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The Australian ambassador warns: “War over Taiwan will change the world”



The Australian ambassador warns: “War over Taiwan will change the world”

The Australian ambassador warns
„The war for Taiwan will change the world”

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The armed forces of the People’s Republic of China are always very active around Taiwan – and China talks about reunifying it with the mainland. The Australian Ambassador is concerned about the situation: he anticipates when President Xi Jinping could take a similar step.

Australian Ambassador to the United States Kevin Rudd warned in a speech of the global consequences of the war on Taiwan. “We would be foolish to ignore China’s increasingly clear military signals, including the behavioral patterns of its recent military maneuvers,” Rudd said. Rudd added in his speech in Honolulu, Hawaii, that if Chinese President Xi Jinping, who turns 71 this month, wants to achieve Taiwan reunification, he will likely act in the next decade before he turns 80.

China’s ability to act will depend on how it assesses America’s deterrence. “The economic costs, domestic political impact and unforeseen geostrategic consequences that such a war would bring are likely to be on a scale not seen since World War II,” he said. After such a war, the world would likely be radically different from what we know.

The United States has expressed concern about Chinese military activity near democratically ruled Taiwan, including after the island’s presidential elections and the inauguration of President Lai Ching-te last month. China has warned the United States against interfering in China’s affairs with Taiwan. There are no official diplomatic relations between Taiwan and the United States. However, the United States is the island’s main international backer.

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The woke West is now shaking, and even more incompetent people are being voted into office in London and Paris.



The awakened West is shaking ++ Le Pen can sit until 2027 ++ When will the BSW overtake the Greens? ++ SPD fears the BSW ++ Zero percent „very satisfied” with traffic lights ++

The awakened West is oscillating. The fact that more people vote against someone than for him in elections is nothing new. But the fact that parties and politicians themselves do not promote their own policies at all, and that the political media complex promotes only the prevention of serious competition as its goal, is a fact. In London, Paris, and soon in Washington and Berlin, this will only lead to votes out for incompetent Tories, Macronis, Bidinis and traffic lights, but not to new, workable politics.

Le Pen can sit down. There are only two options now. Leftist chaos or even greater inability to govern than before. In 2027, the National Front will stand as a bourgeois alternative alongside Macron and the Communards. That’s good for the National Front, but bad for France – all that’s left of it in 2027. – Holger Douglas also talks about the consequences in France with Mathias Nikolaidis in today’s TE Alert.

Joe Biden doesn’t want to give up his candidacy. However, there are rumors about other candidates not only in the media, but also among Democrats. – More than five names later, Susan Heger.

The BSW is only two percentage points behind the Greens, but the AfD still has 18 percent. (INSA to BamS). The Union remains at 30 percent, the SPD at 15 percent. The traffic light parties combined get just 31 percent.

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The SPD’s Prime Minister of Lower Saxony, Weil, sees the BSW as a serious threat to the SPD. “The BSW is really a stab in the side of the SPD,” Weil told Stern. Wagenknecht is a projection surface for many who don’t feel represented by politics: “This is definitely a clear reference to the SPD.”

0% „very satisfied” with the work of the traffic light governmentThe ARD trend in Germany says: 81% are „less” or „not at all satisfied” – 19% are „satisfied”. Even among the demographic voters of the SPD and the Greens, the absolute majority is now less or not at all satisfied (50%), among supporters of the CDU/CSU 89%, the BSW 96%, the AfD 100%.

Yanis Varoufakis’s sarcasm hits the middle of the ship. “Isn’t it ‘amazing’ how our democracies are divorced from the people? How perceptions of popularity and electoral success are divorced from how (and how many) people actually vote?