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The video shows them clinging to each other – three young men who were swept away by flood waters



The video shows them clinging to each other – three young men who were swept away by flood waters
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Three young men were swept away by currents in northern Italy. Despite the ongoing storm, the search for the missing is underway.

PRIMARIACCO – Storms and heavy rain continue to cause chaotic conditions in northern Italy. While intense cold struck Turin, among other places, the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region was not spared from heavy rains. After the Natison River floods, three young men are now missing – video shows dramatic scenes.

Storm in northern Italy: young people find support in the current

Due to heavy amounts of rain, the water level in the Natisone River in Italy rose dramatically within a few minutes on Friday (May 31). Therefore, three young men sought protection on an island. From there, they made an emergency call to rescue workers in Primariaco, about 12 kilometers east of the city of Udine. The news agency, among other things, talks about it Forget. An online video shows two women and a man holding each other tightly. The water is already up to their knees. It seems that they are trying to get support in light of the strong current.

The Italian fire brigade searches for the three missing people in the Natison River. Rescue workers had previously tried to rescue the young men with ropes. © Picture Allianz/DPA/Vigeli del Fuoco | –

Three people were swept away by floodwaters – and the drama continues in northern Italy

However, when rescue workers arrive at the site and attempt to free the young men from the storm using a crane and ropes, the drama begins. The three people lose their footing and are swept away before one of them can grab the rope. Rescue workers in northern Italy are loudly missing young people Forget He is estimated to be between 17 and 25 years old.

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The mayor of the northern Italian municipality of Primariaco also appears to be following what’s happening and taking note of things FacebookThere are two helicopters searching the area for the three missing people. “There are also divers. There is also a fire boat trying to go up the river,” the mayor continued. But he emphasizes: It is unfortunate that the water level continues to rise. He also points to the video that “rips your heart out.” Recently, a video of a storm sparked From Milano sensation.

Storms in northern Italy have caused chaos in many holiday areas

It is not yet clear who the three missing people are. It is currently assumed that the group may have wandered the natural area on foot. A car with a Romanian license plate was also found in the area, which likely belonged to the missing persons.

The storm in northern Italy also hit other areas hard. For example, the seaside resort of Bibione, which is popular with Germans. Heavy rains there caused severe flooding in the city center, and parking lots were also submerged. Like the Italian portal La Repubblica The water was reported to be 40cm high on Friday morning. The holiday resort of Lignano also received about 40 emergency calls about flooding overnight from Thursday to Friday. June begins with storms not only in Italy: in Italy as well Germany is threatened by a rainy weekend In parts of Bavaria, the meteorological service has already reported a red alert. (Prophet)

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Many Swiss have no interest in the Eurovision Song Contest



Many Swiss have no interest in the Eurovision Song Contest

Is it the third gender?
Many Swiss do not feel like ESC

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Following the victory of musical talent Nemo, the Eurovision Song Contest will be held in Switzerland next year. However, according to a survey, anticipation among the Swiss is limited. Supporters of the right-wing People’s Party are particularly skeptical.

A slight majority of Swiss people have a negative view of hosting the Eurovision Song Contest 2025 in their country, an opinion poll has shown. The newspaper „Blake” published a representative opinion poll of about 25 thousand people, which showed that 49 percent of them were clearly or rather skeptical about the music competition.

46% clearly support, or rather support, Switzerland hosting the Economic and Social Council, and 5% do not have a clear opinion yet. But it is already clear that the song contest will be held in Switzerland next year after Swiss musical talent Nemo won this year’s edition in Malmö in May.

According to the survey, approval was higher among people with a higher level of education and those with left-wing political views compared to other demographic groups. 74% of supporters of the right-wing People’s Party reject the Economic and Social Council. According to Blake, this may also be due to the fact that Nemo, as a person who identified as neither male nor female, sparked controversy over the official recognition of the “third gender” in Switzerland.

Nemo, who was born in Biel, Switzerland, in 1999, came out as non-binary in 2023 and has not used a pronoun since. Nemo lives in Berlin. At the ESC in May, Nemo competed with the song “The Code” and won. The autobiographical song explores Nemo’s life.

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Wall Street in the red: Trump Media shares fall after TV duel



Wall Street in the red: Trump Media shares fall after TV duel

Wall Street is red
Trump Media shares fall after TV duel

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The televised duel between Biden and his Republican rival is also a topic of discussion on US stock exchanges. While Trump is more convincing to TV viewers than the current president, the same cannot be said for his company’s stocks. Overall, Wall Street closed lower.

US stock exchanges closed on sales at the end of the trading week. the Dow Jones index It closed down 0.1 percent at 39,123 points. Standard & Poor’s 500 It fell 0.4 percent during Nasdaq Composite Down 0.7 percent. There were a total of 1,625 (Thursday: 1,698) price winners and 1,199 (1,113) losers. 55 (81) titles closed unchanged.

Published economic data showed light and shadow. The Fed’s preferred price measure, the Personal Expenditure Price Index (PCE), rose 2.6 percent in May, in line with economists’ consensus expectations, after a 2.8 percent rise in April. Personal income, published in conjunction with the Personal Consumption Expenditures price index, rose slightly more than expected last month, while personal spending rose slightly less.

Trump Media Decline

Meanwhile, the mood of Chicago-area purchasing managers improved in June. The index rose to 47.4 points. In May, the index reached 35.4 points. Economists had expected a value of 40.0 points. In light of the already strong US economy, this has dashed hopes for interest rate cuts that had arisen due to lower inflation, the market was also told. Meanwhile, US consumer sentiment weakened in June.

The main topic of conversation was the presidential election campaign in the United States. In his first live television duel, President Joe Biden, according to public perception, did not make a good impression against his rival Donald Trump, who is usually seen as more business-friendly. Doubts are now growing within the Democratic Party about whether Biden is the appropriate candidate given his old age. Shares of the company founded by Donald Trump Trump media However, they closed with huge losses of 10.9 percent after they initially started trading at premiums.

Bond yields rise significantly – dollar little changed

In the US bond market Yields initially fell with the release of published economic data, but then rose again. The 10-year bond yield rose significantly by 10.5 basis points to 4.39 percent. In the Foreign exchange market The dollar was steady. The dollar index was barely changed.

the Oil prices It tends to be somewhat lighter after the previous day’s big increases. West Texas Intermediate crude fell 0.3 percent. Brent held steady on the previous day. The previous day, hopes of higher demand during the holiday season supported prices.

the gold price Give way moderately. The price of an ounce decreased slightly by 0.1% despite the rise in market interest rates. This means that the precious metal was largely able to maintain its significant gains from the previous day.

Nike buckle

Nike 75.37

Nike It came with a sales warning. The sporting goods manufacturer expects sales to decline by 10 percent in the current first quarter. In the just-ended fourth quarter, revenue actually contracted and missed expectations. Nike shares fell by 20 percent. Competitor course under the shield It decreased by 2.6 percent. Shares of a sports shoe retailer foot locker It decreased by 2.4 percent.

embracing decreased by 44 percent. The health care provider issued a disappointing forecast. Infinera Its price increased by 15.8 percent. Nokia will buy the network solutions provider for $2.3 billion, representing a significant increase from its previous share price.

You can find everything else about today’s stock market events here.

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Biden vs Trump TV Duel: The Clear Loser Is Clear



Biden vs Trump TV Duel: The Clear Loser Is Clear
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Who won America’s first televised duel? Joe Biden and Donald Trump traded blows. But in the end there was a clear winner — and a clear loser.

WASHINGTON – It was 90 minutes that would greatly influence the next US elections in 2024: In the first televised duel between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, both opponents wanted to prove that each of them was the most suitable candidate for the position of future US president. We are. The incumbent president was already under pressure beforehand: he wanted to be well prepared and remove doubts in the debate against Trump. However, it is questionable whether that will be enough to emerge as the winner of the first televised duel in the 2024 US election campaign.

Winners and losers in the TV duel: There is a difficult exchange between Biden and Trump ahead of the 2024 US elections

The 81-year-old US president does not seem to have benefited from the test in the televised duel between Biden and Trump: his debate performance was very fragile – and doubts are once again arising about whether the Democrat will run for president. Another term in office would be appropriate. Biden attacked his rival Donald Trump harshly, but he still looks weak and defensive. As usual, the Republican attacked Biden with aggressive rhetoric and repeated old accusations and lies. Meanwhile, an „aggressive panic” is spreading in the Biden camp because of the televised duel.

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US President Joe Biden (center) and First Lady Jill Biden (right) leave the event after the televised duel with former US President Trump organized by CNN. © Gerald Herbert/AFP

It is not uncommon now for US President Joe Biden to get confused or mix up facts in his public appearances. Biden’s health has repeatedly caused verbal attacks from the Trump camp in the ongoing US election campaign. But in the televised duel, the 81-year-old looked weak. According to American media, he was suffering from a cold, but it was said that the Corona test came back negative. Perhaps this was another part of the puzzle that led to the poor performance of the American president.

The winner of the first televised duel is clear: Biden attacks Trump as a “loser” — and that’s not enough

But Biden could have emerged the winner of the televised duel thanks to his unusually harsh words. During the broadcast, he repeatedly verbally attacked Trump. He called him a “whiner” and a “loser.” The 81-year-old accused the Republican of having “street dog manners.” But all the attacks had little effect because Biden regularly stumbled. Before the televised duel, Trump demanded that Biden take a drug test.

The question of who won the first televised duel between Biden and Trump has led to… CNN A quick scan was performed in the evening (local time). Accordingly, debate observers in the United States reached the conclusion that 67% believed that Donald Trump won the televised duel. Only 33% saw Joe Biden as the strongest candidate. Before the debate, 45% believed that Biden would win.

US Election TV Duel Result: Biden and Trump Are Taking Big Risks

One thing is certain: There was a lot at stake for Joe Biden and Donald Trump in their first televised duel. But in the end, the current US president is likely to be the biggest loser. His performance against Trump received criticism from Republicans and Democrats alike. “That was painful […]. He didn’t perform well at all. […]. He loves his country. “Tonight he faced the challenge of regaining the trust of his base — and he failed to do that,” commentator Van Jones said of Biden after the televised duel.

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All the information about the US elections summarized in a compact form! Subscribe to our exclusive newsletter and get the most important reports from our well-known media partners in the US such as the Washington Post, translated into German, to your inbox. Click here to subscribe to the newsletter of the American Election Charter.

“The optics and Biden’s performance are so bad and so disturbing that I fear that all substantive political debate will be forgotten,” said Alyssa Farah Griffin, a former Trump administration official, on the question of who won the televised duel out loud. Newsweek A. Compared to Biden, Trump has succeeded in presenting himself as the winner.

Impact on the 2024 US Election: The Loser of the TV Duel Must Now Step Up

Considering the speaking time of the first televised duel of the election campaign in the United States of America, it was analyzed The New York Times: Overall, Donald Trump had roughly four and a half minutes of speaking time, but both candidates used a similar percentage of time to attack their opponent’s policies or character. Trump also repeatedly made false statements and misleading accusations against Biden.

Supporters see Trump as the clear winner of the televised duel against Biden. A disoriented and unfocused President Biden’s performance was disastrous, a near-total collapse that alarmed leading Democrats. “At the same time, President Trump was clearly dominant,” Monica Crowley, a Republican commentator, said after the televised debate. Other voices believe that Biden is a loser, and that he even lost the entire US election with his performance. According to his supporters, the only strategy in the end is to take up Trump’s problematic statements in the coming months and use them against the 78-year-old. (FPO/EPA)

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