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Israel’s war live: +++ 04:05 Netanyahu: There were civilian casualties in the war against the Nazis as well +++



Israel’s war live: +++ 04:05 Netanyahu: There were civilian casualties in the war against the Nazis as well +++

Israel’s war live
+++ 04:05 Netanyahu: There are civilian casualties in the war against the Nazis +++

After criticizing the large number of civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu likened the war against Hamas to the Allied battle against the Nazis. Despite civilian casualties, the Allies in World War II were not told not to “eliminate National Socialism,” as Netanyahu says. A journalist had asked him earlier whether Israel was punishing the residents of the Gaza Strip collectively due to Hamas terrorism through air strikes. The Allies fought the war to the end despite the tragic consequences. Netanyahu said they knew that the future of civilization was at stake. „Well, I’m telling you now that the future of our civilization is at stake.”

+++ 02:58 Palestinians report arson by settlers +++
Palestinian sources reported that settlers last night set fire to a house in one of the West Bank villages in the Masafer Yatta area. One of the villagers told Haaretz that a group of people – believed to be settlers – entered the village south of Hebron, set fire to the house and then walked away. In another incident in the same area in the West Bank, settlers reportedly threw stones at residents of the village of Tuba.

+++ 02:04 Israel carries out air strikes on Hezbollah positions +++
Confrontations renewed on the border between Israel and Lebanon. The Israeli military said on the Telegram app that Israeli military fighter jets attacked the “terrorist infrastructure” of the Shiite Hezbollah militia in Lebanon. These included weapons and Hezbollah sites. According to the army, rockets were fired from Lebanon at Israel in the previous days.

+++ 01:20 American Republicans want to fund aid to Israel through cuts in the IRS +++
Republicans in the US House of Representatives want to separate aid to Israel from aid to Ukraine. Therefore, Republicans are presenting a separate additional spending bill for Israel only, worth $14.3 billion. The proposal says funding would come from cuts at the IRS. US President Joe Biden had called for a $106 billion package that includes aid to Israel, Ukraine, and border security. Democrats accuse Republicans of exploiting the partisan bill to obstruct Congress’ ability to aid Israel. “House Republicans are setting a dangerous precedent by proposing to make national security protections or natural disaster response conditional on cuts to other programs,” Representative Rosa DeLauro said.

+++ 00:40 UNRWA: Gaza residents “are being stripped of their humanity” +++
The Director-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) called for expanding humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini said at an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council that a handful of convoys as before are not enough for more than two million people in need. People in the Gaza Strip feel that they are „not treated like other civilians.” Most of them felt trapped in a war they had nothing to do with. “They have a feeling that the world is passionately equal to them all,” Lazzarini said. “This is dangerous. We know this well from previous conflicts and crises. An entire people is being stripped of their humanity.”

+++ 23:52 Israel suspends payments to the Palestinian Authority +++
Israel decided to temporarily freeze payments worth millions of dollars to the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. “Because of the PA’s support for Hamas massacres,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was asked to consider continuing the payments in the Cabinet on short notice, says far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich X on Twitter. “Until a decision is made, we will stop paying,” he wrote. In his blog post, he refers to the statements of representatives of the Fatah movement led by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. He describes the terrorist attack as part of “armed resistance” against the Israeli occupation. Israel collects taxes and customs duties on behalf of the Palestinian Authority.

+++ 23:09 USA: “Does not support a ceasefire at the present time” +++
The United States deliberately does not want to join calls for a ceasefire in the war between Israel and Hamas. “We do not believe that a ceasefire is the right solution at this time,” said John Kirby, spokesman for the White House National Security Council. “We do not support a ceasefire at this time,” Kirby said. Instead, “pause periods” should be considered for providing aid to the civilian population in the Gaza Strip. Kirby is convinced that “in the coming days” it will be possible to bring “a hundred trucks a day” loaded with relief supplies to the Gaza Strip.

+++ 22:14 UNICEF: Water facilities in Gaza are out of service due to fuel shortages +++
According to the United Nations, the severe fuel shortage in the Gaza Strip is already affecting the population’s water supply. „There is only one desalination plant operating at only five percent capacity, while all six water treatment plants in the Gaza Strip are currently out of service due to a lack of fuel or electricity,” said Catherine Russell, Director of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). During an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council. Russell added that she called on the Security Council to immediately adopt a resolution reminding the parties of their obligations under international law. This also includes a ceasefire and unimpeded humanitarian access. So far, all attempts by the UN’s most powerful body to pass a humanitarian-focused resolution have failed.

+++ 21:48 From the inside: Hezbollah is trying to reduce its losses in the fighting with Israel +++
According to informed sources, the extremist Islamic militia Hezbollah is trying to contain its relatively large losses in the recent fighting with Israel on the border with Lebanon. One of three people familiar with the militia’s view told Reuters news agency: „Necessary precautions have been taken to reduce the number of martyrs.” The Iran-backed group said it shot down an Israeli drone using anti-aircraft missiles. They are responsible for most of the deaths of their fighters.

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Ukraine ticker: Stoltenberg – “no plans” for NATO deployment



Ukraine ticker: Stoltenberg – “no plans” for NATO deployment

3:23 pm: Biden talks about the Ukraine war – “We will not bow down”

In commemoration of the Allied landing in Normandy 80 years ago, US President Joe Biden called for the defense of democracy. Biden said at a ceremony held at an American military cemetery in Colleville-sur-Mer: “We know the forces of darkness that these heroes fought 80 years ago. They never disappear.” Biden said that the United States and NATO „will not walk away” from the crisis in Ukraine. Ukraine has been invaded by a „tyrant” and democracy is more vulnerable today than at any time since World War II.

Biden said: „We will not bow down. We cannot surrender to tyrants. This is simply unthinkable. If we do that, freedom will be suppressed, and all of Europe will be threatened.” The US President complained that aggression, greed, the desire to dominate, control, and push borders by force – all this still exists today. Biden said: “The battle between dictatorship and freedom never ends. Here in Europe we see a stark example,” referring to the Russian attack on Ukraine.

3 p.m.: Weapon company Diehl expands production of IRIS-T

Diehl Arms Company in Nuremberg is once again increasing production of IRIS-T anti-aircraft systems. From 2026 onwards, CEO Helmut Rauch wants to produce at least ten launchers a year and double projectile production next year, he said at the International Airshow (ILA) in Berlin. He left it open to whom the systems should go.

Germany has delivered two modern air defense systems to Ukraine, which it uses mainly to protect the capital, Kiev, from Russian missile attacks. Six others are in follow-up. The first six systems, ordered by the Federal Government for the German Armed Forces, are scheduled to be delivered to the Air Force in October. NATO countries such as Estonia and Latvia also want to purchase IRIS-T.

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2:11 PM: Stoltenberg – NATO has “no plans” to deploy troops in Ukraine

According to its Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, NATO does not want to deploy soldiers on Ukrainian territory. „NATO has no plans to send troops to Ukraine,” Stoltenberg said during a visit to Helsinki. In addition, from the Alliance’s perspective, „there is no immediate military threat against any NATO member state.”

During his first visit to Finland since the northern European country joined NATO in April 2023, Stoltenberg also said: “The idea that there is some kind of countdown to the next war is wrong.” However, NATO is seeking a „long-term financial commitment” from its allies so that it can support Ukraine „for as long as necessary.” There have been “gaps” and “delays” in support in recent months and it is essential “to ensure this does not happen anymore”.

2:02 PM: Schulz – Support for Ukraine is the legacy of June 6, 1944

Shortly before celebrations for the Allied landing in Normandy, Chancellor Olaf Scholz called for increased European defense efforts. “It is clear to me that Europe will bear more responsibility in the future,” the chancellor wrote in an article published in the French newspaper Ouest-France. He added that an economically, militarily and socially strong Europe is necessary to maintain peace, referring to Russia.

He added: „Working for this Europe is the legacy of June 6, 1944,” referring to the so-called „Victory Day.” It is clear to Germany and its partners that “brutal Russian imperialism” should not succeed: “And it will not succeed because we will continue to support Ukraine in its heroic defense struggle as long as it is necessary.”

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1:49 PM: Zelensky on Victory Day – “Ukrainians defend Europe’s freedom today”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky arrives to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy. “The Allies defended Europe’s freedom then, and the Ukrainians are doing so today,” Zelensky said in online remarks. “There was unity then, and true unity can prevail today as well.” He posted a video of his arrival with his wife, Olena Selinska.

The Ukrainian president also wants to meet French President Emmanuel Macron on the sidelines of the celebrations. Macron is expected to announce additional military aid to Ukraine. A meeting between Zelensky and US President Joe Biden is also scheduled.

1:14 PM: A cross-party initiative wants to support Ukraine with Russian money

Bundestag members from the Social Democratic Party, Christian Democratic Union, Christian Social Union, Greens and Free Democratic Party are calling for the confiscation of frozen Russian assets in a cross-party initiative. These should be “used in accordance with international law to support Ukraine,” Michael Roth, a foreign policy expert for the Social Democratic Party, said during a joint event in Berlin. He referred to military support as well as the country’s reconstruction and humanitarian aid.

After the start of the war, Western countries froze Russian deposits amounting to about $300 billion. EU countries already use the interest income from this to support Ukraine, at around three billion euros annually. Christian Democratic Union MP Nicholas Zebelius said: „We must have the courage to hold Putin accountable.” There must also be a clear signal in financial terms: “Aggression does not pay off.” Green MP Sebastian Schäfer said that simply using interest income is not enough. MP Markus Faber of the Free Democratic Party demanded: “Russia must and will pay for its crimes against Ukraine.”

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12.50pm: Schulz justifies the use of German weapons against targets in Russia

After new threats from Moscow, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) justified his permission to use German weapons in the Ukraine war, including against targets on Russian territory. But in his government’s statement in the Bundestag, he also called for caution in dealing with the Ukrainian conflict. However, CDU leader Friedrich Merz accused the chancellor of being too hesitant in her support for Ukraine.

“Ukraine has the right under international law to defend itself against attacks on its territory, cities and citizens,” Schulz said. “This also applies to attacks such as the one in the Kharkiv region, which Russia carries out from locations in the immediately adjacent Russian border area.” Last week, after much consideration, the federal government of Ukraine allowed the use of German weapons against targets in the Russian border region. Thus, this came in the wake of a similar decision taken by the United States.

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Medvedev threatens the West with a nuclear strike – “worst case scenario”



Medvedev threatens the West with a nuclear strike – “worst case scenario”
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Germany allowed Ukraine to use its weapons on Russian territory – and Medvedev, who is close to Putin, threatens NATO with a nuclear strike.

Moscow – Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedevhe have NATOCountries on Friday threatened a nuclear strike after some of them lifted restrictions on Ukraine’s use of weapons in the war against Russia. This is not the first time that the former president and a close associate of Putin has joined the Russian voices warning of an imminent escalation. In a long post on his Telegram channel, he directed his threats towards NATO. Chancellor Olaf Scholz confirmed that he wants to avoid a war between Russia and NATO.

In his post on Telegram, which was also reported by the Russian state news agency RIA Novosti As reported, Medvedev addressed „Western countries” that have allowed the use of long-range weapons against Russian territory – „regardless of whether these are old or new parts of our country.” “Military assistance” to Ukraine is not that, but rather “participation in the war” against Russia. According to Medvedev, it can also be considered a so-called “cause of war”, that is, a reason for declaring war.

Threatening the West with nuclear war: Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin. © Pavel Golovkin/Yuri Kochetkov/DPA/Montage

„The final stage” – Medvedev threatens a nuclear strike

“A few years ago, they claimed that Russia would not enter into an open military conflict with the Bandiri regime so as not to antagonize the West. I was wrong. “There is war,” Medvedev writes. As with the unexpected attack on Ukraine, the “use of tactical nuclear weapons” could also become a miscalculation.

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The former Russian president added: “As the Russian president rightly pointed out, the population density in European countries is very high.” The military conflict with “the West” is developing according to the “worst-case scenario,” and there is “an increase in the power of NATO weapons used.” Therefore, no one today can rule out that the conflict is entering its final stage.”

A close associate of Putin warns NATO of “harmful mistakes”

“Russia assumes that all long-range weapons used by former Ukraine are directly used by NATO armies,” Medvedev wrote in his contribution. His country will attack „both on the territory of former Ukraine and on the territory of other states” if attacks on Russian territory are launched from there.

Medvedev said it would be a „serious and harmful mistake” for NATO to act as if its support for Ukraine was a matter of „sovereign decisions of individual countries.” “Operation of long-range cruise missiles” or “sending contingents of troops to Ukraine” constitute a “dangerous escalation” of the conflict.

Despite the threat of a nuclear strike: Germany and the United States allow the use of weapons on Russian territory

Following the United States, and after a long debate on Friday, the federal government also allowed Ukraine to use weapons supplied to it against targets in Russia’s border area with the Kharkiv region. Federal Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said during a visit to Moldova: “This decision is the right decision” and includes “all the systems we have delivered.”

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (Social Democratic Party) said about the use of German weapons: „We must avoid a major war – a war between Russia and NATO.” At the same time, Germany must guarantee „Ukraine’s ability to defend its independence and sovereignty.” Germany supplied Kiev, among other things, with self-propelled howitzers 2000 and the Mars 2 system.

On Thursday, US President Joe Biden allowed Ukraine to attack Russian military sites in the border region with American weapons. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky described the lifting of restrictions as “a step forward towards the goal of enabling the defense of our population in the villages located on the border.”

NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg wants new help for Ukraine in the war against Russia

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg proposed new aid to Ukraine worth at least 40 billion euros annually to NATO member states. On Friday, at the conclusion of a meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Prague, he said that Ukraine needs “long-term predictability.” According to Stoltenberg, the amount of 40 billion euros corresponds to the amount that the allies have raised together annually since the start of the Russian war of aggression in February 2022. “We have to maintain this level of support at least every year, and for as long as it is necessary,” the Norwegian said.

Only on Thursday did the federal government promise Ukraine another German arms package. “Its value is approximately 500 million euros,” a spokesman for the Federal Ministry of Defense told the news agency. France Press agency. This includes deliveries “in the five categories of artillery, air defence, drones, endurance and protection”. (CES/AFP)

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At a press conference: Putin calls possible attack on NATO „nonsense” – and praises the AfD



At a press conference: Putin calls possible attack on NATO „nonsense” – and praises the AfD

DrRussian President Vladimir Putin has described Western countries’ fears of a Russian invasion of NATO territory as „nonsense.” They get the idea that Russia wants to attack NATO. Have you gone completely crazy? Are you as stupid as this table? Who came up with that? This is nonsense, you see. “This is nonsense,” Putin said on Wednesday at a meeting with representatives of major international news agencies in St. Petersburg.

When asked, Putin said: “There is no reason to look for any imperialist ambitions on our part. nothing.”

The information meeting in the Lashta Center skyscraper of gas giant Gazprom was the first international meeting since the start of Putin’s war against Ukraine in 2022. The president distributed it to all parties – and also praised the AfD.

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He called Western arms shipments to Ukraine a „very dangerous step” and criticized Germany in particular. “Delivering weapons to a war zone is always bad,” Putin said. “It gets worse when those who supply them not only supply them with weapons, but also control them. This is a very serious and dangerous move.”

Regarding Germany, Putin said that the appearance of „the first German tanks on Ukrainian territory” had „already caused a moral and ethical shock in Russia” because of the historical burden of World War II „if they now use missiles.” Putin said, „Being on Russian territory will completely destroy Russian-German relations.”

Political media in Russia

This time, Putin does not sit at the end of the table, but in the center right

Source: Agence France-Presse/Vladimir Astabkovich

In this case, he threatened to respond. He said: “We are thinking, why do we not have the right to deploy weapons in areas of the world where attacks are carried out on sensitive targets for those countries that do this in relation to Russia?” Then he added: „This means that the answer could be asymmetric.”

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When asked about Putin’s comments, a federal government spokesman said: „We took note of the statements.”

“I did not start a war in Ukraine”

In response to Moscow’s attack in the northeastern Kharkiv region, some Western countries recently allowed Ukraine to use weapons they had supplied against targets in the Russian border region, including the United States and Germany. Putin had already threatened dire consequences at the end of May if the West gave Ukraine the green light to use its weapons against targets in Russia.

Putin reiterated on Wednesday that it was not Russia that „ignited the war in Ukraine.” Instead, he blamed the pro-Western revolution in Ukraine in 2014, which was followed by Russia’s annexation of Crimea and fighting in eastern Ukraine between Kiev’s forces and pro-Russian separatists. Putin said: “Everyone believes that it was Russia that started the war in Ukraine.” “I want to stress that no one in the West, in Europe, wants to remember how this tragedy began.”

Contacts with representatives of the Alternative for Germany party were also discussed. Putin defended the meetings between Russian representatives and party representatives. “We will work with everyone who wants to cooperate with Russia,” Putin said. “We do not see any signs of neo-Nazism in the actions of the AfD,” the Kremlin head said.

Putin does not expect any changes after the US elections

There are no „regular relations” with the German opposition party. But if someone calls for normal relations with Russia, Moscow supports this. Russia has no right to assess whether there is a political force operating within the framework of the Constitution. „But we don’t see anything that would cause us concern.”

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Putin complained that representatives of alternative views are immediately declared opponents of the state in Germany, which itself has a reputation for nipping any Russian opposition in the bud and allowing dissidents to be politically persecuted. “Every alternative point of view is treated as an anti-state position. Everyone is immediately appointed agents of the Kremlin.” In the past, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov received AfD co-chair Tino Shruppala in Moscow as a state guest.

Given the period following the US presidential elections, Putin does not expect a fundamental change in Washington’s policy towards Moscow. He added: „The result does not mean much to us.” Russia will work with the president elected by American citizens. In the past, Putin has said he would prefer incumbent President Joe Biden to win because the president is more predictable.

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At the same time, Putin criticized the legal measures against former President Donald Trump, who wants to run against Biden on November 5. The head of the Kremlin claimed that the justice system in the United States was being used in political struggle. Trump is confronting things that happened a long time ago, suggesting that he will be subject to political persecution. Many people understand this and therefore support it.

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Putin himself was subjected to international criticism for deliberately eliminating political opponents in the presidential elections in Russia. Russia’s judicial system is seen as an arbitrary tool to enforce the Kremlin’s grip on power.

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