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Tirol – Fünf Tote bei Lawinen-Unglück! – News Ausland



Schlimmes Unglück in Österreich!

Bei einem Lawinenabgang im Bundesland Tirol sind am Freitag nach derzeitigem Stand fünf Menschen getötet worden. Zunächst war von vier Opfern die Rede gewesen.

Das Unglück ereignete sich in ungesichertem Gelände im Gebiet von Spiss, einem Ort an der Grenze zur Schweiz. Eine Person wurde verletzt in die Schweiz geflogen, sagte ein Polizeisprecher.

Zum genauen Hergang, der Herkunft und dem Alter der Opfer konnte die Polizei zunächst keine weiteren Angaben machen.

Bei einem weiteren Lawinen-Unglück nahe Sölden – ebenfalls im ungesicherten Gelände – wurden laut Polizei am Freitag fünf Menschen erfasst. Vier von ihnen mussten verletzt in Krankenhaus gebracht werden.

Zum genauen Hergang, der Herkunft und dem Alter der Opfer konnte die Polizei zunächst keine weiteren Angaben machen.

Einer der Retter-Trupps in SöldenPhoto: Zoom.Tirol/dpa

Der Vorfall mit den fünf Toten ist eines der schwersten Lawinen-Unglücke in Österreich in dieser Saison. Anfang Dezember waren drei Skiwanderer im Salzburger Land von Schneemassen getötet und zwei weitere verletzt worden.

Laut Österreichs Lawinenwarnsystem herrscht in weiten Teilen der Berge erhebliche Gefahr – die dritte Stufe auf der fünfteiligen Risikoskala. Bei dieser mittleren Gefahrenlage passieren für gewöhnlich die meisten Lawinenunfälle. Allein in Tirol gingen am Freitag bis zum Nachmittag 13 Lawinen ab.

Deutsche (20) überlebt 15 Minuten unter Schnee-Decke

Riesiges Glück hatte derweil eine deutsche Skifahrerin (20), die am Donnerstag im Tiroler Skigebiet Glungezer von einer Lawine verschüttet wurde. Sie konnte dank einer Suchaktion ihrer Begleiter nach 15 Minuten lebend geborgen werden. Sie wurde laut Polizei in einer Tiefe von 1 bis 1,5 Metern gefunden.

Die Frau war bewusstlos, doch ihre Atmung und ihr Kreislauf funktionierten noch. „Auf jeden Fall ist es ein totaler Glücksfall, wenn man 15 Minuten lang überlebt“, sagte der Polizeisprecher. Die Frau, die in Innsbruck lebt, wurde verletzt in ein Krankenhaus geflogen.

Die Frau und ihre Kollegen – eine Deutsche (20) und ein Isländer (20) – waren mit elektronischen Ortungsgeräten, Lawinensonden und Schaufeln gut ausgerüstet in dem Skigebiet unterwegs.

Die rasche Bergung durch Begleiter ist laut Experten von entscheidender Bedeutung, da die Überlebenschancen von Verschütteten unter dem Schnee binnen kurzer Zeit rasch sinken.

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„The Baltics were captured in seven days”



„The Baltics were captured in seven days”
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Ready for defense: An Estonian soldier in his armored vehicle during training. The Baltic states are now fortified against any possible attack by Russia. The use of landmines was also discussed. (Avatar) © IMAGO/Jaap Arriens

A Ukrainian general is currently calling for consistency: he fears Russian aggressive expansion. NATO’s efforts come too late.

KIEV – “We must help Ukraine defend itself against Russian tanks and heavy artillery,” said politician Vytautas Landsbergis, and Europe must not surrender to Putin. Online time. It was 2015, and reality proved the former Lithuanian head of state right – at the time, Vladimir Putin had just annexed Crimea in violation of international law. The Baltics still fear the expansionist orientation of the Russian dictator. “We feel that war is close to us,” the newspaper quoted the quote. ZDF Gabrielus Landsbergis. Now the Lithuanian Foreign Minister’s fears have been reinforced by Ukrainian Major General Vadim Skibitsky, who expects Putin to be able to invade the Baltic states within seven days.

Newsweek Reports on an interview with Skibitsky EconomistAccording to the magazine, the deputy head of Ukrainian military intelligence demanded that the West take decisive action against Russia: “The Russians will seize the Baltic region in seven days,” he said out loud. Newsweek. „NATO’s response period is ten days.” Skibitsky uses May 9th as an opportunity to warn of Russia’s ambitions – May 9th is celebrated in Russia as the Soviet Union’s „Victory Day” over Nazi Germany, as is May 9th. Deutschlandfunk They are published, but with their own historical interpretation: the state constructs heroic stories rather than remembering suffering, say Thelko Grace and Florian Kellermann. According to Ukrainian intelligence officer Skibitsky, the fighting will escalate into a Russian attack in the near future.

The fateful day: May 9th may prompt Russia to launch more attacks

Russia is expected to follow through on the “liberation” plan, he said Economist He said that all of Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk and Luhansk regions would be pushed forward and that his further measures would depend on this. “The speed and success of the advance will determine when and where the Russians strike next,” Skibitsky said. According to estimation, it could be May 9 Deutschlandfunks In fact, activate Russia’s actions – Russia, according to its own thinking, is on the defensive; The Russian people will also be made aware of this through various channels, from posters to social networks: “This time Nazism has taken root in Kiev and is receiving active assistance from Warsaw, Berlin and Washington. Russia is now, as it was then,” Gries and Kellerman say. „You fight as a champion of good against evil, which is inevitable for the Russians.”

“The Baltic side of the border is likely to become one of the most heavily fortified peacetime borders in the world.”

According to them, the war in Ukraine, in Russian thought, is a continuation of the “Great Patriotic War,” as World War II is called in Russia. The Baltics could actually become the second chapter after Ukraine. “The era of Putin’s wars has begun,” Lithuanian newspaper Landsbergis wrote in 2015. Online time. In any case, the Baltic states are preparing to defend their independence. On March 11, 1990, Lithuania declared its independence from the Soviet Union, followed by Estonia and then Latvia on August 20 and 21, 1991.

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At the beginning of World War II, Hitler and Stalin partitioned Eastern Europe between them through a non-aggression pact in order to assert their influence in the countries involved. Federal Agency for Civic Education He writes: The Soviet Union therefore occupied the Baltic region, established its own regime and declared “the accession of states as Soviet Socialist Republics to the USSR, while the Baltic states classify this to this day as occupation and annexation in violation of international law.” Law.”

Fateful months: “They always knew that April and May would be a difficult time for us”

In any case, the Ukrainian soldier Skibitsky sees a rosy future for his country, as he put it Economist I explained to him: “Our problem is very simple: we have no weapons. “They always knew that April and May would be a difficult time for us,” says the intelligence officer, facing his boss, Volodymyr Zelensky, who has halted peace negotiations with Russia. Skibitsky speaks out against this Economist For negotiations. It may become unavoidable at some point. On the other hand, the Baltics seem to be intensifying the course of confrontation.

It has been clear since mid-January that the three Baltic states, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, are working to create a common defense line – a series of bunkers along the line of contact between the Baltics and Russia. Lukasz Milewski sees this defensive belt as “a completely logical answer to the special geostrategic challenges” that the Baltic states face vis-à-vis Russia. Foreign Policy Research Institute From Philadelphia. On the other hand, the world expresses doubts that this fortification on the borders of three NATO partners could reinforce the Russians’ claustrophobia towards NATO and encourage them to engage in a strategic, tactical or operational confrontation. Or more simply: Vladimir Putin may feel more challenged by this.

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A Community of Destiny: Baltic and Russian Minorities

After all, border problems are a cause of air disturbances between the Baltic states and their neighbors; Russia reacts with equal annoyance to the Baltic alliance with NATO as well as to the situation of Russian minorities in the Baltic region, which ultimately inflames the dispute over the autonomy of the Baltic states again and again: it is clear that both sides equally view The foreign policy of the other side. As a threat to their respective independence is true. the Federal Agency for Civic Education Ethnic Russians make up 25.6% of the population of Latvia, 24.9% in Estonia, and 4.8% in Lithuania – a potentially attractive reason for Vladimir Putin to take similar action in the Baltics as he did with the annexation of Crimea in 2014.

“The ultimate hope is that the increased preparedness of the Baltic states and the broader coalition to fight Russia, which includes building the Baltic defense line, will be enough to persuade the Kremlin to act,” Milevsky wrote. The world in Eastern Europe is currently in limbo.

An ominous year: the first anti-Russian bunkers are scheduled to be built in 2025

The first of 600 shelters is scheduled to be built in 2025, the magazine wrote Break the defense; In addition, warehouses are being created to store materials needed for anti-tank barriers. the ZDF He talks about „Iron Curtain 2.0”. Milewski says the opposite ZDF: “The Baltic side of the border is likely to become one of the most heavily fortified peacetime borders in the world.” In general, the Baltic states expect Russian forces to march on their territory within a maximum of five years, or more likely within three years. This is what Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas said times express to. But at the same time, it is doubtful that Russia will allow these measures to go ahead without reaction.

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Until now, NATO had relied on its ability to quickly move reinforcements to the Baltic states in the event of a defence. It becomes clear again and again that logistical efforts under enemy influence will be difficult. On the other hand, the war in Ukraine shows that strengthening the walls of the Baltic states can effectively delay attacking forces, writes Justina Budgenite Fröhle Center for European Policy Analysis In Washington, DC. It speaks of the Baltic forces and their efforts as NATO’s „tumble forces,” that is, the forces that Russia must stumble first. Such as Latvia news portal As reported in mid-January, the former Supreme Commander of the Latvian Armed Forces spoke on the radio in favor of his country’s withdrawal from the Ottawa Agreement.

Question of Fate: Is Putin simply timing this?

Raymonds Graub wants to be free to operate outside the agreement to secure its territory with landmines or anti-personnel mines; And also because Russia itself has moved away from the agreement. Graub declared loudly in January„,”That mines can reduce the speed of the enemy’s advance. “And in the case of Latvia, given the size of the territory and other special features, I think it is a very important weapon.” But planned bunkers and anti-tank barriers may be sufficient. Lukasz Milewski remains skeptical: In the absence of Putin’s action, no one can say for sure why he remains quiet. Maybe he’s been putting it off, Milewski says, or maybe he’s not really interested, or maybe he’s just waiting for the right time.

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Attack on the Crimean Bridge – Russia may have outdone the plastic film



Attack on the Crimean Bridge – Russia may have outdone the plastic film
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Russia suspects a complex plan behind the attack on the Crimean bridge in 2022. Kiev confirms involvement – are more attacks planned?

KERCH – Ukraine repeatedly resorts to unconventional means in its defensive battle against Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s army – perhaps also due to a persistent ammunition shortage. next to 3D printed bombsAs with those used in Ukraine’s war last year, the Crimean Bridge is also said to have been destroyed using an explosive device, the Ukrainian online newspaper reported. Ukrainian Pravda.

The strategically important Kerch Bridge, which connects the Russian mainland to the annexed Crimean peninsula, has been attacked several times by the Ukrainian army. It is now said that an explosive attack has been detected on October 8, 2022 and reveals a complex plan. The explosive device that caused extensive damage to the bridge appears to have been hidden among several rolls of plastic wrap – and had traveled a long time ago.

Traveling for more than two months – the explosive device remained undetected by Russia

The homemade explosive device was said to have relied on solid rocket fuel, according to the Russian newspaper Kommersant Citing reported investigative materials. Even more surprising than the explosive device itself is how it got to the Qurum Bridge in the first place. Hidden among 22 pallets of polyethylene film, it is said to have initially arrived in Georgia from the Ukrainian city of Odessa. From there it was transported to Armenia, where the shipment was cleared through customs. The accompanying documents have been replaced in the meantime.

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An explosion on the Crimean bridge in 2022 is now said to have been resolved. Investigation reveals complex Ukrainian plan. © ITAR-TASS/SNA/Imago (montage)

The pallets were then delivered on a truck across the Georgian-Russian border to Armavir in Russia’s Krasnodar region, Russian investigations showed. The explosive device spent the rest of the journey in a Russian truck, the driver of which is said to have known nothing about the plans.

According to Russian authorities, Ukrainian backers chose this complicated route for a very specific purpose. This was an attempt to distract attention from the actual goods – and it is clearly a successful tactic.

Ukraine waited for the right time, as an explosive device was detonated on the Crimean GPS bridge.

Russia believes Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky ordered the Ukrainian secret service to carry out the attack on the Kerch Bridge, according to reports. Newsweek. He equipped the explosive device with a GPS system, causing the bomb to explode in a pre-determined section of the bridge. This information cannot currently be independently verified.

However, the attack did not fail to have its effect: using an explosive force of about 10 tons of TNT, large parts of the bridge were severely damaged. Two bridges collapsed as a result of the explosion, and 17 cargo tanker cars loaded with fuel were damaged. as Daily news It was reported that at least three people died in the explosion.

Military bloggers fear further attacks by Ukraine on the Crimean Bridge

Kiev is said to be upon request Newsweek Claims responsibility for the attack on the Kerch Bridge. It is assumed in Russia that Ukraine is planning more such measures. The Ryapar channel, which is said to be linked to the Russian Defense Ministry, expressed similar concerns on Telegram last week.

Accordingly, Ukraine used American decoy missiles to locate Russian air defense systems and radars. The channel suspects that this is preparation for another attack on the strategically important bridge. This may happen before Putin is officially inaugurated as Russian president on May 7. (prohibit)

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Conflict with China: Baerbock does not rule out the presence of a German frigate in the Taiwan Strait



Conflict with China: Baerbock does not rule out the presence of a German frigate in the Taiwan Strait

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock does not rule out that it could be the frigate Baden-Württemberg It will also transit the Taiwan Strait on its next mission in the Pacific. The Green politician said during her visit to New Zealand that the route of the warship and supply ship would not be announced in advance. But she stressed that the „right of peaceful passage” also applies to the road Taiwan Progressing. “The same rules apply there as in all similar maritime areas in which our ships and other vessels sail.” The training mission of the two ships is carried out on this basis.

Frigate Baden-Württemberg and task force provider Frankfurt am Main They will begin a round-the-world journey next Tuesday, during which they will travel through the Panama Canal Pacific And then it also crosses the South China Sea. There was already a similar mission from August 2021 to February 2022. The frigate Bavaria It participated in maneuvers with its allies at the time, but avoided Taiwan.

Chinese threat of invasion

The Taiwan Strait can be crossed from China To be seen as a provocation. The People’s Republic claims the Democratic Republic of Taiwan as its own territory. The central government in Beijing is striving for „reunification” with the island, and has repeatedly threatened to invade it.

Despite Chinese threats, the United States, Great Britain, and France regularly maintain a military presence in the strait between Taiwan and China. Taiwan’s representative in Germany, Jhy-Wey Shieh, recently requested the frigate in an interview with the German News Agency (DPA). Baden-Württemberg You should follow this example. It was „disappointing” that this happened in the previous mission Bavaria He said that was not the case.

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Meanwhile, Naval Inspector Jean-Christian Kack called for an order to purchase two more frigates for the Navy and warned of the risks of increased costs. “I think it is absolutely necessary for Germany to make this choice and order these two frigates. I agree with the Minister on this matter, because we must now invest in the fleet of the future so that we can continue to fulfill our tasks of protecting our ships. The Vice Admiral told the German news agency ( DPA: “People can guarantee this in the long run.”

Construction of the first F126 frigate began in December. A total of four new frigates are being financed, and there is an option for two more ships at a similar price. “Any delay or failure to use this option will lead to increased costs when ordering later,” Kak warned.

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