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Michelle Obama puts Donald Trump in his place



Michelle Obama puts Donald Trump in his place
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After the televised duel with Biden, Democrats are looking for alternatives. Poll shows: Michelle Obama could compete with Trump.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Incumbent U.S. President Joe Biden is the loser in the first televised duel. That has worried his party colleagues. Some Democrats are now looking for a quick alternative to the 2024 U.S. election because Biden is so unpopular among the population. A July 1-2 poll found that only former first lady Michelle Obama could definitely beat former President Donald Trump.

In one Reuters/ Ipsos-Opinion poll With about 1,000 respondents, 50 percent of voters surveyed said they would vote for Obama if the election were held that day. Trump only got 39 percent of the pairing. With a margin of error of 3.2 percentage points, this is a clear winner for Obama, especially in contrast to Biden. In a Biden-Trump matchup, both candidates received 40 percent of eligible voters surveyed. Even compared to the other potential candidates surveyed, Obama was the only one who did significantly better.

Former First Lady Michelle Obama speaks during the groundbreaking ceremony for the Obama Presidential Center.
Michelle Obama has long been considered a potential replacement for Joe Biden. © Camille Krzaczynski/AFP

Trump attacks Obama, other candidates will perform worse in 2024 US election

In response to the poll, the potential Republican nominee also took aim at Obama, who has long been considered a potential replacement for Biden. Trump said loudly: Newsweek At a campaign event: “They interviewed everyone. I interviewed Michelle Obama, and her poll numbers were terrible. No, their poll numbers are terrible.” Obama fared much better than Trump (42%) and Biden (38%), not only in the hypothetical election result, but also in the popularity question, at 55%.

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Current Vice President Kamala Harris trailed Trump by one percentage point in a hypothetical election (42% to 43%). California Gov. Gavin Newsom and the governor were further behind Trump, as was the governor of Illinois, known as J.B. Pritzker. In addition to Obama, Biden has performed better than other potential alternative candidates. “It’s hard to believe, but corrupt Joe Biden has better poll numbers than these people,” Trump said at a campaign event. The other Democrats on the list, however, remain largely unknown nationally. That would change quickly if he ran for president.

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“Polls showing that Michelle Obama could beat Donald Trump simply reflect nostalgia for Barack,” said Thomas Gift, director of the Centre for American Politics at University College London. Newsweek“It’s easy to beat the competition when you don’t have a political platform and aren’t being scrutinized like the 2024 presidential candidates.”

Gift described the idea that Michelle Obama could run for the Democratic nomination against Trump in the 2024 US election as fanciful. Obama has repeatedly said she does not want to run. Obama spokeswoman Crystal Carson confirmed that „Mrs. Obama supports the re-election campaign of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.” NBC-News of the former first lady’s position.

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According to one, the majority of viewers talked about the televised duel. CNNIn the poll, Trump was projected to win. Some Democrats have since called on Joe Biden to resign. The 81-year-old won’t be formally nominated as the nominee until August. However, it’s unlikely a replacement will be found by then. “I don’t think it’s likely that Biden will be elected,” campaign spokesman Seth Schuster said. NewsweekBiden is “not withdrawing.”

All information about the US elections summarized in a compact form!

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In the poll, 32 percent of Democratic voters also said that Biden should withdraw from the US election campaign after the televised duel. Of all those surveyed, 52 percent voted for Biden to go. 46 percent said that Trump should step down. This has been demonstrated several times in the past few months: in the US election in 2024, two candidates will face each other in a way that no one wants. However, it is unlikely that a better alternative will be found in the near future. (word)

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The woke West is now shaking, and even more incompetent people are being voted into office in London and Paris.



The awakened West is shaking ++ Le Pen can sit until 2027 ++ When will the BSW overtake the Greens? ++ SPD fears the BSW ++ Zero percent „very satisfied” with traffic lights ++

The awakened West is oscillating. The fact that more people vote against someone than for him in elections is nothing new. But the fact that parties and politicians themselves do not promote their own policies at all, and that the political media complex promotes only the prevention of serious competition as its goal, is a fact. In London, Paris, and soon in Washington and Berlin, this will only lead to votes out for incompetent Tories, Macronis, Bidinis and traffic lights, but not to new, workable politics.

Le Pen can sit down. There are only two options now. Leftist chaos or even greater inability to govern than before. In 2027, the National Front will stand as a bourgeois alternative alongside Macron and the Communards. That’s good for the National Front, but bad for France – all that’s left of it in 2027. – Holger Douglas also talks about the consequences in France with Mathias Nikolaidis in today’s TE Alert.

Joe Biden doesn’t want to give up his candidacy. However, there are rumors about other candidates not only in the media, but also among Democrats. – More than five names later, Susan Heger.

The BSW is only two percentage points behind the Greens, but the AfD still has 18 percent. (INSA to BamS). The Union remains at 30 percent, the SPD at 15 percent. The traffic light parties combined get just 31 percent.

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The SPD’s Prime Minister of Lower Saxony, Weil, sees the BSW as a serious threat to the SPD. “The BSW is really a stab in the side of the SPD,” Weil told Stern. Wagenknecht is a projection surface for many who don’t feel represented by politics: “This is definitely a clear reference to the SPD.”

0% „very satisfied” with the work of the traffic light governmentThe ARD trend in Germany says: 81% are „less” or „not at all satisfied” – 19% are „satisfied”. Even among the demographic voters of the SPD and the Greens, the absolute majority is now less or not at all satisfied (50%), among supporters of the CDU/CSU 89%, the BSW 96%, the AfD 100%.

Yanis Varoufakis’s sarcasm hits the middle of the ship. “Isn’t it ‘amazing’ how our democracies are divorced from the people? How perceptions of popularity and electoral success are divorced from how (and how many) people actually vote?