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Macron arrives in unrest-torn New Caledonia



Macron arrives in unrest-torn New Caledonia

As of: May 23, 2024 at 7:25 AM

The French region of New Caledonia has been experiencing serious unrest for about ten days. President Macron has now arrived in the archipelago, where he wants to ensure the return of „peace, tranquility and security.”

French President Emmanuel Macron has arrived in New Caledonia on a visit to mediate in the turmoil-torn outer region. To this end, he began discussions with various political forces. The president will be accompanied by Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, Defense Minister Sébastien Lecornu and others.

“I stand with the people for the return of peace, tranquility and security,” Macron said after landing at the airport in the archipelago, located 1,500 kilometers east of Australia. “My goal here, with ministers and the entire government, is to support the people.” He wanted to discuss the future of New Caledonia with all groups.

At least six were killed in the protests

The riots broke out over the constitutional reform planned by the government in Paris. This aims to give thousands of citizens of French origin the right to vote and thus more political influence. Supporters of the archipelago’s independence resist this. They fear that this reform will reduce the influence of the indigenous Kanak people, who make up 40 percent of the island’s population of 270,000.

At least six people were killed in violent protests last week, and there were looting and car-burning attacks. The French government deployed 3,000 additional policemen to control the situation.

Millions in damage to the economy

Macron said that police reinforcements in New Caledonia will remain in the country as long as necessary. „In the coming hours and days, more large-scale operations will be planned, if necessary, to fully restore the republican system, because there is no other option,” he added.

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Thousands of tourists were stranded due to the unrest. France, Australia and New Zealand organized special flights to evacuate them. New Caledonia has special importance for France militarily and geopolitically, in addition to the presence of large nickel deposits there.

According to Macron, his talks will also address supply bottlenecks as a result of the riots and economic reconstruction. Last week, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry estimated the damage to New Caledonia’s economy at at least 150 million euros.

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Conflict in the Middle East: Israel announces a daily „tactical pause” in the southern Gaza Strip



Conflict in the Middle East: Israel announces a daily „tactical pause” in the southern Gaza Strip

DrThe Israeli army announced a daily “tactical pause” for several hours for its activities in the southern part of the Gaza Strip. The Armed Forces announced this Sunday morning, via the Internet platforms X and Telegram, that the outage will be in effect from eight in the morning until seven in the evening until further notice.

The military said the temporary pause was intended to enable the delivery of a larger quantity of relief supplies. This concerns the path leading from the Kerem Shalom border crossing to Salah al-Din Street and then north.

She added that the decision was taken after consultations with the United Nations and other organizations.

The humanitarian situation in the Palestinian territories is catastrophic. Relief organizations have been reporting shortages of food and other important goods for months. Thousands of people do not have enough drinking water and food, and many children suffer from severe malnutrition.

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The Gaza War was sparked by Hamas’s major attack on Israel on October 7, during which the Islamist militants, according to Israeli figures, killed 1,194 people and took 251 hostage in the Gaza Strip.

In response, Israel has since launched a large-scale military operation in the Gaza Strip. According to the Hamas-controlled Health Ministry, which cannot be independently verified, more than 37,290 people have been killed so far.

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Ukraine is arming Abrams tanks against Putin’s drones



Ukraine is arming Abrams tanks against Putin’s drones
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Kiev responds to growing threat from drones in the Ukrainian war. The new protection system aims to address this situation.

Kiev – Drones have become an integral part of 21st century warfare. They are also widely used on both sides in Ukraine. But this creates a problem with other weapons systems: many of the tanks used come from a time when engineers didn’t have to deal with anything like drone attacks.

Like an American news magazine Newsweek According to reports, Kiev is now reacting to this and wants to make the US-donated Abrams tanks safe against drone attacks. Tanks weighing 70 tons are mainly used in eastern Ukraine.

M1 Abrams tanks during training. Five of the 31 vehicles provided by the United States have already been destroyed. The Americans and Ukraine are now working on new strategies to use in the field. This also includes protective cages as an upgrade against Russian drone attacks. © Armin Weigel/DPA

Abrams tanks get protection against drones in Ukraine war

A joint Ukrainian heavy industry initiative called “Steel Front” has developed a steel cage built atop the turrets of M1 Abrams tanks. “We are confident that these designs will help protect tanks and provide them with additional protection,” said Oleksandr Mironenko, head of operations at Metinvest Group within the “Steel Front” initiative. Newsweek.

The idea of ​​additional protection is not new. During the war, which lasted more than two years, various and often improvised tower shields appeared again and again. These are intended to protect sensitive tank areas from controlled attacks on weak points.

Ukraine’s anti-drone parachutes appear to be well made

Matthew Moss, a small arms expert who teaches, says Steel Front’s anti-drone armor „appears well-made and stands in stark contrast to the improvised armor of the Russian Tortoise version, which is intended to provide similar protection against drones.” Ukraine war and adaptation of armored vehicles to drone countermeasures.

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Moss said the Ukrainian versions appear to hinder the tank’s movements and reduce crew visibility Newsweek. New cages also cover the sides of the M1 Abrams turrets and the ammunition storage box located at the rear of the tank. He added that this is one of the car’s „weak points.”

“It remains to be seen whether the distance between the screen and the fuselage is large enough to provide full protection from FPVs,” Moss said. This probably refers to the digital displays of the tank driver and gunner of the four-man Abrams crew.

Tank Hunters: Drones are becoming increasingly important on the battlefield

Drones can be effectively used to damage key parts of tanks and even disable vehicles. After the successful drone attack, heavy armored vehicles became easy prey for artillery and anti-tank missiles. „Drones currently pose the greatest threat to tanks and all other armored vehicles used by the Ukrainian army,” said Mironenko of the Steel Front initiative.

Soviet-era Ukrainian tanks, such as the T-72, were the first to receive the upgrade. The 31 Abrams aircraft designs that were donated came later, according to Mironenko. He added that improvements are currently being made to the Bradley infantry fighting vehicles donated by the United States. The Abrams’ shields are larger than the cages attached to the T-72. Of the 25 cages already built as part of the Steel Front initiative, seven were designed to fit the Abrams.

Abrams Upgrades: Despite the increase in drone activity, tanks remain an important component of warfare

Abrams missiles are used exclusively by the 47th Mechanized Brigade of Ukraine. Tanks have been a major part of the fighting for Avdiivka for a long time. Footage of Abrams clashes with Russian forces fighting west of the Ukrainian city is regularly published.

In total, Ukraine lost five of 31 M1 Abrams tanks donated by the United States, such as one News agency mentioned. The proliferation of drones on the Ukrainian battlefield means there is „no longer any open terrain you can drive over without fear of being detected,” a senior US defense official said.

Abrams tanks were withdrawn from the front as a precaution. Vice Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Christopher Grady said that the Ukrainians and the United States want to discuss redirecting their tactics regarding the use of tanks. “Given how combat is evolving, tanks could be vulnerable in an environment where unmanned aerial systems (UAS) are everywhere,” Grady said in an interview with the New York Times Magazine. News agency He added that tanks are still important in war. (sky)

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Peace Conference in Switzerland: The United States gives Kiev millions, and Meloni rejects Putin



Peace Conference in Switzerland: The United States gives Kiev millions, and Meloni rejects Putin

Peace conference in Switzerland
The United States of America gives Kiev millions, and Meloni rejects Putin

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The Ukraine peace conference in Switzerland brings something tangible from the beginning. Kiev receives hundreds of millions of dollars from the United States for its infrastructure and humanitarian purposes. In addition, Austria and Italy clearly reject Putin’s alleged offer.

At the beginning of the Swiss peace conference for Ukraine, the United States promised Kiev millions more in aid for humanitarian purposes and the country’s energy grid. The US government announced that about $500 million (about 467 million euros) should be used to repair damage to energy infrastructure and better secure the energy grid.

$324 million (about €303 million) of funds previously promised by the United States must also be reallocated to these purposes. In addition, $379 million (about 354 million euros) will be allocated for humanitarian aid to provide Ukrainians who had to flee the country with food, water and shelter.

From the point of view of Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer, the Ukraine conference represents a possible way out of the impasse. “We are like a Western echo chamber,” the Austrian Prime Minister said on the sidelines of the two-day meeting in Bürgenstock near Lucerne. “We all agree, but this is not enough.” The goal of the European Union and the United States is to find additional allies in order to increase pressure on Moscow in the Ukraine war. He added: „Without parts of Asia, Africa and South America, we will not be able to convince the Russian Federation to change its mind.”

Countries such as India, Brazil, China and South Africa are of particular importance. Nehammer said the fact that India and Brazil were represented at the meeting – even if not at ministerial level – was a „first ray of hope”.

Schulz calls for a „just peace”

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni rejected Russian President Vladimir Putin’s alleged peace talks offer the previous day as „propaganda.” “It does not seem to me that this proposal is particularly effective as a negotiating proposal to demand that Ukraine withdraw from Ukraine,” Meloni said in a sarcastic tone at the press conference held at the end of the G7 summit in Italy. Putin’s comments were more like a „propaganda initiative.”

Chancellor Olaf Scholz also rejected Putin’s proposal, describing it as an „imposed peace.” “What we need is not a peace that is dictated to us, but a just peace that takes into account Ukraine’s safety and sovereignty,” he told ARD.

The Kremlin President had made the withdrawal of Ukrainian forces from four Russian-occupied regions of Ukraine a condition for a ceasefire and peace talks. Kiev will also have to give up its membership in NATO.

Heads of government and diplomats from 92 countries want to discuss the first steps of the peace process in Ukraine this weekend. Russia was not interested in the meeting and was not invited. Vice President Kamala Harris is there in the United States. She represents US President Joe Biden, who is holding campaign appointments in California.

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