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Hurricane Beryl Heads Towards Jamaica



Hurricane Beryl Heads Towards Jamaica

As of: July 3, 2024 at 1:09 AM

At least six people have been killed in the Caribbean as a result of Hurricane Beryl. Many homes and streets have been destroyed. The storm has been somewhat downgraded, but serious damage is still feared in Jamaica.

Hurricane Beryl has weakened slightly on its way through the Caribbean. As the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) announced, it has been downgraded to the second-highest Category 4. As a result, the hurricane, which has winds of up to 250 kilometers per hour, is now just below the Category 5 threshold.

The hurricane is now heading toward Jamaica, where severe damage is also feared. Tropical storm warnings are in effect for the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness urged residents to stock up on drinking water and canned food ahead of Beryl’s expected passage.

A total of six deaths have been reported.

The hurricane had previously left a trail of destruction across the southeastern Caribbean. Beryl made landfall on the island of Carriacou, part of the tiny Caribbean nation of Grenada, on Monday. Footage shows roofs torn off as if they were made of cardboard. Palm trees were snapped like matchsticks and debris was sent flying into the air. “Within half an hour, Carriacou was flattened,” said Grenada’s Prime Minister Deacon Mitchell. Homes on the island were almost completely destroyed.

Grenada has reported three deaths so far, and two people have died in Venezuela. St. Vincent and the Grenadines mourns one death – Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves said 90 percent of homes in the Union Islands have been damaged or destroyed. Power outages and blocked roads are making communication with particularly affected islands difficult.

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Beryl is the strongest hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean in July.

In less than 24 hours, Beryl had grown from a tropical storm to a Category 4 hurricane on Sunday and strengthened further after passing over Grenada. Previously, Hurricane Dennis became the first hurricane to become a Category 4 on July 8, 2005, wrote expert Michael Lowry on the X platform.

Beryl was the strongest hurricane on record in the Atlantic Ocean in July, writes Philip Klotzbach, a hurricane meteorologist at Colorado State University. One reason is the extremely warm seawater. “The current Caribbean ocean heat content is consistent with what we typically have in mid-September,” Klotzbach said. The most active phase of hurricane season is typically between mid-August and mid-October.

Climate change is making powerful storms like Beryl more likely. Tropical cyclones in the Atlantic and Caribbean are gaining strength at an accelerating rate as surface temperatures rise, according to a study published in October in the journal Scientific Reports. Because of warmer waters and the expected onset of La Niña, a cold-water phase in the Pacific Ocean, the U.S. National Weather Service (NOAA) is warning of a particularly strong Atlantic hurricane season this year.

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Destinations to Avoid in 2024



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Everyone wants to go on vacation, but no one wants to be crammed into crowded beaches. Some places are particularly crowded – including Italy.

Munich – High inflation and global uncertainty cannot stop Germans from wanting to travel. Quite the opposite. People are travelling more often than ever before. This is the result. 40. German Tourism Analysis Pat’s Nonprofit Foundation for Future Issues. With a few tips, you can avoid the rush to popular vacation destinations during the holiday season.

According to the analysis, 61 percent of Germans will travel in 2023. This was the same as before Corona. But not only is the frequency of travel increasing, holiday spending is also reaching a new high, according to the German tourism analysis. Spain, Italy, Turkey, Greece and Croatia are among the most popular European holiday destinations. But even if holidaymakers bring a lot of money, holiday resorts are increasingly suffering from mass tourism.

Crowds of people on the beach.
Overcrowded holiday destinations and exorbitant prices: which travel destinations you should avoid this year © Kolvenbach/Imago

Popular holiday spots suffer from overtourism, waste dumping and water shortages.

Every year, millions of people around the world go on vacation. Especially in the summer, this means crowds of people on beaches and in cities that are popular holiday destinations. This doesn’t just mean that many residents move away. Mass tourism also harms the environment and the local economy.

famous travel book publisher Fodor Every year, it releases a “do-not-list” of places that could benefit from a break from tourism. This year, it was created based on three criteria: overtourism, waste generation, and water quality and supply. It works Fodor According to their statements, it is not about banning travel destinations, but about distributing and redirecting the flow of people.

According to the latest “no-go list,” the following holiday destinations are in desperate need of a break:

  • Venice, Italy: For many years, the beach town has been plagued by overtourism and is literally drowning in crowds of tourists.
  • Athens, Greece: Overtourism and lack of approved management plans are causing damage to the Acropolis and the loss of traditional ways of life in the surrounding neighbourhoods.
  • Fuji, Japan: As visitors crowd Japan’s highest peak, they leave behind a torrent of trash for volunteers to clean up. In addition, they are unaware of the dangers and harmful effects of climbing Mount Fuji and put themselves in physical danger.
  • San Gabriel Mountains National Monument, USA: Crowds of visitors, lack of supervision, and a lack of environmental awareness are taking a toll on Los Angeles County’s natural oasis.
  • Halong Bay, Vietnam: The management of tourist boat activities in Halong Bay and the increasing number of fishermen contribute to the pollution of the waters with garbage. Attempts to reduce pollution are easily evaded and only half-heartedly implemented.
  • Atacama Desert, Chile: Chile markets the Atacama Desert as one of its most beautiful natural treasures, but this contradicts the way the country protects the desert environment.
  • Lake Superior, USA: The world’s largest freshwater lake faces ecosystem threats from invasive species and algae blooms, as well as pressures from overtourism, especially in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.
  • Ganges River, India: India’s most important river is suffering from problems such as declining water levels, pollution and endangered river dolphins, which are being exacerbated by the new luxury river cruise industry.
  • Koh Samui, Thailand: Koh Samui has been suffering from a fresh water shortage for nearly a year. Tourists who come to the island consume 70 percent of the water supply.

Consequently External Office More than 30 countries and regions are currently under travel warnings and partial travel restrictions. Reasons range from pickpocketing to riots and major conflicts.

Germans are concerned about environmentally conscious travel.

Their vacation is very important to the Germans. This confirms one Analysis by the Vacation and Travel Research Association Volt Although few Germans want to give up travel, they are open to sustainable travel, according to a representative study commissioned by the booking portal HolidayCheck.

But if you avoid peak seasons and hotspots when planning your vacation, you can also help ease the burden on areas that are struggling with a tourism boom. According to a survey, European cities and countries in particular are sustainable holiday destinations. (Volkswagen)

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Anxiety about winning elections is the summit: This is how NATO wants to make itself “Trump-proof.”



Anxiety about winning the election is the top priority.
This is how NATO wants to make itself “Trump-proof.”

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US President Joe Biden is hosting a NATO summit in Washington next week. His presidential rival, Donald Trump, is not there, but he is still everywhere. Some of the summit’s decisions already planned show how the alliance is preparing for a possible Trump win in November’s presidential election.

'Trump-Safe’ Aid to Ukraine from Wiesbaden

The heads of state and government want to decide on a plan that would guarantee assistance to Ukraine even if Trump wins. This means that the Europeans will have to take more responsibility than the United States. NATO wants to coordinate arms deliveries to Ukraine and the training of Ukrainian soldiers in Europe from its new headquarters in Wiesbaden, the capital of the state of Hesse.

Burden Sharing Between Europe and the United States

Not just since Trump’s first term in office have US presidents been demanding that their European allies invest more in their security. As evidence that the Europeans “get it,” NATO cites the growing number of 23 of its 32 member states spending at least 2 percent of their gross domestic product on defense this year. Germany is meeting NATO’s quota of 2.1 percent for the first time since the end of the Cold War. Poland and the Baltic states are already aiming for a target of 3 percent. If Trump were president again, that target could be “achieved even faster,” says one diplomat.

Ukraine must continue to wait to join NATO.

The invitation to join Ukraine that Ukraine had hoped for will not be received in Washington either. The main reason is the concerns of the United States and Germany. However, the promise of admission will be reviewed from July 2023. At the summit in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius, the allies agreed to formulate “an invitation to Ukraine to join the Alliance if the allies agree and the conditions are met.” According to diplomats, there is no consensus on the demand from Eastern Europe to talk about an “irreversible path” for Ukraine towards joining. The United States prefers the more neutral “bridge to membership.”

More Patriot systems expected in Kyiv

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to be appeased at the summit with further promises of military aid. Zelensky has asked NATO partners for seven Patriot air defense systems to defend against Russian attacks. The alliance hopes to assemble six of them. One Patriot battery will come from Germany and Romania, and the Netherlands is working with partners on a third. Italy wants to provide a similar system, the SAMP/T. The United States remains open-minded about whether and when it will be able to deliver Patriot systems.

$1 billion interim commitments to Ukraine

The heads of state and government want to pledge €40 billion in military aid to Ukraine at the summit. Contrary to what NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has proposed, the sanctions are initially limited to one year. According to diplomats, the aid will be reviewed annually, starting with the NATO summit in The Hague next year. Germany has already pledged €8 billion for the current year, so it believes its goal has been achieved for now.

Tougher language towards China

At a summit in Lithuania a year ago, NATO countries criticized “the declared goals and coercive policies of the People’s Republic of China,” but appeared “open to constructive cooperation.” Under pressure from the United States, Washington is expected to use tougher language. In the final declaration, the allies are likely to criticize China’s support for Russia’s aggressive war.

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Russians pay 'price in blood’ at hands of 'vampires’ in Ukraine



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Russia has recently increased the pace of its attacks around Pokrovsk. But Ukraine always manages to repel the enemy. Effective military equipment plays a role in this.

KYIV/MOSCOW – Since May, Vladimir Putin has wanted to make further advances in the area around Kharkiv with a new major offensive. Now, almost two months later, Putin’s offensive on Kharkiv has not been very successful. This is evident, on the one hand, from the relatively high Russian losses in Kharkiv, and on the other hand, from the resilience of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the front. Nico Lang, a military analyst at the Munich Security Conference, summarized the following: ZDF This is one of the reasons why recently: „The attack has already failed.”

Events on the front are currently focused on fighting not far from the city of Pokrovsk, about 70 kilometers west of the city of Donetsk. in occupied by Russia The region of the same name. Russia has intensified its attacks there in recent days and has tried to break through Ukrainian defense lines. Putin’s forces around Pokrovsk are now mainly using infantry attacks supported by drones, Ukrainian soldiers from the 47th Mechanized Brigade said. But Ukraine appears to have found an effective remedy against the growing number of Russian attacks in the Donetsk region.

Ukraine forces Russian victims to the front: Vampire rocket launcher helps in resistance

Spokesperson for the Brigade Anastasia Pleschik He said German News Agency The German news agency dpa reported on Ukrainian television that there are currently no Russian armored vehicles to be seen around Prokhovsk because the Russians have run out of them. The heavy Russian material losses can be seen, for example, in the images taken by reconnaissance drones. But how did Ukraine manage to repel enemy attacks so successfully, despite the superiority of Russian forces?

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The decisive factor in the resilience of the Ukrainian Armed Forces appears to be the weapon of enormous destructive power that Ukraine uses on the front: the RM-70 Vampire multiple rocket launcher. It has 40 silos and can fire up to 40 122mm fragmentation rockets per minute.

It is a war piece with long-range destructive power: the multiple rocket launcher.
Multiple rocket launcher „RM-70 Vampire” (avatar) © Copyright: xHarismoyox via imago

The Vampire has a firing range of 20 kilometers and the launcher can be reloaded in about two minutes. An unknown number of Vampire launchers were supplied to Ukrainian forces in early 2023. Through the Czech Republic.

Ukrainian artillery commander: “They will pay in blood for every meter of Ukrainian territory”

In order to circumvent the effective strikes of the Ukrainian Armed Forces using the Vampire multiple rocket launcher, Russian troops are currently trying to attack several different fronts on the Donetsk front in order to expand the front. The seriousness of the fighting around Pokrovsk is also evident from the statements of the participating soldiers.

Reverse TV N “They (Russian troops, editor’s note) will pay with blood for every meter of Ukrainian territory. It may be a small amount of blood or a large amount of blood, but they will have to pay the price,” an artillery commander explained, stressing that “one will not give up one’s land for nothing.”

Every advance by Putin’s armed forces in Ukraine will cost Russia new losses. In addition to the heavy material losses that Putin has recently suffered in Donetsk, the number of soldiers killed or wounded also appears to be high at the moment. How TV N Ukrainian artillerymen firing rockets in the Donetsk region are reportedly, by their own estimates, managing to injure or even kill between 50 and 150 Russian soldiers a day. However, this information cannot be independently verified.

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Russia has recently increased its attacks in the Donetsk region, forcing the Ukrainians to move quickly.

To defend the front line, the Ukrainian armed forces not only have to be particularly careful in the currently contested areas around Pokrovsk, but they also have to be fast. And since Russian forces there have recently increased the number of their attacks – mainly using drones – the Ukrainians can no longer stay in one place for long.

“We work quickly because we want to live. It is a necessity for life,” said a Ukrainian rocket launcher pilot. N TV Because once the Ukrainians were spotted by enemy drones while operating the Vampire rocket launcher, they were at great risk. “The boys fired all their ammunition when they were spotted by an enemy drone,” the commander of the rocket launcher opposite added. TV N He added. (And)

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