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Researchers reactivate the 50,000-year-old 'zombie virus’



Researchers reactivate the 50,000-year-old 'zombie virus’
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to: Tanya Banner

Researchers have warned that climate change could melt the permafrost, releasing very old and unknown viruses and bacteria.

Marseille – Climate change In full swing, experts fear that rising temperatures may also lead to melting of permafrost. Permanently frozen soil covers large areas of the Earth’s northern hemisphere. Animal corpses and plant remains have been trapped in the ice for thousands of years, as have the bacteria and viruses they contained when they were frozen.

Experts fear that if the permafrost thaws, ancient and previously unknown bacteria and viruses could also melt away. A team led by French researchers Jean-Marie Alembec and Mathieu Legendre of Aix-Marseille University managed to detect 13 previously unknown viruses in permafrost samples. They were also able to reactivate them, the research team wrote in the study Posted on bioRxiv prepress server, but it has not been examined by experts. Remember the study „zombie viruses”.

Research team reactivates „zombie viruses” from permafrost

Researchers set a new record with the newly discovered „Pandoravirus yedoma”: According to the team, the virus survived in ice for nearly 50,000 years. In the lab, it then became virulent again in cell cultures. The research team had reactivated a 30,000-year-old virus that also originated in permafrost.

Pandoravirus yedoma is a giant virus that infects amoebae. It is so large that it can be detected by an ordinary light microscope, How ghost mentioned. The virus originated from an ice sample taken from the bottom of an Arctic lake. Viruses were isolated, among other things, from mammoth wool and wolf intestines. In cell cultures, they also infected the amoebae and they became virulent again.

Experts fear that if the permafrost thaws as a result of climate change, ancient and unknown viruses and bacteria may emerge. © Torsten Sachs / Alfred-Wegener-Institut / dpa

Climate change could release unknown viruses from the permafrost

„It is possible that ancient permafrost released unknown viruses as it thawed,” the researchers wrote in their study. However, according to the team, it is not yet possible to estimate how long the viruses will remain infectious. Eventually, they are exposed to external conditions—UV light, oxygen, and heat. It also depends on how likely it is that „they will in the meantime meet a suitable host and infect it”.

Permafrost regions of the world

Permafrost is found on Earth in the polar regions and most of the highest mountains on Earth. Russia is 65 percent permafrost, Canada is 50 percent, China is 20 percent, while Greenland is 99 percent permafrost and Alaska 80 percent.

Research team: „Global warming increases risk”

Still, the research team’s conclusion should make you sit up and take notice: „The risk with regard to global warming will increase if the thawing of permafrost accelerates and more people colonize the Arctic in the course of industrial projects,” write the authors in the study.

Chinese researchers recently discovered 900 never-before-seen microbial species in ice samples from 21 glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau. These can also be released when the permafrost thaws – the Researchers warn of possible new epidemicscan be created in this way. However, climate change can also act in another way Encouraging epidemics and zoonotic diseases. (tab)

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„Half the city has digestive problems” – Novovirus outbreak hits Lake Garda



„Half the city has digestive problems” – Novovirus outbreak hits Lake Garda
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A norovirus outbreak is causing a stir in a small town on the shores of Lake Garda. Hundreds of people are affected. Residents feel they know too late.

Torre del Benaco – in fact, the small town of Torre del Benaco (Italy) Travelers with the picturesque city center and the stunning Castello Scaligero. But for now, it has spoiled not only the holiday break on the eastern shore of Lake Garda, but also the daily lives of about 3,000 residents. The reason for this is the digestive system virus that is widespread among a large part of the population.

Vomiting, nausea and fever: hundreds in Lake Garda suffer from severe digestive complaints

In the past few days, hundreds of people with symptoms of acute gastroenteritis have been hospitalized in Peschiera del Garda, the daily reported, among others. La RepubblicaThe victims suffered from vomiting, nausea, abdominal cramps and fever. The authorities decided that the fact that so many residents of the small town of Torri del Benaco were complaining of the symptoms could not be a coincidence.

The culprit was immediately identified: norovirus, which, according to media reports, had been detected in numerous stool samples taken from infected people. How El Journal At least 200 to 300 hundred people are said to have complained of severe symptoms. The symptoms can sometimes last for up to 60 hours. Noroviruses were also responsible for several illnesses at a spring festival in Germany a few months ago.

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The idyllic village of Torri del Benaco has recently been hit by a wave of digestive complaints. (Symbolic photo) © Eibner press photo/Augst/IMAGO

Mayor restricts tap water use – source of contamination unclear

The virus can be spread through contaminated water and food. In the case of the affected town on Lake Garda, the source of the widespread outbreak is also suspected to be the water supply. For this reason, the mayor of Torri del Benaco, Stefano Nicotra, has already issued a regulation prohibiting the use of drinking water for normal use. “Do not use it for personal or recreational use until further notice,” Nicotra wrote. Facebook.

Residents are urged to use only bottled water and adhere to strict hygiene measures. This includes washing your hands thoroughly and disinfecting surfaces. The water supply has been disinfected with chlorine as a precaution to prevent the spread of the virus.

However, the location of the contamination remains unclear and is currently undergoing laboratory analysis. She says it is suspected, among other things, that the recent rise in Lake Garda may have led to the contamination. RepublicaA popular beach on Lake Garda was recently closed due to bacteria contamination.

Widespread gastrointestinal virus outbreak: Residents express dissatisfaction with late warning

Many residents expressed their dissatisfaction with the authorities’ delay in informing them about the pollution. “Why did the authorities wait until today (note: Friday, June 28) before warning us?” asks Diana A., one of the affected residents Corriere del Veneto. Moreover: “I am very angry and I do not feel sufficiently protected. If I had not gone to the pharmacy, I would not have learned anything.”

Another woman who returned home with her newborn on Thursday, June 27, reported something similar. “Fortunately, my neighbor warned me and I avoided using tap water, but my partner who was home during those days had diarrhea and nausea,” she told the regional edition of the Xinhua news agency. Corriere della Sera. Some patients report that they experience symptoms for several days. One woman says that her family received complaints about ten days ago.

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“We don’t know how to deal with incoming guests” – vacationers are also affected

There is also dissatisfaction in guest establishments: “We inform new guests, but we do not know how to deal with incoming guests,” says one hotel operator. Corriere. “In the pharmacy they say that half the city has digestive problems. We give tourists two bottles of water and recommend not using tap water,” says another accommodation operator.

But it is unclear how long the tense health situation will last. In recent norovirus outbreaks in other regions such as Lombardy this spring, it took about two weeks before the situation was under control. However, in 2023, the concern about the tropical disease dengue fever is greater in Lake Gard. (g)

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Andalusia: Thousands of Spaniards protest against mass tourism in Malaga



Andalusia: Thousands of Spaniards protest against mass tourism in Malaga

in Spain Thousands of people protested again against mass tourism. According to organizers, 25,000 people took to the streets in the southern Spanish city of Malaga. They held up posters with slogans such as „Malaga is not for sale” and „This is not tourism, this is an invasion.”

I am also in Andalus Located in Cádiz, several hundred people gathered in the historic center of the city under the slogan “One more tourist, one less neighbor.” Many cruise ships land in the coastal city of Cadiz.

“One more tourist, one less neighbor” © Jesus Merida/AP/DPA

In the past few weeks and months, large protests have broken out against the influx of holidaymakers to popular holiday destinations, including Mallorca, Barcelona and the Canary Islands. According to Spanish media, Malaga has now witnessed one of the largest demonstrations in recent memory.

Vacation apartments make living space even more scarce for locals

The Sindicato de Inquilinos e Inquilinas tenants’ association called the march. The group blames the ever-increasing number of visitors and holiday rentals for a housing shortage and other problems. „The city is suffering, there is a lot of discontent. The housing problem in particular had to be put on the table,” spokesman Koro Machuca said, according to the newspaper. El Pais.

With over 12,000 legally registered holiday rentals, Malaga in Spain is behind only Madrid and Barcelona. In addition, many private holiday accommodation in Malaga and elsewhere are operated illegally. „The situation is untenable. It is impossible to buy a house,” one protester told a reporter. El Pais.

Spain is the second most popular holiday destination in the world, according to official statistics, with 85 million foreign tourists coming here last year.

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Many Swiss have no interest in the Eurovision Song Contest



Many Swiss have no interest in the Eurovision Song Contest

Is it the third gender?
Many Swiss do not feel like ESC

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Following the victory of musical talent Nemo, the Eurovision Song Contest will be held in Switzerland next year. However, according to a survey, anticipation among the Swiss is limited. Supporters of the right-wing People’s Party are particularly skeptical.

A slight majority of Swiss people have a negative view of hosting the Eurovision Song Contest 2025 in their country, an opinion poll has shown. The newspaper „Blake” published a representative opinion poll of about 25 thousand people, which showed that 49 percent of them were clearly or rather skeptical about the music competition.

46% clearly support, or rather support, Switzerland hosting the Economic and Social Council, and 5% do not have a clear opinion yet. But it is already clear that the song contest will be held in Switzerland next year after Swiss musical talent Nemo won this year’s edition in Malmö in May.

According to the survey, approval was higher among people with a higher level of education and those with left-wing political views compared to other demographic groups. 74% of supporters of the right-wing People’s Party reject the Economic and Social Council. According to Blake, this may also be due to the fact that Nemo, as a person who identified as neither male nor female, sparked controversy over the official recognition of the “third gender” in Switzerland.

Nemo, who was born in Biel, Switzerland, in 1999, came out as non-binary in 2023 and has not used a pronoun since. Nemo lives in Berlin. At the ESC in May, Nemo competed with the song “The Code” and won. The autobiographical song explores Nemo’s life.

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