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NEOM: A “completely ridiculous” design with no purpose, says the professor



NEOM: A “completely ridiculous” design with no purpose, says the professor

Photography of the line.

One expert says that “The Line” in NEOM is a “completely crazy” project.

The futuristic city consists of two mirrored skyscrapers approximately 650 feet (about 198 meters) tall.

Architects and planners have long questioned the practicality and sustainability of the project.

This is a machine translation of an article from our American colleagues at Business Insider. Automatically translated and verified by a real editor.

The Line – a section of NEOM consisting of two mirrored skyscrapers – is one of the most prominent areas of the planned mega-city. Saudi Arabia’s plans for the futuristic city have stunned architects and designers. Also those who worked on the original designs. These giant structures have been criticized for their impact on wildlife, their suitability for everyday use and their general practicality.

Andreas Krieg is Professor at the Institute of Middle East Studies at King’s College London. He gave an interview to Business Insider and says The Line’s plans are „completely ridiculous.” “The line is an unsustainable project. It is a completely ridiculous mega-project that was never possible due to the enormous cost,” he explained. He said that while some areas of NEOM have clear goals, the central city “has no real purpose” or “use.”

The megacity will also include an octagonal floating city with a sustainable harbour, a luxury island resort and a ski and adventure mountain. “From a government trade strategy perspective, NEOM is a very viable project that has a lot to offer,” Craig said. “But you need a plan on how to implement it. So that it attracts investors. “Saudi Arabia has not done that yet,” he added.

Satellite image of construction work in

Satellite image of construction work on The Line.
Satellite image © 2024 Maxar Technologies

Plans for the mega-city have reportedly been scaled back in recent months. Originally, The Line was expected to be inhabited by 9 million people by 2030. However, according to a recent report from Bloomberg, that estimate has been reduced to fewer than 300,000 people by that point.

Planners were also concerned about the costs associated with the project. Executives working at NEOM reportedly rejected the official $500 billion figure as unrealistically low. The first 1.5 miles (2.41 kilometers) of the road alone are expected to cost more than $100 billion (about 93 euros). Two people familiar with the work told the Wall Street Journal.

“The world has never seen anything like The Line before,” Craig said. “There has never been a project that has had so much like it resources „It was gutted and served no real purpose,” he added. Additionally, Craig is not the first to question the viability of the Shining City.

Last year, British architect Peter Cook, involved in the project, described the city as „amazing absurdity”. He added that the proposed height was „a bit ridiculous and unreasonable,” according to The Architect’s Journal. NEOM representatives did not respond to a request for comment.

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Balkan countries: power outages during the heat wave |



Balkan countries: power outages during the heat wave |

As of: June 21, 2024 at 5:26 p.m

Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro: Power was temporarily cut off in several Balkan countries today. There was traffic chaos locally. The outages are likely to be caused by excessive loads caused by the current heat wave.

During the heatwave, there were widespread power outages in many Balkan countries. Croatian television „HRT” reported that electricity was cut off from the coast in the Dalmatia region and remote areas at midday. Holiday resorts such as Dubrovnik, Split and Zadar were affected.

The outage is said to have been caused by disturbances caused by overloads at grid operators in neighboring countries, which were also experiencing widespread power outages.

In Croatia, HRT said power was gradually restored after just over an hour. Meanwhile, temperatures of up to 37 degrees were measured in Split.

Partially too water supplies He was interrupted

The southern Adriatic country of Montenegro remained almost without electricity. Local media reported that water supplies were also temporarily cut off in the capital, Podgorica. Energy Minister Sasa Mujovic told local media that the significant rise in electricity consumption due to the heat caused the grid to collapse.

A fire at a substation in Montenegro on the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina is also suspected of causing power outages across the country. Montenegrin news portal reported this, citing the national grid operator CGES.

Traffic chaos in Sarajevo

Bosnia and Herzegovina was also affected. Electricity was completely cut off in the capital, Sarajevo, according to the French news agency, quoting its correspondent. The exact cause is also still unclear. However, there was likely an overload there as well, according to a spokeswoman for the local utility company. According to the media, the failure of all traffic lights led to traffic chaos in Sarajevo.

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Power outages were also reported in Albania. The news portal reported that power usually returns there after half an hour. Accordingly, Albanian grid operator OST attributed the power outage to faulty high-voltage lines in the border area with Greece – and here too, to high loads and extremely hot weather. According to Agence France-Presse, Energy Minister Florian Sirianni spoke about regional collapses.

The electricity networks in the Balkan countries are closely interconnected. Disturbances and failures can spread over long distances.

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Silence on the storming of the Capitol: Trump confidant Bannon should be jailed on July 1



Silence on the storming of the Capitol: Trump confidant Bannon should be jailed on July 1

Silence over the storming of the Capitol
Trump confidant Bannon should be in custody on July 1

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The appeals court decided: Steve Bannon, Donald Trump’s most important advisor, will soon have to serve a four-month prison sentence. Another trial against him is still pending. It’s about fraud in connection with Trump’s pet project.

Steve Bannon, a longtime confidant of former US President Donald Trump, has failed in his attempt to delay the start of a four-month prison sentence for ignoring a congressional subpoena. The Court of Appeal rejected a request from Bannon’s lawyers. They asked the judge to keep their client free while he appeals his conviction.

But the majority of the committee members found that the Bannon case did not justify a departure from the basic rule that defendants must serve their sentences after a guilty verdict is issued. Bannon is now expected to go to the US Supreme Court. The 70-year-old is scheduled to report to the detention center by July 1 to serve a four-month prison sentence.

Bannon was convicted in 2022 of two counts of contempt of Congress. On the one hand, because he refused to testify before the committee investigating the storming of the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. Secondly, because he refused to provide documents related to his involvement in Trump’s attempt to overturn his defeat in the 2020 elections to Democrat Joe Biden.

Trump’s most important former advisors are currently being tried in another case. He and several close associates are said to have collected donations for Trump’s favorite project, building the wall. They are said to have raised a total of $25 million from hundreds of thousands of supporters without building a piece of the wall. One of Bannon’s co-defendants was sentenced to four and a half years in prison for fraud last year.

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Italy fears a massive volcanic eruption: the region is planning a massive evacuation



Italy fears a massive volcanic eruption: the region is planning a massive evacuation
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The ground is shaking, and a massive volcano may erupt in Italy. 500,000 people are scheduled to be evacuated within 72 hours, which is a huge task.

Pozzuoli – Warnings about the giant volcano in Italy, which is constantly moving, have been increasing for months. Experts fear an eruption, and the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) likens the raging giant to a „pressure cooker” that could explode at any time.

Supervolcano in Italy: Swarm earthquakes fuel fears of eruption – region draws up emergency plan

In the filagrain fields the slowdown phenomenon is increasing and alarm bells are ringing in Italy. Only on Monday (June 18) new earthquakes with a magnitude of more than 3.0 occurred. This seems to be an endless nightmare for the residents of the area; They had to experience their first evacuations at the beginning of June. For fear of strong earthquakes, some families spent the night on the beach or in tents.

Experts and politicians demand that the region be prepared for emergencies. The authorities have now introduced a comprehensive evacuation plan that applies not to strong earthquakes, but to disaster – a massive volcanic eruption.

Two emergency phases in Italy’s giant volcano: if it erupts, 500,000 people will have to flee within 72 hours

The plan consists of two phases: “Advance warning” where local residents are warned and asked to leave their homes voluntarily. There is a “warning phase” in which everyone must flee the red zone.

If the alert level jumps to red (currently yellow), 500,000 people will be evacuated within 72 hours. A huge task for the authorities. Therefore, the evacuation plan will be implemented in October. Civil Defense will then set up tents and take people to emergency shelters.

Evacuations in phlegrain fields: Italy last rehearsed for an outbreak scenario five years ago

The last time this scenario played out was five years ago. Remembers Bacoli’s mayor, José della Ragione Forget Frustrated: “Not many people participated in the 2019 exercise. I hope there will be more in October.” At that time, Civil Defense transported volunteer participants along evacuation routes.

For months, Italy has been dealing with an impending emergency at the supervolcano: here, Naples Mayor Gaetano Manfredi talks about the consequences of a seismic swarm at the end of May.
For months, Italy has been dealing with an impending emergency at the supervolcano: here, Naples Mayor Gaetano Manfredi talks about the consequences of a seismic swarm at the end of May. © Ciro Fusco/Imago

Supervolcano in Italy: Evacuation costs will be enormous – escape routes are currently partially incomplete

In the event of an emergency, the effort required to evacuate would be enormous. The entire country will have to absorb those displaced by the volcano; They must be housed in 14 different areas. Italy expects costs of €150 million per month for healthcare, accommodation and services. That would be €65 per day per person.

There are two issues currently at the forefront. On the one hand, funding for the massive evacuation has not yet been secured. The Council of Ministers wants to study the decree by the end of June. On the other hand, the infrastructure in the area is a major concern. In emergency situations, those affected should be transported by buses, ships and trains. However, due to ground clearance, the ferries actually ran aground. some Ways to escape from the giant volcano Still need to expand or even build. The exercise, which will be conducted in October, aims to show whether escaping the „pressure cooker” is possible. (Mo)

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