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“It will put us in trouble”: Pistorius warns against issuing an arrest warrant against Netanyahu



“It will put us in trouble”: Pistorius warns against issuing an arrest warrant against Netanyahu

„It will put us in trouble”
Pistorius warns of issuing an arrest warrant against Netanyahu

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It remains uncertain whether the ICC will actually issue an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. Defense Minister Pistorius shows little understanding of the prosecutor’s request. Hague’s actions put the federal government in a bind.

Federal Defense Minister Boris Pistorius criticized the request of International Criminal Court Prosecutor Karim Khan to issue arrest warrants against Israeli government leaders. Meanwhile, Khan also applied for arrest warrants against the Hamas leadership. „To be honest, I don’t really understand that these two disparate issues are being collected in one file,” the Social Democratic Party politician said during a visit to Lithuania.

Pistorius continued: “This is a decision that we must respect. However, I do not think its impact is appropriate.” On Monday, Khan applied for arrest warrants on charges of crimes against humanity against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Galant. Arrest warrants were also requested against the leader of the Islamic terrorist organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip, his deputy, and the Hamas Foreign Minister.

Meanwhile, Pistorius stressed: “Until now we have been talking about applying for arrest warrants and not issuing them.” Therefore, he refrains from speculating on how the federal government will react and deal with it. “I think it is clear that this will put us in a real dilemma,” the minister said.

A painstaking initiative of Patriots for Ukraine

Pistorius earlier visited Latvia and called on other allies to provide Ukraine with anti-aircraft systems. “All our partners who can provide Patriot or similar systems must do so as quickly as possible, because this is crucial for the further development of the war and, in particular, for the country’s morale, security and infrastructure,” the Social Democratic Party politician said. .

In light of new Russian attacks on the city of Kharkiv in northeastern Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky recently asked the international community to provide two Patriot anti-aircraft systems to protect residents living there. Ukraine has been defending itself against a Russian war of aggression for two years and relies largely on Western support for military equipment.

Germany had previously launched an initiative to quickly deliver air defense systems to Ukraine. Attempts to purchase Patriot missiles from partner countries in Europe or abroad have so far been fruitless. “Germany has provided Ukraine with 25 percent of our Patriot capabilities – more than any other country in the world,” Pistorius said. Asked why other countries were hesitant about this, Pistorius said: “I have no idea.”

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“Part of our recovery”: Serbia supplies ammunition to Kiev through third countries



“Part of our recovery”: Serbia supplies ammunition to Kiev through third countries

'Part of our recovery’
Serbia supplies ammunition to Kiev through third countries

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After the Russian attack on Ukraine, Serbia is striving to remain neutral and not join Western sanctions. However, the country sells ammunition that ends up in Ukraine via a bypass route. President Vucic confirms this practice. The work is important to the local arms industry.

Serbia has secretly increased its munitions sales to the West, which ultimately benefits Ukraine’s defense – even though it is one of only two European countries not to join Western sanctions against Russia. Estimates available to the Financial Times indicate that arms sales worth around €800 million have reached Ukraine via third parties since Russia’s war of aggression. According to the report, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic described this amount as largely accurate. He presented the situation as a business opportunity and stressed that he would not take sides in this war.

„This is part of our economic recovery and important for us. Yes, we are exporting our ammunition,” he said in an interview. “We cannot export to Ukraine or Russia…but we have many contracts with the Americans, the Spaniards, the Czechs and others. What they do with them in the end is their own business.”

Vucic continued: „Even if I know where the ammunition ends up, that’s not my job. My job is to make sure we handle and sell our ammunition legally. I have to take care of my people, that’s all. That’s all.” I can say that we have friends in Kiev and Moscow. When asked if €800 million was in the „right range”, he replied, not in a year, but „maybe in two or three years, something like that.”

Distance from Putin

Serbia is not a member of NATO or the European Union, and the country’s population has long-standing ties with Russia while harboring grudges against the West following NATO’s bombing of the country in 1999. Belgrade also expects Moscow to block international recognition of Kosovo, a former Serbian province recognized by most Western countries, but Russia and China rejected United Nations membership.

Vucic has resisted Western pressure to impose sanctions on Russia, although he says he is determined to include his country in the European Union. He has also tried to play it safe and keep his distance from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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“Europe and the United States have worked for years to distance Vucic from Putin,” a Western diplomat told the newspaper, adding that one of the key players was US Ambassador Christopher Hill, who arrived in Belgrade a month after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. „Everyone expected Hill to fight Vucic, but his only goal was to distance Belgrade from Moscow,” the diplomat said. „He succeeded. Vucic has not met Putin for years, and has not even contacted him.”

Serbia had a thriving defense industry during the Cold War, when it was still part of Yugoslavia, and produced Soviet-caliber munitions that are still widely used in the Ukrainian armed forces to this day. Serbia is also joining the global trend to increase its arms sales. However, Serbia’s involvement in the flow of ammunition to Ukraine is so vague that it is not reflected in official statements, diplomats and analysts say according to the Financial Times. He added that the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, which monitors support for Ukraine, did not track Serbian activities directly and found no systematic evidence of Serbian contributions.

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Russia 'will have to change its tactics’



Russia 'will have to change its tactics’
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Ukraine receives F-16 fighters promised by NATO. An advanced plan aims to make it difficult for Russia to confront combat aircraft.

Kyiv – what is their impact on Ukraine war? That remains to be seen. the Ukraine It is now receiving dozens of F-16 air defense fighter aircraft from the NATO defense inventory in several stages NATO.

Weapons for Ukraine: The Netherlands delivers the first F-16 fighter jets to Kiev

With Russian tank losses reaching a distressing level, Ukrainian pilots are preparing to fly missions with F-16 fighter jets. The Netherlands, for example, announced that Kiev will receive its first F-16 fighter jets this summer. Therefore, the training of pilots and ground staff is in its final stage.

This Ukraine is in the country and in Germany in Denmark (19 Flugzeuge), in Niederland (about 42 Flugzeuge), Norwegen (fünf there is a stock) and Belgien (30 Flugzeuge) with 100 Kampfjets from the F-16A/B version. to receive. To protect it from air defenses Russia To make it as difficult as possible, the Ukrainian Armed Forces developed a plan with NATO military assistance.

An F-16 fighter plane of the Romanian Air Force and a fighter plane of the same type from the Portuguese Air Force flying over the Baltic Sea in Lithuanian airspace (archive photo) © Mindaugas Kulbis/AP/dpa

F-16 fighter jets for Ukraine: Netherlands trains pilots and technicians

“It’s not just pilots who need training. Technicians and maintenance personnel also need comprehensive training. We provide comprehensive support training to ensure they can maintain the aircraft effectively. It has to fit Everything together.” Watchman.

“The F-16s are actually more complex than the systems previously used by the Ukrainian Air Force. (…) You can not only jump through several stages, you have to go through every step of the process, but we also want to deliver them as quickly as possible, ” explained Dutch Defense Minister Kaisa Ollongren. According to the Ukrainians and NATO, the goal of the F-16s is to ensure that the Russian armed forces can no longer drop their malicious KAB-500 and FAB-500 bombs as well as the FAB-1500 on Ukrainian cities from a safe distance.

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Russian bombing of Ukrainian cities: F-16 fighter jets must help confront it

The forces of the Kremlin autocrat did this Vladimir Putin In the case of Kharkiv, the second largest city in Ukraine, with a population of 1.5 million people, which is so far from Russian territory. high Watchman Glide bombs must be separated at a distance of 50 to 70 kilometers from the target. Ukrainian aviation expert Anatoly Khrapchinsky told the British newspaper: “The Russians will have to change their tactics. We will be able to target their planes and missiles more effectively, and it will be difficult for them to continue using KAB aerial bombs, which they have to launch from a distance of 50 to 70 kilometers.

The AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missiles, which the F-16 can fire against enemy fighter aircraft, have a range of up to 180 kilometers. This could be used, for example, to fight Putin’s Sukhoi Su-34 fighter bomber. Conversely, the S-400 Triumph air defense systems from Russian arms manufacturer Almas-Antei of Moscow, with its long-range surface-to-air missiles which are estimated It has a range of 380 km and a service ceiling of 30 km. It is considered a major threat to F-16 fighter jets. Could the Ukrainians use these things to stop Russian bombing soon? (evening)

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A TEENAGER has disappeared without a trace while on holiday in Tenerife – his mother speaks of prank calls



A TEENAGER has disappeared without a trace while on holiday in Tenerife – his mother speaks of prank calls
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He called his girlfriend in a panic. Since then, no trace of the 19-year-old has been found. A large-scale search is underway on the holiday island of Tenerife.

Updated from June 20 at 10:30 AM: Jay Slater (19 years old) has been missing from the face of the Earth for more than three days. His disappearance on Tenerife becomes increasingly mysterious. Police reportedly searched his apartment in Tenerife, Los Cristianos Manchester Evening News. His mother Debbie fears something bad has happened and that the apprentice construction worker may be being held against his will. She has his passport and suspects Jay will take the return flight booked for him.

Shortly after arriving on the Spanish holiday island, she received a Snapchat message. She must say goodbye to her son and will never see him again. Anonymous people mock their son’s disappearance with prank calls. But that’s not all: A fake call to donate to Jay was launched on a well-known platform.

The search for Jay in the mountains was called off on Wednesday. Apparently false leadership. Eyewitnesses allegedly saw Jay getting into a taxi.

A teenager has disappeared while on holiday in Tenerife, and his mother has dark suspicions

The first report is dated June 19, 2024: SANTA CRUZ – Family is desperate. Jay Slater (19) has been missing on Tenerife since Monday (June 17). The young British man was on the Spanish island to attend a music festival. Then the connection is cut off. The teen planned to go back because he missed the bus. Without water and with an almost dead cell phone battery.

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“It’s absolutely terrible” – A teenager (19 years old) disappeared without a trace in Tenerife

„It’s absolutely terrible. There was nothing, something happened,” Slater’s mother, Debbie Duncan, told The New York Times. BBC. Debbie flew to Tenerife with Jay’s brother to help with the search. “We pray that the police or someone else will find him,” she agreed. Manchester Evening News.

A cry for help from the family is being shared on social media. With a photo of Jay and information on his last known location – in the Rural de Teno National Park in the northwest of the island. More than 130,000 people now follow the Facebook group.Jay Slater is missing(As of June 19, 11 a.m.).

A teenager has disappeared while on holiday in Tenerife. The British young man (19 years old) has been missing since Monday, June 17. © ScreenshotX/Imago

Jay’s cell phone dies after a panicked call to his girlfriend

Around 8:50am on Monday (June 17), Jay was on the phone with his girlfriend Lucy. He told her he was lost and needed a glass of water, according to another a report the Manchester Evening News. But his cell phone battery was almost dead, and the conversation ended.

Slater traveled to Tenerife with his girlfriend Lucy to attend the New Rave Generation (NRG) music festival. On Sunday evening (June 16), Slater left the festival with a group of people he met there. They took him in a rented car to an unknown apartment, far from his place of residence.

The teenager disappeared without a trace on holiday in Tenerife.  There has been no sign of Jay (19) since Monday (June 17).
The teenager disappeared without a trace on holiday in Tenerife. There has been no sign of Jay (19) since Monday (June 17). © Screenshot X

Tenerife: Police are using dogs and drones to search for the 19-year-old

The next morning, Jay wanted to walk back after missing the bus. Without knowing how far it actually was from the residence. “The area is so big,” Lucy said. BBC. She spent hours on Monday and Tuesday (June 18) searching for her boyfriend.

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The Spanish authorities immediately began search procedures. A local police spokesman said: “A special mountain rescue team and a police helicopter are working.” BBC according to. The British Foreign Office is also supporting the British man’s family and is in contact with local authorities. There is still hope to find Jay. The search for the missing person is said to continue on Wednesday using dogs and drones

In the case of Valeria, missing in Germany, there is no longer any hope. The nine-year-old died. (Ml)

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