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After Ukrainian attack on Russian Black Sea fleet: Putin’s commander in the line of fire



After Ukrainian attack on Russian Black Sea fleet: Putin’s commander in the line of fire
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After suffering heavy losses, Putin’s Black Sea Fleet withdrew from Crimea. But Ukraine is also enjoying success in Russian waters.

Novorossiysk – Russian Navy It’s not easy in the Ukraine war. After Vladimir Putin sacked the commander of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet over heavy losses, the leadership is still beset by problems.

After the heavy losses of the Black Sea Fleet, Russia is now building new warships. © Imago / ITAR-TASS

Ukrainian attacks on Black Sea Fleet put Russia under immense pressure

A third of the Black Sea Fleet is said to have been destroyed in the Ukrainian war, which is why the remaining ships have recently withdrawn from Crimea. The bulk of the fleet is now based in the Russian city of Novorossiysk in the Krasnodar region east of Crimea. But here too Russian ships are falling victim to Ukrainian attacks.

Ukrainian Majura V5 drone boats are said to have attacked Putin’s fleet again in the coastal city on the night of July 3, according to the Ukrainian military news site, among others. military Reported. Independent news site Astra Meanwhile, a video of the city was On telegram They were released as explosions and gunfire were heard. The Russian Defense Ministry also reported two drone boats that were said to be heading towards Novorossiysk.

Problems in the leadership of the Black Sea Fleet: Putin’s commander is often drunk

The curious thing: In addition to the renewed attack on Putin’s Black Sea fleet, there are also rumors that a Russian naval commander known for his heavy drinking may be responsible for the weak defense of the Novorossiysk port. “Battle Sailor,” a Russian naval blogger, reported the incident on Telegram.

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According to him, the Russian commander is said to regularly drink alcohol, making the Russian Navy vulnerable to such attacks. This claim was translated by War Translated, an independent project that regularly translates war reports from Russian or Ukrainian into English, as reported in Newsweek he is called.

The accusations are serious: “A high-ranking official who regularly drinks during the war and then lies on intravenous fluids” is responsible for the port’s miserable defense, complains the “Battle Sailor.” “Once again, you allowed enemy suicide planes into the bay.” However, the blogger does not want to reveal the exact identity of the fleet commander.

Known problem: Russian soldiers are said to be frequently resorting to drug use during the Ukraine war

Alcohol seems to be a big problem in the Russian military in general. To combat this, Russia punishes misconduct with strict measures. Russian soldiers who drink alcohol while on duty are severely punished and sent to penal battalions, such as Reuters It was reported at the end of last year. If soldiers are caught using drugs or alcohol or disobeying direct orders, they are sent to the front as part of the notorious „Strom Z” forces. This group is often sent to the most dangerous sections of the front in the Ukrainian war, and therefore the mortality rate is extremely high.

“If commanders catch someone with the smell of alcohol on their breath, they immediately send them to the ‘Storm Z’ division,” said an unnamed Russian soldier. Reuters I expressed.

British intelligence also confirmed last year that alcohol and drug abuse is widespread in the Russian army, according to independent Russian media. Firstka Up to 15% of Russian soldiers are said to be on drugs, and as the Russian military blogger’s report shows, the problem has clearly penetrated the upper echelons of the Russian military. (sir)

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Trump furious after Biden resignation – former president sees ‘danger to democracy’



Trump furious after Biden resignation – former president sees ‘danger to democracy’
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Donald Trump is angry. After Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race, the Republican reacted angrily.

Updated from July 22, 1:53 p.m.: A day after Joe Biden dropped out, Donald Trump continues to distribute. The former US president wrote on TruthSocial: “It’s a new day and Joe Biden doesn’t remember dropping out of the race yesterday! He’s demanding his campaign plan and arranging talks with Presidents Xi (China) and Putin (Russia) about the possible start of World War III.

“He loses the debate badly, then panics and makes mistake after mistake. Then he is told he can’t win. They decide to vote for someone else, maybe Harris. They stole the race from Biden after he won the primary – for the first time! These people are the real danger to democracy!” Donald Trump wrote regarding the latest developments in American politics.

After Joe Biden Withdraws: Trump May Run Against Harris in US Elections

Updated from July 22, 12:02 PM: For Trump, Joe Biden’s withdrawal is likely to open a new chapter in the US election campaign. Shortly after Biden’s comments, the Republican vented his anger and criticized his former rival. He, in turn, tried to appoint Kamala Harris as his successor. Current analysis of the surveys written by CNN Meanwhile, he sees a close race between Trump and Harris if the two politicians run against each other in the 2024 US election.

CNN found that the average of the last six polls would give Trump 48% of the vote. Harris would get 47%. Political expert David Sirakov sees Democrats’ chances in the US presidential election improving significantly after Joe Biden’s withdrawal as a candidate. “The withdrawal has the potential to be a game changer. It’s an opportunity for Democrats to get back on the political front,” he said.

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Trump responds to Biden’s withdrawal: 'It’s a threat to democracy’

Updated from July 22, 10:43 AM: Donald Trump is still angry after Biden dropped out of the 2024 US presidential race. On Truthsocial, he once again criticized his former rival, writing: “Who is running our country right now? It’s not Crooked Joe. He has no idea where he is. If he can’t run for president, he can’t run our country!!!” Meanwhile, Trump said: “Biden did not have Covid. He is a threat to democracy!”

Meanwhile, in the wake of recent developments in US politics, the Republican front-runner also sees himself as needing „compensation” after spending money on the campaign against Biden.

Biden Withdrawal Impact: Stock Market and Bitcoin Reaction – Trump With Confidence

Update from July 22, 9:40 AM: The withdrawal of Joe Biden and the search for a successor to run in the US elections in 2024 is the dominant topic in the United States. There is currently no official opponent for Donald Trump. In these turbulent times, the US stock market started the new week with a setback. On the other hand, the cryptocurrency Bitcoin has risen significantly: the price rose to more than $ 68,000 on Monday, its highest level in more than a month. Last night, the oldest and most popular cryptocurrency was temporarily trading at just under $ 68,500 on the Bitstamp trading platform.

According to analyst Timo Emden of Emden Research, the assumption in the crypto market is still that Donald Trump will win the upcoming presidential election and return to the White House as president. Trump is an advocate of reduced regulation and is generally seen as a supporter of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

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Donald Trump Responds to Biden’s Withdrawal Ahead of US Elections, Feels 'Scammed’

Update from July 22, 5:45 AM: After Joe Biden’s withdrawal, Donald Trump is clearly angry. His campaign team has invested time and money in “the battle against fraudulent Joe Biden.” “We must now start over,” Trump wrote on the online platform Truth Social. The 78-year-old suggested that Republicans should compensate for the “fraud” on his party.

Update from July 21, 10:30 PM: About an hour after his initial reaction, Donald Trump retaliated against US President Joe Biden after he dropped out of the election campaign. “Corrupt Joe Biden is by far the worst president in the history of our nation. He has done everything in his power to destroy our country, from our southern border to energy dominance, national security, international standing and so much more,” Trump wrote in another post on Truth Social.

“He was destroyed in a devastating debate, and now the corrupt and radical Democrats are throwing him overboard,” Trump continued, referring to the failed televised debate. “He was unfit to serve from the start, but the people around him lied to America about his complete and utter mental, physical and cognitive decline. Whoever the Left puts forward now will be more of the same.”

Trump’s reaction to Biden’s withdrawal from the US election campaign

First report for July 21: Email WASHINGTON, DC — It’s been a long-running speculation, but it finally happened on Sunday night. U.S. President Joe Biden has withdrawn his candidacy for the 2024 U.S. presidential election after mounting criticism from his own ranks. He wants to focus on his duties as president and is proposing his vice president, Kamala Harris, as the new Democratic nominee. It didn’t take long for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to respond.

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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump made extensive use of his first campaign appearance since the assassination attempt to mock rival Joe Biden’s problems. © Katie Boehmer/Saginaw News/AP/dpa

Trump Responds to Biden Withdrawal – ‘Not Fit to Serve’

“Corrupt Joe Biden was unfit to run for President and certainly unfit to serve — and never was!” Trump wrote on his Truth Social messaging service. “He only got the job of President through lies, fake news, and never leaving his basement,” the former president continued. Biden’s inner circle knew the president was unfit for office, and Trump continues to make the claims, attacking Biden’s doctors and the media in particular.

Trump wrote that the United States had suffered „great damage” from Biden’s presidency, but that he and his team „will repair the damage very quickly” after he concluded his re-election statement with the slogan „Make America Great Again.”

Trump Reacts to Biden Withdrawal – Vance’s Rep Also Calls for Immediate Resignation as President of the United States

Since announcing his candidacy, Trump has attacked Biden for his age and alleged lack of mental fitness. After Biden’s poor performance in a live televised duel with Donald Trump, a growing chorus of voices within the Democratic Party has been raised against the US president and disqualified from running again.

J.D. Vance, Trump’s running mate, had called for Biden to withdraw just hours earlier. He said that if the US president withdrew his candidacy, he should also resign from office. “Failure to seek re-election would be a clear admission that President Trump was right all along in his belief that Biden was not mentally fit to serve as commander-in-chief,” Vance wrote on X.

Trump’s reaction to Biden’s withdrawal from the US election campaign – the statement literally

“Crooked Joe Biden (Crooked Joe Biden) was not fit to run for President and is certainly not fit to hold office – and never was! He became President only through lies, fake news, and not leaving his basement. Everyone around him, including his own doctor and the media, knew he was not fit to be President, and he was not – and now look what he has done to our country, with millions of people, coming across our borders, completely out of control and unchecked, many from prisons and psychiatric institutions and a record number of terrorists. We will suffer greatly under his Presidency, but we will repair the damage he has done very quickly. Let’s Make America Great Again!” (FD)

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Shakespearean Drama – In the Fight for Harris, Obama Follows Calculations



Shakespearean Drama – In the Fight for Harris, Obama Follows Calculations

Washington/Berlin. Joe Biden will not run for president. The alleged „chain puller”: Barack Obama. It’s the grind behind the scenes.

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Vice President Harris Reacts to His Successor’s Proposal



Vice President Harris Reacts to His Successor’s Proposal
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President Joe Biden is withdrawing from the US election campaign. The US president confirmed this in a post on the short message service X.

Update from Monday, July 22: 12:30 AM: The decision had been expected in recent days, but US President Joe Biden caused a stir on Sunday. In a simple statement on the X website, the 81-year-old announced that he would not run for the US elections scheduled for next November. Biden continued that the decision was best for his party and his country. He himself wants to focus fully on his duties as president in the coming months. After months of controversy over his age and mental fitness, Biden has now come clean.

Biden has nominated his running mate Kamala Harris to succeed him for the Democratic nomination. The 59-year-old said she was honored to have the president’s endorsement. “I intend to earn this nomination and win it,” Harris later said. Several high-profile Democrats have already announced their support for Harris. Former President Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary, have also spoken out in favor of Harris.

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President Joe Biden withdraws from US election campaign © Jim Watson/AFP

Biden announces withdrawal from US election campaign – Trump attacks US President

Immediately after Biden’s announcement, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump tweeted on his Truth Social that Biden was unfit to run for president. Trump also wrote that he was “absolutely” unfit to hold the office and never has been. “We will repair the damage he has done very quickly.” J.D. Vance, Trump’s running mate, directly attacked Kamala Harris in a post

The coming days will show whether the entire party can unite behind Harris as a candidate. There is not much time left for the election campaign: the US presidential election is already less than four months away.

Question About Biden’s Successor – Governor Whitmer Not Seeking Run

Updated Monday, July 22: 12:26 AM: Michigan Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer has reportedly decided not to run for president, Bloomberg reports. The 52-year-old has been one of a number of names being discussed in recent days as potential successors to Joe Biden as the Democratic presidential nominee.

Biden Drops Candidacy – These Are the Possible Successors to the US Election

Updated from Monday, July 22: 12:11 AM: Although Biden has publicly spoken out in favor of Kamala Harris as his successor after he dropped out, the Democratic nomination is at least officially open. In addition to the vice president, other high-profile Democrats may also be hoping to run. We’ve compiled a list of promising candidates for you here.

Updated Monday, July 22 at 12:05 AM: Senior Democrat Adam Schiff, like other Democrats, has expressed his support for Kamala Harris as a candidate in the US presidential campaign. “I am happy to endorse Kamala Harris for president and give her my full support,” Schiff wrote in a post on Twitter. The House representative publicly called on Biden to withdraw from his campaign on Wednesday.

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Biden withdraws: Harris hails 'selfless act’

Updated from Sunday, July 21 at 10:42 PM: “With this act of selfless patriotism, President Biden is doing what he has done his entire life: putting the American people and our country above all else,” Kamala Harris wrote of Biden’s withdrawal. The history is unprecedented and surpasses the legacy of many two-term presidents.

Meanwhile, tech billionaire Elon Musk announced that he had learned of Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the US presidential race. “I heard last week that he was retiring around this time. It was known to everyone in DC,” Musk wrote on his X platform. “The real powers that be are getting rid of the old puppet in favor of another who has a better chance of fooling the public. They fear Trump because he is not a puppet.”

After Biden’s Withdrawal: Harris Wants to Be US President’s Successor

Updated from Sunday, July 21 at 10:17 PM: After US President Joe Biden withdrew from the presidential campaign, his Vice President Kamala Harris wants to become the Democratic Party’s alternate nominee. Harris said in a written statement: „I am honored to have the president’s endorsement and intend to win this nomination and win it.” Biden had previously suggested Harris as his alternate candidate.

Obama Responds to Biden Withdrawal: Former US President Issues Statement

Updated from Sunday, July 21 at 10:09 PM: Joe Biden’s withdrawal continues to provoke strong reactions in the United States. Barack and Michelle Obama made a public statement and expressed their respect for the current US president. At the same time, the former US president did not express his support for Kamala Harris. Obama said: „We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process that produces an outstanding candidate.

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Putin’s Russia responds to Biden’s withdrawal: Situation 'being closely monitored’

Updated from Sunday, July 21 at 9:49 PM: Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the US presidential race has also put the Kremlin in the spotlight. Moscow said on Sunday it would “closely monitor the situation.” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov noted that Russian President Vladimir Putin had identified Biden as a predictable candidate who would be preferable to Russia.

But Peskov said: „There are still four months to the elections, and that is a long time in which a lot can change.” He added: „We must be patient and closely watch what happens next, and the priority for Russia is to achieve the goals of the war against Ukraine.”

After Withdrawal Announcement: Biden Calls for Donations to Harris

Updated from Sunday, July 21 at 9:15 p.m.: Joe Biden has called for donations to his running mate Kamala Harris’s campaign after she dropped out of the 2024 US presidential race. Biden posted a corresponding message on the X platform and had previously suggested his running mate as an alternative candidate. It is currently uncertain whether Harris will actually be Biden’s successor. Ultimately, the decision on the nomination rests with the Democratic delegates.

President Joe Biden withdraws from US election campaign.
President Joe Biden withdraws from the US election campaign. © Brendan Smialowski/AFP

Donald Trump With reaction to Biden’s withdrawal

Updated from Sunday, July 21 at 8:51 PM: After it was announced that US President Joe Biden would not be the Democratic nominee for the 2024 US election, Republican Donald Trump continued to attack TruthSocial over Biden’s withdrawal. “Corrupt Joe Biden was unfit to run for president and certainly unfit to hold office,” the presidential candidate wrote. “He became president solely through lies, fake news, and the fact that he never left his basement. Everyone around him, including his doctor and the media, knew he was unfit to be president.”

Trump or Biden? It will be interesting in the US election campaign

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Jill Biden initially reacted to her husband’s withdrawal from the US presidential race with an emoji. The first lady retweeted a corresponding post from US President Joe Biden with two pink hearts on her own X account. Shortly before that, he had announced on social media platforms Instagram, Facebook and X that he would no longer run for a second term in the November elections.

After Biden’s resignation: US President proposes Harris as his successor

Updated from Sunday, July 21 at 8:24 PM: AFP also announced that US President Joe Biden will support his Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate. Biden made the announcement on social media X, Facebook and Instagram.

Ahead of November’s US election: Biden announces withdrawal from candidacy

First report for Sunday, July 21: Washington, DC – US President Joe Biden has withdrawn his candidacy for the November US election. As a result of the televised debate against former President Donald Trump, criticism of Biden as the Democratic Party’s nominee has increased. Senior representatives from Biden’s camp have already called on the president to withdraw from the campaign.

Biden’s withdrawal from American Elections Advertise

Biden himself confirmed the withdrawal in a statement on his Twitter account: “It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve my country as President. While I intend to seek re-election, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and my country for me to withdraw as a candidate and focus on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.”

Biden announces withdrawal from candidacy – speech to be announced next week

Biden also announced in the statement that he would address the nation in a speech later this week to explain his exact motivations. Aside from the message on his personal X account, which he uses for the campaign, there was initially no other official statement via any other channel.

For the Republicans, Donald Trump will enter the US presidential race in November. He was confirmed as the nominee at the Republican convention in Milwaukee. The Democratic National Convention is scheduled for August 19-22. At the convention, the Democratic nominee for the US election in November will be chosen.

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