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Zelensky: US permission for operations in Russia is not enough



Zelensky: US permission for operations in Russia is not enough

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken sees a front of stability. The Netherlands allows the use of F-16 aircraft against targets in Russia. All information in the news blog.

2:27 pm: Bad news for Ukraine: Western high-precision weapons can no longer hit their targets. Behind this lies a special ability of the Russian army. Here you can read more about it.

1:34 pm: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused China of preventing other countries from participating in the planned peace conference in Ukraine. “Unfortunately, China is currently working hard to prevent countries from participating in the peace summit,” Zelensky told reporters on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Security Conference in Singapore. Zelensky says that China is „a tool in Putin’s hands,” accusing Russia of using Chinese influence and Chinese diplomats „to do everything in their power to obstruct the peace summit.”

Zelensky also expressed his criticism of „some heads of state and government” who have not yet shown their willingness to participate in the conference. However, more than 100 countries and organizations have done so so far, Zelensky says, and he calls on countries in the Asia-Pacific region to join them.

China presents itself as a neutral party regarding the Ukrainian war, but Ukraine’s allies accuse Beijing of not condemning Russia’s war of aggression. Kremlin President Vladimir Putin has been a guest in China several times since the beginning of the war. On Friday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning described China’s participation in the peace conference held in Switzerland as „difficult” due to the „nature of the meeting.” This „does not comply with Chinese requirements and the expectations of the international community.” Russia is not invited to attend the meeting.

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11:59 AM: Russia says it has captured another village in eastern Ukraine. The Ministry of Defense in Moscow said that units of the Russian army were able to “liberate” the village of Umansky in the Donetsk region. In addition, Russian forces continued their advance towards the city of Pokrovsk.

Umansky, which had a population of fewer than 180 people before the Russian offensive in Ukraine began, is about 25 kilometers northwest of Donetsk. On Friday, the new Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov praised the progress made by his army in Ukraine. According to him, land gains amounting to 880 square kilometers have been achieved since the beginning of the year.

Meanwhile, nine people were injured in Ukrainian attacks on the Russian border regions of Belgorod and Kursk, according to local authorities. Belgorod Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said on Telegram: “Six civilians were injured as a result of the bombing of the city of Shibykino.” They were injured by shrapnel and taken to hospital. In the Kursk region, three people were injured in a Ukrainian drone attack on a car, according to local governor Alexei Smirnov.

11.40 am: The number of suspected Russian war crimes in Ukraine has risen dramatically, an expert said. There are currently about 133,000 registered investigations. This is a „huge increase,” Klaus Hoffmann, the German advisor to the Ukrainian Prosecutor’s Office, told the newspaper Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung. “A lot of it has been documented very comprehensively.” At the end of 2022, there were 56 thousand similar actions.

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India: Airport roof collapses due to floods



India: Airport roof collapses due to floods

As of: June 28, 2024 at 9:41 AM

In the Indian capital, New Delhi, monsoon rains caused the roof of an airport to collapse. One person died. Pictures show steel beams falling on cars.

After heavy monsoon rains, an accident occurs at New Delhi Airport, India. Parts of the roof structure collapsed. One person was killed. Rescue workers said eight others were injured. According to the statement, the cause of the collapse was heavy rain.

Damaged cars at New Delhi airport

Steel beams trap cars

The collapse occurred in the front yard of the departure hall. An airport spokesman said: “Emergency personnel are working to assist those affected and all departure flights have been temporarily suspended.” Access is still possible and other stations are not affected. Several cars were crushed.

Images posted online showed vehicles trapped under large steel beams in the departures area of ​​one of the airport’s terminals. The terminal is used only for domestic flights.

The monsoon brings a lot of rain

Heavy rains that lasted for more than three hours left large parts of the city submerged. Chaos reigned at the airport as check-in counters were closed and many people turned back, NDTV news channel reported.

In South Asia, the monsoon season lasts from June to September. Heavy rainfall, which can lead to severe flooding and landslides, is normal. Fatal consequences occur again and again.

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Estonia’s 'Iron Lady’: Kaja Kallas becomes the new EU foreign policy representative



Estonia’s 'Iron Lady’: Kaja Kallas becomes the new EU foreign policy representative

As of: June 28, 2024 at 12:36 AM

Kaja Kallas will lead European foreign policy as the EU Foreign Policy Representative. A move to Brussels may be beneficial because it has lost some of its appeal in domestic politics.

Kaja Kallas does not allow herself to be misled. She was asked several times in a radio interview with the Estonian public broadcaster EER whether this would be her last interview as Prime Minister of Estonia and whether she had already packed her bags for the new post in Brussels.

Callas said: “Let me make it clear that the first issue is who will be nominated for the position of European Union foreign policy representative, and the heads of state and government will decide that.” This is what happened now.

A clear position against Putin

Callas is very knowledgeable about European politics. The Prime Minister of Estonia is a political figure in high demand, and not only at EU summits. It is constantly pushing Europe to help Ukraine faster and more efficiently. It also regularly calls for a clear stance against Putin in clear words.

She wasn’t impressed with the fact that he put her on the wanted list. „He wants us to be afraid,” the 47-year-old said in an interview with The Sun newspaper in February. „But that means we give him what he wants. That’s why we shouldn’t be afraid.” Daily ARD topicsShe still didn’t want to mince her words.

Putin is clearly using this as a weapon to spread fear and show that we are not a real country. He is blaming me for things that are actually internal Russian affairs. But we are an independent country.

Kallas said this shows that Putin has imperialist dreams and ideas. When her inclusion on the list was announced, many people told her it was a badge of honor. “I must have done something right if the Russians are that angry with me,” she said afterward.

READ  Estonia's 'Iron Lady': Kaja Kallas becomes the new EU foreign policy representative

That made an impression. As well as the heads of European states and governments.

Family history As an incentive

She will not be the first in her family to pursue a career in Brussels. After Estonia’s independence in 1991, her father Siem became Minister of Foreign Affairs and Finance. As Prime Minister, he negotiated Estonia’s path to joining the European Union and NATO and then became an EU Commissioner.

Perhaps this is why her daughter Kaja initially chose a different path and worked as a lawyer. In the economically liberal Reform Party, Kallas also made rapid progress in politics: as a member of the European Parliament and then as the first woman to lead her party.

Since 2021, you have been the prime minister of a country that borders Russia directly – and is home to a large ethnic Russian minority. Your vision of Moscow is always influenced by your family history.

“When Russia occupied Estonia, it deported Estonians to Siberia and brought Russians into the country. My family was also deported to Siberia. By the end of the occupation, the Russian minority was 30 percent.”

Her personal family history is also her motivation. It represents what many Estonians have experienced, Kallas says. The Russian attack on Ukraine has changed many Baltic states’ sense of security and opened old wounds. With her open words, Callas encourages her compatriots.

It lost its domestic political appeal

The road to Brussels may also have domestic political reasons. In Estonia, she has lost her appeal. The austerity measures taken by her government are very unpopular. And when it became known that her husband Arvo Halik was involved in a transport company that continued to transport goods to Russia despite the sanctions, her reputation was also damaged.

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In the European elections, her Reform Party came third with just 17.9%. The new mission in Brussels comes at the right time, and perhaps too convenient for Kallas.

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Heavy Russian losses near Kharkiv – “Ukrainian meat grinder”



Heavy Russian losses near Kharkiv – “Ukrainian meat grinder”
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The Russian Navy suffered heavy losses in the Ukraine war. Now the Russian army is training in the Mediterranean. News ticker about the Ukraine war.

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Update from June 27 at 6:00 p.m.: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that NATO does not expect “major breakthroughs” by Russia in the war against Ukraine. Stoltenberg said this in an interview with France Press agency. “They tried again this spring and summer to launch an attack, but so far they have only achieved marginal success,” the Secretary-General said in Brussels. So far, Ukraine has been able to withstand Russian pressure on the front. NATO also remains a „strong ally” of Ukraine.

Update from June 27, 5:20 p.m.: Ukrainian border guards prevent men subject to military service from fleeing abroad. as Daily news According to the border guards, 20 men were arrested on the border with Moldova. To make their escape possible, they were said to have paid €12,000 each to escape from the helpers.

Transparency Notice

The information processed here comes from international media and news agencies, but also from the warring parties in the Ukraine war. Information related to the war in Ukraine cannot be independently verified.

“Ukrainian meat grinder” – Russian military blogger talks about Russian losses

A Russian military blogger talks about the heavy Russian losses

Update from June 27 at 3:48 p.m.: Alexander Kots, a Russian military blogger and propagandist, reported heavy Russian casualties in the Kharkiv region. “Unfortunately, the enemy has started using American precision weapons in Belgorod, in particular the HIMARS system. This is war. The enemy is serious. He continues to develop. This cannot be avoided,” he added. Newsweek From a recently released video.

READ  Estonia's 'Iron Lady': Kaja Kallas becomes the new EU foreign policy representative

Coates also described the situation on the front as a „Ukrainian meat grinder.” Perhaps because of the heavy losses among Russian soldiers. high Focus online Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Russian losses were eight times higher than Ukraine’s losses.

A Ukrainian tank in the war against Russia. © Andriy Andrienko/Imago

Updated from June 27 at 1:15 p.m: Moscow is accused of being part of a recruitment campaign Central Asian immigrants To urge him to join its armed forces to increase the strength of its forces to attack in Ukraine. Millions of migrant workers live in Russia, most of them coming from Central Asia. Many of them work in low-paid jobs and live in poor conditions in order to send their salaries to their families back home.

“No soldiers in Ukraine”: controversy escalates over ground forces in France

Updated from June 27 at 12:04 p.m: French President Emmanuel Macron does not rule out sending Western ground troops to Ukraine per se – and Marine Le Pen has now addressed this on the campaign trail: shortly before France elections The right-wing populist questioned the president’s powers as commander-in-chief of the armed forces. Marine Le Pen said in an interview with the newspaper published yesterday that the president’s constitutional role as “Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces” is an “honorary title.” If telegram.

She assumes that her National Rally (RN) party will achieve an absolute majority and that party leader Jordan Bardella will then become prime minister. He added: “Jordan Bardella will not compete with the president, but there are red lines.” “The president will not be able to send soldiers to Ukraine,” Le Pen said.

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After losses in the Ukraine war: Russia „kidnaps” migrants and sends them to the front

Updated June 27 at 11:01 AM: Russia needs soldiers for its war of aggression against Ukraine. To this end, Moscow is also recruiting migrants who have been forcibly given Russian passports. According to its own statements, the Russian authorities have already sent 10,000 naturalized men to the front – out of more than 30,000 „kidnapped” migrants who „did not want to be registered for military service.”

The head of the Russian Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, said this loudly dpa Now in his appearance at the Lawyers Forum in Petersburg. Bastrykin was a colleague of Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin and considered one of his close associates.

The General Staff announces Russia’s current losses in the Ukraine war

Updated from June 27 at 10:39 AM: The Ukrainian General Staff announced the current figures for Russia’s losses. According to this, about 1,260 Russian soldiers were killed or wounded in the fighting during one day. The information could not be independently verified. Overview:

  • Soldiers: 539,320 (+1260 the previous day)
  • tank: 8042 (+3)
  • Armored vehicles: 15,459 (+9)
  • Artillery systems: 14,363 (+42)
  • Multiple rocket launchers: 1108
  • Air defense systems: 868 (+5)
  • Drones: 11,459 (+24)
  • cruise missiles: 2324
  • Tank trucks and other vehicles: 19,468 (+61)
    Source: Ukrainian General Staff dated June 27, 2024 on Facebook.

Zelensky in Brussels expects to reach an agreement with the European Union during the Ukraine war

The first report: Kiev/Brussels – Ukraine, which has been attacked by Russia, wants to pass the period until it joins the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) through security agreements. There are already many. And now a major new agreement will be added: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to hold political talks in Brussels on Thursday (June 27).

Like many EU officials dpa He said that an agreement on security cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union should also be signed.

Minister of Putin He complained „Russophobia” In the Ukraine war

Meanwhile, Putin’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Sergei Ryabkov, complained of „anti-Russian” attitudes, the news agency reported. Reuters I mentioned. In an interview with Izvestia He therefore threatened that the government in Moscow might „worse” diplomatic relations with some Western countries in the Ukraine war if this did not change.

Ryabkov also stressed Kremlin President Vladimir Putin’s announcement that his country is currently reevaluating Russia’s nuclear doctrine. Putin often cites the Russian nuclear doctrine. This provides for the “strictly defensive” use of nuclear weapons in the event of an attack on Russia with weapons of mass destruction or in the event of aggression with conventional weapons that “threatens the existence of the state.” In February, Putin said so The danger of nuclear war be realistic”.

Ukraine war exercise: Putin’s tests Guided missile cruiser

how Reuters This continues to attract attention, the official Russian news agency reported TASS Meanwhile, a Russian maneuver Navy: The guided missile cruiser „Varyag” is supposed to carry out simulated battles with massive attacks with drones and submarines in the Mediterranean Sea amid the Ukrainian war. It was not initially possible to independently verify the information.

Interactive cards To the site at Before

Areas where Russian forces have been able to advance in the Ukraine War and where Ukraine has been able to repel Russian attacks can be seen from the front line. Our current maps of the front line in the Ukraine War provide insight into the latest developments in Russia’s war against Ukraine. (Editing with agencies)

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