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Arctic winter is more likely in March – it snows in Mallorca



Arctic winter is more likely in March – it snows in Mallorca
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from: Kay Hartwig

In Germany the weather is getting colder again. But southern Europe also faces a cold spell and snow – even in Mallorca.

MUNICH – Winter is expected to return to Germany this weekend, and meteorologists are also forecasting snow. But it seems that the winter weather is not only hitting the Federal Republic. It’s really cold all over Europe.

Weather in Europe: Winter wave hits southern Europe – „It’s snowing in Mallorca”

According to the start-of-the-week weather forecast on Monday (February 27), even states least associated with snow will have to deal with the white extravaganza. These include France, Spain and Italy as well as Croatia and Bosnia. Meteorologist Jan Schenck predicted that „it will snow in Majorca in the next few days.” weather channel Regarding the weather in Europe, “Southern Europe is also affected by this winter wave. Many regions are getting a lot of snow that you didn’t expect.”

According to the weather forecast, the most snow is expected in the Balkans. In Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, more than 50 centimeters of fresh snow may be left, according to forecasts. weather channel. With regard to weather in Europe, the meteorologist explains that the cold air front, moving south from Germany and other countries in central Europe, creates an „air mass boundary between warm and cold.” „It snows heavily on this border.”

Heavy snowfall may occur in southern Europe in the coming days. © Veronica Lacasa/Dr

The air mass limit separates Europe when it comes to weather – „warm versus cold always brings plenty of snowfall”

The boundary of said air mass extends from the Spanish mainland through southern France and northern Italy to the Balkans. As a result, warm and cold air masses meet again and again in weather Europe on Monday. „Warm versus cold always brings a lot of snowfall,” adds Schenck. Snow is also expected on the popular holiday island of Mallorca on Monday morning. In fact, German tourists are better known for summer, sun and beach.

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The weather expert also predicts about 15 cm of snow in Provence (France). Meanwhile, central Italy blooms up to half a meter white splendor, and Croatia and Bosnia are hit hardest. The meteorologist announced in his Weather Forecast for Europe that in the border region of both countries „there could be up to 1 meter of fresh snow in 24 hours”. In his weather forecast, he spoke of „very blizzard conditions in southern Europe”.

Earthquake zones in Turkey and Syria expect milder weather and Europe in March in the Arctic

But the cold snap in southern Europe is having benefits elsewhere. It’s pushing warm air, which has also recently brought mild weather to Germany, eastward. As a result, people in the earthquake zone in Turkey and Syria can hope for milder temperatures. This weather forecast should at least bring some relief to the many people in emergency shelters.

Meanwhile, spring is still a long way off in Germany after the start of the arctic winter. March can be more wintery than spring. (x)

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Biden says Israel proposes a “complete” ceasefire and troop withdrawal



Biden says Israel proposes a “complete” ceasefire and troop withdrawal
outside According to US President Biden

Israel proposes a „full” ceasefire and disengagement from Gaza

Israeli soldiers on a tank near the border between Israel and Gaza

Israeli soldiers on a tank near the border between Israel and Gaza

Source: German News Agency/Tasfir Abayov

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US President Biden wants to move the faltering Gaza negotiations forward. Now he presented a proposal that Israel presented to Hamas. The offer includes the release of the hostages and withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.

IAccording to US President Joe Biden, Israel has proposed a new “comprehensive” agreement in the faltering ceasefire negotiations in the Gaza Strip. Biden said at the White House on Friday that this includes a “complete ceasefire,” a six-week withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip, and the release of Hamas hostages. Biden called on the Islamic movement Hamas to approve the agreement. He added: „It is time to end this war.”

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According to Biden, the offer consists of three stages. The first will last six weeks and include a „complete ceasefire.” Israeli forces will withdraw from all populated areas in the Gaza Strip. Hamas will release a number of hostages – including women, the elderly and the wounded – in exchange for the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners.

Biden said that during these six weeks, representatives of Israel and Hamas should continue to negotiate a permanent ceasefire, according to the proposal. Accordingly, the ceasefire will remain in effect if the talks continue. In the second phase, all remaining hostages, including male soldiers, will be released. Israeli forces will withdraw completely from the Gaza Strip. The third phase seeks to begin a comprehensive reconstruction process for the Gaza Strip.

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Biden described the Israeli offer as a “road map for a permanent ceasefire and the release of all hostages.” If Hamas really wants a ceasefire, it can prove it by agreeing to the deal. Addressing Israel, Biden said that Israel can enter into the deal without fear for its security. After several months of war, Hamas is no longer in a position to commit a massacre like the one that took place on October 7.

Biden continued: “I know that there are some in Israel who do not agree with this plan and will demand that the war continue indefinitely.” He complained that “some, even in the ruling coalition, have made it clear that they want to occupy the Gaza Strip.” They have wanted to continue fighting for years, and releasing the hostages was not a priority for them. But Biden stressed: “I called on the Israeli leadership to stand behind this deal” – despite all the pressure.

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu later referred to Israel’s war aims. Netanyahu’s office said in a statement on Friday evening that the war will not end until all the hostages return and Hamas’s leadership and military capabilities are destroyed. She added that the Israeli Prime Minister gave the negotiating team the green light to submit a proposal that could achieve these same goals. It was not clear from the letter whether this meant the proposal made by Biden.

Hamas has recently hardened its position

In order to continue negotiations on a ceasefire and the release of hostages in the Gaza Strip, Hamas has recently hardened its position. The terrorist organization said that as long as Israel does not stop the fighting in the Gaza Strip, it is not ready to negotiate. Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh reiterated on Friday that the basic demands of the Islamists, which are a permanent ceasefire and a complete Israeli withdrawal, are „non-negotiable.”

Israel gave the green light to continue negotiations with Hamas last week. Mediators Egypt, Qatar and the United States have been trying to reach such an agreement for months, but they have not succeeded so far. The war has been going on for more than seven months.

Hamas fighters carried out a major attack on Israel on October 7, killing 1,189 people, according to Israeli reports. In addition, 252 people were taken hostage in the Gaza Strip. According to Israeli information, 121 hostages are still being held by Hamas. It is said that 37 of them have already died. In response to this unprecedented attack, Israel has since undertaken large-scale military actions in the Gaza Strip.

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Schulz on Catholic Day: “We must avoid a great war”



Schulz on Catholic Day: “We must avoid a great war”

As of: May 31, 2024 at 4:53 p.m

War and climate – harassment: The Catholic day in Erfurt was marked by difficult topics for Chancellor Schulz. For example, he warned of the expansion of the war in Ukraine. Climate activists disrupted the event.

On Catholic Day in Erfurt, Chancellor Olaf Scholz warned of the expansion of the war in Ukraine. “We have to avoid a big war,” Schulz said, referring to a possible military conflict between Russia and NATO.

At the same time, he called for continued close coordination among allies to support Ukraine’s defense against Russia. Scholz did not address the fact that the federal government announced that morning that Ukraine could also use the weapons provided against targets on Russian territory.

After the event, Schulz also visited the church mile and spoke to volunteers.

Call for teamwork and respect

The Chancellor does not currently believe that imposing a ban on the AfD is logical. “A ban is very difficult in a democratic country, which is why there are very high obstacles,” Schulz said. He believed that the Office for the Protection of the Constitution must do its work first and the laws must be implemented. There is also debate about making the constitution more crisis-resistant.

In response to a question about the threat posed by the right and the intimidation of politicians, Schulz said: “We have to defend public space so that everyone can express their opinion anywhere in Germany.” All citizens are called upon not to accept xenophobic and inhumane statements. „We have to insist on cooperation and respect for each other. It is an ongoing task to be very clear here.”

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Interventions from the “Last Generation”

The almost hour-long Catholic Day event with the Chancellor was interrupted for a few minutes shortly before the halfway point after massive heckling that repeatedly prevented Schulz from making excuses. The demonstrators demanded that more efforts be made to protect the climate. According to the Katolikentag newspaper, the disturbance came from several people from the “last generation.”

A monk in the audience talks to a demonstrator.

As reported by the German News Agency (DPA), the audience began singing “Lord, give us your peace.” As a result, disturbances decreased. The organizers later said that they tried to talk to the six activists, but dialogue was not possible. That’s why they had to be taken out.

Habeck: Residents need to be more involved

Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck was also present. On the platform, he admitted that there was a deficit in social and economic transformation in Germany. The Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Protection said greater justice is needed – and larger parts of the population must be more involved in discussions. Much has been achieved recently in the fight against climate change. But in general, the transformation process must be accelerated.

From his point of view, churches have a special function as giving hope that a better world can be built. He acknowledged the contribution of Catholic influences to the Basic Law. “What holds the republic together at its core, the model of a social market economy, would have been unthinkable without Catholic social teaching,” Habeck said.

20,000 people expected on Catholic Day

The 103rd five-day German Catholic Day ends in Erfurt on Sunday. About 20 thousand people want to participate in 500 events. Every two years, the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK) organizes a Catholic Day, in each different diocese.

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Trump’s son complains and gets angry after the guilty verdict



Trump’s son complains and gets angry after the guilty verdict
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He presses

A New York jury finds Donald Trump guilty. This means that the former president was convicted criminally. Republicans reacted angrily.

Update from May 31, 9:00 a.m.: Following the historic conviction of her father, Ivanka Trump broke her previous silence about the trial in New York. Trump’s daughter, who also served as a special adviser during his time in office, sent a clear message Via Instagram“I love you daddy,” she wrote, adding a heart emoji.

practical in New York

NEW YORK – Donald Trump has made history again: the 77-year-old is the first former president of the United States in history He was convicted in a criminal trial He was. Five months before the 2024 US election, a jury found the former president guilty on all 34 counts in the landmark illicit funds trial. The ruling is scheduled to be announced on July 11. The identities of the New York jurors were kept secret.

Trump, who was released without bail, initially accepted the sentence silently in the Manhattan courtroom. As he left, he spoke to the press about the „disgrace” and the „rigged process.” Trump said that the „real verdict” will come at the ballot box on November 5 in the presidential election. He’s innocent. Shortly after the ruling, the Trump campaign issued a fundraising appeal titled „I’m a Political Prisoner!”

Donald Trump considers himself a „political prisoner.” © Timothy A. Clary/AFP

The family interacts with Guilty verdict In the practical

Prominent Republicans reacted angrily to the guilty verdict. First of all, we should mention here Trump’s eldest son. Donald Trump Jr. posted several messages on Platform X. One of them was: „Such nonsense!” The Democrats have succeeded in their years-long attempt to turn America into one country “Third World Monster.” To transform. Given the date of the US elections, he warned: “November 5 is our last chance to save it.”

Such nonsense!

Marjorie Taylor Greene didn’t hold back either. The radical MP followed the slogan: “A picture is worth a thousand provocative words.” I posted on X The flag of the United States is upside down. This symbol is used by Trump fans and it also played a role in the attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. This is why Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has been making headlines recently.

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Meanwhile, Mike Johnson, a loyal Trump supporter and Speaker of the US House of Representatives, spoke of “a shameful day in American history.” Representative Jim Jordan called the ruling a “travesty.” Former US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell said the ruling could not stop Trump. Grinnell wrote on X: “I’ve seen enough… Donald Trump has been elected the 47th President of the United States.”

Jury finds Donald Trump guilty on all counts in New York trial

Trump was convicted of covering up $130,000 paid by former porn actress Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election by forging business documents. This push convinced Stormy Daniels to remain silent about an alleged affair she claims to have had with Trump, which Trump denies. Experts expect a fine or suspended sentence. However, even a prison sentence, which is unlikely, would not prevent Trump from running for president.

Test for you Let’s know About the American Policy

A new President of the United States is scheduled to be elected on November 5. How are the elections going and who is the youngest official to ever enter the White House? Find answers to these questions and more in our American Politics quiz. (CS/AFP/AFP)

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