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War Day Glance: Missiles Fired at Kyiv – Russia Punishes Kazakhstan



War Day Glance: Missiles Fired at Kyiv – Russia Punishes Kazakhstan

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Rockets fired at Kyiv – Russia punishes Kazakhstan

Russian missile attacks on Kyiv are still unsuccessful, but Moscow reports a heavy blow to Ukrainian command structures. After the Kazakh president criticized Putin, the Kremlin punished the ally. The British Army is preparing its soldiers for a land war in Europe. A quick look at the 116th day of the war.

Anti-aircraft defenses prevent the bombing of Kyiv

The Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, was again subjected to an air attack – sirens and explosions could be heard. But according to official information, the Ukrainian air defense system shot down Russian missiles over the city. „Explosions were heard in the Vyshhorod region this morning. Anti-aircraft guns were fired at enemy targets,” the military governor of the Kyiv region, Oleksiy Kuleba, said on his Telegram channel. According to him, there were no damages or casualties in the city.

The Russians are targeting Kharkiv

According to the Ukrainian Interior Ministry, Russian forces attempted to advance towards Kharkiv and bombard the city again. Vadim Denisenko, a ministry adviser, told Ukrainian television that the situation north of Kharkiv was very difficult. „Russia wants to make Kharkiv a front-line city.” Kharkiv is located in the northeast and is the second largest city in the country after the capital, Kyiv.

Moscow reports an attack on the Ukrainian command structure

According to the Russian military, a missile attack destroyed a command center of the Ukrainian armed forces with high-ranking officers. „The strike resulted in the death of more than 50 generals and officers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, including officers of the General Staff and the commanding staff of the 'Kakhovka’ unit, the Airborne Forces and units operating in the Mykolaiv and Zaporizhia regions,” the Russian defense spokesman said. The Ministry, Igor Konashenkov. Accordingly, the command post in the Dnipropetrovsk region near the settlement of Shiroka Dasha, south of the city of Kryvyi Rih, was hit by cruise missiles of the type „Kalibr”.

On both sides there is a growing tendency to abandon

According to British intelligence experts, the intense fighting in the Donbass affects the morale of the troops on both sides. „Ukrainian forces may have suffered desertion in recent weeks, but Russian morale in particular is likely to remain troubled,” the Defense Department’s daily intelligence update on the Ukraine war said in London.

Report: The Kremlin punishes Kazakhstan

After the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev at the International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg At a distance from the war path of Russian President Vladimir Putin Russia has imposed restrictions on the supply of Kazakh oil. This was reported by the „Moscow Times” on its Telegram channel. The export of Kazakh oil has stopped at the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk. It is alleged that objects from the Second World War were found in the port area that could be mines.

Tokayev said Friday that Kazakhstan will not recognize the „people’s republics” of Donetsk and Luhansk as independent states. The right of the United Nations to self-determination is incompatible with the right of states to their territorial integrity. That is why they did not recognize Taiwan, Kosovo, Abkhazia or South Ossetia. „Obviously, this principle also applies to semi-governmental regions such as Donetsk and Luhansk.”

Leading Kazakhstan to give up nuclear weapons

After the provocation in St Petersburg on Sunday, Kazakhstan’s leadership once again upped its game. Against the background of the Ukraine war, it called for the destruction of all nuclear weapons around the world by 2045. “The current military conflict on the territory of Ukraine, talk about nuclear rearmament and mutual threats on the use of nuclear weapons, force us more than ever to think about how weak humanity and the urgent need to ban and destroy lethal weapons,” Kazakh Foreign Minister Moshtar Toloberdi wrote in an article on the website of the newspaper Leiter.

British Chief of Staff mobilizes

According to media reports, the new Chief of Staff of the British Armed Forces sent a circular to all soldiers, calling on them to prepare for a war effort in Europe. According to the British news agency, General Patrick Sanders, said that given the Russian attack on Ukraine, Britain should also prepare for further Russian aggression in continental Europe. The Palestinian Authority quoted the message of the chief of staff, who took office last Monday, „There is now an urgent need to build an army capable of defeating Russia on the battlefield alongside our allies.” The Chief of Staff is a senior soldier in the British Army.

Habeck is working on a gas saving plan

Federal Economy Minister Robert Habeck announced measures to reduce gas consumption in Germany and fill gas reserves for the winter. In the evening in Flensburg, Habeck said, the situation was serious. Supply security is currently guaranteed. „But the less we consume helps us.” In the future, more coal will be used to generate electricity instead of gas. It is bitter, but in this case it is almost necessary to reduce gas consumption,” said the green politician. Gas storage tanks should be full by winter. This has top priority. Otherwise, Germany was subjected to political blackmail.

Other important articles on the Ukraine War:

All other developments you can In our live tape Read about the Ukraine war.

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The woke West is now shaking, and even more incompetent people are being voted into office in London and Paris.



The awakened West is shaking ++ Le Pen can sit until 2027 ++ When will the BSW overtake the Greens? ++ SPD fears the BSW ++ Zero percent „very satisfied” with traffic lights ++

The awakened West is oscillating. The fact that more people vote against someone than for him in elections is nothing new. But the fact that parties and politicians themselves do not promote their own policies at all, and that the political media complex promotes only the prevention of serious competition as its goal, is a fact. In London, Paris, and soon in Washington and Berlin, this will only lead to votes out for incompetent Tories, Macronis, Bidinis and traffic lights, but not to new, workable politics.

Le Pen can sit down. There are only two options now. Leftist chaos or even greater inability to govern than before. In 2027, the National Front will stand as a bourgeois alternative alongside Macron and the Communards. That’s good for the National Front, but bad for France – all that’s left of it in 2027. – Holger Douglas also talks about the consequences in France with Mathias Nikolaidis in today’s TE Alert.

Joe Biden doesn’t want to give up his candidacy. However, there are rumors about other candidates not only in the media, but also among Democrats. – More than five names later, Susan Heger.

The BSW is only two percentage points behind the Greens, but the AfD still has 18 percent. (INSA to BamS). The Union remains at 30 percent, the SPD at 15 percent. The traffic light parties combined get just 31 percent.

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The SPD’s Prime Minister of Lower Saxony, Weil, sees the BSW as a serious threat to the SPD. “The BSW is really a stab in the side of the SPD,” Weil told Stern. Wagenknecht is a projection surface for many who don’t feel represented by politics: “This is definitely a clear reference to the SPD.”

0% „very satisfied” with the work of the traffic light governmentThe ARD trend in Germany says: 81% are „less” or „not at all satisfied” – 19% are „satisfied”. Even among the demographic voters of the SPD and the Greens, the absolute majority is now less or not at all satisfied (50%), among supporters of the CDU/CSU 89%, the BSW 96%, the AfD 100%.

Yanis Varoufakis’s sarcasm hits the middle of the ship. “Isn’t it ‘amazing’ how our democracies are divorced from the people? How perceptions of popularity and electoral success are divorced from how (and how many) people actually vote?