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Correlation with life expectancy: Spahn proposes a model for retiring later



Correlation with life expectancy: Spahn proposes a model for retiring later

Correlation with life expectancy
Spahn proposes a model for retiring later

If Chancellor Schulz is all right, retiring at 63 could become obsolete. The union is also working on a reform model. Group Vice Spahn explains how the entry age should be increased: For every year of increased life expectancy, retirement must begin one month later.

In the debate about raising the retirement age, the union outlines its proposals. „We are getting old,” Jens Spahn, leader of the Union faction, told Tagesspiegel. „The retirement age should be linked to future life expectancy. Live longer for each year, retire a month later.” Retiring at 63 was a big mistake by the Grand Coalition. According to the report, the CDU politician criticized, „Hundreds of thousands of skilled workers are missing for this reason alone.”

Trade union faction director Thorsten Frei and CDU MP Carsten Linenemann have previously spoken out in favor of linking working life to life expectancy. What’s new, however, is that Spahn outlines what the mechanism could look like: For every year of longer life expectancy, the retirement age will be pushed back by one month.

The pension debate has flared up again after Chancellor Olaf Scholz spoke out in an interview in favor of more people already working until the applicable retirement age. The standard retirement age in Germany is gradually being raised from 65 to 67. However, more and more people benefit from a non-deductible pension at 63.

„SPD handles pension at 63”

At CSU, the debate initially sparked resistance. The Social Democratic Party (SPD) has begun completing its pension scheme at the age of 63, Stefan Müller, the parliamentary director of the CSU in the German Bundestag, told Bild newspaper at the beginning of last week. But CDU leader Frederik Merz has offered Traffic Lights talks on a major reform of pension insurance for next year.

CDU is currently working on a new core program under the leadership of Carsten Linnemann. The 45-year-old told Tagesspiegel: A nurse or a roofer cannot work until 67. You need support. „But if you’re still fit and still capable, you’ll have to work longer in the future.” „It was a mistake to retire at 63. The Social Democrats have to admit it,” he added. Not only the physically working people now stopped early, but also many of the management. The wrong people benefit from retiring at 63.

But for the SPD, this may be a long way off. Federal Employment Minister Hubertus Hill on Thursday rejected a further increase in the entry age to over 67. „Raising the retirement age to 69, 70 or 75 is wrong and unfair,” the SPD politician told the Rheinisch Post. Such a move „would mean a real reduction in pensions for the many people who cannot work for a long time.” In addition, increasing the entry age „will be at the expense of the younger generation, who will retire after the baby boomers,” Hill continued. The traffic light government ruled that out in the coalition agreement. „In an international comparison, the statutory retirement age is already very high, which is 67 from 2031,” Hill told the newspaper.

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Ukrainian ATACMS Attacks: Russia Secures Crimean Shores



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Ukraine is intensifying its attacks on Russian-occupied Crimea, where tourists continue their vacations. Now Russia wants to better secure the beaches.

SEVASTOPOL – After several Ukrainian ATACMS attacks on the Russian-occupied peninsula Crimea The military is trying to better protect the coast from possible attacks by the Ukrainian army. Members of the pro-Ukrainian Atysh partisan group talk about the efforts of the Russian military to strengthen the defense lines in Crimea.

“While the occupation authorities are trying to convince the population that there is no threat of a Ukrainian army landing, the number of defensive positions along the coast is growing day by day,” the group said in a statement. The movement also claims that Russia is entrusting local civilian companies in Yevpatoria and Yalta with expanding firing and defensive positions.

Ukraine attacks the coastal city of Sevastopol in Crimea.
Ukraine attacked the coastal city of Sevastopol with missiles. A missile was intercepted by Russian air defenses and exploded over one of the city’s beaches. Several people were killed in the explosion. © Sergei Malgavko/Imago

Heavy losses for Putin’s Black Sea fleet: withdrawal to Russian ports

There are rumors that the Ukrainian military is planning an attack on Crimea in the fall. Ukrainian Pravda It was mentioned. At the beginning of the Ukraine war, Russia also deployed its Black Sea Fleet to the peninsula. However, after heavy losses, Vladimir Putin’s fleet was forced to retreat there. Most of the ships were transferred to Russian ports east of Crimea, such as Novorossiysk.

But here too The ships were repeatedly attacked by the Ukrainian military. To the victim. The problem for the Russians: there is not enough space in the Novorossiysk port for the ships of the Black Sea Fleet. The port in Sevastopol in Crimea is much larger, Ukrainian Vice Admiral Oleksiy Nezbaba said in an interview with Reuters The missiles were also stored from warships and loaded into the largest port city in Crimea.

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“The enemy has withdrawn almost all important combat-capable ships from the main base of the Black Sea Fleet, the ships are being transferred to Novorossiysk and some to the Sea of ​​Azov,” the vice admiral said. Reuters He says. In total, Ukraine has damaged and destroyed 27 naval vessels, with at least five of them disabled by Ukrainian Navy drones directly in the port of Sevastopol.

Crimea as a holiday destination in Russia – even during the Ukraine war

Perhaps surprisingly, despite the war in Ukraine, Crimea has been and remains a popular holiday destination for many Russians. The quiet beaches directly on the Black Sea and the beautiful weather have attracted many vacationers to the territory that Russia annexed in violation of international law in 2014. But Ukraine’s increasing attacks on military targets with American ATACMS missiles are scaring off more and more vacationers.

Russian Travel Industry Association, such as Newsweek It has seen a 25-30 percent drop in bookings since Ukrainian air defenses intercepted Ukrainian missiles in Crimea on June 23. Much of the missile debris fell on holiday beaches in the Sevastopol region — and some people died. The Russians’ increased defensive positions are likely to dampen the holiday spirit on Crimean beaches. (sir)

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Biden rejects dementia test – brain expert sees ‘cause for concern’



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Discussions about Biden’s health continue, but he declines to take cognitive testing. Neurosurgeon gives assessment.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — “From a neurological standpoint, we were concerned about his disoriented wanderings,” says a neurosurgeon and medical correspondent for the American Broadcasting Corporation. CNN On Joe Biden’s appearance in the televised duel against Donald Trump. Many of his medical colleagues turned to him after the US president’s disaster. The unanimous opinion: Biden should seriously consider getting tested for “cognitive and motor disorders.”

But Biden is unlikely to actually undergo such a test. In his first interview after the televised debate, he told American radio: ABCHe refused to undergo a medical examination to determine his mental fitness.

’Test Every Day’ – Biden Leaves No Room for Doubt in Post-TV Duel Interview

ABCHost George Stephanopoulos previously asked the Democrat if he would be willing to undergo an independent medical examination and have the results released afterward. Biden’s neurological and cognitive status will also be examined.

Election Campaign in the United States of America - Biden
How healthy is President Joe Biden? Doctors are now calling for a general health check. © Manuel Bales Cineta/dpa

Biden, however, doesn’t think much of it and dismisses the suggestion as unnecessary. “I take a cognitive test every day,” Biden said. “As you know, I’m not just campaigning, I’m running the world.” In addition, no doctor has expressed concerns to him about his mental state. On the contrary: Doctors will give him the best health I confirm.

Biden fails to quell doubts about his condition in ABC interview

In his ABC interview, Biden primarily did damage control. “I just had a bad night,” he said. He was tired, sick, and suffering from jet lag — even though his last flight was nearly two weeks ago.

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Asked if he was still the same president he was at the start of his term, Biden pointed to his past successes: He put forward a Middle East peace plan, expanded NATO, and made the American economy grow.

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Biden Can’t Allay Doubts About His Suitability as a Candidate in TV Interview

After the interview, the general sentiment seems to be that Biden was unable to justify his loss in the televised duel against Trump. nbc news He sees Biden’s statements as a mixture of denial, defiance and contempt for critics.

So he shrugs off polls that sometimes show him trailing Republican Trump. “Every pollster I’ve talked to tells me it’s close,” Biden said. “It’s a close race.” He also steadfastly refuses to drop out of the November election. The president has said only God could make him do it. And because he’s ignorant of justified criticism, he also doesn’t take the concerns of his fellow citizens seriously.

’The Episode’ or 'The Case’ – Brain Expert Calls for Clarification of Biden’s Abilities After TV Duel

Former House Speaker and Biden’s party colleague, Nancy Pelosi, admitted after the televised duel that it was “legitimate” to ask questions about Biden’s condition. Especially if it was just an “episode” or a general “condition.” Pelosi herself admitted in an interview CNN She said she was not concerned about Biden’s condition. However, she expressed suspicion that Trump might be suffering from dementia.

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Gupta at least acknowledges to the president that Biden’s failings may be due to his age. “These are normal and expected things that don’t necessarily interfere with a person’s ability to function, but they can also be a sign of dementia,” the expert writes. “Think of it like the difference between forgetting where you put your keys and not knowing what your keys are for.”

When he ran for president in 2020, Biden said he should be judged on his behavior. “All you have to do is watch me,” the president said. And according to Gupta, the country is now closely watching Biden’s performance. “And that assessment is cause for concern.”

Trump once took a test to detect early dementia

Trump underwent cognitive testing while in office. He had faced questions about his sanity because of his political style. At the time, the Republican decided to have his mental abilities tested — and took a test used, among other things, to detect early signs of dementia and suspected Alzheimer’s disease. According to his doctor, Trump passed, scoring 30 out of 30. (No)

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Joe Biden Gives Big Interview About TV Duel Embarrassment



Joe Biden Gives Big Interview About TV Duel Embarrassment
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Joe Biden wants to convince again with a TV interview after the failed TV duel with Trump. But he can’t dispel doubts.

Updated July 6, 9am: Another Democratic representative has publicly called on Biden to drop out. Mike Quigley warned that a “complete disaster” could only be prevented if Biden dropped out of the race. Senator Mark Warner is also reportedly trying to rally a group of Democrats to convince Biden to drop out of the race. When asked about Warner, Biden said in a television interview on the station: News letters: „He’s a good man (…). I respect him.”

Joe Biden on TV
The new interview aims to make up for Biden’s failed TV duel. © IMAGO/Artem Priakhin / SOPA Images

Biden declines to comment after TV duel: 'I’m not going to answer that question’

Updated from July 6, 8:03 AM: What if Biden’s confidants warned him that his behavior would also have a negative impact on the majority in the US Congress? President Joe Biden, in his television interview on Friday evening (local time), refused to go into details. „I’m not going to answer that question. That’s not going to happen,” Biden replied. Everyone asked him to stay in the race as the Democratic candidate against Trump, so he was not thinking about dropping out.

In the US elections scheduled for November 2024, in addition to the presidency, several seats in Congress will also be newly allocated. There are growing concerns among Democrats that Republicans could control both the White House and Congress in the future.

Joe Biden Fights for Nomination in TV Interview – Only One Thing Could Make Him Drop Out

Update from July 6, 6:10 AM: In a television interview, Joe Biden dismissed doubts about his suitability as a presidential candidate and responded with a tough-talking response to mounting criticism. “I don’t think there’s anybody more qualified than me to be president or to win this race,” he said in the 20-minute interview. News letters. Only God could make him quit: “If the Almighty came and said, ‘Joe, get out of the race,’ I would get out of the race. But the Almighty wouldn’t come,” said the devout Catholic. He again explained his devastating TV appearances with jet lag and cold.

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According to initial expert opinions, the interview, which was actually intended to limit the damage, did nothing to dispel doubts about Biden within the party. His appearance did not suggest that he understood the gravity of the situation.

Instead, Biden questioned the credibility of polls that showed his support continuing to decline. “I don’t buy that,” Biden said. His advisers would give him a different view.

Joe Biden justifies himself in a TV interview, rejecting cognitive tests just like Trump once did

Biden also declined to undergo a mental health assessment in response to repeated requests from journalist George Stephanopoulos. “I take a cognitive test every day. (…) As you know, I don’t just campaign, I run the world.” This may sound like an exaggeration, but the United States is ultimately the most important country in the world.

Stephanopoulos had previously asked Biden whether he would be willing to undergo an independent medical examination that would also include neurological and cognitive tests — and whether he would release the results. Trump has taken such a test during his presidency, and has faced questions about his intellectual competence due to his erratic political style. At the time, the Republican completed a test used to detect early signs of dementia and suspected Alzheimer’s disease. Trump passed with a perfect score of 30, according to his doctor.

’Stay in the race’ – Biden continues to see himself as Democratic nominee against Trump after televised duel

Updated July 5, 9:57 PM: Resignation and withdrawal ruled out: Despite losing the televised duel against his rival Donald Trump, Joe Biden insists on staying in the 2024 US presidential race. “Let me say this as clearly as I can: I will stay in the race. I will defeat Donald Trump,” the 81-year-old US president said during a campaign appearance in Madison, Wisconsin.

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In the evening, Biden, who has been criticized, wants to explain himself in a major TV interview on ABC News. After he suffered a serious glitch in the TV duel a few days ago, calls for his resignation have been growing louder. So the interview is being awaited with great enthusiasm. However, Biden is following a risky interview plan after the disastrous TV duel, which could be the “straw that broke the camel’s back.”

ABC News Interview: Joe Biden Fights Doubts, Calls for Resignation

The first report:Washington – The big TV interview aims to make Joe Biden more popular again. After his weak TV duel with Donald Trump, the Democratic US president is under enormous pressure four months before the 2024 US election. The 81-year-old is operating under intense scrutiny, and his every appearance is closely monitored. He is trying to dispel any doubts about his suitability for the job.

Biden finds it difficult to do spontaneous live performances without a teleprompter. The pressure on the presidential candidate seems to be so great that Biden will now answer questions from TV journalist George Stephanopoulos in Wisconsin. The entire interview is due to air in prime time (2 a.m. Saturday in Germany). News letters It is broadcast. Biden also had a role in the 2020 election campaign. News letters He did such an interview on „Good Morning America.”

Biden withdraws from US election campaign – polls speak clearly

Biden’s campaign team said loudly dpa He also announced that the president wants to travel to battleground states in the coming weeks. The 81-year-old will also speak more freely. After his television loss, the Democrats’ poll numbers have plummeted, not only nationally but also in key states that are not clearly Democratic or Republican. These are usually considered decisive in elections.

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Interview is supposed to bring about change, but donors walk away after TV duel

Support for Biden is also waning within Democrats. Major Democratic donors are already distancing themselves from him ahead of the interview — including the granddaughter of a media company co-founder. Disney.Send NBC And the The New York Times A wealthy Disney heiress reportedly wanted to withhold her financial support for the party until Biden dropped out of the presidential race.

“Biden is a good man who has served his country well, but there is too much at stake to let shame dictate our actions,” Abigail Disney was quoted as saying in a statement by the media. (M/DPA)

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