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Medvedev threatens the West with a nuclear strike – “worst case scenario”



Medvedev threatens the West with a nuclear strike – “worst case scenario”
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Germany allowed Ukraine to use its weapons on Russian territory – and Medvedev, who is close to Putin, threatens NATO with a nuclear strike.

Moscow – Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedevhe have NATOCountries on Friday threatened a nuclear strike after some of them lifted restrictions on Ukraine’s use of weapons in the war against Russia. This is not the first time that the former president and a close associate of Putin has joined the Russian voices warning of an imminent escalation. In a long post on his Telegram channel, he directed his threats towards NATO. Chancellor Olaf Scholz confirmed that he wants to avoid a war between Russia and NATO.

In his post on Telegram, which was also reported by the Russian state news agency RIA Novosti Medvedev reportedly addressed “Western countries” that have allowed the use of long-range weapons against Russian territory — “regardless of whether these are old or new parts of our country.” “Military assistance” to Ukraine is not that, but rather “participation in the war” against Russia. According to Medvedev, it can also be considered a so-called “cause of war”, that is, a reason for declaring war.

Threatening the West with nuclear war: Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin.
Threatening the West with nuclear war: Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin. © Pavel Golovkin/Yuri Kochetkov/DPA/Montage

„The final stage” – Medvedev threatens a nuclear strike

“A few years ago, they claimed that Russia would not enter into an open military conflict with the Bandiri regime so as not to antagonize the West. I was wrong. “There is war,” Medvedev writes. As with the unexpected attack on Ukraine, the “use of tactical nuclear weapons” could also become a miscalculation.

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The former Russian president added: “As the Russian president rightly pointed out, the population density in European countries is very high.” The military conflict with “the West” is developing according to the “worst-case scenario,” and there is “an increase in the power of NATO weapons used.” Therefore, no one today can rule out that the conflict is entering its final stage.”

A close associate of Putin warns NATO of “harmful mistakes”

“Russia assumes that all long-range weapons used by former Ukraine are directly used by NATO armies,” Medvedev wrote in his contribution. His country will attack „both on the territory of former Ukraine and on the territory of other states” if attacks on Russian territory are launched from there.

Medvedev said it would be a „serious and harmful mistake” for NATO to act as if its support for Ukraine was a matter of „sovereign decisions of individual countries.” “Operation of long-range cruise missiles” or “sending contingents of troops to Ukraine” constitute a “dangerous escalation” of the conflict.

Despite the threat of a nuclear strike: Germany and the United States allow the use of weapons on Russian territory

Following the United States, and after a long debate on Friday, the federal government also allowed Ukraine to use weapons supplied to it against targets in Russia’s border area with the Kharkiv region. Federal Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said during a visit to Moldova: “This decision is the right decision” and includes “all the systems we have delivered.”

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (Social Democratic Party) said about the use of German weapons: „We must avoid a major war – a war between Russia and NATO.” At the same time, Germany must guarantee „Ukraine’s ability to defend its independence and sovereignty.” Germany supplied Kiev, among other things, with self-propelled howitzers 2000 and the Mars 2 system.

On Thursday, US President Joe Biden allowed Ukraine to attack Russian military sites in the border region with American weapons. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky described the lifting of restrictions as “a step forward towards the goal of enabling the defense of our population in the villages located on the border.”

NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg wants new help for Ukraine in the fight against Russia

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg proposed new aid to Ukraine worth at least 40 billion euros annually to NATO member states. On Friday, at the conclusion of a meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Prague, he said that Ukraine needs “long-term predictability.” According to Stoltenberg, the amount of 40 billion euros corresponds to the amount that the allies have raised together annually since the start of the Russian war of aggression in February 2022. “We have to maintain this level of support at least every year, and for as long as it is necessary,” the Norwegian said.

Only on Thursday did the federal government promise Ukraine another German arms package. “Its value is approximately 500 million euros,” a spokesman for the Federal Ministry of Defense told the news agency. France Press agency. This includes deliveries “in the five categories of artillery, air defence, drones, endurance and protection”. (CES/AFP)

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Joe Biden Gives Big Interview About TV Duel Embarrassment



Joe Biden Gives Big Interview About TV Duel Embarrassment
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Joe Biden wants to convince again with a TV interview after the failed TV duel with Trump. But he can’t dispel doubts.

Updated July 6, 9am: Another Democratic representative has publicly called on Biden to drop out. Mike Quigley warned that a “complete disaster” could only be prevented if Biden dropped out of the race. Senator Mark Warner is also reportedly trying to rally a group of Democrats to convince Biden to drop out of the race. When asked about Warner, Biden said in a television interview on the station: News letters: „He’s a good man (…). I respect him.”

Joe Biden on TV
The new interview aims to make up for Biden’s failed TV duel. © IMAGO/Artem Priakhin / SOPA Images

Biden declines to comment after TV duel: 'I’m not going to answer that question’

Updated from July 6, 8:03 AM: What if Biden’s confidants warned him that his behavior would also have a negative impact on the majority in the US Congress? President Joe Biden, in his television interview on Friday evening (local time), refused to go into details. „I’m not going to answer that question. That’s not going to happen,” Biden replied. Everyone asked him to stay in the race as the Democratic candidate against Trump, so he was not thinking about dropping out.

In the US elections scheduled for November 2024, in addition to the presidency, several seats in Congress will also be newly allocated. There are growing concerns among Democrats that Republicans could control both the White House and Congress in the future.

Joe Biden Fights for Nomination in TV Interview – Only One Thing Could Make Him Drop Out

Update from July 6, 6:10 AM: In a television interview, Joe Biden dismissed doubts about his suitability as a presidential candidate and responded with a tough-talking response to mounting criticism. “I don’t think there’s anybody more qualified than me to be president or to win this race,” he said in the 20-minute interview. News letters. Only God could make him quit: “If the Almighty came and said, ‘Joe, get out of the race,’ I would get out of the race. But the Almighty wouldn’t come,” said the devout Catholic. He again explained his devastating TV appearances with jet lag and cold.

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According to initial expert opinions, the interview, which was actually intended to limit the damage, did nothing to dispel doubts about Biden within the party. His appearance did not suggest that he understood the gravity of the situation.

Instead, Biden questioned the credibility of polls that showed his support continuing to decline. “I don’t buy that,” Biden said. His advisers would give him a different view.

Joe Biden justifies himself in a TV interview, rejecting cognitive tests just like Trump once did

Biden also declined to undergo a mental health assessment in response to repeated requests from journalist George Stephanopoulos. “I take a cognitive test every day. (…) As you know, I don’t just campaign, I run the world.” This may sound like an exaggeration, but the United States is ultimately the most important country in the world.

Stephanopoulos had previously asked Biden whether he would be willing to undergo an independent medical examination that would also include neurological and cognitive tests — and whether he would release the results. Trump has taken such a test during his presidency, and has faced questions about his intellectual competence due to his erratic political style. At the time, the Republican completed a test used to detect early signs of dementia and suspected Alzheimer’s disease. Trump passed with a perfect score of 30, according to his doctor.

’Stay in the race’ – Biden continues to see himself as Democratic nominee against Trump after televised duel

Updated July 5, 9:57 PM: Resignation and withdrawal ruled out: Despite losing the televised duel against his rival Donald Trump, Joe Biden insists on staying in the 2024 US presidential race. “Let me say this as clearly as I can: I will stay in the race. I will defeat Donald Trump,” the 81-year-old US president said during a campaign appearance in Madison, Wisconsin.

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In the evening, Biden, who has been criticized, wants to explain himself in a major TV interview on ABC News. After he suffered a serious glitch in the TV duel a few days ago, calls for his resignation have been growing louder. So the interview is being awaited with great enthusiasm. However, Biden is following a risky interview plan after the disastrous TV duel, which could be the “straw that broke the camel’s back.”

ABC News Interview: Joe Biden Fights Doubts, Calls for Resignation

The first report:Washington – The big TV interview aims to make Joe Biden more popular again. After his weak TV duel with Donald Trump, the Democratic US president is under enormous pressure four months before the 2024 US election. The 81-year-old is operating under intense scrutiny, and his every appearance is closely monitored. He is trying to dispel any doubts about his suitability for the job.

Biden finds it difficult to do spontaneous live performances without a teleprompter. The pressure on the presidential candidate seems to be so great that Biden will now answer questions from TV journalist George Stephanopoulos in Wisconsin. The entire interview is due to air in prime time (2 a.m. Saturday in Germany). News letters It is broadcast. Biden also had a role in the 2020 election campaign. News letters He did such an interview on „Good Morning America.”

Biden withdraws from US election campaign – polls speak clearly

Biden’s campaign team said loudly dpa He also announced that the president wants to travel to battleground states in the coming weeks. The 81-year-old will also speak more freely. After his television loss, the Democrats’ poll numbers have plummeted, not only nationally but also in key states that are not clearly Democratic or Republican. These are usually considered decisive in elections.

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Interview is supposed to bring about change, but donors walk away after TV duel

Support for Biden is also waning within Democrats. Major Democratic donors are already distancing themselves from him ahead of the interview — including the granddaughter of a media company co-founder. Disney.Send NBC And the The New York Times A wealthy Disney heiress reportedly wanted to withhold her financial support for the party until Biden dropped out of the presidential race.

“Biden is a good man who has served his country well, but there is too much at stake to let shame dictate our actions,” Abigail Disney was quoted as saying in a statement by the media. (M/DPA)

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Hungary cancels appointment with Foreign Minister Baerbock



Hungary cancels appointment with Foreign Minister Baerbock

As of: July 5, 2024 at 11:12 PM

The Hungarian government cancelled an appointment with Foreign Minister Baerbock in Budapest at short notice. In light of Prime Minister Orbán’s trip to Moscow, tensions have arisen between the two countries.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock’s trip to Budapest scheduled for Monday will not take place. According to the Foreign Ministry in Berlin, Hungary cancelled Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto’s appointment with Baerbock at short notice.

The office regretted the cancellation, as „a serious and sincere personal conversation between the two foreign ministers (…) would have been important in light of Prime Minister Orbán’s sudden and uncoordinated visit to Moscow.” The trip should therefore be rescheduled for a later date.

Criticism from the European Union and NATO

Despite widespread criticism from the European Union and Ukraine, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban met Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Friday — just days after his country took over the presidency of the Council of the European Union. The topic was, among other things, Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.

In a joint press statement with Putin, Orban stressed that peace in Europe will not come by itself, but must be worked on by all parties. The positions of Moscow and Kiev are too far apart. An important step towards this was taken with the trip. He wants to continue on this path.

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas accused Orban of using his country’s EU presidency to stir up trouble. Kallas is the designated successor to EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell. Several EU representatives also stressed that Orban has no formal mandate to negotiate with Russia.

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Michelle Obama puts Donald Trump in his place



Michelle Obama puts Donald Trump in his place
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After the televised duel with Biden, Democrats are looking for alternatives. Poll shows: Michelle Obama could compete with Trump.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Incumbent U.S. President Joe Biden is the loser in the first televised duel. That has worried his party colleagues. Some Democrats are now looking for a quick alternative to the 2024 U.S. election because Biden is so unpopular among the population. A July 1-2 poll found that only former first lady Michelle Obama could definitely beat former President Donald Trump.

In one Reuters/ Ipsos-Opinion poll With about 1,000 respondents, 50 percent of voters surveyed said they would vote for Obama if the election were held that day. Trump only got 39 percent of the pairing. With a margin of error of 3.2 percentage points, this is a clear winner for Obama, especially in contrast to Biden. In a Biden-Trump matchup, both candidates received 40 percent of eligible voters surveyed. Even compared to the other potential candidates surveyed, Obama was the only one who did significantly better.

Former First Lady Michelle Obama speaks during the groundbreaking ceremony for the Obama Presidential Center.
Michelle Obama has long been considered a potential replacement for Joe Biden. © Camille Krzaczynski/AFP

Trump attacks Obama, other candidates will perform worse in 2024 US election

In response to the poll, the potential Republican nominee also took aim at Obama, who has long been considered a potential replacement for Biden. Trump said loudly: Newsweek At a campaign event: “They interviewed everyone. I interviewed Michelle Obama, and her poll numbers were terrible. No, their poll numbers are terrible.” Obama fared much better than Trump (42%) and Biden (38%), not only in the hypothetical election result, but also in the popularity question, at 55%.

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Current Vice President Kamala Harris trailed Trump by one percentage point in a hypothetical election (42% to 43%). California Gov. Gavin Newsom and the governor were further behind Trump, as was the governor of Illinois, known as J.B. Pritzker. In addition to Obama, Biden has performed better than other potential alternative candidates. “It’s hard to believe, but corrupt Joe Biden has better poll numbers than these people,” Trump said at a campaign event. The other Democrats on the list, however, remain largely unknown nationally. That would change quickly if he ran for president.

Just 'Barack Nostalgia’: 2024 US Election Likely to Remain a Trump-Biden Duel

“Polls showing that Michelle Obama could beat Donald Trump simply reflect nostalgia for Barack,” said Thomas Gift, director of the Centre for American Politics at University College London. Newsweek“It’s easy to beat the competition when you don’t have a political platform and aren’t being scrutinized like the 2024 presidential candidates.”

Gift described the idea that Michelle Obama could run for the Democratic nomination against Trump in the 2024 US election as fanciful. Obama has repeatedly said she does not want to run. Obama spokeswoman Crystal Carson confirmed that „Mrs. Obama supports the re-election campaign of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.” NBC-News of the former first lady’s position.

After TV Duel Against Trump: Many Want Biden Out – Biden Remains Standing

According to one, the majority of viewers talked about the televised duel. CNNIn the poll, Trump was projected to win. Some Democrats have since called on Joe Biden to resign. The 81-year-old won’t be formally nominated as the nominee until August. However, it’s unlikely a replacement will be found by then. “I don’t think it’s likely that Biden will be elected,” campaign spokesman Seth Schuster said. NewsweekBiden is “not withdrawing.”

All information about the US elections summarized in a compact form!

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In the poll, 32 percent of Democratic voters also said that Biden should withdraw from the US election campaign after the televised duel. Of all those surveyed, 52 percent voted for Biden to go. 46 percent said that Trump should step down. This has been demonstrated several times in the past few months: in the US election in 2024, two candidates will face each other in a way that no one wants. However, it is unlikely that a better alternative will be found in the near future. (word)

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