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Ukraine war live: From our ranks: criticism of the Russian war grows



Ukraine war live: From our ranks: criticism of the Russian war grows

Updated on 10/8/2022 10:01 AM

  • 09:58: ➤ From our ranks: criticism of the Russian war is growing
  • 8:46 am: The Kremlin: Putin forms a committee to shoot the Crimean bridge
  • 06:39: Kharkiv was shaken by several explosions
  • 01:07: Strack-Zimmermann: Ukrainians are now training on Leopard tanks
  • 12:12 am: IMF provides $1.3 billion to Ukraine

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➤ From our ranks: criticism of the Russian war is growing

after this Russia In the past two weeks other setbacks in the war in Ukraine It had to be accepted, as more and more different actors within the Russian system are expressing their criticism of the Russian defense leadership.

As the British Ministry of Defense announced on social media,
Critics include Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, private military company owner Yevgeny Prigozhin, state-accredited TV presenters, pop stars, and a growing community of ultra-nationalist military bloggers.

So Kadyrov and Prigozhin are seen as supporters of a „pro-war” bloc, whose criticism is based on arguments for greater state involvement and a willingness to escalate.

Criticism remains focused on the military high command rather than the high political leadership, but it does represent a trend toward public expression of opposition against the Russian establishment that is at least partially tolerated and potentially difficult to reverse.

British Ministry of Defense It published daily information on the course of the war since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, citing intelligence information. By doing so, the British government wants to counter the Russian image and keep the Allies on the sidelines. Moscow accuses London of launching a purposeful disinformation campaign. (to)

Status at a glance:

Since February 24, Russia has been fighting a war of aggression against Ukraine from the air and on the ground. was before President Vladimir Putin The Ukraine’s right to exist as an independent state is in doubt and the The so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics in eastern Ukraine.

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Since then, the Ukrainian army has been fighting the invaders as best it can. Thousands of deaths were reported on both sides, but the exact numbers of soldiers and civilians were not independently verified. The truth is that the humanitarian situation in Ukraine is getting worse every day.

refugee agency UNHCR has now recorded over 13.7 million border crossings from Ukraine (Status: October 4th). The refugees consist mainly of women and children, with men between the ages of 18 and 60 not allowed to leave the country. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, nearly 6.4 million border crossings into Ukraine were recorded during this period. (Status: October 4th).

The European Union and the United States responded with sanctions. Besides, they supply Ukraine with arms as well Germany Supports the country with arms shipments. also class lockers Al-Fahd will receive Ukraine from Germany. (dpa)

Map of the military situation in Ukraine. (Warning: This infographic will be updated regularly)


Other reports from October 8

The Kremlin: Putin forms a commission on the Crimean bridge fire

According to the Kremlin, Russian President Vladimir Putin is standing on the bridge to the Black Sea peninsula due to the dangerous fire. Crimea has been informed. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was quoted by Interfax as saying on Saturday that he had instructed the commission to investigate the causes of the fire. According to the first information, the fuel wagons of a freight train caught fire on the railway part of the Crimean bridge system, which also has a highway. According to the authorities, no one was hurt. The bridge was closed to traffic.

According to the information, a section of the highway was severely damaged. Pictures circulated in the Russian and Ukrainian media showed flames rising from a train and burning the entire base of the track. The ferry line must be erected, the government announced in Simferopol, the capital of Crimea.

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After the start of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine at the end of February, several explosions occurred in the Crimea, which caused serious damage, including to military bases. There were also repeated threats in the capital, Kyiv, that the bridge between the peninsula and the Russian mainland, which Putin opened in 2018, would be shot. Recently, in the Kerch region, which directly borders the bridge in the Crimea, there have been frequent incidents with exploding drones. (dpa)

Kharkiv was rocked by several explosions

The city of Kharkov in eastern Ukraine was rocked by several explosions shortly after midnight. According to the AP news agency, huge plumes of smoke rose into the sky. There were no reports of injuries so far. Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov told Telegram that the explosions were the result of rockets falling in the city center. They would set fires in a medical facility and in an unoccupied building. (to)

Strack-Zimmermann: Train Ukrainians on Leopards Now

Chairman of the Bundestag Defense Committee Marie Agnes Strack Zimmermann (FDP), called for tank training of Ukrainian soldiers in European Union Clear. „The Spaniards will be ready to train Ukrainian soldiers on the Leopard 2 in Latvia,” the head of the Defense Committee of the German news agency DPA said on Friday during her visit to Ukraine in Kyiv. But Germany must give the green light for this.

The current question is how Ukraine will get through the coming winter militarily. „Therefore, now would be the best time to train Ukrainians for a marten or tiger, because that takes a lot of time,” she stressed.

In her talks with, among other things, Defense Minister Oleksiy Resnikov and Head of the Presidential Office Andrei Yermak, the issue of arms delivery was repeatedly emphasized. „The implication is that we need everything always and all the time. That’s understandable,” the 64-year-old said. The issue is particularly acute in the south of the country. „One is certain victory. However, the losses there are relatively high.” In open terrain, German Leopard tanks can make the difference.

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After a trip to Lviv (Limberg) in April, Strack-Zimmermann traveled to Ukraine for two days for the second time since the start of the Russian war of aggression on February 24. She is one of the people in the Traffic Light Alliance who has repeatedly called for an increase in military support for Kiev from Germany. Western-style main battle tanks were not delivered to Ukraine by any country. (dpa)


The International Monetary Fund allocates $1.3 billion to Ukraine

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is providing Ukraine with $1.3 billion (€1.28 billion) through its new tool to tackle food crises. The International Monetary Fund said Friday that the new package aims to „help Ukraine meet its immediate balance of payments needs” and „act as a catalyst for future financial support from donors and creditors to Ukraine.”

„The scale and intensity of Russia’s war against Ukraine for more than seven months has caused great human suffering and severely affected the Ukrainian economy,” the statement said.

In mid-September, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmyal accused the International Monetary Fund of insufficient support for his country at war. Ukraine applied to the International Monetary Fund for a new aid program in August. (AFP)


With materials from dpa, Reuters and Agence France-Presse

Indicators of the last few days to read:

Disturbing developments in the Ukraine war: a train with military equipment on its way from Russia to Ukraine, said to have come from a special nuclear unit in the Kremlin. Is the next escalation imminent? © ProSiebenSat.1

teaser picture: © IMAGO / SNA / Vadim Savitsky

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Ukraine is a victim? Donald Trump is said to be planning a deal with Putin’s Russia



Ukraine is a victim? Donald Trump is said to be planning a deal with Putin’s Russia
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According to an American report, Donald Trump wants to make an offer to Ukraine if Vladimir Putin wins the elections – without Kiev.

Washington – Explosive report on the war in Ukraine: Like the famous American news magazine Politico Donald Trump is said to be willing to cede occupied territories in Ukraine to Russia if he wins the election if Moscow agrees to peace.

Trump’s Offer to Putin? Controversial US Report on Ukraine War

In the 2024 US election, the new (or old) US president will be elected on November 5th of this year. Trump, 78, who was the 45th US president from 2017 to 2021, will run again as a Republican. Presumably against incumbent Joe Biden (Democrats).

He writes that Trump should think about it. Politicoto offer Putin that both Ukraine and Georgia abandon NATO membership for the sake of peace negotiations. This bypasses the decision-makers in Kiev and Tbilisi.

They met in July 2018 in Helsinki, Finland: then U.S. President Donald Trump (L) and Moscow’s ruler Vladimir Putin. © IMAGE/Xinhua

Ukraine and Georgia: Donald Trump reportedly planning to make a deal with Vladimir Putin

As two unnamed Republican national security experts told the news magazine, Donald Trump also reportedly wants to negotiate with Vladimir Putin over how much Ukrainian territory Moscow could keep if he wins the election.

With Washington, Kiev’s most important ally and arms supplier, tolerating Biden. So the alleged de-escalation of the war in Ukraine should play a major role in Trump’s plans for NATO if the controversial real estate mogul is again elected to the highest office in the United States by voters. According to the report, the United States will not abandon the defense alliance under his leadership, but NATO expansion to the east as a security guarantee for Ukraine and Georgia will be off the table (for now).

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Zelensky sends a message from Ukraine to Donald Trump

Trump has repeatedly claimed in the past that he would end the war in Ukraine within 24 hours. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has now demanded clarity on how the Republican is supposed to achieve that. “If Trump knows how to end this war, he should tell us today,” Zelensky said in an interview with Russia Today. Bloomberg TV“If there are threats to Ukraine’s independence, then we must lose our statehood – we want to be prepared for that, and we want to know that.”

In the interview, Zelensky said he was ready to meet with Trump and his team and listen to their suggestions. “We want to understand whether in November (After the US election in 2024, i.e. red“We will have strong support from the United States, or we will be alone after that.” There are major concerns in Kiev and within the NATO military alliance that if Trump wins the election, he could cut off arms shipments and aid payments to Ukraine, which has been invaded by Putin’s regime and which in turn desperately wants to become a NATO member. (evening)

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After contact with infected cow: US announces fourth case of bird flu in humans



After contact with infected cow: US announces fourth case of bird flu in humans

After contact with an infected cow
US announces fourth case of bird flu in humans

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Experts around the world are concerned: This is the fourth time a person in the United States has been infected with the bird flu virus. After Texas and Michigan, a dairy farm in Colorado is now the source of the infection. The health authority is assessing the risk.

For the fourth time in just a few months, a person in the United States has contracted bird flu after coming into contact with infected dairy cows — this time in Colorado. As in previous cases, the woman worked on a dairy farm and was exposed to cows that had been found to have the H5N1 virus, the CDC said. In April, the first case of bird flu was reported in a dairy farm worker in Texas, followed by two more cases in Michigan.

The Colorado patient had only mild symptoms of bird flu in her eyes and was given an antiviral medication. She has since recovered, they said. However, the CDC reiterated calls for precautions for farm workers who handle infected cows. In the Colorado case, “further genetic analysis” is underway to identify potential variants of the virus that “could change the agency’s risk assessment” for the population.

The H5N1 avian influenza virus has increasingly spread to mammals in recent months, including dairy cattle in the United States. Numerous cattle herds have been infected in several US states, and the outbreak was first detected in March.

Drosten: All experts are concerned

Several people have already been infected, raising fears of an impending pandemic. Given the spread of H5N1 in the United States, the chief virologist at Berlin’s Charité hospital, Christian Drosten, has described the bird flu virus as a potential cause of an upcoming pandemic. The pathogen has recently appeared in dairy herds in the United States and „has even appeared in dairy products on the market,” Drosten said at the weekend. „There has never been anything like this before, such a large spread in cows – all the experts are worried.”

However, the virologist explained that there is no better view of the data to make a more accurate assessment. “We don’t yet know how often people who interact with these infected cows are getting infected.” It is desirable that decisive action be taken now in the United States.

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Biden appears to be considering withdrawing after losing the televised debate.



Biden appears to be considering withdrawing after losing the televised debate.
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After his poor performance in the televised debate against Donald Trump, US President Joe Biden is under pressure. And he is now said to have directly mentioned a possible withdrawal.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Joe Biden appears to be considering withdrawing from the presidential campaign. Here’s what I’m reporting The New York Times Quoting a person close to the current US president, the report said that if Biden is no longer able to convince the public that he is fit for the job, he realizes that „he may not be able to save his candidacy.”

Will he stay in the race or drop out? US President Joe Biden. © Andrew Harnick/AFP

US President Joe Biden about to withdraw from the election campaign?

It is clear to Biden that he now has to perform well. Among other things, an interview with ABC and campaign events in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are on the agenda. “He knows we will be in a very different place at the end of the weekend if he plays two more games like this,” she said. The New York Times Source. Today, the US president also wants to meet with Democratic governors to secure their support. Next week, he wants to hold a press conference at the NATO summit in Washington.

„This claim is completely false,” said Andrew Bates, a spokesman for the US president. The White House did not have time to respond to a request for comment. The New York Times To respond. “If the New York Times had given us more than seven minutes to comment on this, we would have told them so.”

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Shortly after the report was published The New York Times Published by American Radio CNN Also quoting an ally, a report with similar content. It was not clear if the person was the same source. When asked what the White House wanted to say on the matter, the spokesman replied tersely: “Same thing.”

Biden Faces Disaster in TV Duel Against Trump – White House Denies NYT Report

After losing his first televised election duel against Donald Trump in late June, the debate over his age and health has once again accelerated. Biden spoke hoarsely, repeatedly slurring his words and failing to complete sentences. Panic has also spread within the Democratic Party. Calls for his replacement have grown louder. (LRG/EPA)

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