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Putin is threatened with a disaster, as happened in Grozny



Putin is threatened with a disaster, as happened in Grozny
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Burnt steel among the thrown stones. Avdiivka will end up in ruins – no matter who wins in the end. (Archive photo) © Francisco Seco/DPA

Avdiivka becomes a symbol of war. Russia is advancing with all its might. Ukraine stubbornly opposes this. And now new tanks are pouring in.

Avdiivka – Carlo Masala was wrong in his assumption. for now. Using Avdiivka as an example, the Hamburg political scientist Hamburger Ebenblatt Explains that Ukraine He insisted on letting Putin's forces bleed to death as much as possible. He says he expects a „tactical withdrawal” of Ukrainian defenders from the area approximately every hour. Masala said this some time ago. But the fighting continues there; The Russians also continue to fight relentlessly for the city, with little significance for the outcome Ukraine war Attributed – it represents a symbol of the mutual test of strength between them Vladimir Putin And the free world.

Newsweek Reports currently indicate that the Russians appear to be taking another breath in order to dislodge the city's defenders – finally: Brigadier General Oleksandr Tarnavsky recently said that the Russian Armed Forces are „increasingly adding tank groups to attack infantry groups” stationed around the city, the head of the Ukrainian Tavria unit that Avdiyevka is detained. It started in mid-October Russia Its offensive around Avdiivka has led to thousands of deaths on both sides, even before Ukraine's harsh winter arrives. In the months that followed, Moscow made slow but steady progress on industrial settlements there.

Disputed Avdiivka: Russian troops enter a field of rubble

Newsweek Local journalist Yuri Butusov is quoted as saying that the Russians are only a little more than a kilometer away from the outskirts of the city. Butusov reports about him cable-A canal from a destroyed city. Observers initially gave Ukraine good chances for defense, but optimism is quickly waning.

It appears that the Russians' original tactic was to dig tunnels, basements and sewers To surprise their defenders – This was the measure that began at the end of last year, as the spokesman for the 110th Separate Mechanized Brigade, Anton Kotsukun, told the Ukrainian news agency Unian: “They are digging tunnels closer to our positions, firstly for the purpose of camouflage and secondly, so that our appearance would be unexpected in a place Closer to our positions. Now it appears that Russia wants to impose a decision to use heavy vehicles, apparently by hook or by crook. Time is of the essence, as Russian forces have been roaming around the city for nearly five months.

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The road to Avdiivka: paved with shipwrecks and dead soldiers

By driving these stakes into Ukrainian-controlled areas, the Russians appear to be trying to create small enclaves, small encircles, within the disputed Avdiivka region. Therefore, to avoid encirclement, Ukrainian forces may have to retreat gradually Backtrack from several positions and straighten their linesMost likely in the southern part of the destroyed city – this is how we analyze it ZDF current situation. The capture of Avdiivka would allow Moscow to significantly expand its logistical operations and restrict Ukraine's movement against Russian positions in the regional capital, Donetsk. This, in turn, would pave Russia's way to Kostyantinivka, a „very important fortress,” former Ukrainian colonel Serhiy Hrabsky told me. Newsweek.

Vehicle losses were a feature of the Russian offensive effort around Avdiivka from the beginning. Based on satellite image comparisons by data analysts from Front Intelligence Insight Between the start of its attack on the city on October 10 and the end of the year, Moscow lost more than 211 vehicles around Avdiivka alone. The British estimate is more comprehensive: the British Ministry of Defense assumes that Russia lost around 200 armored vehicles in the first three weeks of the Avdiivka offensive alone.

Russia's game with history: Avdiivka may become a second Grozny

“Fighting in built-up terrain is one of the most exhausting and challenging tasks for soldiers and especially their superiors in war,” said former German Army Major General Walter Spindler. Stuttgart News. Defenders would have the enormous advantages of knowing their city intimately, preparing it for defense and tailoring their plans in detail to local conditions. In contrast, the attackers were able to use tanks and vehicles only to a limited and ineffective extent. He explains that in the tactical regulations of Western armies, a superiority of 7:1 is required, and in Russian regulations even 9:1, in order to successfully occupy a city. The former infantry officer holds Deploy the tank Therefore, it is more of a tactical alternative born out of necessity – in his view, tanks are of no real use to infantrymen in urban warfare.

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However, the infantrymen would first have to secure the tanks against enemy fire. Spindler: “Tank crews can only observe the battlefield from the tank through brick-sized armored glass, so-called corner mirrors. This greatly limits your view. In addition, tanks and armored personnel carriers can only fire at short distances.” It reaches about 150 meters instead of the actual 3,500 to 4,500 metres. Vehicles are vulnerable to attacks such as those using rocket-propelled grenades or Molotov cocktails delivered to Ukraine from Western countries. In addition, they have to sneak through the city anyway: the rubble is blocking Roads and spaces, especially when these barriers are also mined – for everyone danger lurks around the corner.

Molotov cocktail – improvised bomb

The Molotov cocktail takes its name from Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov. He was an influential Soviet politician between 1920 and 1950 – for example as Prime Minister and Foreign Minister.

On November 30, 1930, three months after the German attack on Poland, the “Winter War” began: Soviet soldiers crossed the Finnish border in Karelia, and Red Army planes dropped cluster bombs on Helsinki and other cities. But Molotov tried to hide the attack. He said in a radio address that Soviet bombers were dropping food on supposedly starving residents. The Finns treated cluster bombs with black humor and called them „Molotov bread baskets.”

Bottles containing flammable liquids have been widely used by soldiers in warfare since the mid-1930s. The infantrymen fought with new old weapons on three continents: the Chinese near Shanghai against Japan, the Abyssinians in Ethiopia against the Italian invaders, and the Fascists under General Franco in Spain against Republican forces. Tanks have always had weak points: burning liquid could get inside through viewing holes in the driver's cabin and ventilation holes in the engines. Especially when tanks move slowly, they become easy targets for incendiary devices.

The Finnish army was inferior to Russia's and increasingly relied on Molotov cocktails to defend itself against tanks. There was a joke among soldiers that they had to serve the appropriate drink to Molotov's bread baskets. Hence the name of the Molotov cocktail: Molotov cocktail.

source: Mirror

Vladimir Putin's army suffered a disaster with its tanks in a city several years ago. One recent tank battle in a city ended in disaster, says James Hughes, an Eastern European researcher at the think tank. Center for Eastern European and International Studies “In December 1994, a long column of Russian tanks rolled into the Chechen capital, Grozny, to put down a separatist nationalist uprising. Russia assumed that a mere display of military force would lead to the surrender of the rebels.

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However, within a few hours, the entire column was annihilated by Chechen fighters. Russia lost about 200 armored vehicles, and about 1,000 Russian soldiers were killed or captured. The tank belongs to the battlefield. Cities are alien to him. “The current situation at Avdiivka is a microcosm of the failure of the Russian General Staff generally to absorb the lessons its forces have learned from previous failed offensive efforts in Ukraine and transfer them to other force groups throughout the region.” Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

The invasion of Avdiivka: a campaign that will consume a lot of people

Basically, the fight for Avdiivka requires one Tactical performance of military leadershipThis is something that the Russians have consistently missed until now. Lieutenant Colonel Andre Knabe, battalion commander of the German Air Force's Object Protection Regiment, said the importance of infantry is much more than the performance of tanks and artillery, as it is crucial to success in local and urban warfare. In addition, reconnaissance is of great importance – for example through drones. In principle, the attacking side always seeks to take advantage of the defenders. The sheer number of individuals or materials attacked increases the number of casualties, but does not lead to any immediate gains.

This makes taking a larger, more densely populated town „an almost impossible task,” Knabe said. The Russian armed forces had already tried to impose control over Kiev at the beginning of the war, but they did not succeed in the end. Their attack had already stopped on the outskirts of the Ukrainian capital. Bringing such a confusing area under your control is always an enormous task – no matter how different the cities are, says the presenter. “They need a lot of staff to do that.”

Therefore, even if the Russians eventually succeeded in encircling Avdiivka, it would be the result of a slow, creeping advance rather than a devastating, blitzkrieg-like breakthrough that would give the remaining defenders enough time to retreat and thus avoid encirclement. Every time the opponents fall behind, the defenders have the upper hand. Dmytro Lazutkin, spokesman for the Ukrainian 47th Brigade fighting around Avdiivka, said in December Newsweek “Defending the city is worth it as long as we wear out the Russians,” he declares.

Russia's stubborn offensive efforts demonstrate that the Ukrainians continue to stubbornly resist. The war will continue to simmer.

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Ukraine hits Putin’s Su-25 from the sky with Igla MANPADS



Ukraine hits Putin’s Su-25 from the sky with Igla MANPADS
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A Russian Sukhoi Su-25 fighter jet, pictured in January 2024, drops a missile near the Donetsk front. © IMAGO/Russian Defense Ministry/ITAR-Tass

The Ukrainian National Guard has announced that it has shot down a Russian fighter jet. This means that Kyiv’s forces have already shot down a second Su-25 from the sky this month.

KYIV – Since the beginning of the Ukrainian war, Russia has been losing, according to The Guardian Oryx Database Already 119 aircraft. Ukraine says Russian losses are much higher with 360 fighter jets destroyed – and added another aircraft to its statistics on Friday (June 28): According to the Ukrainian National Guard, forces are said to have successfully destroyed a Russian aircraft in the encircled area. Donetsk Oblast shot down the Su-25 fighter plane.

Ukraine War: Kiev forces announced the downing of another Russian fighter plane

Joint by the Ukrainian National Guard video The Telegram supposedly showed the shooting of a Sukhoi plane: far away and not very clearly, you can see a dark dot in the sky and then falling parts of it. „The Su-25 fighter was shot down by a targeted shot,” the National Guard said. It was the 31st brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine that hit the Igla MANPADS anti-aircraft missile system. It is not clear from the post when and where the shooting took place.

According to the Ukrainian General Staff, this was the second Russian Su-25. It was dropped in June. In May alone, Russia lost nine combat aircraft. Like the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense on June 1 has announced. This information cannot be independently verified. This is what American war experts at the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) said. Communication was done initiallyHe did not receive „any independent confirmation of the downing of these Russian aircraft.”

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Developments on the front: Glide bombs remain a major threat from the air

The threat from air-dropped glide bombs continues; Russia reportedly launches about a hundred of these weapons every day. Kyiv’s forces have yet to find an effective way to counter glide bombs. The only option left is to destroy the aircraft that drop these weapons far from the front line. Ukraine expects to receive its first American F-16 fighter jets this summer. Kyiv hopes these will be able to counter Russian aircraft dropping glide bombs.

Meanwhile, fighting continues on the front. The focus remains on the ground in Donbas, where Russia has the initiative. She added that Russian forces have maintained the pace of their offensive operations in the Toretsk direction in Donbas. From ISW experts in their daily situation report on Thursday. Russian forces have taken control of the town of Rozdolyovka in eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk region, the Defense Ministry in Moscow said on Friday. There was no initial confirmation from Kyiv.

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„Half the city has digestive problems” – Novovirus outbreak hits Lake Garda



„Half the city has digestive problems” – Novovirus outbreak hits Lake Garda
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A norovirus outbreak is causing a stir in a small town on the shores of Lake Garda. Hundreds of people are affected. Residents feel they know too late.

Torre del Benaco – in fact, the small town of Torre del Benaco (Italy) Travelers with the picturesque city center and the stunning Castello Scaligero. But for now, it has spoiled not only the holiday break on the eastern shore of Lake Garda, but also the daily lives of about 3,000 residents. The reason for this is the digestive system virus that is widespread among a large part of the population.

Vomiting, nausea and fever: hundreds in Lake Garda suffer from severe digestive complaints

In the past few days, hundreds of people with symptoms of acute gastroenteritis have been hospitalized in Peschiera del Garda, the daily reported, among others. La RepubblicaThe victims suffered from vomiting, nausea, abdominal cramps and fever. The authorities decided that the fact that so many residents of the small town of Torri del Benaco were complaining of the symptoms could not be a coincidence.

The culprit was immediately identified: norovirus, which, according to media reports, had been detected in numerous stool samples taken from infected people. How El Journal At least 200 to 300 hundred people are said to have complained of severe symptoms. The symptoms can sometimes last for up to 60 hours. Noroviruses were also responsible for several illnesses at a spring festival in Germany a few months ago.

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The idyllic village of Torri del Benaco has recently been hit by a wave of digestive complaints. (Symbolic photo) © Eibner press photo/Augst/IMAGO

Mayor restricts tap water use – source of contamination unclear

The virus can be spread through contaminated water and food. In the case of the affected town on Lake Garda, the source of the widespread outbreak is also suspected to be the water supply. For this reason, the mayor of Torri del Benaco, Stefano Nicotra, has already issued a regulation prohibiting the use of drinking water for normal use. “Do not use it for personal or recreational use until further notice,” Nicotra wrote. Facebook.

Residents are urged to use only bottled water and adhere to strict hygiene measures. This includes washing your hands thoroughly and disinfecting surfaces. The water supply has been disinfected with chlorine as a precaution to prevent the spread of the virus.

However, the location of the contamination remains unclear and is currently undergoing laboratory analysis. She says it is suspected, among other things, that the recent rise in Lake Garda may have led to the contamination. RepublicaA popular beach on Lake Garda was recently closed due to bacteria contamination.

Widespread gastrointestinal virus outbreak: Residents express dissatisfaction with late warning

Many residents expressed their dissatisfaction with the authorities’ delay in informing them about the pollution. “Why did the authorities wait until today (note: Friday, June 28) before warning us?” asks Diana A., one of the affected residents Corriere del Veneto. Moreover: “I am very angry and I do not feel sufficiently protected. If I had not gone to the pharmacy, I would not have learned anything.”

Another woman who returned home with her newborn on Thursday, June 27, reported something similar. “Fortunately, my neighbor warned me and I avoided using tap water, but my partner who was home during those days had diarrhea and nausea,” she told the regional edition of the Xinhua news agency. Corriere della Sera. Some patients report that they experience symptoms for several days. One woman says that her family received complaints about ten days ago.

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“We don’t know how to deal with incoming guests” – vacationers are also affected

There is also dissatisfaction in guest establishments: “We inform new guests, but we do not know how to deal with incoming guests,” says one hotel operator. Corriere. “In the pharmacy they say that half the city has digestive problems. We give tourists two bottles of water and recommend not using tap water,” says another accommodation operator.

But it is unclear how long the tense health situation will last. In recent norovirus outbreaks in other regions such as Lombardy this spring, it took about two weeks before the situation was under control. However, in 2023, the concern about the tropical disease dengue fever is greater in Lake Gard. (g)

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Andalusia: Thousands of Spaniards protest against mass tourism in Malaga



Andalusia: Thousands of Spaniards protest against mass tourism in Malaga

in Spain Thousands of people protested again against mass tourism. According to organizers, 25,000 people took to the streets in the southern Spanish city of Malaga. They held up posters with slogans such as „Malaga is not for sale” and „This is not tourism, this is an invasion.”

I am also in Andalus Located in Cádiz, several hundred people gathered in the historic center of the city under the slogan “One more tourist, one less neighbor.” Many cruise ships land in the coastal city of Cadiz.

“One more tourist, one less neighbor” © Jesus Merida/AP/DPA

In the past few weeks and months, large protests have broken out against the influx of holidaymakers to popular holiday destinations, including Mallorca, Barcelona and the Canary Islands. According to Spanish media, Malaga has now witnessed one of the largest demonstrations in recent memory.

Vacation apartments make living space even more scarce for locals

The Sindicato de Inquilinos e Inquilinas tenants’ association called the march. The group blames the ever-increasing number of visitors and holiday rentals for a housing shortage and other problems. „The city is suffering, there is a lot of discontent. The housing problem in particular had to be put on the table,” spokesman Koro Machuca said, according to the newspaper. El Pais.

With over 12,000 legally registered holiday rentals, Malaga in Spain is behind only Madrid and Barcelona. In addition, many private holiday accommodation in Malaga and elsewhere are operated illegally. „The situation is untenable. It is impossible to buy a house,” one protester told a reporter. El Pais.

Spain is the second most popular holiday destination in the world, according to official statistics, with 85 million foreign tourists coming here last year.

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