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Der künftige Siko-Chef erklärt Russlands Ukraine-Plan



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Von: Marcus Mackler, Mike Schier, Christian German, Georg Anastasiadis

Wladimir Putin hat Angst vor Unruhen in Russland, sagt der Diplomat Christoph Heusgen. © SNA/imago

Der Diplomat und künftige Chef der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz, Christoph Heusgen, erklärt, warum es Russlands Präsident Putin auf die Ukraine abgesehen hat.

München – 41 Jahre lang war Christoph Heusgen Diplomat, künftig übernimmt er die Leitung der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz (Siko). Im Interview spricht der 66-Jährige uber die Kriegsgefahr in der UkraineWladimir Putins Ängste – und seinen Plan für die Siko.

Herr Heusgen, die Bundesregierung liefert der Ukraine 5000 Helme. Ist das klug oder peinlich?

Christoph Heusgen: Ich halte dieses Theater um die 5000 Helme für übertrieben. Deutschland gehört seit Jahren wirtschaftlich und politisch zu den stärksten Unterstützern der Ukraine. Hinter der Kritik an den Helmen versteckt sich ja eigentlich eine grundsätzliche Frage.

Es geht darum, ob wir Kiew Waffen liefern sollten. Die Regierung schließt das kategorisch aus…

Sollte Deutschland von dem Grundsatz abweichen, in Krisengebiete keine Waffen zu liefern? Ich bin der Meinung, dass wir in der aktuellen Situation bei Defensivwaffen eine Ausnahme machen sollten, weil wir gegenüber der Ukraine aus mehreren Gründen Verantwortung haben.

Christoph Heusgen (hier 2020 als deutschr UN-Botschafter) übernimmt die Leitung der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz.
Christoph Heusgen (hier 2020 als deutschr UN-Botschafter) übernimmt die Leitung der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz. © picture alliance/dpa/ZUMA Wire | Luiz Rampelotto

Ukraine-Konflikt: Diplomat Heusgen erklärt, warum Deutschland keine Waffen liefern will


Bei der ersten Ukraine-Krise 2014/15 ging es auch schon um die Frage, ob wir Waffen liefern sollten. Die Bundesregierung lehnte dies mit der Begründung ab, dass Russland immer besser gerüstet sein würde. Der Konflikt werde nur politisch zu lösen sein. Wir haben dann mit dem Minsk-Abkommen den politischen Weg gewählt, sehen aber jetzt, dass Russland den Weg nicht weitergehen will, im Gegenteil. Es gibt sich wieder aggressiv gegenüber der Ukraine und sucht Vorwände für ein erneutes militärisches Eingreifen. Deshalb müssen wir neu überlegen, und ich finde heute: Einem solch aggressiven Vorgehen begegnet man auch, indem man der Ukraine Defensivwaffen in größerem Umfang zur Verfügung stellt. Das bedeutet nicht, dass wir vom Ziel und Bemühen um eine politische Lösung abweichen, aber man darf einem Land, das so bedroht wird, nicht aus prinzipiellen Erwägungen Schutz verweigern.

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Berlin sagt nun aber, das gehe aus historischen Gründen nicht.

Es gibt dazu auch ein zweites historisches Argument: Vor vier Monaten war Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Babyn Yar bei Kiew, um der Opfer deutscher Sicherheitskräfte zu gedenken, die inner dort 1941 schrecklich wiz berüte mass v. Vor unserer Geschichte haben wir die Verantwortung, den Ukrainern zu helfen.

Künftiger Siko-Chef Heusgen glaubt an einen diplomatischen Ausweg aus der Ukraine-Krise

Sehen Sie noch einen diplomatischen Ausweg?

Auf jeden Fall, das muss immer unser Ziel sein. Die internationale Staatengemeinschaft hat das bisher vorbildlich gemacht. Anders als beim überhasteten Abzug aus Afghanistan hat die US-Regierung einen Abstimmungsprozess eingeleitet, der seinesgleichen sucht. Es hat bilaterale Gespräche gegeben, Gespräche mit der EU, im Rahmen der Nato, mit der OSZE. Die Bundesregierung hat das alles sehr gut mitgemacht und darauf gedrängt, dass man sich im alten Normandie-Format wieder trifft.

Aber bisher ohne Erfolg.

Na ja, der russische Botschafter sagte am Montag im UN-Sicherheitsrat, die Kriegsspekulationen seien Quatsch, eine militärische Intervention stehe nicht bevor. Das zeigt doch, dass unsere Geschlossenheit erste Früchte trägt. Allerdings stehen die russischen Truppen immer noch an der Grenze zur Ukraine: Es kann noch keine Entwarnung geben.

Wäre ein Nato-Beitritt der Ukraine die ultimative Provokation? Putin hat für den Fall mit Krieg gedroht.

Der Beitritt steht nicht auf der Nato-Agenda. 2008 habe ich als außenpolitischer Berater der Bundeskanzlerin mit darüber verhandelt, ob man der Ukraine und Georgien den „Membership Action Plan“ gibt, also die Vorstufe zur Mitgliedschaft. Angela Merkel und andere haben das klar abgelehnt, auch weil im Nato-Vertrag steht, dass ein neues Mitglied zur Stabilität des Bündnisses beitragen muss. Allen war klar: Eine Aufnahme Georgiens und der Ukraine hätte zwangsläufig zu Konflikten mit Russland geführt.

Ukraine-Krise: „Seit 2012 verfolgt Putin eine ganz konsequente Politik der Unterdrückung”

Aber die Nato schließt den Beitritt bisher nicht aus.

Das stimmt und ist auch richtig so. Die Nato bleibt bei ihrer Politik der offenen Tür, die Ukraine kann theoretisch Mitglied werden. Aber noch mal: Das Thema steht überhaupt nicht auf der Tagesordnung. Wladimir Putin bläst künstlich etwas auf, was in der realen Politik gar nicht vorkommt.

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Was will Putin erreichen?

Da müssen Sie sich die Stimmung in Russland genauer ansehen. Als Putin 2012 Dmitri Medwedew ablöste und ins Präsidentenamt zurückkehrte, gab es große Demonstrationen auf Moskaus Straßen, die Leute waren wirklich aufgebracht. Das war parallel zur Arabellion, dem Aufbegehren in der arabischen Welt. Hinzu kam die Staatskrise in der Ukraine, Jahre zuvor hatte in Georgien Micheil Saakaschwili ein autoritäres System abgelöst. Putin sah all das und registrierte, dass er daheim in den Umfragen absackte.

Lange her, das Ganze.

Aber wichtig fürs Verständnis. Seit 2012 verfolgt Vladimir Putin eine ganz konsequente Politik der Unterdrückung: Es gibt heute keine ernst zu nehmende politische Opposition mehr. Die freie Presse und die Zivilgesellschaft hat er mundtot gemacht; ein Höhepunkt war vor wenigen Wochen die Schließung der Menschenrechtsorganisation Memorial, die die Verbrechen der Stalin-Zeit aufarbeitete. Putin hat dafür gesorgt, dass es praktisch keine Opposition gegen ihn und sein Oligarchen-System mehr gibt. Zugleich setzte er auf eine Art populistischen Nationalismus: Gleich nach dem Ende der Olympischen Spiele in Sotschi annektierte Putin die Krim und seine Beliebtheitswerte schnellten hoch.

„Putin sitzt die Angst im Nacken“: Der künftige Siko-Chef Heusgen erklärt Russland Ukraine-Kalkül

Also alles bestens aus seiner Sicht. Warum dann die heutige Aggression?

Die Angst sitzt ihm weiterhin im Nacken. Er sieht die großen Demonstrationen und Unruhen in Weißrussland und Kasachstan. Und ihn treibt die Sorge um, dass eine funktionierende demokratische Ukraine nach Russland ausstrahlen könnte. Seit Sommer letzten Jahres hat er seine jetzigen Aktionen systematisch vorbereitet. Und in einer Phase, da Amerika fragil und Europa schwach erscheint, hat er jetzt einen Versuchsballon gestartet, um zu sehen, ob er die internationale Gemeinschaft auseinanderbrechen kann. Das ist ihm nicht gelungen – deshalb hat er nun einen taktischen Rückzug angetreten. Aber wir dürfen keinesfalls sagen: Das hat sich erledigt.

Die Weltlage verdüstert sich nicht nur in der Ukraine. Wäre die Münchner Siko in Präsenz nicht gerade jetzt wichtiger denn je?

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Das stimmt. Die gute Nachricht ist: Wir sind uns jetzt relativ sicher, dass wir in zwei Wochen eine Präsenz-Konferenz abhalten können. Sie wird nicht das Ausmaß der Vergangenheit haben, sondern etwa ein Drittel, maximal halb so groß sein wie sonst. Wir hoffen dennoch, dass wir einen Beitrag zur Entspannung leisten können.

Könnte Omikron noch dazwischenfunken?

Wir halten natürlich den Atem an und behalten die Entwicklung im Blick. Aber Ministerpräsident Söder lässt wieder 10.000 Zuschauer in die Allianz Arena. Da sollten sehr viel weniger im Bayerischen Hof auch machbar sein.

2020: Christoph Heusgen begrüßt als Deutscher Botschafter bei den Vereinten Nationen den damaligen Außenminister Heiko Maas.
2020: Christoph Heusgen begrüßt als Deutscher Botschafter bei den Vereinten Nationen den damaligen Außenminister Heiko Maas in New York. © picture alliance/dpa | Michael Kappeler

Sie übernehmen bald die Leitung der Siko. Wo wollen Sie die Konferenz mittelfristig hinführen?

Für mich ist es eine wunderbare Sache, nach 41 Jahren in der Außenpolitik diese Aufgabe zu übernehmen. Wolfgang Ischinger und seine Vorgänger haben die Sicherheitskonferenz zu einer Weltmarke gemacht und ich will diese Marke schützen und weiterentwickeln.

Sie berieten lange Angela Merkel, die außenpolitisch sehr viel aktiver war als Olaf Scholz. Kann sich der Kanzler noch steigern?

Das ist eine fiese Frage. In meiner Zeit als außenpolitischer Berater habe ich Querschüsse von Außenstehenden immer verwünscht, weil die nicht mitbekamen, was intern alles lief. Ich würde sagen: Jeder Kanzler hat seinen Stil. Olaf Scholz reist bald nach Washington, hat viele Gespräche zur Ukraine geführt, plant eine Reise nach Moskau. Es besteht im Übrigen die gute Chance, dass der Bundeskanzler zur Sicherheitskonferenz nach München kommt. Dann wird er sicher die Gelegenheit nutzen, seine außenpolitische Vision vorzustellen.

Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock ist rühriger als ihre Vorgänger, oder?

Achtung: Mit ihrer Frage kritisieren Sie den Bundespräsidenten. Frank-Walter Steinmeier war ein sehr aktiver Außenminister, Joschka Fischer übrigens auch. Von Hans-Dietrich Genscher müssen wir gar nicht reden. Das ist die Liga, in der wir denken müssen. Starke Außenminister tun dem Land gut.

Das Interview führen Marcus Mäckler, Georg Anastasiadis, Christian Deutschländer und Mike Schier.

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Gaza War: Biden urges Netanyahu to provide more aid – Hamas comments on hostage deal



Gaza War: Biden urges Netanyahu to provide more aid – Hamas comments on hostage deal
outside Phone call with Netanyahu

Biden urges Netanyahu to provide more aid to Gaza – Hamas comments on the hostage deal

Hostage deal and ceasefire – “hopes are relatively high”

It is possible that there will be a new hostage deal between Israel and Hamas. The release of up to 33 hostages is being discussed. WELT correspondent Max Hermes reports from Tel Aviv on the status of the negotiations.

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Before negotiations on a possible ceasefire in Gaza, which began on Monday in Riyadh, US President Joe Biden telephoned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and called for more aid to the Gaza Strip. Hamas also commented in advance on a possible hostage deal.

ShPresident Joe Biden called for expanding humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip before crisis talks resume. The White House said on Sunday that Biden stressed in a phone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that recent progress in aid delivery must continue and increase in full coordination with humanitarian organizations. Biden noted, among other things, preparations to open new border crossings in northern Israel starting this week.

Political observers rated the US President's choice of words in the conversation as less harsh than in a previous phone conversation. At the time, Biden made future US support for Israel in the Gaza war dependent on quick, measurable steps to protect civilians and aid workers.

Israel is under enormous international pressure to allow more aid into the closed area on the Mediterranean Sea, where the Israeli army has been fighting the Islamist Hamas movement since October. The country recently opened border crossings to deliver aid. The United Nations recently confirmed an increase in the number of trucks arriving, but is calling on Israel to take further steps to enable the delivery of more aid.

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At a meeting of a number of Western and Arab foreign ministers in Riyadh on Monday, there are new efforts for a ceasefire in the Gaza war and the release of hostages held by Hamas. Among those expected are US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock. In Cairo, a Hamas delegation also wants to deliver its response to the ceasefire proposal on Monday.

A senior Hamas representative on Sunday expressed a generally positive reaction to the latest Israeli proposal for a ceasefire and hostage release in the Gaza Strip. “The atmosphere is positive unless there are new Israeli obstacles,” he told AFP on Sunday. Hamas did not identify “any major problems” in the text submitted by Israel and Egypt.

She added that Biden and Netanyahu also discussed the Rafah issue during the conversation. Biden reiterated his clear position. The United States, Israel's most important ally, has repeatedly warned Netanyahu's government against launching a large-scale attack on the city of Rafah. The city on the border with Egypt is currently crowded with hundreds of thousands of refugees, but it is also the last major stronghold of Hamas.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said that Israel is ready to postpone military operations in Rafah if an agreement is reached regarding the hostages. However, hopes of reaching an agreement in indirect negotiations have been dashed repeatedly so far. In the conversation with Netanyahu, Biden referred to a statement in which he and 17 other heads of state and government called on Hamas to immediately release the hostages in order to achieve a ceasefire and provide relief to the residents of Gaza.

Pressure on Netanyahu is also increasing from within his ranks

Two Israeli ministers are pressuring Prime Minister Netanyahu about a possible ceasefire in the Gaza Strip for various reasons. If Netanyahu decides to “raise the white flag” and cancel the plan for a ground attack in Rafah, “the government you lead has no right to exist,” right-wing Finance Minister Belazil Smotrich wrote on the X online service on Sunday.

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Matthias Döpfner

He continued: “The Egyptian deal is a humiliating surrender… It sentences the hostages to death, and above all, it constitutes an immediate existential threat to the State of Israel.”

For his part, former army commander and former Defense Minister Gantz, a member of Netanyahu's war cabinet, said that the Rafah invasion was „important in the long battle against Hamas,” but the return of the hostages was „urgent and extremely important.” “Importance.” If government ministers prevent the implementation of “a responsible plan to return the hostages, supported by the entire defense apparatus and which does not mean the end of the war,” then “the government no longer has the right to continue to exist.”

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Ukraine uses modern Atacms aircraft



Ukraine uses modern Atacms aircraft
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A tempting war target: The Crimean Bridge has been attacked repeatedly — as happened here in October 2022. With new Atakum missiles, Ukraine could seriously damage the bridge and perhaps cut off Russian supplies entirely. © Uncredited/AP/dpa

First hit by a long-range US missile in Crimea: Ukraine uses Atakm again. There is cause for celebration, but it is very restricted.

CAPE TARANKUT – “When thousands of shrapnel fall on an anti-aircraft battery, there is nothing left,” Thomas Thiner said last September. world Tell. The former Italian artilleryman commented on the potential impact of the Atakum (Army Tactical Missile Systems) missile with cluster munitions. Looks like something like this has happened again. Newsweek Reports, citing various sources, stated that Ukraine It is possible that Crimea has been attacked again with Atakum missiles, and perhaps even with cluster munitions again. Vladimir Putin An S-300 anti-aircraft battery was now lost in the final attack. There is also talk of launching a strike against Russian positions in occupied southeastern Ukraine Daily news This is done using Atacms.

Newsweek It refers to Channel Newsweek Very cheerful. As happened last fall, when Ukraine dealt a heavy blow to the Russian air force for the first time; Until the New Zurich Times The topic lit up: “Blistering flames, huge clouds of smoke, and the outline of a combat helicopter against the red night sky: video images of inferno at the military airport in the Russian-occupied city of Berdyansk on October 17, 2023.” He immediately made it clear that the Russian Air Force had suffered a serious blow. It was soon confirmed that a new weapon was being used here: Ukraine fired American Atakum missiles for the first time.

„Putin's Nightmare”: The modern Ataxus symbolizes the principle of hope in Ukraine

Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden I paid for the supply of this weapon. Ukraine will be able to travel long distances because the United States has delivered the current type with a range of up to 300 kilometers. The headline read: “With this weapon, Putin’s nightmare has come true.” world In September, when the first batch of missiles, the older type with a range of less than 200 kilometers, had probably just arrived at the front. It symbolizes the principle of hope, which the defenders of Russian terrorism seem to be using at every straw they have, because the situation in Ukraine is like a nightmare. Even if a battery in the Crimea were destroyed, it would be a drop in the ocean, even though it is world “All Russian facilities are in grave danger,” she responded again animatedly, wanting to know.

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Online time It is more realistic – if not quite pessimistic: in their view, it would provide the right weapon – but a year too late: “There is more promise in the missile than it can deliver,” wrote author Alexander Edlin. In fact, the number of Atacms delivered appears to be unclear. The first batch last fall described this Daily news As a “very small number”, it is now reported time according to The New York Times An additional 100 missiles were delivered – their advantage is that they can be launched from HIMARS missile launchers already in use in Ukraine.

Impact in Crimea: There is no tactical value without the use of ground forces

Meanwhile, the US has also reportedly delivered the modernized version with a range of up to 300 km and GPS, perhaps due to Russia's now significant superiority. This certainly gives Ukraine operational opportunities, but on the other hand, this is also an argument Institute for the Study of War (ISW) Caution: With Ukraine's ability to operate over longer distances, it is simply pushing Russian airfields, warehouses, or staging areas into the heart of Russia: a missile attack without follow-up ground forces will therefore not achieve long-term tactical success. .

Even the current attack on the air defenses in Crimea may be a successful event, but it is certainly unique – in contrast to the ongoing drone-assisted attack on the Black Sea Fleet, which has established Ukraine as a regional naval power. But what is more threatening is the war of attrition that Ukraine has been waging with increasing force for months, behind the lines of contact. Attrition is likely to increase with the new delivery of precision American Atakam missiles with a range of up to 300 kilometers. world He was drafted blue late last year. There are still few signs of this.

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Time is ticking for Russia, but the clock may be ticking for the Crimean Bridge

The big bang may already be imminent. The Crimean Bridge remains a thorn in the side of Ukraine, which would become more vulnerable again with new missiles. But it is questionable how many missiles Ukraine would have to invest in order to cut off the lifeline of Russian supplies. At least Russia had time to use the months of wrangling the United States has witnessed to prepare itself. Since the successful attack by Ukraine in October, the Russians have had the opportunity to prepare for this threat ISW He writes. The Russians could have moved their warehouses back and better protected them against air raids.

The West remains somewhat concerned about the use of the weapon and Moscow's response in the event of an ATACM strike to the heart of Russia. Weapons are expressly intended for such “use within its territory.” Daily news Quoted by Jake Sullivan, the President's National Security Advisor. Currently – on April 28 – the news agency reported Reuters Based on renewed demand from Ukraine to the USA. In his weekly video address, President Volodymyr Zelensky said he recently spoke with US House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and asked him to hurry up: “In my conversation with Mr. Jeffries, I stressed the need for Patriot systems, and as quickly as possible.” „.

Cutting supplies: Ukraine's chance to stabilize the front

Reuters At the same time, reports indicate that the situation on the front in Ukraine is deteriorating: since the capture of the city of Avdiivka, Moscow's forces have been advancing slowly, taking advantage of the defenders' lack of artillery and soldiers. The Kiev forces were to take up new positions west of the villages of Berdykhi and Semenivka, both north of Avdiivka, and Novomikhylivka, south near the town of Marinka. “In general, the enemy achieved certain tactical successes in these areas, but was unable to achieve operational advantages,” Laut said. Reuters Colonel-General Oleksandr Sersky, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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In March, the most famous German military historian Sönke Neitzel said NDR He joked that he was almost accused of defeatism at the recent Munich security conference when he said he would be happy if at least Ukraine didn't lose. Neitzel repeatedly stresses the need to increase Ukraine's ability to attack. According to him, optimism is spread primarily by those who have no idea “how difficult it is to carry out offensive operations,” he said. Atacms can contribute to offensive capability. It seems so too MirrorAuthor Gernot Kramber said he feared the Ukrainians would not be able to withstand Russian pressure much longer.

If it now becomes possible to cut off Russian supplies and strike command structures, Russian offensive momentum will weaken. “This does not mean victory, but the Ukrainians will at least have a chance to stabilize their front.” (priest)

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Ukraine News: Russia suffers heavy losses



Ukraine News: Russia suffers heavy losses
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According to a Ukrainian military commander, the situation on the eastern front has become increasingly „difficult.” News ticker about the Ukraine war.

Updated from April 28, 1:51 p.m: The situation on the Eastern Front appears to continue to deteriorate for Ukraine: Russia says it has captured another village in eastern Ukraine. Today, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that the Russian army “liberated” the village of Novobashmutivka, near the city of Avdiivka.

Russia took complete control of the city of Avdiivka in the Donetsk region (eastern Ukraine) last February after long fighting. After that, the Russian army continued its rapid advance, while the Ukrainian army was on the defensive due to a lack of ammunition and soldiers.

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Russian attack on Ukrainian saboteurs in the Belgorod region (April 5) © Russian Ministry of Defense / Imago

Transparency Notice

The information processed here comes from international media and news agencies, but also from the warring parties Ukraine and Russia. Information related to the war in Ukraine cannot be independently verified.

Arrests in Ukraine war: Russian police arrest band members on 'propaganda' charges.

Updated from April 28, 1:09 p.m: Since the beginning of the war, Russian authorities have taken increasing action against cultural workers considered critical of the government. In western Russia, police arrested three members of a well-known metal band for displaying „Nazi symbols.” Therefore, the three members of Korrosija Metalla were arrested on charges of „propaganda”.

Great Britain Publishes data about Russia losses

Updated April 28 at 11:43 AM: Ukrainian figures regarding Russia's losses in the Ukraine war cannot be independently verified. However, new information from Great Britain supports the statements made by Kiev. Accordingly, it is estimated that Russia has lost about 450,000 soldiers since the start of the fighting. This is what British foreign policy expert Leo Docherty said now Defense Magazine UK mentioned.

Ukraine News: Iran presents a new suicide drone

Updated from April 28 at 10:25 a.mToday, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard unveiled a new suicide drone. According to the news agency Tasneem The new Iranian drone is similar to the Russian Zala Lancet manufactured in 2020. Accordingly, the drone, whose name has not yet been revealed, has the same characteristics as the Zala Lancet. Tasneem It also published a video of the new drone in the report.

Iran says it has made significant progress in drone production in recent years. Iranian drones also play a central role for the Russian Armed Forces in the Ukraine war.

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from Russia losses In the Ukraine war

Updated from April 28 at 9:45 a.m: The Ukrainian General Staff announced the current figures for Russia's losses in battles. According to this, 1,096 Russian soldiers were killed or wounded within one day. The information could not be independently verified. Overview:

  • Soldiers: 466,150 (+1096 the previous day)
  • tank: 7279 (+11)
  • Planes: 348
  • Armored vehicles: 13,991 (+20)
  • Artillery systems: 11,948 (+43))
  • Drones: 9507 (+22)
  • Tank trucks and other vehicles: 16,065 (+46)

War news: Russia and Ukraine shoot each other with drones

Updated from April 28 at 9:14 a.m: Russia says it shot down 17 Ukrainian drones in several western regions overnight. The Russian Defense Ministry said on the Telegram application: “Air defense systems intercepted and destroyed 17 Ukrainian drones.”

New weapons for Ukraine: Poland urges Schulz to release Taurus

The first report: Kyiv – Advisor Olaf Schulz (SPD) strongly rejects the supply of Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine. It is feared that Germany will be drawn into war if missiles with a range of up to 500 kilometers are provided.

After the delivery of long-range American missiles to Ukraine, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski is counting on Scholz to change his mind after all. “I hope the chancellor feels encouraged by the events of the past few days,” Sikorsky said in an interview. The photo is on Sunday.

Current situation in the Ukrainian war: Polish Foreign Minister presses for delivery of Taurus aircraft from Germany

Sikorsky described the delivery of US ATACMS missiles to Ukraine as a „response to the Russian escalation” in Ukraine, to which Germany also had to respond.

Russia Clashes in the Ukraine war Eastern Front before

Meanwhile, the Russian Armed Forces stated that after seizing certain towns in the Donetsk region, they have now penetrated deeply into the Ukrainian army's defences. The information could not be verified.

However, Western military experts have recently witnessed individual tactical successes of Russian forces. Ukrainian media also reported on Saturday evening that Russia had captured the village of Berdychy and also established its presence in the town of Osherytyn.

Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Sirsky described the strategic operational situation on the front as difficult. The commander said via Telegram on Saturday that the situation tends to deteriorate.

Ukraine war: Interactive map from the front

From captured areas to the current path of the front: Our current maps of the front in Ukraine provide insight into the latest developments in Russia's war against Ukraine. (Editing with materials from news agencies)

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