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A fatal miscalculation by the Ukrainians: for the first time! The Russians destroy the American superweapon Policy



A fatal miscalculation by the Ukrainians: for the first time!  The Russians destroy the American superweapon  Policy

Propaganda-Erfolg für Russlands Invasionsstreitmacht!

Im Juli 2022 lieferten die USA das erste „Himars“-Raketensystem in die Ukraine. Mit seinen sechs jeweils 80-Kilometer-Reichweite Präzisionsraketen ist es seitdem die effektivste Waffe der ukrainischen Armee gegen Putins Regime. Tausende russische Soldaten fielen der Superwaffe „Made in USA“ zum Opfer.

Dementsprechend drang Russland auf eine Zerstörung der seitdem insgesamt 39 gelieferten Systeme aus den USA (EU-Staaten lieferten 25 vergleichbare Waffensysteme). Doch bis auf Dutzende Propaganda-Lügen über die angebliche Zerstörung Hunderter(!) Systeme, konnte der Kreml keine Erfolge vorweisen. Bisher!

Ein US-amerikanisches M142 leichtes Mehrfachraketenwerfer-Artilleriesystem vom Typ Himars feuert eine Rakete während einer gemeinsamen Militärübung der Philippinen und der USA ab

Foto: Aaron Favila/dpa

Am Dienstag veröffentlichten russische Propagandisten ein Armee-Video, das erstmals die Zerstörung eines Himars-Systems in der Ukraine zeigt.

Dabei sind die Umstände der Zerstörung für die ukrainische Armee bedrohlicher als die Tatsache an sich – denn Kiew verfügt über mehr als 60 weitere Systeme, die identische US-Raketen verschießen kann. Zwei Tatsachen sind dabei besonders kritisch.

▶︎ Zum einen nutzte Russlands Armee eine Überwachungsdrohne, um das Himars-System der Ukrainer aufzuspüren. Diese spürte die überlegene Waffe ganze 36 Kilometer hinter der Front auf. Nahe dem kleinen Dorf Nykanorivka waren die Ukrainer auf eine Waldlichtung gefahren, die sie als sicher empfanden. Eine tödliche Fehleinschätzung.

Allein die Tatsache, dass russische Drohnen über ukrainischen Himars-Systemen operieren können – diese also gänzlich ohne Flugabwehr unterwegs sind – lässt tief in den Waffen- und Munitionsmangel der Ukraine blicken.

Eine russische Drohne identifiziert das M142 nahe einem kleinen Dorf in der Region Donezk

Eine russische Drohne identifiziert das M142 nahe einem kleinen Dorf in der Region Donezk

Foto: privat

▶︎ Zum anderen nutzt Russland nicht weniger als eine ballistische Kurzstreckenrakete vom Typ „Iskander“, um das Himars-System anzugreifen. Genau zur Abwehr dieser 500-Kilometer-Reichweite Raketen hat die Ukraine westliche Flugabwehrsystem der Typen „Patriot“ und „Iris-T“.

Doch ganz offenbar fing keine westliche Flugabwehrrakete die aus Russland kommende Iskander-Rakete ab, obwohl diese mindestens 150 Kilometer durch ukrainischen Luftraum flog, um ihren Angriffsort zu erreichen.

Auch das lässt auf einen akuten Munitionsmangel der Ukrainer schließen – oder darauf, dass Kiew entgegen aller Aktivisten-Behauptungen überhaupt kein Patriot-System im Osten der Ukraine stationiert hat.

▶ ︎Der erfolgreiche Angriff auf das Himars-System der Ukraine zeigt somit in erster Linie die Luftüberlegenheit der russischen Armee, die zumindest im Luftraum über dem Osten der Ukraine schalten und walten kann, wie sie möchte.

Diese Luftüberlegenheit bedroht nicht nur westliche Waffensysteme, sondern alle ukrainischen Armee-Einheiten und kritische Infrastruktur bis zu einer Entfernung von etwa 50 Kilometer von Front und Russengrenze.

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Ukraine News: Russia suffers heavy losses



Ukraine News: Russia suffers heavy losses
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According to a Ukrainian military commander, the situation on the eastern front has become increasingly „difficult.” News ticker about the Ukraine war.

Updated from April 28, 1:51 p.m: The situation on the Eastern Front appears to continue to deteriorate for Ukraine: Russia says it has captured another village in eastern Ukraine. Today, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that the Russian army “liberated” the village of Novobashmutivka, near the city of Avdiivka.

Russia took complete control of the city of Avdiivka in the Donetsk region (eastern Ukraine) last February after long fighting. After that, the Russian army continued its rapid advance, while the Ukrainian army was on the defensive due to a lack of ammunition and soldiers.

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Russian attack on Ukrainian saboteurs in the Belgorod region (April 5) © Russian Ministry of Defense / Imago

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The information processed here comes from international media and news agencies, but also from the warring parties Ukraine and Russia. Information related to the war in Ukraine cannot be independently verified.

Arrests in Ukraine war: Russian police arrest band members on 'propaganda' charges.

Updated from April 28, 1:09 p.m: Since the beginning of the war, Russian authorities have taken increasing action against cultural workers considered critical of the government. In western Russia, police arrested three members of a well-known metal band for displaying „Nazi symbols.” Therefore, the three members of Korrosija Metalla were arrested on charges of „propaganda”.

Great Britain Publishes data about Russia losses

Updated April 28 at 11:43 AM: Ukrainian figures regarding Russia's losses in the Ukraine war cannot be independently verified. However, new information from Great Britain supports the statements made by Kiev. Accordingly, it is estimated that Russia has lost about 450,000 soldiers since the start of the fighting. This is what British foreign policy expert Leo Docherty said now Defense Magazine UK mentioned.

Ukraine News: Iran presents a new suicide drone

Updated from April 28 at 10:25 a.mToday, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard unveiled a new suicide drone. According to the news agency Tasneem The new Iranian drone is similar to the Russian Zala Lancet manufactured in 2020. Accordingly, the drone, whose name has not yet been revealed, has the same characteristics as the Zala Lancet. Tasneem It also published a video of the new drone in the report.

Iran says it has made significant progress in drone production in recent years. Iranian drones also play a central role for the Russian Armed Forces in the Ukraine war.

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from Russia losses In the Ukraine war

Updated from April 28 at 9:45 a.m: The Ukrainian General Staff announced the current figures for Russia's losses in battles. According to this, 1,096 Russian soldiers were killed or wounded within one day. The information could not be independently verified. Overview:

  • Soldiers: 466,150 (+1096 the previous day)
  • tank: 7279 (+11)
  • Planes: 348
  • Armored vehicles: 13,991 (+20)
  • Artillery systems: 11,948 (+43))
  • Drones: 9507 (+22)
  • Tank trucks and other vehicles: 16,065 (+46)

War news: Russia and Ukraine shoot each other with drones

Updated from April 28 at 9:14 a.m: Russia says it shot down 17 Ukrainian drones in several western regions overnight. The Russian Defense Ministry said on the Telegram application: “Air defense systems intercepted and destroyed 17 Ukrainian drones.”

New weapons for Ukraine: Poland urges Schulz to release Taurus

The first report: Kyiv – Advisor Olaf Schulz (SPD) strongly rejects the supply of Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine. It is feared that Germany will be drawn into war if missiles with a range of up to 500 kilometers are provided.

After the delivery of long-range American missiles to Ukraine, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski is counting on Scholz to change his mind after all. “I hope the chancellor feels encouraged by the events of the past few days,” Sikorsky said in an interview. The photo is on Sunday.

Current situation in the Ukrainian war: Polish Foreign Minister presses for delivery of Taurus aircraft from Germany

Sikorsky described the delivery of US ATACMS missiles to Ukraine as a „response to the Russian escalation” in Ukraine, to which Germany also had to respond.

Russia Clashes in the Ukraine war Eastern Front before

Meanwhile, the Russian Armed Forces stated that after seizing certain towns in the Donetsk region, they have now penetrated deeply into the Ukrainian army's defences. The information could not be verified.

However, Western military experts have recently witnessed individual tactical successes of Russian forces. Ukrainian media also reported on Saturday evening that Russia had captured the village of Berdychy and also established its presence in the town of Osherytyn.

Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Sirsky described the strategic operational situation on the front as difficult. The commander said via Telegram on Saturday that the situation tends to deteriorate.

Ukraine war: Interactive map from the front

From captured areas to the current path of the front: Our current maps of the front in Ukraine provide insight into the latest developments in Russia's war against Ukraine. (Editing with materials from news agencies)

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USA: Nearly 200 people were arrested during student protests



USA: Nearly 200 people were arrested during student protests

Several people have once again been arrested as part of pro-Palestinian student protests in the USA. In Boston it was cleared
police Protest camp on Northeastern University grounds. About 100 people were arrested. According to the university, the evacuation took place after protesters crossed a red line that night with “vicious anti-Semitic remarks, including ‘Kill the Jews.’” The statement continued that the student protests “were infiltrated by professional organizers” who had no connection to Northeastern University. .

Anyone who can provide a valid university ID has been released and faces disciplinary action, but not legal action. She added: “Those who did not want to prove their affiliation were arrested.”

The student organization Huskies for Free Palestine rejected these allegations, among others the The New York Times And CNN channel
mentioned. Accordingly, there are video recordings that appear to show that the cry of “kill the Jews” is coming from counter-demonstrators who criticized the pro-Palestinian protests. The university then said that “disgusting anti-Semitic comments” had no place on campus, regardless of the context.

According to American media, other arrests took place in the American states of Indiana and Arizona. According to police, at least 23 people were arrested at Indiana University Bloomington. Arizona State University reported 69 people were arrested after setting up a protest camp without a permit. At the University of Pennsylvania, dozens of students continued their protest despite the university president’s order to disperse the camp.

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The administration of Columbia University, where the protests began last week, does not want to allow the protest camp there to be evacuated. Instead, a protest leader was banned from the campus in northern Manhattan because of a video containing anti-Semitic statements that was released in January.

Thousands of students protest in United States of America Against the Gaza war and American support for Israel. Hundreds of demonstrators have already been arrested. This was likely the largest student revolt since the massive American protests against the Vietnam War in the late 1960s. There are also frequent reports of anti-Semitism and intimidation of Jewish students.

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Italy is defending itself against mass tourism with new rules



Italy is defending itself against mass tourism with new rules
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Italy declares war on mass tourism. In order to regulate the rush of vacationers, Cinque Terre has come up with a new rule.

Monterosso – Millions of vacationers are drawn to the Italian coast every year. This is why Italy has taken measures against mass tourism for years. A day trip to Venice now costs five euros. Tourists don't stop at Cinque Terre either. Accordingly, the region issues a new rule for travelers.

Italy is once again taking action against mass tourism

The Cinque Terre region consists of five picturesque villages located on the Ligurian Riviera. Monterosso is the largest town with lemon trees and the only sandy beach. But due to the annual influx of travellers, the quality of life of the approximately 9,000 residents of the Cinque Terre is affected. how South Tyrol News It was reported that about 2.5 million people invaded small villages last year.

Vernazza is the destination of the second stage of the famous „Sentierro Verde Azzuro” hiking trail. There is a new one-way regulation here. © xrenka1x/imago

The region resists mass tourism and therefore takes certain measures to counter the rush of holidaymakers. This means, among other things, that train tickets are more expensive in high season. In summer, travelers pay twice as much for train trips between villages as before. On the other hand, residents should benefit from the cuts.

New restrictions on travelers to Italy in Cinque Terre

Entrance fees are also required for hiking trails. The national park is also taking countermeasures. A one-way system has now been introduced for a section of the most popular hiking trails. This applies to the “Sentiero Verde Azzurro”, also known as the Green and Blue Route, from April 25 to May 1 between 9am and 2pm. It was reported that the regulation was issued for safety reasons and to improve the use of the route Standard.

What does this mean for holidays in Italy? This restriction affects the second of the four stages of the route, which leads from Monterosso to Vernazza. high This stage, covering a distance of 3.7 km, can be completed in just under two hours.

Rule for travelers to „Cinque Terre”: You must check the entrance to the hiking trail

Access to the hiking trail at the entrance to Monterosso must be controlled. Among other things, it is checked whether visitors are wearing appropriate shoes. For the following reasons: Some parts of the road are narrow and steep. In order to avoid overloading the „Sentiero Verde Azzurro”, hikers should also be redirected to alternative routes.

Cheap air travel and large concentrations of hotel complexes are one of the reasons for mass tourism. That is why the residents of the Canary Islands are tired of the influx of tourists. while Amsterdam bans new hotels It wants to take action against tape crawls. (mg/cas)

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