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Conflict in the Middle East: Israel announces a daily „tactical pause” in the southern Gaza Strip



Conflict in the Middle East: Israel announces a daily „tactical pause” in the southern Gaza Strip

DrThe Israeli army announced a daily “tactical pause” for several hours for its activities in the southern part of the Gaza Strip. The Armed Forces announced this Sunday morning, via the Internet platforms X and Telegram, that the outage will be in effect from eight in the morning until seven in the evening until further notice.

The military said the temporary pause was intended to enable the delivery of a larger quantity of relief supplies. This concerns the path leading from the Kerem Shalom border crossing to Salah al-Din Street and then north.

She added that the decision was taken after consultations with the United Nations and other organizations.

The humanitarian situation in the Palestinian territories is catastrophic. Relief organizations have been reporting shortages of food and other important goods for months. Thousands of people do not have enough drinking water and food, and many children suffer from severe malnutrition.

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The Gaza War was sparked by Hamas’s major attack on Israel on October 7, during which the Islamist militants, according to Israeli figures, killed 1,194 people and took 251 hostage in the Gaza Strip.

In response, Israel has since launched a large-scale military operation in the Gaza Strip. According to the Hamas-controlled Health Ministry, which cannot be independently verified, more than 37,290 people have been killed so far.

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Assange appears to be negotiating a deal with the American judicial system



Assange appears to be negotiating a deal with the American judicial system

As of: June 25, 2024 at 2:30 AM

In the midst of the years-long legal debate pitting WikiLeaks founder Assange against his extradition from Great Britain to the United States of America, a surprising solution has emerged. It appears that Assange has reached an agreement with the US Department of Justice.

According to consistent reports, it appears that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will enter into a deal with US authorities. This was reported by news agencies AP and Reuters, citing US court documents.

The whistleblower wants to plead guilty as part of an agreement with the US Department of Justice. After pleading guilty and being convicted on espionage charges, he was expected to return to his native Australia. This was stated in court documents published on Monday evening. However, the court must still approve the agreement.

According to the disclosure platform, Assange is free. WikiLeaks said on Tuesday evening that he had left the high-security prison near London, where he had been imprisoned for five years, and Great Britain.

Prison already served

According to plans, Assange is scheduled to appear in court in a remote US territory on Wednesday: the Mariana Islands. The archipelago is located in the western Pacific Ocean, north of Australia, Assange’s home country, and is subject to US sovereignty.

A letter from the US Department of Justice said that Assange is expected to plead guilty to conspiring to illegally obtain and distribute secret documents during the court hearing there. He must then travel to Australia. According to American media, Assange will be sentenced to five years in prison – which he has already served in Great Britain.

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Journalist or not?

Assange faces 17 charges of espionage and computer misuse in the United States because he published a series of secret American documents on his disclosure website WikiLeaks nearly 15 years ago. It is about the actions of the US military in Iraq and Afghanistan. The United States accuses the Australian, among other things, of betraying secrets that endanger human lives.

On the other hand, supporters see Assange as a journalist who exposed alleged war crimes. They claim that this is in the public interest and that the operation is politically motivated. However, the US government believes that Assange’s actions went beyond those of a journalist.

If Assange is convicted without an agreement with prosecutors, he could face up to 175 years in prison on espionage charges.

A lawsuit more than ten years ago

The legal battle over extradition to the United States has been ongoing for more than ten years. Assange has been in Belmarsh high security prison in London for five years.

A British district court had rejected an American extradition request in 2021 on the grounds that Assange would likely commit suicide if detained under strict conditions in the United States. The higher authorities canceled the ruling after the United States provided guarantees. The British government signed the extradition order in June 2022.

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Hezbollah threatens Cyprus and the European Union remains silent



Hezbollah threatens Cyprus and the European Union remains silent

An Islamic terrorist organization sends stern warnings to an EU member if it does not change its defense policy. The EU foreign policy chief says nothing. Brussels could not present its global political claims as a more clearly a joke.

Threats are an essential task in Hassan Nasrallah’s job description. The 63-year-old is, so to speak, chairman of the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah, so rattling is part of his job.

Unfortunately, Hezbollah doesn’t just do PR, it also has a real product to offer for free without a warrant: indiscriminate violence. The main target group is the Jews, i.e. the State of Israel. But those addressed also include all other so-called infidels – that is, all non-Muslims (and sometimes also their fellow Sunni believers).

Under the fire of Hezbollah

Israel is burning, and no one cares

On October 7, 2023, Israel once again learned painfully that Nasrallah’s industry not only barks, but also bites brutally. As for Hamas, Nasrallah’s sister organization, which, like Hezbollah, was fueled by Iran, it attacked 1,200 peaceful visitors to a music festival and, there is no other way to describe it, slaughtered them. 250 people have been kidnapped, according to intelligence, and of the officially remaining 120 hostages, only 50 are said to be still alive. This insane act of terrorism prompted Israel to invade the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

The CEO of a terrorist organization, Nasrallah, has now accused EU-member Cyprus of allowing Israel to carry out military exercises at airports and military bases on the island. This is where things get really interesting: Hezbollah’s leader sends a clear and veiled threat to Cyprus – if there is an open conflict with Lebanon and the country, he will allow Israel to continue using its infrastructure:

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Opening Cypriot airports and bases to the Israeli enemy to attack Lebanon means that the Cypriot government is part of the war. The resistance will deal with it as part of the war.”

Cyprus has long been in the crosshairs of Islamic terrorism. Terrorist attacks carried out by Hezbollah and its Iranian agents have been thwarted several times in recent years. The Israelis were supposed to be killed on the island. But the direct threat to an EU member: this is new.

Hamas, the International Criminal Court, and the International Court of Justice: Islamists among themselves

At the beginning of the week: missiles on Tel Aviv

This is where the bureaucracy of the Brussels Empire comes into play, which desperately wants to become a true global power.

In Josep Borrell’s job description, defending EU member states is a fundamental task. The 77-year-old is the EU’s „High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy” – so to speak, a potential EU foreign minister.

Since the Hamas massacre in Israel, the Spanish socialist has not missed an opportunity to denounce the Jewish state in every possible way. Recently, on his former Twitter account, he criticized the Israeli hostage rescue operation (!) with dramatic words:

“Reports from Gaza of another massacre of civilians are horrific. We condemn this in the strongest possible terms. The massacre must end immediately.”

However, this is, well, not entirely true. More precisely: not at all. When Jerusalem was able to free four Israeli hostages from the Gaza Strip on June 8, Israeli units came under heavy fire. There is a detailed report on this matter. It appears that the army freed an Israeli from a private apartment where the hostage was being held by a “journalist” from the Arabic television channel Al Jazeera.

While fleeing, the liberation squad came under heavy fire. Support units paved the way. It appears that many Palestinians were killed. Hamas says: All women and children are completely uninvolved. And Israel says: Nonsense, they were almost exclusively heavily armed Hamas fighters.

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Surprisingly, Borrell believes he would prefer to do this immediately and without any scrutiny by Hamas’s public relations department.

Spain’s anti-Semitic attitude is well known, and one might dismiss it as the annoying behavior of an old man. It is unfortunate that this old man still maintains an office, an office whose importance Brussels itself never tires of emphasizing.

While the crucial EU foreign policy official makes anti-Israel comments, he says nothing about the dark threat of violence against an EU member state.

Any attack by Hezbollah on Cyprus would represent a case of alliance for the European Union. All EU members are then obligated under international law to provide military support to the country under attack. The EU Treaty states in Article 42(7) on the “Common Foreign and Security Policy”:

“In the event of an armed attack on the territory of a Member State, other Member States owe it all the assistance and support in their power.”

Chicken pile EU Commission

EU aid to Gaza not yet suspended – Borrell: This will only encourage terrorists

If North Korea’s madman Kim Jong Un makes any threats against the United States, the US Secretary of State is of course not above rejecting them in clear words. Antony Blinken knows his job duty: to make clear at all times even to clearly crazed potential aggressors that the United States takes its own interests seriously and will protect and defend them.

Burrell clearly lacks this sense of duty, and no one seems to feel called upon to remind the man that he is highly paid and has a job to do.

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As long as the European Union produces such numbers and does not take its foreign and security policy seriously, no one in the world should fear that the European Union will one day become a global power.

We wish Cypriots good luck. You will need it.


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The AfD wants to prevent expulsion from the Identity Party



The AfD wants to prevent expulsion from the Identity Party


As of: June 24, 2024 at 10:17 AM

Disagreements over Europe’s leading candidate have already cost the AfD his membership in the EU Parliament’s identity faction. Now the Alternative for Germany party wants to separate completely from the European party.

The Federal Executive Council of the AfD unanimously decided this morning that the party’s congress at the end of next week will recommend leaving the European Identity and Democracy party. This I learned ARD Capital Studio From the council departments. The AfD is also said to want to prevent the impending expulsion.

The European Parliament’s Identity-linked faction had already broken away from the AfD delegation weeks ago. The reason for this was the inane statements made by the AfD candidate for the European elections, Maximilian Krah, about the National Socialist SS.

no rapprochement After the European elections

The AfD joined the Identity Party only a year ago. It was seen as “a suitable platform to strengthen communication with the AfD’s European sister parties,” according to the party’s board of directors’ decision today. The goal now is to move independently and shape the course in Europe in order to advance our own interests. “This requires partners who respect and share our interests.”

In the days following the election, the AfD had vainly hoped for a rapprochement with the ID faction in the European Parliament, thus excluding Krahe from its EU delegation. But the right-wing camp rejected the Alternative for Germany party’s appeal.

Since then, there has been significant dissatisfaction within the party that these former European partners were allowed to interfere too much in internal affairs. In Brussels, the AfD is currently trying to form a new faction with other right-wing parties.

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Many potential new partners

Last week, the news portal Euractiv reported that members of such a group could come primarily from signatories of the so-called Sophia Declaration. Bulgaria’s Vazrajdhani party initiated this manifesto in April 2024 to demand, among other things, peace negotiations on Russia’s war against Ukraine and an end to the EU’s alleged „rampant bureaucracy.”

Hence, potential new AfD partners include: Se Acabó La Fiesta (SALF, “The Party is Over”) from Spain, SOS Romania, Slovakia’s Hnutie Republika (Republican Movement), NIKH from Greece, and Mi Hazank Mozgalom (Our Homeland). From Hungary. and the Polish Konfederacja or its more extreme sister, the Ruch Narodowy. According to Spiegel, the new faction can be called the “Sovereigns.”

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