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EM football significantly increases the risk of HIV infection in men



Delta variant prevalence among twice vaccinated people Great Britain Outside. Also The European Football Championship leads to an increase in the number of injuries, and one study speaks of a „large third wave of injuries”.

Watching the European Football Championship together can be in England be responsible for the increase of corona in men higher than women. Tests on more than 47,000 volunteers across much of the UK showed that men were 30 per cent more likely to contract the infection, according to a preliminary study by Imperial College London.

„It may be that watching football makes men more socially active than usual,” study author Stephen Riley told the BBC. The report also notes that a „significant third wave of infections” is currently affecting the country. Accordingly, the infection rate has quadrupled compared to the previous survey a month ago. Infection increased significantly in all age groups under 75 years of age, but especially among children and adolescents.

The number of coronavirus cases has also quadrupled among people who have received the two vaccinations. Highly contagious climbing alternate delta Blame. The UK government wants it Corona measurements in England on July 19. “Although vaccines provide good protection against infection and serious illness, people who are vaccinated are still at risk of contracting the virus and infecting others,” Riley said, so it is important that as many people as possible receive both doses.

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Simulation shows devastation caused by outbreak – schools experience emergency



Simulation shows devastation caused by outbreak – schools experience emergency
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The massive volcano in the Phlegrean Fields continues to shudder – and localities are training for emergencies. A new documentary shows what a medium-sized eruption can do.

Pozzuoli/Naples – The giant volcano in the Phlegraine fields in southern Italy no longer stops shaking. As of Monday morning, more than 30 tremors had been measured within 24 hours. Both tremors had a magnitude of 1.6, but dozens of people were also reported to have felt weaker quakes.

Disaster Prevention Exercise at Supervolcano – Hundreds of students were brought outdoors

On Monday, four schools with several hundred students in Pozzuoli and the Bagnoli district of Naples were temporarily evacuated as part of a civil protection exercise. It's loud about thatTo test the leadership levels in municipal and regional structures that will be called upon if the situation worsens.

Recently, a documentary broadcast on Swiss television shocked the whole of Italy. The documentary simulated how the maximum eruption of the Phlegrean Fields volcano would destroy Naples. The film was based on the largest supervolcanic eruption to date, nearly 40,000 years ago. In this case, the small coastal town of Pozzuoli, located directly in the caldera of the massive volcano, and its neighboring towns would literally explode.

But the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) explained that there are no signs of a huge eruption like the one that last occurred 15,000 years ago. INGV currently fears earthquakes that will be stronger than those that have occurred recently.

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A new video shows: Even a moderate-sized volcanic eruption would incinerate the entire area in a cloud of embers

Science Channel It has now also published a documentary about the supervolcano, in which a volcanic eruption in the phlegrain fields was simulated, albeit smaller. The channel's team, led by geologist Andrea Moccia, created a 3D computer simulation of the largest eruption at the giant volcano, which occurred after the last major eruption about 15,000 years ago. After this big explosion, there were about 70 smaller explosions. The largest of these smaller eruptions was the Monte Spina eruption about 4,550 years ago Geopop taken as a model.

But it was also difficult, as you can see in the video. It is run by Moccia together with the head of the Naples News Channel department, Ciro Pellegrino. You can see how the ground in the famous Solvatra crater near Pozzuoli shakes and steams intensely. Lightning then strikes the crater, followed by a violent explosion and the crater spews a huge black cloud. This volcanic cloud has something special: it consists of toxic gases, smaller lava particles and ash, and its temperature is about 500 degrees.

Here the glowing cloud rises behind Pozzuoli Air Force Academy. © YouTube/Geopop

Maradona Stadium will burn with ash reaching 500 degrees

The embers cloud rises 20 to 30 kilometers into the atmosphere and accelerates along the Earth in all directions at a speed of several hundred kilometers per hour. It would immediately burn Pozzuoli and the surrounding towns, but would also push towards the west of Naples. Among other things, the Diego Armando Maradona Stadium is located here Azzurri From SSC Naples. The documentary explains that this 55,000-seat stadium will also swallow this cloud.

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However, the seats are empty. The video makers assume there will be time to evacuate the red zone area before such a large eruption occurs. Since the last eruption of Vliegrain in 1538, we know that there are enough warning signs to prevent a major catastrophe until then. In 1538, the ground rose 19 meters as Monte Nuovo erupted, Moccia explains. For comparison, he says: At the current stage, the land in the Bay of Pozzuoli has risen by 80 cm since 2016. Since the 1950s, it has risen by four metres.

A new documentary shows the effects a phyllagrain eruption could have.
The Geopop video also shows, among other things, how Maradona Stadium was swallowed up by a 500-degree cloud. © YouTube/Geopop

No one knows where the giant volcano in southern Italy will erupt next

In addition, there were once much more violent earthquakes than today – up to magnitude 8. The largest earthquake last fall had a magnitude of 4.2. The thermal springs were also more active then than they are now. The eruption of Monte Nuovo was very small compared to the eruption simulated by Geopop – much smaller than the eruption of Monte Spina, the model Geopop simulated. Before the eruption phase, Pozzuoli Bay had risen by 60 metres.

A new documentary video simulates a volcanic eruption in the phyllgrain fields.
In the Geopop video, a medium-sized eruption occurs in the middle of a residential area. © YouTube/Geopop

Moccia and Pellegrino show that only three to four out of 70 eruptions in phyllgrain fields over the past 15,000 years had dimensions like the ones they simulated. The state-run INGV institute believes the next eruption will be similar to the small eruption at Monte Nuovo. But the problem is: No one knows where the next volcano in the phyllgrain fields will erupt.

It is densely populated everywhere. Even in distant Naples, the ash cloud will leave a 30-centimetre layer on roofs, which could cause many buildings to collapse. Static investigations of existing buildings are currently underway in Pozzuoli. One problem, according to Pellegrino, is that about 20 percent of the homes are black buildings that are often structurally questionable but where people live. No one can check the coils to see if they can withstand a volcanic eruption.

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Recently, a new study caused a stir by identifying a new source of danger in the supervolcano. Other scientists warn that a volcanic eruption at sea could cause a huge tsunami. Scientists also marvel at the Mount Erebus volcano in Antarctica. The Earth's southernmost active volcano emits gold dust into the atmosphere every day.

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„Betrayal” in Putin's environment? Speculation about purges in Russia



„Betrayal” in Putin's environment?  Speculation about purges in Russia
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Arrest of the elite in Russia. Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov is in detention – is there more to this than just accepting bribes?

Moscow – Earthquake in Russia. While Vladimir Putin's forces were in blood Ukraine war Apparently Progress on the front lines The Moscow authority apparatus is taking strict measures. A court there has now imposed pretrial detention on Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov. Officially it is about corruption. However, there is another doubt brewing in the background – and fueling speculation.

Ivanov is said to be accused of accepting bribes on a particularly large scale. Its main field of activity was in fact construction projects, for example in the Russian-occupied city of Mariupol in eastern Ukraine.

Arrest of Putin's elite: arrest of Deputy Defense Minister Ivanov – threat of long imprisonment

Ivanov has not been immune from criticism when it comes to the complex within Russia for a long time. According to a report by the team led by the late Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, he was already in the line of fire. According to research, Ivanov is said to have used real estate to line his own pockets. He is also said to have renovated a villa at state expense.

Is there much more to Putin's elite behind the arrest of Timur Ivanov (right)? © imago / SNA + imago / ITAR-TASS

The amount of bribes is now supposed to be “particularly high,” the court declared. Imprisonment of up to 15 years is possible. But regardless, the situation is likely to continue to simmer. The Ivanov case is not only one of the biggest bribery scandals in Russia in years. Independent Russian media website iStories reported that the bribery allegations were directed at “the public” only. There is much more to it than that.

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'The scandal is huge': Is there more than bribery behind the arrest in Russia?

As the report says, two sources close to the FSB are said to have revealed to the media that Ivanov's case was also more about „state treason.” A source was quoted as saying: “The scandal is huge.” The information cannot be independently verified. Likewise, no details are known about the betrayal. Ivanov's lawyer said only that it was not a case of treason.

However, if the accusation of treason is true, the case will become more explosive. Because Ivanov is considered close to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. And also as a confidant of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. In the iStories report, one source said that Shoigu personally complained by phone to a high-ranking official of the Federal Security Service (FSB) that someone close to him was under surveillance.

„Treason” in Putin's Russia? The arrest also puts Defense Minister Shoigu in the crosshairs

The speculation goes further. There are even suspicions that Ivanov's arrest may signal the beginning of a kind of purge among the elite – and the beginning of a tougher anti-corruption campaign among senior figures in the post-Soviet Kremlin. Vladimir Putin himself recently called on the Federal Security Service to take stronger action against such cases. Through Ivanov, Shoigu also finds himself indirectly in the line of fire.

He quotes: „It is difficult to find anyone who did more for Shoigu than Ivanov.” The Guardian Anonymous defense official. The anonymous source goes further: “This is an attack on Shoigu’s status,” the person claims. However, Russia's longest-serving minister has survived very different attacks. However, the source told The Guardian that the case was far from over: “The real question is why he was arrested now.”

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A close associate of Trump was accused in Arizona of interfering in the elections



A close associate of Trump was accused in Arizona of interfering in the elections

Im Zusammenhang mit dem Versuch, Donald Trump trotz seiner Niederlage 2020 ins Präsidentenamt zu heben, hat Arizona 18 Personen wegen Wahlbeeinflussung angeklagt. Das gab die Generalstaatsanwältin des Bundesstaates, Kris Mayes, am Mittwochabend bekannt. Unter den Angeklagten sind elf namentlich genannte Republikaner, die sich damals illegitim zu Wahlleuten Trumps erklärten. Sieben weitere Angeklagte sind in dem Dokument geschwärzt, anhand der Beschreibungen jedoch zweifellos als Vertraute Trumps auszumachen. Unter ihnen ist sein früherer Anwalt Rudy Giuliani, der damalige Stabschef Mark Meadows und der Juraprofessor John Eastman, einer der Architekten des Versuchs, das Wahlergebnis umzukehren.


Generalstaatsanwältin Mayes hob in einem Video hervor, sie werde „nicht erlauben, dass die amerikanische Demokratie untergraben wird“. Die Angeklagten hätten damals versucht, den Willen der Wähler in Arizona auszuhebeln und die ordnungsgemäße Machtübergabe an den Sieger Joe Biden zu verhindern. Zu diesem Zweck seien Lügen über angeblichen Wahlbetrug verbreitet und illegitime Wahlmänner für Trump aufgestellt worden. „Dieser Plan scheiterte, als Vizepräsident Mike Pence die Rechtsstaatlichkeit aufrechterhielt“, und bei der Zertifizierung am 6. Januar 2021 die bestätigten Stimmen für Biden akzeptierte, äußerte Mayes weiter.


Biden gewann in Arizona mit nur 10.000 Stimmen Vorsprung


Den Angeklagten in Arizona wird unter anderem Betrug, Fälschung und Verschwörung vorgeworfen. Die Höchststrafen dafür betragen zwischen zweieinhalb und zwölfeinhalb Jahren Haft. Trump wird in dem Dokument ohne Namensnennung als „nicht angeklagter Mitverschwörer 1“ aufgeführt. In der Beschreibung heißt es: „Ein früherer Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten, der nach der Wahl 2020 Falschbehauptungen über Wahlbetrug verbreitete.“


Arizona ist der vierte Bundesstaat, der nach dem Versuch Trumps, das Ergebnis der Wahl 2020 zu kippen, Klage gegen falsche Wahlleute erhebt. Ähnliche Fälle gab es bereits in Georgia, Michigan und Nevada. Eastman und Giuliani werden in Georgia, wo Trump selbst angeklagt ist, als Mitverschwörer gehandelt, die demnach die wichtigsten Helfer des Präsidenten beim Wahlbetrug waren. Biden hatte den Swing State Arizona 2020 mit nur gut 10.000 Stimmen Vorsprung gewonnen.

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