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German tourists are complaining about Italy’s popular holiday destination



German tourists are complaining about Italy’s popular holiday destination
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Just like the smell, Palermo can no longer shake its reputation as a trash-filled city. The city in Sicily is no exception.

Palermo – About five million people spend their holidays each year in Sicily – although the island has been in Italy for a long time He has to struggle with the metre-high mountains of rubbish that line the streets. Now German tourists are complaining about the popular holiday city of Palermo, describing it as the „dirtiest city” they have ever visited. Meanwhile, the town in Sicily is suffering from something much worse that the holiday guests don’t know about.

Popular holiday destination in Italy – only positive reviews with „but” or „very bad”

After staying for several days in a B&B in the heart of Palermo, the German couple left the following comment: “Palermo was a real treat, but unfortunately it was also the dirtiest city we have ever been to. It is almost on a par with India.” This is nothing new for By the owner of the guest house, Eugenio Rossignolo. “The comments are almost always of the same content,” says the Italian newspaper. La Repubblica Quoted.

Tourists flock to Palermo because the popular holiday destination is full of trash. But this is not the only problem. © Markus Matzel/Imago

Nicola Farrugio, president of the Federationberghi, a professional association that represents the interests of hotel companies in Italy, sees the same thing. Positive comments of tourists are always accompanied by a “but” or a “shame” which, in his opinion, should not exist. “What makes matters worse is that the tourist tax – four euros a day in a four-star hotel – is not compensated by adequate services,” Farrugio said.

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’Forced to monitor reserves’ – Water shortages affect popular holiday destinations

In addition to the rubbish, lack of rules and security, the B&B owner also lists the poor services in Palermo as one of the reasons for the barrage of negative reviews. This is only overcome by the constant water shortage, which, according to Rossignolo, drives guests away from hotels and guesthouses. As early as mid-February 2024, Sicilian Govt A state of natural disaster has been declared throughout the island.

Record numbers for tourism in Sicily this summer are accompanied by a list of weeds. The latest and most serious is the water crisis that is already driving guests away from hotels and guesthouses in Agrigento, Italy’s capital of culture next year.

Antonio Marino, president of the Federal Bureau of Trapani, explained in an interview the extent to which water shortages affect tourism La Repubblica. Accordingly, water comes once or twice a week to the cities of San Vito and Trapani. “The tourist may not notice this during his stay, but we hoteliers are forced to constantly monitor the hotel’s water reserves. This has become an additional task,” says Marino.

€1,000 for a beach visit – Popular holiday destinations in Italy are becoming more expensive

While water is becoming increasingly scarce in Sicily, temperatures are rising across Italy. Heat waves are no longer a rare phenomenonBut it is now part of daily life for many residents. What’s even more annoying is that beach fees are being charged more and more frequently. According to the Italian newspaper, a family of four pays about 100 euros for one day on Bagno Elena Beach in Naples, not including parking fees.

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Giovanna did not want to endure this with her two children and decided to drive to another beach. “I came here by taxi,” she admitted. La Repubblica. She got a fine the last time she drove her car. She explained that she was going to the sea for her children. “I’m sorry that so many young people have to pay. In my day it was very easy to go to free beaches. (All of them)

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A visit to Israel: How Baerbock imagines Germany’s role in post-war Gaza



A visit to Israel: How Baerbock imagines Germany’s role in post-war Gaza

IIsraelis are not a quiet crowd. There are whispers at the Herzliya University security conference. It is a major annual event in which important voices from Israel and its international partners analyze the situation in the Middle East. They all paint a bleak picture of the future: Israel’s seemingly endless war in the Gaza Strip, in which the Islamist movement Hamas remains the decisive force despite the harsh blows the Israeli army is receiving.

Terrorist leader Sinwar, who continues to prevent the release of Israeli hostages in exchange for a ceasefire. There is high tension in the West Bank and on the border with Lebanon, where Iran-aligned Hezbollah has been firing countless missiles and drones into Israel since October 8.

The speakers strongly criticized “the indecisive behavior of the Netanyahu government in the war.” Occasionally calls of „Amen” can be heard in the large lecture hall. But when the German Foreign Minister took the stage on Monday evening, everything fell silent. When Annalena Baerbock criticized Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip and settler violence in the West Bank, you could hear the drop of a needle.

The Foreign Minister has the audacity to deliver a speech in English strongly condemning Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran. But it also publicly expresses what it expects from Israel. This, so clearly, is new for a German politician.

Baerbox then agrees with Merkel’s principle that Israel’s security is part of Germany’s raison d’être. The then Chancellor coined it in a speech to the Knesset in 2008. Since then, several German politicians have repeated this sentence without explaining in more detail what it actually means. Baerbock also stresses that Germany stands firmly with Israel. „But what does that mean today?” asks the Foreign Minister in Herzliya. It lays out a four-point plan for how it envisions a post-war order in the Gaza Strip.

Security for all Israelis will only be possible if there is security for Palestinians as well. This can only be achieved within the framework of the two-state solution. “I know that this view is not popular with everyone here in Israel, and perhaps less so today than it was before October 7.”

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Rejection from hardliners

This is an understatement. In Israel, calls for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state arouse resentment. This could be seen as a reward for the Hamas attack, as reported here. This is likely to spark anger, especially in Netanyahu’s government, which includes right-wing extremists who dream of repopulating the Gaza Strip and annexing the West Bank. Just like Baerbock’s second point.

The Foreign Minister urges Israel to abide by international law. Reports of prisoner mistreatment in Gaza have alarmed her, just as “extremist settlers in the West Bank are brutally expelling Palestinians from their homes, often without being prosecuted.” Baerbock mentions “some members of the Israeli government” who pushed for the financial destruction of the Palestinian Authority. And about the measures “that would strengthen the occupation of the West Bank.”

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Without mentioning him, Burbock also addresses Prime Minister Netanyahu when she describes Biden’s latest plan for a hostage deal between Israel and Hamas as a “key” to calm in the Middle East. This stipulates three stages in which Hamas first releases the wounded, the elderly, and female hostages, before all remaining Israeli hostages are released in a second step – in exchange for the withdrawal of Israeli forces, a ceasefire, and the reconstruction of the devastated coastal strip. .

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Hamas takes a stand. Netanyahu has hesitantly agreed to Biden’s plan, but has repeatedly angered the United States with his statements to the contrary. Baerbock says unlimited Israeli control of the Gaza Strip is not an option. Germany calls on Hamas to “accept this plan, and we depend on Israel to adhere to its obligations.”

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But what will happen to Gaza if Israel withdraws? “We need to take a realistic look at the future of the Gaza Strip. A Gaza where Palestinian women, men and children can live in dignity and without fear. Above all, Gaza, from which Hamas no longer poses a threat to the existence of the State of Israel. The Israeli public applauds the German Foreign Minister.

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What kind of judgment will come the next day? How can we finance economic reconstruction and ensure that it is not misused to build new terrorist structures? Birbock’s answer: The reformed Palestinian Authority must take over the administration of the Gaza Strip.

Until that happens, an international coalition is needed to provide security guarantees for Israel. Germany wants to be part of these allies, which should consist of Europe, the United States and regional Arab partners. More precisely, it could look like this: Germany, as part of the European Union, works to ensure security on the Gaza-Israel border.

“I belong to the generation that has had the honor of living all my life in West Germany in democracy, freedom and peace.” There were others at that time who helped her grandparents’ generation build a democratic state and provided her with the security guarantees she gave. “Just as our partners were there for us then, we want to be there for you today,” Baerbock says.

Once again there is applause for Baerbock

Concrete security commitments – that is green realpolitik. However, the minister is also weaving in her oft-stated “values-based foreign policy”: “Women need a place at the table when it comes to this legislation.” And again, there is applause in the hall. “Because we see this all over the world: peace treaties do not last long if women are not included, who make up half of societies everywhere in the world, in every religion and in every country.”

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Baerbock’s plan to establish an Arab-American-European coalition to rebuild Gaza and provide temporary security there sounds good, but it is very difficult. Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, which entered into diplomatic relations with Israel as part of the Abraham Accords, will have to play a decisive role there.

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (74)

Benjamin Netanyahu in an interview

Above all, Saudi Arabia, the region’s leading Sunni power and an opponent of Shiite Iran. But American efforts to normalize relations between Riyadh and Jerusalem have been stymied by the Gaza war. Abu Dhabi and Riyadh call for the establishment of a Palestinian state as the goal of these efforts. Oversight of Gaza in cooperation with Arab states is also being discussed in Netanyahu’s circles. But under his current coalition, implementation does not seem possible.

That’s why Baerbock made clear again in her talks with Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz and new Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Mustafa on Tuesday: „The aggressive settlement policy” in the West Bank must stop, and warned Israel.

Annalena Berbock with Muhammad Mustafa in Ramallah

Annalena Berbock with Muhammad Mustafa in Ramallah

Source: German News Agency

She added: “The fact that the customs and tax funds that the Palestinian Authority is entitled to under the Oslo Accords are now completely closed by the Israeli authorities is irresponsible.” On the other hand, she told Mustafa that his plans for economic and political reform in the West are bankrupt, where the Palestinian Authority has ruled for 18 years without elections, “but that must come after that.”

On Tuesday, the Secretary of State will travel to Lebanon, on this subject also with a warning in her luggage: With every missile that crosses the border, “the risk grows that a miscalculation will spark a hot war from one moment to the next,” Baerbock says in Jerusalem. Therefore, whoever bears responsibility must exercise maximum restraint – “above all, Hezbollah must stop bombing Israel.” She will clarify this during her visit to Beirut.

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Western sanctions are hitting the Russian economy hard



Western sanctions are hitting the Russian economy hard
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The West tightens sanctions on the Russian economy. Central sources of income are at risk of extinction. How long will Putin last?

MOSCOW – It seemed paradoxical: Russia’s economy is clearly thriving – despite sanctions, because Russian President Vladimir Putin appears to have used successful evasion tactics. However, a closer look shows that the more time passes, the more difficult the situation becomes for Putin. The economic improvement brought about by the war will only last for a short time, while the sanctions imposed by the West become more effective and specifically attack the weaknesses of the Russian economy.

Sanctions have hit the Russian economy, and liquefied natural gas has come into focus for the first time

The most recent example shows how the West does it Sanctions against the Russian economy Expanding more and more. The European Union has imposed measures against Russia affecting Russian liquefied natural gas for the first time. This does not mean a ban on importing Russian liquefied natural gas, but its transfer from one ship to another within the European Union is prohibited. The result: Russian cargo ships have to make detours to transport LNG, which lengthens delivery times and could limit export volumes. As Svetlana Ikonnikova, professor of resource economics at the Technical University of Munich, explained in an interview with

Putin is facing the consequences of sanctions imposed on the Russian economy. © Dmitry Lovetsky/Pool/DPA

If Russia is able to ship less and slower volumes of LNG due to LNG sanctions, that could also have an impact on profits in its LNG business. Economist Alexandra Prokopenko said in an interview with The Sun newspaper, “The European Union and the United States are learning how to impose sanctions and, above all, how to apply them.” tv n. Prokopenko was a former advisor to the Russian Central Bank. The fourteenth sanctions package is not a magic solution “But it is definitely tightening the screws,” Prokopenko said, referring to the gas company Novatek, which leads Russian liquefied natural gas projects.

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Sanctions reduce revenues for the Russian economy

Sanctions could then lead to Putin losing important sources of income in the long term. Russian energy giant Gazprom had already admitted huge losses in May 2024 due to a sharp decline in export volumes. In 2021, Gazprom exported more than 174 billion cubic meters of natural gas to European countries. But in 2023, Gazprom’s shipments of natural gas to Europe amounted to only 28.3 billion cubic meters, according to the news agency’s calculations. Reuters Offer (as of January 2024).

Oil sector profits also decreased due to Western sanctions. Until now, Putin has been using his shadow fleets to circumvent the oil embargo. The European Union can now impose sanctions on the fictitious fleet Sovcomflot in order to limit Russia’s financial options in the Ukraine war, a document showed. It was in the beginning Bloomberg Received on Tuesday (June 11, 2024) and referred to the document. This would eliminate another opportunity for Putin to finance the war.

The sanctions restrict the sources of financing for the Russian economy

The West has also long been trying to use the SWIFT system as a means of putting pressure on the Russian economy. The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) system is used by more than 11,000 banks and financial institutions in more than 200 countries and is therefore important for global money flow. The USA and the European Union excluded important Russian banks from the payment system as a punitive measure after the outbreak of the Ukrainian war.

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Banks excluded from Swift cannot receive foreign currency (since a foreign currency transfer between two banks is generally treated as a foreign transfer involving a foreign intermediary bank) or transfer assets abroad. While it would be possible to process international transactions without SWIFT, this process would be expensive, complex and require mutual trust between financial institutions.

Sanctions against the Russian economy: consumption is booming

The consequences of sanctions have also become more apparent among the Russian people. Inflation remains a persistent problem, forcing the Russian central bank to keep key interest rates at 16 percent. „If you have a healthy and growing economy, you don’t need a double-digit key interest rate,” Prokopenko said in an interview with the magazine. Mirror. Despite high inflation, consumption among the Russian population is booming – also because wages are clearly rising. “Russians are consuming as if it were their last day on Earth,” Prokopenko told reporters. tv n. (Buhi)

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Civil war in France? A security expert sees a real danger



Civil war in France?  A security expert sees a real danger

Is France facing civil war? President Emmanuel Macron is claiming no less just a week before the first round of parliamentary elections. Both the National Rally (RN) and the left-wing party La France insoumise (LFI) will lead to chaos, Macron said Monday on the „Generation Do It Yourself” radio program. He warned against „the political programs of both parties.”

On the one hand, the National Front divides society on security issues by assigning people either religion or origin. On the other hand, the “Proud France” movement spreads “a form of sectarianism.” Macron said both lead to “civil war.”

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Macron is facing criticism from his camp

The head of state’s statements were criticized from both the left and the right. Outgoing National Rally Party MP Edwige Diaz criticized the “irresponsible statements”: “Emmanuel Macron is ready to say any nonsense, spread fake news, and try to save what he can from his camp. His comments show how nervous he is and that he is losing his balance.”

Jean-Luc Mélenchon of La France insoumise accused Macron of „always there to incite.” Communist Ian Brusatte accused the president of being the one who has been causing chaos in the country for seven years: “I remind you that the yellow vests appeared in the first five years of Emmanuel Macron’s term in office. Today we have a country in ruins, with growing inequality. “This is the result of Emmanuel Macron’s policies.”

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Even within his camp, Macron faces criticism. A former Macron minister, who requested to remain anonymous, told the press: “It is unbearable.” „I don’t understand him anymore.” As one outgoing member of the ruling party complained: “Macron is exaggerating, and we are losing our political compass.”

Security expert: „Anything is possible in France”

It looks completely different Well-known security expert Alan Power. He told RMC on Tuesday that there was “in fact a risk of civil war.” There was an enormous amount of anger building up in France, which had “intensified over the past thirty years due to the estrangement between the people and the politicians.”

In two weeks, exactly a year after the unrest following the death of teenager Nahil, violent clashes are expected to occur again – especially if the National Front wins the election. “There have been unrest in France for a thousand years. But right now it is escalating, there are more and more riots on TikTok. They start very quickly and stop quickly. You go from rioting to looting and then you move on,” said Bauer. Since „A few years later I realized that anything is possible in France.”

But Power primarily blames Macron himself for the chaos, saying of the president: “For the first time I see an arsonist surprised that there is a fire.” This actually sparked a civil war in New Caledonia.

In response to the resounding defeat of the Ennahdha Party in the European elections, Macron dissolved the National Assembly and announced new elections for the French House of Representatives in two rounds on June 30 and July 7. In the latest opinion polls, the National Front is leading with 35 percent, followed by the green left electoral alliance, the New Popular Front, with just under 30 percent. The government camp lags behind by about 18 percent.

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