japanese site do not adequately comply with the obligation to remove illegal content. During the research, the editorial team reported dozens of Instagram accounts whose owners advertised the sale of real-life pornography to children and young people.

Only a third of accounts were deleted by Instagram within 48 hours. For others, no violation of community guidelines was initially identified. The remaining accounts were not deleted until further notice.

A spokeswoman for the Japanese site wrote that… Zoom in on the screen AI-generated images containing child and youth pornography have been deleted. But even after their answer, similar AI-generated images of child abuse could be found on the community platform.

“In Germany we have appropriate legal framework regulations that can be used to remove something like this from the Internet,” says Rhineland-Palatinate Justice Minister Merten. „Our problem is always bringing the pollutant under control.”

Many perpetrators reside abroad and are therefore difficult to catch. In addition, international cooperation is sometimes difficult. Prosecutor Hartmann sees the problem above all in the fact that it is not easy for platform operators to recognize the corresponding images.

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Elections in Great Britain: Poll finds the UK Reform Party ahead of the Conservative Party for the first time



Elections in Great Britain: Poll finds the UK Reform Party ahead of the Conservative Party for the first time

Three weeks before Great Britain’s general election, the right-wing populist Reform Party of Britain is said to have overtaken Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s conservative Conservative Party in a poll for the first time. In the institute’s published survey YouGov On behalf of the newspaper times The UK’s reform rate rose by two percentage points to 19 per cent, putting it in second place behind Labour.

According to the poll, Labor itself lost one percentage point, but is still clearly in the lead with 37 percent. President Rishi Sunak’s Conservatives remained unchanged at 18 percent, putting them in third place for the first time. Although the gap between the Conservatives and Reform in the UK is small, YouGov is already talking about a political 'earthquake’.

However, the impressive result of the poll by international opinion research institute YouGov rests on a relatively uncertain foundation. There is currently no other poll to confirm the result. YouGov surveys are based on invitations via email or in the YouGov app. There, users can answer questions on a wide range of topics. Users receive points that can be collected and redeemed for rewards.

About uncertainties in surveys

Representative surveys are always subject to errors. It can be assumed that the actual value is likely to be in the range of one to three percentage points above or below the finally declared measured values. We now show the corridor for this statistical error in our graphics of the election polls.

Results are always based on sample surveys. These services usually only cover certain parts of the population (such as people with a landline phone connection or Internet users). Some potential participants are passive and do not even want to be interviewed. Questions are sometimes misunderstood and not always answered truthfully. For example, also in response to previous surveys. However, in order to account for general opinion across all population groups, pollsters must compensate for missing measurements and suspected inaccuracies and reweight the available numbers. These (usually opaque) formulas vary between institutions and therefore lead to different data.

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Survey results are always snapshots. Nothing more can be drawn from this than an approximate tendency of opinion. Even if the statements and calculations at the time of the poll’s publication were close to reality, it is still unclear whether voters surveyed at that time would actually cast their ballots later or change their minds in a short time.

The Conservatives have been in power for 14 years and are under intense pressure before the elections. In opinion polls, the Conservatives have been significantly trailing the opposition Labor Party for several months.

The Reform Party UK is the new party led by Nigel Farage, who was previously leader of the Brexit Party. With its tough anti-immigrant stance, the UK Reform Party could steal more votes from the Conservatives. Farage said in a debate on Britain’s ITV that he actually sees his party as „the opposition to Labour”.

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The United States warns of destabilization: The Israeli Finance Minister cuts off funds to the Palestinians



The United States warns of destabilization: The Israeli Finance Minister cuts off funds to the Palestinians

The United States warns of destabilization
The Israeli Minister of Finance cuts off funds to the Palestinians

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Israel collects taxes and customs duties for the benefit of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. Finance Minister Smotrich is holding back 30 million euros and wants to pay this money to the Israeli victims of the Hamas massacre. The United States rejects this step.

Far-right Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich wants to withhold funds totaling $32.5 million (about 30.3 million euros) from the Palestinian Authority and pay them instead to Israeli victims of terrorism. The minister wrote on Platform X that he had signed a similar order and spoke of “historical justice.”

Smotrich accused the Palestinian Authority of promoting terrorism and paying money to the families of terrorists and Palestinian prisoners. According to the minister, the compensation amounts determined by the Israeli courts for victims of terrorism and their families will be deducted from the funds allocated to the Palestinian Authority.

The US government criticized the minister’s move, describing it as a „highly misleading decision” that threatens to destabilize the situation in the West Bank. US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said when asked in Washington that this conflicts with Israeli security interests. “We have made it clear to the Israeli government that this money belongs to the Palestinian people,” Miller said. “It must be transferred immediately to the Palestinian Authority. It must not be withheld. It must not be delayed.”

Payments to Hamas also stopped

Since the terrorist attack carried out by the Islamist Hamas movement on October 7, the Israeli authorities have withheld certain parts of tax and customs revenues from the Gaza Strip in order to prevent the payment of funds to Hamas.

Israel collects taxes and customs duties on behalf of the Authority. According to Norwegian information, this money constitutes about 65% of the income of the Palestinian Authority based in the West Bank, which it also uses to pay salaries. As part of an agreement with Norway, money from Israel began flowing to the Palestinian Authority again at the end of February. The Palestinian Authority pays social welfare to the families of Palestinian prisoners. The same applies to relatives of people killed by Israeli soldiers or settlers who are still alive.

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Abortion pills in the USA: Supreme Court strikes down restrictions



Abortion pills in the USA: Supreme Court strikes down restrictions

The abortion pill mifepristone has been on the market in the United States for more than 20 years. It is a thorn in the side of abortion opponents. Now their appeal to the Supreme Court has failed.

US Supreme Court upholds access to widely used abortion pill. Thursday’s Supreme Court decision came nearly two years after the court struck down the country’s right to abortion. The justices have now unanimously declared that abortion opponents have no right to sue against the approval of the mifepristone pill and restrictions on access to it by the FDA.

She added that the plaintiffs were unable to prove that they had suffered or would suffer actual or imminent harm. Plaintiffs who may have only “general legal, moral, ideological, or political objections” to the use of mifepristone have no right to sue.

Mifepristone is used in more than 60 percent of abortions performed in the United States. The drug was approved in the USA in 2000 and is considered reliable by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Mifepristone is usually used in combination with the abortion drug misoprostol – but misoprostol can also be used alone.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), combining the two drugs is slightly more effective. In recent years, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued several exemptions for access to mifepristone. These include, among others, transporting it up to the tenth week of pregnancy and mailing it within the USA.

The court caused a political earthquake nearly two years ago when it struck down a nationwide abortion right that had been in place for about 50 years. As a result, state parliaments can regulate by law whether abortions are permitted and under what conditions.

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