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Russia’s „meat grinder tactics” put Zelensky in trouble



Russia’s „meat grinder tactics” put Zelensky in trouble
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Volodymyr Zelensky in the Presidential Palace of Ukraine: There is more and more criticism directed at him. © Kai Netfeld/DPA

Russia uses 'meat grinder tactics’ in Ukraine. Criticism of the Ukrainian army leadership and Supreme Commander Zelensky is growing.

KIEV – “The situation on the front is very bad,” 19-year-old Margarita tells a reporter in Kiev Daily news. “I am completely dissatisfied with those responsible for this. No one is helping our boys there.” Ukraine war It is called in Ukraine As ironic as the “meat grinder tactic”: More than 1,000 Russian soldiers die every day, but the strategy is still effective. With Russia’s successes on the front, Ukrainians’ satisfaction with their government also began to decline Volodymyr Zelensky.

How is that Institute for the study of war ISW wrote in its report issued on May 2 that Russia has deployed between 50,000 and 70,000 soldiers and is preparing for the next attack. Meanwhile, Ukraine lacks soldiers and weapons.

Ukraine war: The situation on the front is bad – and trust in the media is diminishing

Ukrainian media also reflects that the situation on the front is not rosy for Ukraine. “No Reasonable Path to Victory,” is the headline Kyiv Post on Thursday, citing a US intelligence official. And even after that, the main article is no longer more positive – it talks, among other things, about the fact of discovering the activities of Russian intelligence in several European countries.

In the Independent Kyiv It concerns the possible case of Chasev Yar, reports of the terrible situation at the front, the poor mental health of soldiers and: The government advises Kiev residents not to visit churches on the upcoming Orthodox Easter on May 5 for security reasons.

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Less money, same news: criticizing the media landscape changed by the war in Ukraine

All of these are indicators that the public mood in Ukraine has become increasingly critical. And also when it comes to the report itself: like this Daily news According to reports, more and more Ukrainians are dissatisfied with the state of press freedom, and more and more Ukrainians are obtaining information via Telegram channels or local media.

With the beginning of the major Russian offensive and war in Ukraine, six TV channels merged and have been broadcasting the same news ever since. Budgets have been reduced, and the measure has been maintained. Only a third of Ukrainians still trust TV news.

An intelligence officer talks about peace negotiations with Russia – criticism of Zelensky is growing

It is not helpful that Secret Service officer Vadim Sybitsky was giving an interview in the USA Reuters Reports said that Ukraine would have to enter into peace negotiations with Russia at some point. This, while at the same time President Zelensky is promoting peace talks in Switzerland Russia It was expressly excluded.

the Daily news He spoke to journalist and Zelensky critic Yuri Butusov, who said that the army command with Supreme Commander Zelensky had lulled people into a false sense of security for a long time and made wrong strategic decisions that the troops were no longer able to correct. (cat)

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Latest polls before the 2024 UK election



Latest polls before the 2024 UK election
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The Conservatives, led by Prime Minister Sunak, face a serious defeat in the 2024 British elections. The latest opinion polls are devastating.

Updated from July 4, 5:51 p.m.: Opinion polls suggest that the right-wing populist Reform Party is on the rise in the UK general election. Nigel Farage’s party has changed the British election campaign once again – and the gains made by Reform in the UK would further damage the Conservative Party’s bleak prospects. But support for Reform is too evenly distributed, and the party’s organization is too weak for Farage to win many seats outright.

Like the British guardian Opinion polls are reported to show that while the Reform Party in the UK will not win many seats, it will win at least some. Opinion polls suggest that Nigel Farage will finally win a seat in the House of Commons at his eighth attempt.

Labour on brink of landslide victory in UK election

Updated July 4, 3:07 p.m.: If the latest UK election polls are correct, Labour could win its biggest majority since 1832 and hand the Conservatives a heavy defeat. Voting is now underway in Great Britain for a few more hours, but in Britain times It is already assumed that many Conservative MPs could lose their parliamentary seats. Even in the most optimistic UK election polls, Rishi Sunak’s party could end up with at least 200 fewer seats than the 365 it won in 2019.

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Latest opinion polls paint a clear picture of the UK election: Forecasts expected as of 11pm

Updated from July 4, 1:51 p.m.: The elections are currently underway in Great Britain. Many politicians have already cast their votes. Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer are among others. The current elections in Great Britain could be a major disaster for the Conservative Party: recent opinion polls predict a clear victory for the Labour Party. The first forecasts of the election results in Great Britain are expected late in the evening. Voters still have until 11 pm to cast their ballots.

Rishi Sunak makes a statement outside 10 Downing Street announcing the date of the next general election. (File photo) © IMAGO/Tejas Sandhu / SOPA Images

Elections in Great Britain underway: the result could lead to a bitter defeat for the Conservative Party

Update from July 4, 7:20 AM: Labour is poised to win a resounding victory in the 2024 UK election. According to all the polls, the Social Democrats could surpass the landslide victory they achieved in 1997 under then-party leader Tony Blair. So what might the final result look like? The forecasts make it clear:

exhaustion 429 (324 to 516)
Conservatives 110 (29 to 209)
Liberal Democrats 50 (17 to 92)
Scottish National Party 20 (0 to 54)
UK Reform 3 (0 to 104)
last 5 (0 to 5)

(source: The EconomistAs of July 4)

According to opinion polls and forecasts, the Labour Party is the most likely candidate in the British elections in 2024.

LONDON – The Conservative Party has been in power in the United Kingdom for fourteen years. But that will soon come to an end. A Conservative victory in the 2024 British general election on July 4 is considered all but impossible. And recent opinion polls have been devastating for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s party.

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This time, there may be no way to avoid a Labour victory in the House of Commons. Basically, one question remains unanswered: how much can the Social Democrats win? Or, to put it another way: how bad are things for the Conservatives? In any case, the latest opinion polls before the election in Great Britain do not allow for any other conclusion: the Conservatives are in danger of falling into insignificance.

Great Britain Election 2024: Latest Polls Show Clear Trend

But why him? Labour leader Keir Starmer is not a strong opponent; many people in the UK know little about the sober human rights lawyer or the aims of the Social Democrats. No, the Tories themselves are to blame. The final verdict was that “the Tories have lost the right to govern.” Sunday times.and commercial paper Financial Times „Britain needs a fresh start,” he commented.

This will likely happen. Look at the numbers from recent polls by Great Britain Elections The Conservatives appear likely to face a real collapse. This is also due to competition from the UK’s Reform Party: party leader Nigel Farage, who played a key role in pushing for Brexit, has significantly increased pressure on Sunak from the right with his anti-immigration rhetoric and criticism of the Conservatives.

exhaustion 39.1
Conservatives 21.1
UK Reform 16.6
Liberal Democrats 10.8
Green party 6.5
Scottish National Party 2.9

(source: Sky News(weighted average of surveys as of July 4)

Seat distribution projections based on the latest opinion polls for the 2024 UK general election

We should also bear in mind that in Great Britain, MPs are elected using majority voting – unlike in Germany, where personal proportional representation is used. For the Conservative Party, the predictions for the distribution of seats in the House of Commons based on the latest opinion polls are much worse than pure percentage values.

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Many forecasts suggest the Conservatives will win around 100 seats. Sunak could also make history: according to the latest polls, he could become the first sitting prime minister in history to be voted out of office in his own constituency. The UK’s Reform Party, which is expected to win only a handful of seats in the House of Commons, is struggling with voting rights.

Latest polls and forecasts point to a clear outcome in the 2024 UK election

The House of Commons in London has 650 seats. These are distributed among MPs from the four parts of the United Kingdom. Each MP represents one constituency: 543 in England, 57 in Scotland, 32 in Wales and 18 in Northern Ireland.

The last general election in Great Britain was held in December 2019. The Conservative Party, led by former party leader Boris Johnson, clearly exceeded the absolute majority of 326 seats in the election, winning 365 seats. The Labour Party won 202 seats at the time. The Scottish National Party won 48 seats, while the Liberal Democrats won eleven seats. (CS / AFP / AFP)

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Ukraine is a victim? Donald Trump is said to be planning a deal with Putin’s Russia



Ukraine is a victim? Donald Trump is said to be planning a deal with Putin’s Russia
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According to an American report, Donald Trump wants to make an offer to Ukraine if Vladimir Putin wins the elections – without Kiev.

Washington – Explosive report on the war in Ukraine: Like the famous American news magazine Politico Donald Trump is said to be willing to cede occupied territories in Ukraine to Russia if he wins the election if Moscow agrees to peace.

Trump’s Offer to Putin? Controversial US Report on Ukraine War

In the 2024 US election, the new (or old) US president will be elected on November 5th of this year. Trump, 78, who was the 45th US president from 2017 to 2021, will run again as a Republican. Presumably against incumbent Joe Biden (Democrats).

He writes that Trump should think about it. Politicoto offer Putin that both Ukraine and Georgia abandon NATO membership for the sake of peace negotiations. This bypasses the decision-makers in Kiev and Tbilisi.

They met in July 2018 in Helsinki, Finland: then U.S. President Donald Trump (L) and Moscow’s ruler Vladimir Putin. © IMAGE/Xinhua

Ukraine and Georgia: Donald Trump reportedly planning to make a deal with Vladimir Putin

As two unnamed Republican national security experts told the news magazine, Donald Trump also reportedly wants to negotiate with Vladimir Putin over how much Ukrainian territory Moscow could keep if he wins the election.

With Washington, Kiev’s most important ally and arms supplier, tolerating Biden. So the alleged de-escalation of the war in Ukraine should play a major role in Trump’s plans for NATO if the controversial real estate mogul is again elected to the highest office in the United States by voters. According to the report, the United States will not abandon the defense alliance under his leadership, but NATO expansion to the east as a security guarantee for Ukraine and Georgia will be off the table (for now).

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Zelensky sends a message from Ukraine to Donald Trump

Trump has repeatedly claimed in the past that he would end the war in Ukraine within 24 hours. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has now demanded clarity on how the Republican is supposed to achieve that. “If Trump knows how to end this war, he should tell us today,” Zelensky said in an interview with Russia Today. Bloomberg TV“If there are threats to Ukraine’s independence, then we must lose our statehood – we want to be prepared for that, and we want to know that.”

In the interview, Zelensky said he was ready to meet with Trump and his team and listen to their suggestions. “We want to understand whether in November (After the US election in 2024, i.e. red“We will have strong support from the United States, or we will be alone after that.” There are major concerns in Kiev and within the NATO military alliance that if Trump wins the election, he could cut off arms shipments and aid payments to Ukraine, which has been invaded by Putin’s regime and which in turn desperately wants to become a NATO member. (evening)

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After contact with infected cow: US announces fourth case of bird flu in humans



After contact with infected cow: US announces fourth case of bird flu in humans

After contact with an infected cow
US announces fourth case of bird flu in humans

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Experts around the world are concerned: This is the fourth time a person in the United States has been infected with the bird flu virus. After Texas and Michigan, a dairy farm in Colorado is now the source of the infection. The health authority is assessing the risk.

For the fourth time in just a few months, a person in the United States has contracted bird flu after coming into contact with infected dairy cows — this time in Colorado. As in previous cases, the woman worked on a dairy farm and was exposed to cows that had been found to have the H5N1 virus, the CDC said. In April, the first case of bird flu was reported in a dairy farm worker in Texas, followed by two more cases in Michigan.

The Colorado patient had only mild symptoms of bird flu in her eyes and was given an antiviral medication. She has since recovered, they said. However, the CDC reiterated calls for precautions for farm workers who handle infected cows. In the Colorado case, “further genetic analysis” is underway to identify potential variants of the virus that “could change the agency’s risk assessment” for the population.

The H5N1 avian influenza virus has increasingly spread to mammals in recent months, including dairy cattle in the United States. Numerous cattle herds have been infected in several US states, and the outbreak was first detected in March.

Drosten: All experts are concerned

Several people have already been infected, raising fears of an impending pandemic. Given the spread of H5N1 in the United States, the chief virologist at Berlin’s Charité hospital, Christian Drosten, has described the bird flu virus as a potential cause of an upcoming pandemic. The pathogen has recently appeared in dairy herds in the United States and „has even appeared in dairy products on the market,” Drosten said at the weekend. „There has never been anything like this before, such a large spread in cows – all the experts are worried.”

However, the virologist explained that there is no better view of the data to make a more accurate assessment. “We don’t yet know how often people who interact with these infected cows are getting infected.” It is desirable that decisive action be taken now in the United States.

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