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The video shows them clinging to each other – three young men who were swept away by flood waters



The video shows them clinging to each other – three young men who were swept away by flood waters
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Three young men were swept away by currents in northern Italy. Despite the ongoing storm, the search for the missing is underway.

PRIMARIACCO – Storms and heavy rain continue to cause chaotic conditions in northern Italy. While intense cold struck Turin, among other places, the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region was not spared from heavy rains. After the Natison River floods, three young men are now missing – video shows dramatic scenes.

Storm in northern Italy: young people find support in the current

Due to heavy amounts of rain, the water level in the Natisone River in Italy rose dramatically within a few minutes on Friday (May 31). Therefore, three young men sought protection on an island. From there, they made an emergency call to rescue workers in Primariaco, about 12 kilometers east of the city of Udine. The news agency, among other things, talks about it Forget. An online video shows two women and a man holding each other tightly. The water is already up to their knees. It seems that they are trying to get support in light of the strong current.

The Italian fire brigade searches for the three missing people in the Natison River. Rescue workers had previously tried to rescue the young men with ropes. © Picture Allianz/DPA/Vigeli del Fuoco | –

Three people were swept away by floodwaters – and the drama continues in northern Italy

However, when rescue workers arrive at the site and attempt to free the young men from the storm using a crane and ropes, the drama begins. The three people lose their footing and are swept away before one of them can grab the rope. Rescue workers in northern Italy are loudly missing young people Forget He is estimated to be between 17 and 25 years old.

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The mayor of the northern Italian municipality of Primariaco also appears to be following what’s happening and taking note of things FacebookThere are two helicopters searching the area for the three missing people. “There are also divers. There is also a fire boat trying to go up the river,” the mayor continued. But he emphasizes: It is unfortunate that the water level continues to rise. He also points to the video that “rips your heart out.” Recently, a video of a storm sparked From Milano sensation.

Storms in northern Italy have caused chaos in many holiday areas

It is not yet clear who the three missing people are. It is currently assumed that the group may have wandered the natural area on foot. A car with a Romanian license plate was also found in the area, which likely belonged to the missing persons.

The storm in northern Italy also hit other areas hard. For example, the seaside resort of Bibione, which is popular with Germans. Heavy rains there caused severe flooding in the city center, and parking lots were also submerged. Like the Italian portal La Repubblica The water was reported to be 40cm high on Friday morning. The holiday resort of Lignano also received about 40 emergency calls about flooding overnight from Thursday to Friday. June begins with storms not only in Italy: in Italy as well Germany is threatened by a rainy weekend In parts of Bavaria, the meteorological service has already reported a red alert. (Prophet)

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War | Demand for a defensive line on the Russian border



War | Demand for a defensive line on the Russian border

Four NATO countries have called for the establishment of a defensive line along the Russian border. European Union countries agree to impose sanctions on Belarus. All information in the news blog.

6.40 AM: According to a media report, the European Union will again impose tariffs on sugar and egg imports from Ukraine from Friday. The amount will be 89 euros per ton, the Financial Times reported, citing people familiar with the process. The European Union had decided to ease customs duties to support war-torn Ukrainian agriculture.

However, this led to protests from farmers in the European Union. They complained of cheap imports, loss of market share, declining revenues, and unfair competition. As a result, a decision was made on a kind of emergency brake mechanism for some agricultural products, which should come into force in the event of exceeding import limits. According to the Financial Times, this emergency brake is now being pulled in a similar manner to Ukrainian oats.

5 o’clok: According to a report by Ukrainian online news site Euromaidan, dozens of Russian soldiers are trapped in a factory in the city of Vovchansk in Kharkiv province. This was confirmed by Ole Sinihobo, head of the district administration. Previous reports spoke of up to 200 soldiers. The Ukrainian army has so far repelled attempts by Russian forces to liberate the region. Parts of the city are under Russian control, but the Ukrainian army has so far prevented its capture.

3:10 AM: Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia called on the European Union to create a defensive line along the borders with Russia and Belarus. “The development of the defense infrastructure system along the EU’s external borders with Russia and Belarus will take into account the urgent need to protect the European Union from military and hybrid threats,” the four leaders’ message, seen by Reuters, said.

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Hybrid threats refer to a combination of military and non-military, covert and overt, means, including disinformation, cyberattacks, economic pressure, and pushing migrants across borders. In a letter to the EU leader, which will be discussed at the summit in Brussels starting on Thursday, the leaders of the four countries say the project will also require financial support from all members. EU diplomats estimated the cost of building such a defensive line along the EU’s 700-kilometre border with Russia and Belarus at about 2.5 billion euros.

2.30 AM: The Russian news agency TASS, citing the Russian Navy, reported on a training exercise conducted by the Russian guided missile cruiser Varyag in the Mediterranean Sea. The Navy Command said that the exercises focused on deterring a massive drone attack, and also included combat simulations with an enemy ship and a submarine.

0.25 AM: The largest internet service providers in Russian-occupied Crimea fell victim to a cyberattack from Ukraine on Wednesday. Several major providers in Crimea were hit by hackers from the HUR military intelligence service, Kyivpost reported. According to the report, HUR cyber specialists carried out attacks on several Russian ministries in early June. It is unclear how much damage the latest attack in Crimea caused.

0.20 AM: It appears that the European Union and Ukraine are on the verge of signing a security agreement. As set out in the draft document, seen by Reuters news agency, the EU commits, among other things, to supplying Ukraine with weapons and providing military training for years to come. The signing is expected to take place on Thursday at the European Union summit chaired by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Although he has not been officially announced as a guest. However, in diplomatic circles it was assumed that he would participate.

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40 homeless villagers: Occupation bulldozers demolish homes in the West Bank



40 homeless villagers: Occupation bulldozers demolish homes in the West Bank

40 homeless villagers
Israeli bulldozers demolish homes in the West Bank

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In the southern West Bank, Israeli occupation forces stormed a Bedouin settlement and demolished several homes, according to residents. The reason appears to be stated in a military order.

Israeli occupation forces demolished several homes in a Bedouin settlement in the occupied West Bank, according to residents. Five families, about 40 of the village’s 200 residents, are now homeless, including a prominent Palestinian artist and about 30 children.

Palestinian villagers told the Associated Press news agency that Israeli bulldozers and military vehicles entered Umm al-Shir in the southern West Bank early Wednesday morning and destroyed at least seven homes. Then they left again. Later, the soldiers returned and arrested a resident. Footage taken by amateurs from the village shows the bulldozers crashing into the walls of houses while residents watched. Israeli soldiers remove Palestinians and Israeli activists from the demolition area.

The area is now a military exclusion zone?

The Israeli military agency responsible for civil affairs in the West Bank said that the demolished buildings were built illegally and without a license. Israel’s highest court ruled that the buildings could be removed. Palestinians in these areas have long said that it is almost impossible to obtain building permits from Israeli authorities.

Also affected by the demolition was the home of Eid Suleiman, an activist and artist whose work was exhibited alongside the famous Chinese exile artist Ai Weiwei. Suleiman said that the soldiers gave his family only 30 minutes to remove their belongings from the house.

A military order delivered to residents stated that part of the village had been declared a prohibited military zone. The order named the area “Carmel Farms,” reflecting the name of a nearby fenced-off Israeli settlement.

“On one side of the fence there are people with rights,” said Guy Buttavia, an Israeli activist who joined the villagers. On the other hand, he said, „They have no rights. They cannot live on their own land.”

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A visit to Israel: How Baerbock imagines Germany’s role in post-war Gaza



A visit to Israel: How Baerbock imagines Germany’s role in post-war Gaza

IIsraelis are not a quiet crowd. There are whispers at the Herzliya University security conference. It is a major annual event in which important voices from Israel and its international partners analyze the situation in the Middle East. They all paint a bleak picture of the future: Israel’s seemingly endless war in the Gaza Strip, in which the Islamist movement Hamas remains the decisive force despite the harsh blows the Israeli army is receiving.

Terrorist leader Sinwar, who continues to prevent the release of Israeli hostages in exchange for a ceasefire. There is high tension in the West Bank and on the border with Lebanon, where Iran-aligned Hezbollah has been firing countless missiles and drones into Israel since October 8.

The speakers strongly criticized “the indecisive behavior of the Netanyahu government in the war.” Occasionally calls of „Amen” can be heard in the large lecture hall. But when the German Foreign Minister took the stage on Monday evening, everything fell silent. When Annalena Baerbock criticized Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip and settler violence in the West Bank, you could hear the drop of a needle.

The Foreign Minister has the audacity to deliver a speech in English strongly condemning Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran. But it also publicly expresses what it expects from Israel. This, so clearly, is new for a German politician.

Baerbox then agrees with Merkel’s principle that Israel’s security is part of Germany’s raison d’être. The then Chancellor coined it in a speech to the Knesset in 2008. Since then, several German politicians have repeated this sentence without explaining in more detail what it actually means. Baerbock also stresses that Germany stands firmly with Israel. „But what does that mean today?” asks the Foreign Minister in Herzliya. It lays out a four-point plan for how it envisions a post-war order in the Gaza Strip.

Security for all Israelis will only be possible if there is security for Palestinians as well. This can only be achieved within the framework of the two-state solution. “I know that this view is not popular with everyone here in Israel, and perhaps less so today than it was before October 7.”

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Rejection from hardliners

This is an understatement. In Israel, calls for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state arouse resentment. This could be seen as a reward for the Hamas attack, as reported here. This is likely to spark anger, especially in Netanyahu’s government, which includes right-wing extremists who dream of repopulating the Gaza Strip and annexing the West Bank. Just like Baerbock’s second point.

The Foreign Minister urges Israel to abide by international law. Reports of prisoner mistreatment in Gaza have alarmed her, just as “extremist settlers in the West Bank are brutally expelling Palestinians from their homes, often without being prosecuted.” Baerbock mentions “some members of the Israeli government” who pushed for the financial destruction of the Palestinian Authority. And about the measures “that would strengthen the occupation of the West Bank.”

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Without mentioning him, Burbock also addresses Prime Minister Netanyahu when she describes Biden’s latest plan for a hostage deal between Israel and Hamas as a “key” to calm in the Middle East. This stipulates three stages in which Hamas first releases the wounded, the elderly, and female hostages, before all remaining Israeli hostages are released in a second step – in exchange for the withdrawal of Israeli forces, a ceasefire, and the reconstruction of the devastated coastal strip. .

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Hamas takes a stand. Netanyahu has hesitantly agreed to Biden’s plan, but has repeatedly angered the United States with his statements to the contrary. Baerbock says unlimited Israeli control of the Gaza Strip is not an option. Germany calls on Hamas to “accept this plan, and we depend on Israel to adhere to its obligations.”

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But what will happen to Gaza if Israel withdraws? “We need to take a realistic look at the future of the Gaza Strip. A Gaza where Palestinian women, men and children can live in dignity and without fear. Above all, Gaza, from which Hamas no longer poses a threat to the existence of the State of Israel. The Israeli public applauds the German Foreign Minister.

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What kind of judgment will come the next day? How can we finance economic reconstruction and ensure that it is not misused to build new terrorist structures? Birbock’s answer: The reformed Palestinian Authority must take over the administration of the Gaza Strip.

Until that happens, an international coalition is needed to provide security guarantees for Israel. Germany wants to be part of these allies, which should consist of Europe, the United States and regional Arab partners. More precisely, it could look like this: Germany, as part of the European Union, works to ensure security on the Gaza-Israel border.

“I belong to the generation that has had the honor of living all my life in West Germany in democracy, freedom and peace.” There were others at that time who helped her grandparents’ generation build a democratic state and provided her with the security guarantees she gave. “Just as our partners were there for us then, we want to be there for you today,” Baerbock says.

Once again there is applause for Baerbock

Concrete security commitments – that is green realpolitik. However, the minister is also weaving in her oft-stated “values-based foreign policy”: “Women need a place at the table when it comes to this legislation.” And again, there is applause in the hall. “Because we see this all over the world: peace treaties do not last long if women are not included, who make up half of societies everywhere in the world, in every religion and in every country.”

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Baerbock’s plan to establish an Arab-American-European coalition to rebuild Gaza and provide temporary security there sounds good, but it is very difficult. Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, which entered into diplomatic relations with Israel as part of the Abraham Accords, will have to play a decisive role there.

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (74)

Benjamin Netanyahu in an interview

Above all, Saudi Arabia, the region’s leading Sunni power and an opponent of Shiite Iran. But American efforts to normalize relations between Riyadh and Jerusalem have been stymied by the Gaza war. Abu Dhabi and Riyadh call for the establishment of a Palestinian state as the goal of these efforts. Oversight of Gaza in cooperation with Arab states is also being discussed in Netanyahu’s circles. But under his current coalition, implementation does not seem possible.

That’s why Baerbock made clear again in her talks with Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz and new Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Mustafa on Tuesday: „The aggressive settlement policy” in the West Bank must stop, and warned Israel.

Annalena Berbock with Muhammad Mustafa in Ramallah

Annalena Berbock with Muhammad Mustafa in Ramallah

Source: German News Agency

She added: “The fact that the customs and tax funds that the Palestinian Authority is entitled to under the Oslo Accords are now completely closed by the Israeli authorities is irresponsible.” On the other hand, she told Mustafa that his plans for economic and political reform in the West are bankrupt, where the Palestinian Authority has ruled for 18 years without elections, “but that must come after that.”

On Tuesday, the Secretary of State will travel to Lebanon, on this subject also with a warning in her luggage: With every missile that crosses the border, “the risk grows that a miscalculation will spark a hot war from one moment to the next,” Baerbock says in Jerusalem. Therefore, whoever bears responsibility must exercise maximum restraint – “above all, Hezbollah must stop bombing Israel.” She will clarify this during her visit to Beirut.

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