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Biden says Israel proposes a “complete” ceasefire and troop withdrawal



Biden says Israel proposes a “complete” ceasefire and troop withdrawal
outside According to US President Biden

Israel proposes a „full” ceasefire and disengagement from Gaza

Israeli soldiers on a tank near the border between Israel and Gaza

Israeli soldiers on a tank near the border between Israel and Gaza

Source: German News Agency/Tasfir Abayov

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US President Biden wants to move the faltering Gaza negotiations forward. Now he presented a proposal that Israel presented to Hamas. The offer includes the release of the hostages and withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.

IAccording to US President Joe Biden, Israel has proposed a new “comprehensive” agreement in the faltering ceasefire negotiations in the Gaza Strip. Biden said at the White House on Friday that this includes a “complete ceasefire,” a six-week withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip, and the release of Hamas hostages. Biden called on the Islamic movement Hamas to approve the agreement. He added: „It is time to end this war.”

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According to Biden, the offer consists of three stages. The first will last six weeks and include a „complete ceasefire.” Israeli forces will withdraw from all populated areas in the Gaza Strip. Hamas will release a number of hostages – including women, the elderly and the wounded – in exchange for the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners.

Biden said that during these six weeks, representatives of Israel and Hamas should continue to negotiate a permanent ceasefire, according to the proposal. Accordingly, the ceasefire will remain in effect if the talks continue. In the second phase, all remaining hostages, including male soldiers, will be released. Israeli forces will withdraw completely from the Gaza Strip. The third phase seeks to begin a comprehensive reconstruction process for the Gaza Strip.

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Biden described the Israeli offer as a “road map for a permanent ceasefire and the release of all hostages.” If Hamas really wants a ceasefire, it can prove it by agreeing to the deal. Addressing Israel, Biden said that Israel can enter into the deal without fear for its security. After several months of war, Hamas is no longer in a position to commit a massacre like the one that took place on October 7.

Biden continued: “I know that there are some in Israel who do not agree with this plan and will demand that the war continue indefinitely.” He complained that “some, even in the ruling coalition, have made it clear that they want to occupy the Gaza Strip.” They have wanted to continue fighting for years, and releasing the hostages was not a priority for them. But Biden stressed: “I called on the Israeli leadership to stand behind this deal” – despite all the pressure.

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu later referred to Israel’s war aims. Netanyahu’s office said in a statement on Friday evening that the war will not end until all the hostages return and Hamas’s leadership and military capabilities are destroyed. She added that the Israeli Prime Minister gave the negotiating team the green light to submit a proposal that could achieve these same goals. It was not clear from the letter whether this meant the proposal made by Biden.

Hamas has recently hardened its position

In order to continue negotiations on a ceasefire and the release of hostages in the Gaza Strip, Hamas has recently hardened its position. The terrorist organization said that as long as Israel does not stop the fighting in the Gaza Strip, it is not ready to negotiate. Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh reiterated on Friday that the basic demands of the Islamists, which are a permanent ceasefire and a complete Israeli withdrawal, are „non-negotiable.”

Israel gave the green light to continue negotiations with Hamas last week. Mediators Egypt, Qatar and the United States have been trying to reach such an agreement for months, but they have not succeeded so far. The war has been going on for more than seven months.

Hamas fighters carried out a major attack on Israel on October 7, killing 1,189 people, according to Israeli reports. In addition, 252 people were taken hostage in the Gaza Strip. According to Israeli information, 121 hostages are still being held by Hamas. It is said that 37 of them have already died. In response to this unprecedented attack, Israel has since undertaken large-scale military actions in the Gaza Strip.

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After contact with infected cow: US announces fourth case of bird flu in humans



After contact with infected cow: US announces fourth case of bird flu in humans

After contact with an infected cow
US announces fourth case of bird flu in humans

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Experts around the world are concerned: This is the fourth time a person in the United States has been infected with the bird flu virus. After Texas and Michigan, a dairy farm in Colorado is now the source of the infection. The health authority is assessing the risk.

For the fourth time in just a few months, a person in the United States has contracted bird flu after coming into contact with infected dairy cows — this time in Colorado. As in previous cases, the woman worked on a dairy farm and was exposed to cows that had been found to have the H5N1 virus, the CDC said. In April, the first case of bird flu was reported in a dairy farm worker in Texas, followed by two more cases in Michigan.

The Colorado patient had only mild symptoms of bird flu in her eyes and was given an antiviral medication. She has since recovered, they said. However, the CDC reiterated calls for precautions for farm workers who handle infected cows. In the Colorado case, “further genetic analysis” is underway to identify potential variants of the virus that “could change the agency’s risk assessment” for the population.

The H5N1 avian influenza virus has increasingly spread to mammals in recent months, including dairy cattle in the United States. Numerous cattle herds have been infected in several US states, and the outbreak was first detected in March.

Drosten: All experts are concerned

Several people have already been infected, raising fears of an impending pandemic. Given the spread of H5N1 in the United States, the chief virologist at Berlin’s Charité hospital, Christian Drosten, has described the bird flu virus as a potential cause of an upcoming pandemic. The pathogen has recently appeared in dairy herds in the United States and „has even appeared in dairy products on the market,” Drosten said at the weekend. „There has never been anything like this before, such a large spread in cows – all the experts are worried.”

However, the virologist explained that there is no better view of the data to make a more accurate assessment. “We don’t yet know how often people who interact with these infected cows are getting infected.” It is desirable that decisive action be taken now in the United States.

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Biden appears to be considering withdrawing after losing the televised debate.



Biden appears to be considering withdrawing after losing the televised debate.
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He presses

After his poor performance in the televised debate against Donald Trump, US President Joe Biden is under pressure. And he is now said to have directly mentioned a possible withdrawal.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Joe Biden appears to be considering withdrawing from the presidential campaign. Here’s what I’m reporting The New York Times Quoting a person close to the current US president, the report said that if Biden is no longer able to convince the public that he is fit for the job, he realizes that „he may not be able to save his candidacy.”

Will he stay in the race or drop out? US President Joe Biden. © Andrew Harnick/AFP

US President Joe Biden about to withdraw from the election campaign?

It is clear to Biden that he now has to perform well. Among other things, an interview with ABC and campaign events in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are on the agenda. “He knows we will be in a very different place at the end of the weekend if he plays two more games like this,” she said. The New York Times Source. Today, the US president also wants to meet with Democratic governors to secure their support. Next week, he wants to hold a press conference at the NATO summit in Washington.

„This claim is completely false,” said Andrew Bates, a spokesman for the US president. The White House did not have time to respond to a request for comment. The New York Times To respond. “If the New York Times had given us more than seven minutes to comment on this, we would have told them so.”

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Shortly after the report was published The New York Times Published by American Radio CNN Also quoting an ally, a report with similar content. It was not clear if the person was the same source. When asked what the White House wanted to say on the matter, the spokesman replied tersely: “Same thing.”

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After losing his first televised election duel against Donald Trump in late June, the debate over his age and health has once again accelerated. Biden spoke hoarsely, repeatedly slurring his words and failing to complete sentences. Panic has also spread within the Democratic Party. Calls for his replacement have grown louder. (LRG/EPA)

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New Anti-Aircraft Ammunition: US Releases Urgently Needed Military Aid to Ukraine



New Anti-Aircraft Ammunition: US Releases Urgently Needed Military Aid to Ukraine

New air defense ammunition
US releases needed military aid to Ukraine

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The opening of a new front line in the Kharkiv region by the Russian side will only put Ukraine in trouble for a short time. However, Kiev still lacks ammunition. And now the next batch comes from the United States.

The Ukrainian army is receiving urgently needed supplies. The United States will soon provide Ukraine with additional military aid worth about $2.3 billion (about €2.14 billion) to defend against Russia’s aggressive war. This was announced by US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin during a visit to Washington by his Ukrainian counterpart Rustam Umzhirov.

Austin explained that the package approved by US President Joe Biden includes “additional anti-aircraft missiles, anti-tank weapons, and other critical munitions from US stockpiles.” The “realignment of some foreign military supplies” will also allow the United States to provide munitions for Patriot missiles and other air defense systems “on an accelerated time frame.”

The aid is one of several that have already been made available since the US Congress released new funds worth about $61 billion (€56.2 billion) to Kiev in late April. According to the Pentagon, the US has already provided more than $50 billion in military aid to Kiev since Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine began more than two years ago.

Kyiv prepares to import electricity from the European Union

Ukraine has managed to stabilize the situation on the nearly 1,000-kilometer-long front line after resuming US arms shipments despite continued Russian pressure.

The Russian opening of a new front line in the Kharkiv region has only briefly put the Ukrainian side in trouble. According to media reports, when it comes to artillery deployment, there are now only three Russian shells for every Ukrainian shell instead of the previous five or more.

Given the ongoing Russian attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, Kyiv is preparing to import electricity from the European Union. Following Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal’s report on the current state of the country’s energy supply, a decision on electricity imports is now necessary, President Volodymyr Zelensky said in his evening video message.

“We are now fully committed to the volume of imports agreed with the EU, and I am grateful to all our neighbors for this help,” Zelensky said. “We are doing everything we can to increase imports and this should be a European solution.” His government is preparing the relevant agreements.

Zelensky called on the Ministry of Energy to inform the population on a daily basis about the state of work in the energy sector, the current deficit and the country’s measures to eliminate this deficit.

Lukashenko warns Kyiv

In recent months, the Russian military has begun targeting and destroying Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. The aim of these attacks is also to weaken the population’s will to resist.

Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko said in a speech on the occasion of the upcoming Republic Day on June 3 in Minsk that NATO does not want to end the war in neighboring Ukraine and also intends to drag Belarus into it. “I guarantee you that we will not allow clashes on the border with Ukraine, they will not happen,” he said.

At the same time, Lukashenko warned Kiev to refrain from provocations on the border. “I would like to ask Ukrainians not to play with fire,” Lukashenko said. Minsk will not allow any aggravation or escalation. Just a few days ago, Belarus increased its border forces on the border with Ukraine due to alleged provocations.

Kiev rejected this, saying that Ukraine was simply fortifying its defensive positions on the border. At the beginning of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine more than two years ago, Belarus allowed Russian military personnel to deploy from its territory.

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