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War | Demand for a defensive line on the Russian border



War | Demand for a defensive line on the Russian border

Four NATO countries have called for the establishment of a defensive line along the Russian border. European Union countries agree to impose sanctions on Belarus. All information in the news blog.

6.40 AM: According to a media report, the European Union will again impose tariffs on sugar and egg imports from Ukraine from Friday. The amount will be 89 euros per ton, the Financial Times reported, citing people familiar with the process. The European Union had decided to ease customs duties to support war-torn Ukrainian agriculture.

However, this led to protests from farmers in the European Union. They complained of cheap imports, loss of market share, declining revenues, and unfair competition. As a result, a decision was made on a kind of emergency brake mechanism for some agricultural products, which should come into force in the event of exceeding import limits. According to the Financial Times, this emergency brake is now being pulled in a similar manner to Ukrainian oats.

5 o’clok: According to a report by Ukrainian online news site Euromaidan, dozens of Russian soldiers are trapped in a factory in the city of Vovchansk in Kharkiv province. This was confirmed by Ole Sinihobo, head of the district administration. Previous reports spoke of up to 200 soldiers. The Ukrainian army has so far repelled attempts by Russian forces to liberate the region. Parts of the city are under Russian control, but the Ukrainian army has so far prevented its capture.

3:10 AM: Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia called on the European Union to create a defensive line along the borders with Russia and Belarus. “The development of the defense infrastructure system along the EU’s external borders with Russia and Belarus will take into account the urgent need to protect the European Union from military and hybrid threats,” the four leaders’ message, seen by Reuters, said.

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Hybrid threats refer to a combination of military and non-military, covert and overt, means, including disinformation, cyberattacks, economic pressure, and pushing migrants across borders. In a letter to the EU leader, which will be discussed at the summit in Brussels starting on Thursday, the leaders of the four countries say the project will also require financial support from all members. EU diplomats estimated the cost of building such a defensive line along the EU’s 700-kilometre border with Russia and Belarus at about 2.5 billion euros.

2.30 AM: The Russian news agency TASS, citing the Russian Navy, reported on a training exercise conducted by the Russian guided missile cruiser Varyag in the Mediterranean Sea. The Navy Command said that the exercises focused on deterring a massive drone attack, and also included combat simulations with an enemy ship and a submarine.

0.25 AM: The largest internet service providers in Russian-occupied Crimea fell victim to a cyberattack from Ukraine on Wednesday. Several major providers in Crimea were hit by hackers from the HUR military intelligence service, Kyivpost reported. According to the report, HUR cyber specialists carried out attacks on several Russian ministries in early June. It is unclear how much damage the latest attack in Crimea caused.

0.20 AM: It appears that the European Union and Ukraine are on the verge of signing a security agreement. As set out in the draft document, seen by Reuters news agency, the EU commits, among other things, to supplying Ukraine with weapons and providing military training for years to come. The signing is expected to take place on Thursday at the European Union summit chaired by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Although he has not been officially announced as a guest. However, in diplomatic circles it was assumed that he would participate.

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’Crazy Idea’: Small Swedish Town Sells Building Land for Cents



’Crazy Idea’: Small Swedish Town Sells Building Land for Cents

„Crazy idea”
A small Swedish town sells its land allocated for construction at low prices

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In order to stimulate growth in the sparsely populated area, the small Swedish town of Gottjeni is offering building plots at ridiculous prices. The response is overwhelming.

Land for building at less than ten cents per square meter: Because of this deal offer, a small town in southwestern Sweden has been seized by interested parties. “We started the campaign in mid-April,” said Johan Mansson, mayor of Goteni, a town of 5,000 people. 30 properties that have been abandoned for decades have been put up for sale at a price per square meter of one Swedish krona (about ten cents). It was a “crazy idea” and a marketing campaign.

“With this attractive offer, the municipality wanted to provide more living space in the low-density area and thus stimulate growth in the area,” Mansson continued. The properties on offer range in size from seven to 1,200 square metres. When purchasing, the new owner undertakes to build a house on them within two years. Shortly after the campaign began, three properties were sold, which is “a great success for such a small community,” said Mayor Mansson. “We could never have imagined what would happen to us.”

Sales have been temporarily halted

Because when a local TV station reported the unusual offer at the end of June, the story spread like wildfire: Swedish media reported, a video was distributed on the Tiktok platform, two English-language media outlets picked up the story and millions of people discovered it Götene and unbeatable land prices .

From that moment on, the city government was inundated with emails and calls. In the meantime, sales were halted so that all offers could be considered. “We have interested parties from Europe, Asia — especially India and Pakistan — as well as the United States, Australia and even South America,” said Mayor Manson. The campaign has put the small town “on the world map.” The property sale will continue at auction in early August.

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Hungary: EU Council Presidency: Orban with Trump’s slogan – “Make Europe Great Again”



Hungary: EU Council Presidency: Orban with Trump’s slogan – “Make Europe Great Again”
outside Urban with Trump logo

“Make Europe great again” – Hungary takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union

Hungary takes over the presidency of the Council of the European Union

Hungary holds the presidency of the Council of the European Union, which rotates every six months. The country will chair the Council of Ministers until the end of the year and can greatly influence it.

Hungary assumed the presidency of the Council of the European Union on Monday. The country will then lead several EU ministerial meetings for six months. In terms of content, the Orban government pushes two themes and places them under a slogan familiar to Donald Trump.

DrHungary will hold the presidency of the Council of the European Union for the next six months. The Budapest government has decided to use its presidency to strengthen the EU’s economic competitiveness. To boost growth, they want to adopt a new agreement, the government announced when it took over the presidency of the Council of the European Union on Monday. In addition, they must better combat illegal immigration – including through agreements with third countries.

The EU presidency rotates among the 27 member states every six months. Hungarian government representatives will chair several ministerial meetings until the end of December, and mediate disputes between EU countries.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is known for his critical stance on the European Union. In the past, he has repeatedly clashed with other member states and obstructed important votes. Most recently, especially with support for Ukraine, which is under attack from Russia, and sanctions imposed on Moscow.

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He added: “The presidency does not mean that you are the president of Europe. Outgoing Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo recently told his colleague in Budapest in Brussels: “The presidency means that you are the one who has to present the settlement.” Belgium has previously held the presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Budapest wants to 'make Europe great again’

How much Orbán will accept this is questionable. Ukraine will continue to play a key role for the EU in the coming weeks and months – both in terms of providing further aid, but also in the country’s ongoing accession talks. EU heads of state and government recently agreed that Europe needs to become less militarized and significantly strengthen its arms industry. It is now up to Hungary to step up these efforts.

The right-wing nationalist Hungarian government had previously made headlines with its slogan for the Council presidency: “Make Europe Great Again” – a modified campaign slogan of controversial former US President Donald Trump. In German, the proverb means something like “Make Europe great again.”

In the past, Orbán and Trump have repeatedly praised each other. It was only in March that Orbán praised Trump as the “peace president” at a meeting, while the American in turn praised the Hungarian president as the “best leader” ever.

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Federal Minister of Finance Christian Lindner (FDP)

It remains to be seen exactly what this leadership will look like with regard to the Council presidency. But ultimately, the power of the Council Presidency is also limited: legislative proposals come from the EU Commission. The drafting of the legal texts is then finally negotiated by the EU countries and Parliament. In addition, now – three weeks after the European elections – neither the Commission nor Parliament are fully operational. Many important positions still need to be filled. Therefore, it is not expected that many new legislative initiatives will be launched at this stage.

Urban He forms a right-wing party alliance with the AfD as an aspirant

But Orban also wants to expand his influence in the EU Parliament. One day before assuming the presidency of the Council, Orban announced the creation of a new far-right faction in Parliament. The „Patriots for Europe” group includes the ruling Fidesz party in Hungary, the right-wing Austrian Freedom Party, and the populist Czech liberal Ano party. The alliance is open to other parties committed to the “National Statement” signed by the leaders of the three parties in Vienna on Sunday.

With the hoped-for influx, Orbán said, the group would become “the largest faction of right-wing forces in Europe.” Their manifesto contains positions familiar to right-wing, right-wing populist and far-right parties: rejection of immigration and the “Green Deal,” no support for Ukraine under attack from Russia, and dismantling EU integration in order to strengthen the sovereignty of nation states.

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Tino Chrupalla, Federal Chairman of the Alternative for Germany party, during his speech at the closing of the party conference in Essen

The three parties received the largest number of votes in the EU elections in their respective countries. Fidesz has eleven representatives in the new European Parliament, ANO has seven representatives, and FPÖ has six representatives. In total, they have 24 out of 705 representatives on the EU body. It takes at least 23 representatives from seven countries to form a parliamentary group.

In terms of substance, there are many points of contact, especially between Fidesz and the Austrian Freedom Party, with the AfD, which was excluded from the right-wing Identitarian faction shortly before the European elections. On the sidelines of the AfD’s federal party conference in Essen, AfD leader Tino Chrupala did not want to comment on Orbán’s plans when asked on Sunday.

However, AfD MEP Mark Jungen expressed his opinion positively to Deutschlandfunk. „So if it were up to me, we would also be happy to join this group” and his party could „sign the national manifesto” „immediately”. In terms of content, they are „very close to Orbán” and are working on „establishing a formal cooperation in the future”.

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New figures revealed about Russia’s losses



New figures revealed about Russia’s losses
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How many Russian soldiers have been killed in the Ukraine war so far? There is a disagreement between Putin and Zelensky, and new research brings clarity.

MOSCOW — It’s unclear exactly how high the death toll in the Ukraine war is. Kremlin President Vladimir Putin says Ukraine has lost far more soldiers than Russia, saying the ratio is 1 to 5. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy puts his country’s death toll at 31,000 and says Russia has lost more than half a million soldiers.

According to a report by independent Russian media Medusa And Mediazona As of June 28, newly released mortality data indicates that more than 64,000 Russian men (soldiers and civilians) have been killed in fighting in Ukraine so far. The Ukrainian newspaper reports about this Independent Kyiv.

The research provides the names of 56 thousand Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine.

Mediazona Documented together BBC News Russian Using open source research, the names of Russian soldiers killed in combat in Ukraine. The research has so far provided the names of more than 56,000 Russian soldiers killed since 2022. In addition, the Russian Federal Statistics Service announced (Rostat) On June 27, data on Russian mortality data for 2023 were published, which allows analyzing the excess mortality rate in males.

Medusa He analyzed the data with statistician Dmitry Kobak, who examined the difference between the actual number of male deaths and the expected number in a hypothetical scenario without war. Russia’s female mortality rate helped provide a benchmark for calculating the expected number of male deaths, as women are almost entirely absent from confirmed names.

The death rate among Russian men has doubled since the Ukraine war

The data will show that mortality rates among young men are higher than before Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Mortality rates among men overall have also nearly doubled compared to 2022. The results suggest an additional 24,000 male deaths in 2022 and an additional 40,500 male deaths in 2023.

Medusa And Mediazona It was estimated in February 2024, based on estate and inheritance files, that at least 83,000 Russian soldiers were killed in the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The lower figures are from the statistical service. Rostat It can be loud. Independent Kyiv This can be attributed, among other things, to:, Some military deaths were excluded from the data. (M)

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