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Poland warns of war in Ukraine – Russia may launch an attack on a NATO member state



Poland warns of war in Ukraine – Russia may launch an attack on a NATO member state
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The head of Polish intelligence warns: Russia is preparing military operations against the eastern flank of NATO. Putin denies the attack plans.

WARSAW – Fears are growing of a Russian attack on NATO’s eastern flank. After the Baltic countries sounded the alarm for some time and feared for their security, Poland is now also drawing up the terrifying scenario of a Russian attack on NATO territory. Although a significant portion of the Russian armed forces usually stationed on NATO’s borders have currently been transferred to Ukraine, Russia intends to renew its army in order to… NATOThreatening borders while maintaining and expanding covert and hybrid operations.

Vladimir Putin Jaroslaw Strusek, head of Poland’s military counterintelligence service, told the Polish daily that troops were already preparing for a small operation against one of the Baltic states. Gazeta Pravna. He added that the Russian president is ready „to invade the famous border town of Narva on the Estonian-Russian border or to land on one of the Swedish islands.”

Putin: The attack on NATO territory is „complete nonsense”

Last March, Putin said… BBC Aggression on NATO territory was excluded. He added that the idea that his country, which has one of the largest nuclear arsenals in the world, Poland, would attack the Baltic states, all of which, unlike Ukraine, are members of NATO, is “complete nonsense.” But he warned that if Ukraine deployed Western F-16 fighter jets from airfields in other countries, they would become „legitimate targets wherever they are.”

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NATO countries are currently scrambling to restore full defense capability after the Western military alliance looked back on a decade-long phase of low-intensity conflict. Kiev’s Western partners could not keep up with the demands of a modern all-out war, especially due to the lack of sufficient artillery and air defense resources.

The largest NATO exercise since the Cold War on the sidelines of the Ukrainian war

NATO is said to have agreed potential „red lines” in dealing with Russia’s war against Ukraine. (Avatar) © Sebastian Kahnert/DPA

Strusek believes that the Kremlin’s imperial goals have already slowed somewhat. “What the West is doing together to support Ukraine shows that in the event of an attack on NATO, the Western reaction will be greater,” the intelligence chief said. The German federal government is also currently trying to send strong signals about the defense capacity of NATO and Europe.

“In an emergency, Germany will defend every centimeter of NATO territory,” Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) said during a visit to Lithuania on Monday, May 6, as reported by Das newspaper. RND. The German Army participated in the largest NATO exercise since the end of the Cold War: Steadfast Defender. Germany wants to establish a brigade in Lithuania outside its territory for the first time by 2027. “An attack on you would be an attack on all of us,” Schulz told his fellow Lithuanians.

“War has returned to Europe” – SPD committed to a strong NATO

Defense Minister Boris Pistoros (SPD) also expressed his strong commitment to the Western Defense Alliance during his visit to the United States. “NATO is essential to our security and we do not take it for granted,” he said loudly. dpa. “We realize that times have changed again. War is back in Europe and the time for peace dividends is over. That’s why we’re doing our part. Germany will spend more money on defense this year than ever before in the history of the Bundeswehr.”

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He pointed out that the 2% goal set by NATO will be achieved, „and we cannot stop there.” Within NATO, a growing number of members are calling for increased investments. For example, British Foreign Secretary David Cameron is vocal about NATO countries France Press agency Increase military spending to 2.5% of GDP. At the next NATO summit in July, it should be clear that all allies will soon meet the 2% target, according to previously published excerpts of Cameron’s speech scheduled for Thursday, May 9, at the National Cyber ​​Security Center in London. He continues: „Then we have to quickly introduce 2.5% as a target.” (Lahema)

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The AfD wants to prevent expulsion from the Identity Party



The AfD wants to prevent expulsion from the Identity Party


As of: June 24, 2024 at 10:17 AM

Disagreements over Europe’s leading candidate have already cost the AfD his membership in the EU Parliament’s identity faction. Now the Alternative for Germany party wants to separate completely from the European party.

The Federal Executive Council of the AfD unanimously decided this morning that the party’s congress at the end of next week will recommend leaving the European Identity and Democracy party. This I learned ARD Capital Studio From the council departments. The AfD is also said to want to prevent the impending expulsion.

The European Parliament’s Identity-linked faction had already broken away from the AfD delegation weeks ago. The reason for this was the inane statements made by the AfD candidate for the European elections, Maximilian Krah, about the National Socialist SS.

no rapprochement After the European elections

The AfD joined the Identity Party only a year ago. It was seen as “a suitable platform to strengthen communication with the AfD’s European sister parties,” according to the party’s board of directors’ decision today. The goal now is to move independently and shape the course in Europe in order to advance our own interests. “This requires partners who respect and share our interests.”

In the days following the election, the AfD had vainly hoped for a rapprochement with the ID faction in the European Parliament, thus excluding Krahe from its EU delegation. But the right-wing camp rejected the Alternative for Germany party’s appeal.

Since then, there has been significant dissatisfaction within the party that these former European partners were allowed to interfere too much in internal affairs. In Brussels, the AfD is currently trying to form a new faction with other right-wing parties.

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Many potential new partners

Last week, the news portal Euractiv reported that members of such a group could come primarily from signatories of the so-called Sophia Declaration. Bulgaria’s Vazrajdhani party initiated this manifesto in April 2024 to demand, among other things, peace negotiations on Russia’s war against Ukraine and an end to the EU’s alleged „rampant bureaucracy.”

Hence, potential new AfD partners include: Se Acabó La Fiesta (SALF, “The Party is Over”) from Spain, SOS Romania, Slovakia’s Hnutie Republika (Republican Movement), NIKH from Greece, and Mi Hazank Mozgalom (Our Homeland). From Hungary. and the Polish Konfederacja or its more extreme sister, the Ruch Narodowy. According to Spiegel, the new faction can be called the “Sovereigns.”

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Hajj: More than 1,300 killed due to the heat in Mecca



Hajj: More than 1,300 killed due to the heat in Mecca

More than 1,300 pilgrims died due to extreme heat while performing Hajj in Saudi Arabia this year. This was announced by Saudi Health Minister Fahd bin Abdul Rahman Al-Jaladzil on state television. Temperatures in
Makkah It reached 49 degrees Celsius.

More than four-fifths of those killed were pilgrims without official permission, and therefore had no hotel rooms available to protect themselves from heat To protect. It is said that more than 660 of the dead came from Egypt.

Many of the infected Egyptians were initially treated at the medical center in the Al-Muaisem district in Mecca. An Egyptian diplomat confirmed the number of dead and said that most of them were present Saudi Arabia He was buried.

Investigations against tour operators

According to the Egyptian government, many of them have done so Tour guides Allowing pilgrims to travel to Saudi Arabia without a permit illegally. Employees of 16 tourism companies are being investigated. The Saudi authorities expelled tens of thousands of pilgrims without a permit. But many, especially Egyptians, are still able to access the holy sites in and around Mecca. Some of them were entirely on foot.

According to a previous count by the Associated Press news agency, among the dead were 165 pilgrims from Indonesia, 98 from India, and dozens more from Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and Malaysia. Two pilgrims from the United States are also said to have died.

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Crimea: Three people on the beach appear to have been killed by debris



Crimea: Three people on the beach appear to have been killed by debris
outside Crimea

Three people on the beach were apparently killed by the wreckage

Russian terrorism with guided bombs – “a tremendous destructive force”

According to Ukrainian President Zelensky, Russia has attacked Ukraine with more than 2,400 guided bombs in recent weeks. Russia correspondent Christoph Wanner says they are converted aerial bombs.

Three people were killed and at least 124 others injured in a Ukrainian ATACMS missile attack on Crimea. The victims are said to have died due to debris falling on the beach. There are said to be 27 children among the wounded.

IOfficial information reported that at least three people, including two children, were killed in a missile attack on the coastal city of Sevastopol in the Crimean peninsula, which was annexed by Russia. They are said to have been killed by falling debris when Ukrainian missiles were intercepted over the city of Sevastopol in Crimea, said the city’s Moscow-appointed governor, Mikhail Razvochayev.

On Sunday, the Russian Ministry of Health announced that the number of infected people had risen to 124, according to the Interfax news agency. Russian child rights representative Maria Loa-Belova wrote on the Telegram application: “According to preliminary information, there are 27 children among the injured, 5 of whom are in critical condition – doctors are fighting for their lives.”

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According to the Ministry of Defense in Moscow, Ukraine launched five ATACMS missiles. Four of them were intercepted. He added, „Another missile deviated from its course as a result of air defense operations and exploded over the city area.”

Many of the victims were said to be sunbathing on a beach in the city of Ushkuyivka in northern Sevastopol when the missile debris fell. There are also photos of a burned private house in the area. Sevastopol Governor Mikhail Razvoschayev wrote that all medical facilities had been mobilized to care for the wounded.

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The Russian Investigative Committee opened criminal proceedings on charges of terrorism after the missile fell. Forensic investigators were on the scene, authorities said.

Sevastopol is the main port of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. Belbek Military Airport is also located in the city area. Russia uses both the fleet and the airport extensively in its war against Ukraine. Therefore, Ukraine regularly attacks both objects.

Meanwhile, one person was killed and ten others were injured, according to the governor of the region of the same name, in Russian attacks on the city of Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine. There have been attacks on civilian infrastructure, Ole Sinehubo wrote on the short messaging service Telegram. It appears that slide bombs were used. Among the victims were teenagers.

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